Has a video game inspired anyone to get a job...

Has a video game inspired anyone to get a job? I only talked to Marine recruiters after I played a lot of opposing force.


Video games got me into the home security field.

How and why?

Videogames ruined my chance at getting a decent job.

It seemed like a logical step to me.

Vidya got me into programming and microcontrollers. I got into programming from wanting to know how games work, and microcontrollers from a failed attempt at downgrading a PS3. I'm planning on trying to get a job involving them, but I need to polish up on electronics and how to wire the hardware up.

Having a job has killed my desire to play video games at all. I haven't played anything in nearly a month, now, but based on my decreased food intake and increased sleeping, I think it's just the last parts of severe depression.

Videogames did a better job at teaching me English than actual schools.

This. I feel like every basic language course should include vidya/movies/books

Playing Jedi Outcast taught me to touch-type. I needed to chat with people quickly.

Chrono Trigger and Pokemon really helped me as a kid.

Playing video games with cute AIs and sci-fi games like HL inspired me to study Artificial Intelligence. I don't have a proper job yet but I got a grant for a PhD, so it's a bit like getting paid.

Make Tay 2.0 please.

I'm studying virtual design, which may or may not pan out into a vidya career. There's a million people willing to slave on models and code, but very few willing to make creative decisions.

Truly you are the goodest of goys.

Seriously though, no foul since it was your decision. I just remember back in 2009, the US Army recruiters would have a booth with the freshly released COD:MW2 on a busy walkway at the college campus to get sign ups.

No, but games have eerily foreshadowed the jobs I would end up getting, like life was actively trying to ruin my enjoyment of them.

Sadly, my love of Sim City has never landed me a government job and my love of Freelancer has never put me in space. Guess I put 0 points in my luck stat before I was born.

I wonder if there were any autists who thought they were going to end up like the PCs of that game.

I have the opposite problem. None of the games I've ever played foreshadowed that I would be a complete fucking loser.

This is why you have the fate you've been given.

Star Wars Battlefront I and II taught me english as a kid, good times

Well iirc, the pc died so most probably, yes.

I can say the same.

>22 year old highschool dropout

What does it mean

and maths

Same fucking thing here, my above average computer skills and english speaking skills in a non-english speaking country made people go
instead I'm an extremely awkward and chronically anxious mess that's been a NEET for 3 years since finishing college

Arma 2/3 made me do ROTC

That's because for normal people just being able to install Windows on your PC makes you equal to Einstein

what is life


joined the infantry

I played a lot of operation flashpoint and counter-strike prior to America's Army.

Not a job, but two guys I met at my university started studying physics and engineering because of Kerbal Space Program.

It sucks when you meet someone who's ACTUALLY good at computers and he treats you like the average customer he has to deal with.

Pretty much why I switched to architecture. Most "art" students literally cannot draw for shit and even after years to graduation, they still cannot draw for shit.

This, all my life playing game without translation did pay off.

getting weed sent to your parents' house doesn't make you a druglord kiddo.

I wouldn't say a video game inspired me to get a job, so much as it conditioned me. Something clicked when I began to do the work that I do, and it feels like I was groomed to do it my whole life. No regrets, and the money's great. Another dude from our regular LAN parties went into his field, feeling much the same way.

I'm a plumber, and he's an electrician. Feels fucking good, man.

You can join the infantry right away?

Have you made anything user? I'm sure you could settle for a puzzle or exploration game without going full walking simulator.

Better than being a NEET or unemployed i suppose.

Not necessarily a job but vidya certainly got me into baking.

Graphic design. I wanted to draw cool shit like the characters I played as in vidya. If getting into games doesn't pan out I can still design ads for cancer sticks or something.

Same here.

Runescape introduced me to the internet and forums, which led me to become a software developer.
So basically a lamer version of

Videogames got me into programming and made me choose computer engineering course in the uni. I hate this course though, would prefer to be making vydia full time

Assassins Creed inspired me to become a video game tester, now I get to play video games all day long :^)

pic related converted me in a mercenary. Now I enjoy killing and doing secret jobs for the highest bidder in the exciting world of the geopolitical violence.

Story Time!

Do you follow money, morals, or a mix of both, being a mercenary sounds fun I wouldn't blow up an Assyrian village in the Syrian desert for the (((USA))) or Israel.

Keep in mind that the names will be changed.

You cant have moral in this job. when you are hired you fallow orders and those orders sometimes cross the line between good and evil. Of course you search the job that more money gives you.


Big Boss?

So you are pais murderer working for evil people, lol.



Alright kid move along


we're practically sleeper agents, don't deny it

it was fate

I miss the old Half life models

Disable the HD models in settings.

You can do that?

Playing fighting games in the arcade taught me interpersonal skills and a deep interest in systems. So in an indirect sense, yes.

reminder to use ESDF instead of WASD and use J to open the chat, to keep your fingers in the proper position.