Come on this movie is good as fuck

Come on this movie is good as fuck.

Critics and redditors can't into gamekino.

mario mario and luigi mario

No, it was shit. But the Mario tv show on the other hand…

why tho

there's only one good live action Mario adaptation and it's this one

God I would milk her for hours…

When you've already set out to make a live action Mario Bros movie, pre-CGI, what else can you do?

idk but this wasn't thought out well was it

I had forgotten all about the Super Mario Super Show, but now that this brought it back to my mind I remembered one scene in it that always disturbed me as a kid

he pulls out a pic of the monster, ominous music starts playing, and then the pic is of the monster standing next to a man whose face is covered with a Mario face. what the hell is this?

anyone? pls, this has been bothering me on a subconscious level for almost 30 years and I can't find anything at all about it online

so that's the original? you didnt just photoshop mario on it to troll us?

Cant really seem to find anything either, probably some clickbait politician.

It says in the script that its a faceless man.

also there's no context to this. what was the aussie talking about?

it seems to me like a very subtle dig at luigi. mario in a suit next to a green rat-faced ugly monster

oh if it's a politician then it's simple, it's a dig at the jews - monstruous rats who eat and control politicians, always looming in the darkness, behind their shoulders

that's definitely the original. I remember it being exactly that way on the VHS I had as a kid

he's hunting a monster called the Ratigator, who is in the pic next to the man whose face is censored

The joke is that they've implied that Mario is the bloodthirsty beast. The man behind the shoop is probably the actor who plays Mario in that scene, or else some executive who works on the show so that it's funnier to the producers.

so then what are you confused about? it's a rat-faced monster that hangs around politicians and eats them, i.e. a jew. he is trying to find it but he cannot and they photoshopped mario's face on the faceless guy for either no reason or because the rat implicitly controls mario, who doesnt realize it - "what's the rat gonna do to that guy?" and aussie says "beats me" and smiles in a smug manner

actually that sounds about right. mario is fat in that video and in the video game he kills hundreds of defenceless turtles and plants just to save a princess

ok, I'm starting to understand now, but it still seems like a really strange thing to put in a children's show. no wonder I found it disturbing as a child.

How did I miss this? Kino as fuck.

why not?

it's not the worst vidya movie, i'll give you that.