Video Game-related images

This is an image board.
Post video-game related reaction images. Preferably smug.






I only now realized how little video game related reaction images I actually have


















Stupid sexy frog cat




Come on now





I thought I had more than I do.

It's a good feel.


I miss Ace of Spades























Done on those.


This board is cancer.

Holy shit I just went through the second half of this thread, most of this bullshit isn't even vidya. He said vidya images, can't you read Anons?

OP asked for:

The OP asked for reaction images, user.

Oh, my mistake. I must have autism'd out the reaction images part because the thread title didn't say it. How embarrassing.

Still a shit load of not vidya ITT however.

how about some webm






This isn't videogames.


Any of you jackasses have the templates for the cards?


have some ff14 OC I made over the last few months or so to bolster your image folders.

Screw posting shitty reaction images most of which i won't even use, i got some real stuff for ya.














That umbreon has gotta be Greed from Oversexed Eeveelutions, right? Or is there another one I don't know about!?








Glad to know that the one other user who likes crackle cradle is still around.

Don't tell me they literally made a THIS IS WHO I AM reference









ooga booga where da vidja gemz at


How do you spoil only one of your images without making them all spoilers?

Call the mods and they'll do it for you.


Is there a PEGI version?


the "degeneracy" meme is really annoying and stupid. I remember yelling at Holla Forumsfags back in like '12 to knock it off, because it came from goons, but no one listened

I also yelled at people to stop the "alpha"/"beta" shit back when that was kicking off

standing athwart the train of history, yelling sage















I'll try and find all the CIB mint condition dank OC I still haven't posted. First image isn't mine.

it's one of my new year's resolutions
Last two were fun to do. That fucking book editor is shit though. Last one is frame-perfect because I set up a macro to frameskip and screenshot the emulator. Didn't end up using it for anything else, but at least this one turned out well.








how could i forget these

i chuckled i just wanted to include the sauce though