Because we still play the game, haters can keep crying, let's just ignore them
7.1.5 coming in 3 days, are you excited?
17 starts normal heroic night hold raid
Because we still play the game, haters can keep crying, let's just ignore them
7.1.5 coming in 3 days, are you excited?
17 starts normal heroic night hold raid
Well I can't wait for the boomkin changes, it feels somewhat more viable plus we get more legendaries and weapon traits will go from 3/3 to 4/4 apparently
i dont think so
Good riddance, I ll be enjoying legion
I clicked on this thread hoping it was the nostalrius thread only to be disappointed.
Should t have boomkins aren't a thing in shitty vanilla because other classes are far more viable because vanilla was shit while legion tries to make all classes viable and might fail but they try to be fair for all, also lfr and automated dungeon ques
anyways, I am leaving this thread, cya.
Nice run on sentence.
And nothing of value was lost
wew lad your shilling skills sure are bad
How much does shitposting on canadian video websites pay anyways?
Well I am enjoying the game, but your tears are pretty delicious as well
Hopefully we ll get to kill crazy Jains sooon
10/10 thread OP, seems like constantly eating shit has given you some degree of brain damage.
This is a bait thread.
He plays current year blizzard games, what do you expect. He even pays for them.
Yeah it is called not being a poorfsg and paying for what you enjoy
You're honestly just trying to instill people to reply to you.
This is just bait.
hey buddy, you do know IDs are enabled here, and people can plainly see you are a pajeet hired by blizzard, right?
Stop bumping?
Oh shut up, you are the ones who come here to cry and shitpost, maybe YOU are the problem, so feel free to fuck off and go play your outdated autistic games.
But you won't fuck off because your insecurity demands you come here to cry about wow being better and having more subs compared to your shitty games
Wanna cyber?
I actually like to discuss about videogames. The problem is you haven't discussed anything about videogames at all and only cry "nostcuck!" and post bait images.
Normally when people post a videogame thread of a game that is shit i leave them to mingle in their own thread and mind my own business, but in this case you're instilling anons to reply to you by pretending to being retarded (or actually being so, either way) so you're a faggot and this thread should be restarted by an user who actually wants to promote videogame discussion.
I bet you play pandaren or some furfaggot shit too. fucking degenerate
simply ebin.
As much fun as we are all having, don't give pajeet the satisfaction of a bump, please.
Must be funny being the problem and pretending someone else should fix what you do
And yeah I play boomkin and pandaren faggot, probably some alliance cuck
god damn it.
Sorry, guess i ll enjoy my 890 titanforged from wq while you cry about your inferior games :3
Anyway, time to go to sleep, laterz autists
Time to start getting good digits
You made a thread that says "let's ignore the haters". All you've done here is reply to people you regard as haters and whine about them.
Why are you such a retard?
Wait, did you say titanforged?
Holy shit, I guess i'll have to check'em
I would dump porn in this shit thread but I had to format my hard drive two weeks ago so all I have is this picture of a baked potato.
Nobody gives a shit about your welfare epics, Pedro.
Mark you fat kike delete this shit.
Blizfags will hang. Private server, or nothing at all.
Did you miss the screenshots from the last few threads where he literally had almost ALL pandaren characters? I think there was a tauren, too.
Cata was truly the end of it all. It brought the furfags in force.
check em
kill yourself faggot
only self hating masochists play this abortion of a skinner box anymore
fucking get help
Life is a skinner box tbh famalama
not even a little
Where is the porn?
I came here expecting good bait
i got you fam
dont stop now lad
Speak for yourself, sjw-fanboy-shill faggot. I haven't touched that piece of shit for two years knowing WoD was going to be bad.
Enjoy your shitty new legendaries you'll probably never get, homo.
What's it like knowing people are leaving Legion because the game is complete shit? Even Fatboss has a hard time liking Gul'Dan on PTR.
You must be fucking retarded because every non-Fire Mage and Shadow Priest class specs are still bitching how much the balance sucks.
I bet you can't even get Rapefugees to play this shitty expansion.
You haven't said one smart thing let alone proved why should I resub to this shitty, sjw-filled expansion.
Enjoy your bait, Blizzard-fanboy-shill-sjw-faggot.
Fucking retards the lot of you.
who's the retard here?
Good morning butthurt haters :D
Because hurp derp melee totes dont have gap closers so they need to kill someone in 2-3 buttons xD
I miss you Nachtfalter, please come back.
Gul'dan did NOTHING WRONG.
He simply took revenge against his Bullies and the uncaring world that turned a blind eye to bullying.
It is a pity they kept him as a bad guy, he deserved better
This extremely autistic bara furfag is the reason we will never have an actual WoW thread.
Are we allowed to shitpost in these threads? I did get banned last time I tried in the Overbotch general but come on mods this is way over the line.
This mod is fucking awesome, now you can just link fake achievements to lfg heroic raid autists
/fa 11194 9/9/16
Then shiftclick the achievement that appears to whisper ppl
Good to know you got banned like you deserved to, i should start reporting shitposters who do nothing but cry about not liking wow on a WOW thread
No the real reason is beacause its shit.
And also because bara fag is really gay
top fucking kek
You are a fucking retard, OP. Just kill yourself you faggot, but before you do, CHECK EM!
I am a proud player of bleeding hollow were we punish bigots for being racist, homophobic etc.
All these numbers are so rudiculously large they've lost all meaning
they never meant anything because they were numbers.
Now 3 million is high geared health.
I think you'd be more at home here:
That being said, this is a nice dubs thread
Really makes you think
Fuck right off
Kill yourselves you morons.
This again? Give up, OP you furry faggot.
You missed the sage on Email field.
Good thing i can afk the stupid ashram quest, why would they even fucking suggest such cancerous thing considering assram was hated even in wod
Keep crying, it wot stop
The only one crying here is your wallet.
Good thing i am not a poorfag so i dont mind throwing a few thousands on entertainment ;^)
Now go cry for daddy drumpf to gib money because you are so worthless immigrants are a better pick than you for a mcdonalds job
Has Obama defended his kids (those Facebook Niggers) yet?
Some SJW mod must have got triggered going from the post killings here.
Democrat voters eat more welfare than Republicans and are less educated than Republicans. Go figure since they have more non-Whites.
Reminder that Obongo still hasn't shown the Russians hacked voting machines. Or that Hillary dindu nuffin.
It's so neat that Leftycucks pretend to be patriotic.
Aren't the mods here the laughingstock of the entire site?
Its funny, isn't it?
Not sure if goons, reddit or 4cucks, either way you and your sjw games arent welcome and never will be.
Cmon man, i need rank 3 faster
Mods are doing their job, removing and banning people who shitpost in a wow thread instead of talking about wow, they are pretty based actually
goons use reddit spacing
Kill yourself.
i didnt know what i was missing it like a completely different experience playing vanilla but sparked what the love i had for the game like in mop
fuck blizzard fucking ruining every class design and adding autistic legendarys
Awww you changed your id to do more shit posting. Btw,you sound like such a faggot that deserves to get beaten up by rapefugees.
Bait material right here, but man that's some retarded material though. Even a lorefag would call you out on this.
I should report you for being a worthless Blizzard-fanboy-sjw-shill faggot.
Despite this reply contradicts the following statement, no one gives a fuck about your achievements in Wow or any game. That's like expecting an asspat for spending $2500 on a freemium game.
And this is why you deserve rapefugees who are probably destroying your country on daily basis.
So much for "toning down" stats like they promised to do in WoD.
Oh yea, reminder that Fatboss is kinda mixed about the Gul'Dan fight.
Default is that you ?
Why? AU Gul'dan story was revealed in that animated short story before legion and it revealed that the only reason he did all he did was because of autistic losers bullying different people which has been the bane of humanity since forever and thus the game tries to teach people about the dangers of such shitty social behaviors
Nah, name's ralph
Okay, you're retarded.
This guy is Learningkike/Rachposter.
Who let in the SJWs?
Mark, who else would but the jews?
It's always been one Blizzard-fanboy-sjw-shill, who is the op. He changed his id.
How are these post SJW?
The OP even admitted so in that thread. Keep on keeping on though.
The OP of this thread is still a faggot though.
neo-Holla Forums calls anything they dislike SJW, don't think about it too hard
Caps or it didn't happen
I didn't think someone would reuse that shit out of context so I didn't take any screenshots. Sorry.
Facebook tier autism.
try harder
How much do they pay you?
You should probably get out of your safe spaces called chans, they are ruining your world view
These fucking tables scream poorfag as fuck
the hell is this language anyway, fucking greek?
Kill yourself with that BB gun on your desk tbh
Are you implying that i shoudl use a desk, a tiny shit ass desk that doesnt let me place food and have a lot of space for other stuff?
Getting a table was the best idea ever
This isn't how money works at all.
Only if you buy cheap shit. You being, of course, a non poorfag should be able to afford a lavish desk.
you have to go back
You must have no idea what a desk really is, might want to check alienware 18's size and my pic, cuz i am pretty sure there arent that many desks with similar size and free space ;^)
Are we being trolled here?
WoW was never good, it was shit, is shit and will always be shit.
so much cancer in one pic. kys mate
You should seriously be b& for this disgrace.
Gonna level mm huntard
well at least you can attempt to kill yourself with that…
They obviously don't have enough resources. Please resub. :^)
They still havent released the patch notes for 7.1.5, 1 day till the patch -_-
I expect changes from the things you see in mmochamp
There are tons? What are you, a pleb that only goes to Ikea to purchase furniture?
Well this IS a pandafag thread.
I don't even play Nost anymore but it tickles my funny bone that 'cuck' still hits these libshits so hard that they try to cram it in where it doesn't fit.
Well we arent the cucks that lose their characters because we actually know what IP law is instead of being communist "copyright regulations arent real if you dont believe in intellectual property"
Just admit you're too stupid to understand why WoW went to shit.
This quest where you are the quest giver will never stop making me chuckle xD
But piracy is the natural selection for software. It punishes bad products mercilessly, but also boosts good products.
Piracy is inherently capitalistic.
Back to communist Russia cuck, stealing IP will not be tolerated!
You are a special kind of moron.
everyone already shit on you, but your binder is probably shit too
oh my lels
There's only one thing more pathethic than playing current-year WoW: playing the piece of garbage that was 2004 WoW, because muh nostalgia.
Poe's Law.
You can do it Gul'dan's bf
has to be from here
I read that the new lead dev Ion Hazzikostas and his "B-team" were originally members of Elitist Jerks, a Goon guild. So do goons run wow now?
kek your post is the only good post in this thread
Dont wory i ll make another one soon
if you all want a Reboot , to help polish clean and organize the last 8 years , to start World of Warcraft again , for the sake of keeping the World of Warcraft around for future generations , as a Master Piece Game of Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Gaming , do provide Blizzard with suggestions , because a " Retcon " , can simply be a better organization , to help the game stay healthy , for years longer , and replay value , .
Even expansions can be resorted , to better fit with the actual Warcraft Story , along with race selections being unlockable after starting with only Orcs and Humans , etc. once level caps are reached , on a more hardcore story mode for role playing purposes , .
The World of Warcraft is not dead , and PvP , never got the proper planning , because flying mounts got released too early , .
Consider the World of Warcraft for reflective review , in the way that has your considerations reach Blizzard Gaming before the game closes off forever , today , or within time , as The World Of Warcraft has done quiet an amount of work , all things considered Warcraft , .
Even Varian does not have to die , and people might be able to rescue him from the Slavers in Ogrimmar , .
This is not Caverns of Time where Arthas gets to see a glimpse of a false future where he does not really save Stratholme , and becomes the Lich King anyway , but that is simply another idea , to help people cope with the reality that Warcraft has plenty of prosperous potential , and you all do have ideas worth submitting , .
The maps can even be expanded , and caves built under the entirety of the world , !
The stories are there , you simply must give your real opinion about Warcraft to Blizzard , so they can help make a better game , .
Tell Blizzard to focus , and Blizzard does focus , and please also consider that the last 8 years have not been normal , internationally , at all , .