This pedoshit needs to be stoped!

Dear Valve, stop promoting pedophilia in steam and get rid of this garbage!

Other urls found in this thread:

How about they stop jewing their retarded fanbase.

So like any decent VN?

Yeah, okay.


It's not like the usual vn, you know


THIS FUCKING GAME well VN… I downloaded this trash on my phone and turns out that you have to pay IAPs to make certain choices and get the better endings also its about 10 minutes long no kiddinh, turns out that the chick is your sister and time travels, there's barely any CG and the writing is trash. Don't spend a cent on this, i didn't, used Lucky Patcher to get everything for free. Also i bet OP is the dev himself shilling for his turd of a VN.

Its all bullshit, you can unlock certain costumes or pay for some othets that she wears during the game, thats it.

That image makes me think she's the only character in the game.


There is literally nothing wrong with being attracted to little girls, you faggot.

Because she pretty much is lol

Wew lad.

This is a cool bait thread, OP.

If you are a true denizen of 8ch post your loli daughters to piss of sjws and redditors!


Why not just post your twitter while you're at it?

Fuck already, killing in games won't make you a killer nor will it makes killing people any less shocking. Healthy human beans can tell apart fiction from reality, mentally inestable fucks will stay the same regardless of the game he plays.
Regardless, this looks like utter shit.

OP needs to stop being a pedophobe. It's 2017. It's time that people understand that love knows no age. :^)

Where's the fucking nose? Who started this silly trend of making every anime character as noseless as Krilin?

i don't see anything pedophilic about this game other than you.

The people who play this shit aren't healthy humans so that point doesn't fit.

Wow OP, you are such a fucking loser

But OP is the dev shilling his non-game :^)

It checks out

Well, at least choices matter. For your wallet.



It isn't even a neutral looking pose, but an emotional one. It doesn't suit all emotions he drew.





loli is literal sjw tier now. please end yourselves

Its okay to be gay in 2017, check current year :^)



Is having a younger sister better than having an older sister? In video games the older sister seems caring while the younger sister is cute and needs your help a lot, but my older sister isn't caring and needs people to help her a lot. Also she isn't cute and she just pisses me off when she speaks her opinion. I feel like I'm the older sibling even though she is two years older than me.

If you like Shinobu, you should read Netoraregatari

You probably have already, though

3D is not 2D.


Get out.


Is that out yet? I thought it came out either really soon, or it just came out and hasn't been uploaded online yet.

Ignoring the cuck meme, NTR is so fucking awful.

I know that, I just wish to see if having a younger sister would have created a better relationship than with the older sister I have.



I have a younger sister and I hate it. She's 12 and I'm 19 and she's constantly pushing me around and violently hitting me. Not a damn thing I can do about it, either. Any time I try to get her to stop being a little shit she'll just yell at me and ignore it.
Keep all females in your life 2d, no exceptions.

Just hit her back twice as strong you faggot.

My sister was timid and awkward at 12, she kept to herself mostly.
She went full fucking retard at 18 but that's a different story

I won't be surprised if you're the omega of the family.

Just _hug her.

Good job reminding me how shitty 3D is.

What I do is just call her a retard and sometimes physically restrain her. Can't do anything more than that. She knows I'm bigger than her but still fucks with me.
Like, last night I was sitting by the fireplace and she tries to push me away so she can sit. I told her, "You're gonna have to find your own place" and she splashed with cold water.

The fam doesn't do shit about it except get on to her for a few seconds. When I was her age, they were smacking the shit out of me. Dunno what happened to that.

She is awkward as fuck. Reminds me of me at her age, actually. Watching shitty YouTube videos and trying to push my stronger older cousins around until they just got sick of dealing with me and caved in.

I don't know. Definitely on my mom's side. My mom's cousins were all drug-addicted Chads who were getting pussy. I have a cousin on my Dad's side who's more autistic than me, though.

But user she stinks

You sound like a pussy to me, that or you live in SF.

I gave her a black eye when I was 15 and my Dad almost killed me. What do you think he's gonna do to a 19 year old?

Younger sisters are weird. I either have really good days with my sister or really bad days; best guess it's just that she's at the age where they start questioning authority.

The fact she never seems to change her pose shows a clear lack of effort.
Sadly VN's and other shallow games often bring up that strange question of
Honestly imagine someone recording the dialog and making each choice link to a new video or a particular part in a long spliced together video?
Like some kind of new age ship of thesus.

10/10 GOTY - Kotaku

This is more cute than lewd, but all good anyway.


This is offensive to me as a tiny petite girl that gets mistaken for a 12 year old even though I'm 20

Sounds ideal for a Steam user.

Enjoy it while i lasts, you only got 14 days left… :^)

Before what? Do you really think Trump is going to have them lined up and shot?


false flag, do not pursue



Where'd this meme of Mike Pence shocking some jocks come from?

Oh no, I said something that might not paint Trump as Hitler 2.0, forgive me!

Look at ths faggot

May is best daughterfu of all daughterfus

Eww gross, i bet you want to suck that dick. Disgusting

Only if we can switch fucking each other in the ass afterward. :^)

You gave an 8 year old a black eye you fucking moron, theres a difference between siblings hitting each other and straight up punching her i the face

filtered. Quit derailing the thread, Holla Forums.

Yeah, I should punch her in the gut, instead. That'd make a world of difference.

God forbid a thread about pedophilia. You fags are so delusional.

Or you know in the arm or something like most siblings do

You don't punch siblings in the face or other places where it leaves traces, dumbass.

Also this.

Doesn't he run like a rehab program where he cures homosexuality with electroshock?

This thread was shit to begin with

Daily reminder that Trump was the most pro-lgbt republican candidate in the past 20 years

That'd still leave a bruise and be legally considered abuse. Also she can start screaming and tell my parents what happened.
Even doing so much as shoving her causes problems around here.

Next time you simulate a scenario in your head, do it right.


Come on, Game Boy.

I miss the old ROB threads.

If it doesn't leave any traces you can just deny it.

I filtered the wrong guy. When I said, "false flag" I was referring to the person was replying to.

It's more like some sort of electroshock therapy. Anyway, the media started memeing Pence as a faghater and Holla Forums memed them back even harder

This one is shit

You need to teach her the authority of your dick

It doesn't work that way around here.


Fug it.

So she gets a bruise? Man your parents must be faggtos if they shit on you that much for roughhousing with your sister but giving her a free pass to act like a brat and do what she wants.
Me and younger sister hit each other all the time andy parents didn't tolerate her acting like a brat and now she's a decent person who's getting a mechanical engineering degree amd hates SJWs and feminism. Good luck with your future sjw sister

Is this the loli thread?

ever tried talking to your parents about it?



Lolis are not for sexual


They're all conservatives who talk about how much spanking and rough discipline works but apparently not with her. I suspect they're hesitant about it because of her mental instability that's been pretty obvious since she was 5.

Plenty of times. I even screamed to my mom to the top of my lungs during a heated argument when I was about 15 or 16 about how she does nothing about my sister to discipline her.

She was getting on to me about taking matters into my own hands, so the correct thing for me to do was just to tell THEM what's happening. Thing is, every time I did that she'd punish BOTH of us, her given reason being she doesn't wanna handle the stress of resolving the issue with the individual children.

B-but flandre is a 500 year old vampire!


Then they should have her taken to a therapist instead. Or maybe they should have been stricter and she would have grown out of it. But your sister is almost definitely going to end up a crazy piece of shit who claims some guy raped her because he turned her down

also, I memed my little into Trump supporter too, because it's funny. She's constantly mocking Trigglypuff

Maybe. I'm trying to remember equally crazy shit from my upbringing, but then I remember I didn't turn out to be a model citizen either, so it'd be pointless.

Man, your little sister is kind of autistic.

The worst thing mine did was throwing a shovel at me because I called her boyfriend a nigger in her face.


Why am I getting turned on by this.

In her defense, she did tried to talk to me about it and I would constantly talk the nigger down.
Race mixing is the worst kind of degeneracy and I will never condone it

Loli's are just ara's in training.

No, ara's are just worn-out, expired loli's.

Sisters are not people, they are warnings for brothers about the dangers of women before they hit puberty. I learned at the age of 4 what they are like, and only at the age of 20 did my mother start bothering about getting a girl. Which is funny, because at the age of 13 she was making sure I would stay away from "love" without even telling me that she meant sex. To all the underage faggots here, unless you had a girlfriend in junior high, what's left is either crazies, whores, or the ugly fat ones.

Is this VN decent? How is it?

Isn't this a mobile title?

I saw this in the google playstore

My sister was the same when we were kids, though she was only a couple of years younger than me. She thought she could push me around because I was an easygoing little shit. One day I'd had a bad time at school and was pissed off when she tried to shine me on so I gut punched her.
She never fucked with me again.
Just give her a whack, man. A slap on the back of the legs, doesn't need to be hard, but make sure it makes a nice loud noise so it shocks the shit out of her.
The common meme is that young boys are violent and loud, in my experience the opposite is true more often than not.




Welcome to the cunny side.

I got something decent last time lets do this

fuck me

How old do you prefer your loli to be?

much better

I want more loli bully vampires

No rerollerino. Fuckboi




I just want a video game where I can be a prepubescent girl and dress up in pretty outfits and look at my friends who also have dressed themselves in cute outfits