I'm positively pissed that this is coming on the fucking PS4 of all things, yet there's a perfectly serviceable PS3 release already out and they won't allow us westerners to have that as well, when it costs them fucking peanuts to simply slap it on PSN along with the PS4 release and just copy paste from the PS4 release.
Hoping someone will hack a translation or something.
Asher Diaz
Not worth the money and Yakuza has little funding, put it on the newest system.
Xavier Hall
I fucking hate when a new gen console comes out for this exact same reason. Just release the shit that was already on the damn system to begin with! Fuck me, this is why I stick to PC. At least I can tweak whatever comes out to work on my current parts if they're outdated.
Ethan Clark
because they have extra ram and processing power to run their bloated programming.
Julian Brown
please stick with PC, we don't want you here.
Brayden Peterson
Just buy a fucking used PS4 if it bothers you that much, faggot.
Jayden Walker
I say old chap. What in the world are you talking about?
Aiden Jones
Just buy a 2nd hand one or something. Stop being such a pussy.
Ayden Davis
No user, you are the cancer
Liam Garcia
I suspect at this point Sony has been trying to get all the western publishers to make the jump to PS4 only, hence stuff like Tales of Berseria not coming out for the PS3 here. Seems they're also trying to get their local devs to get more on board as well too.
I agree though, the idea of making games artificially exclusive to the latest system angers me and has the reverse effect of their likely intent: If I buy a system, it's for games made specifically for it first and foremost, not games that the system holder has opted to fuck the owners of prior systems out of. Hell, with the internet as prevalent as it is, it's easy enough to see what all the systems something came out for natively are, so seeing something marked as "PS3/Vita/PS4" in Japan but "PS4" only out here angers me a bit.
Daniel Smith
they do it because they know you dumb weebs will upgrade to play shit games
Nathaniel Fisher
Please link me to a used one for 150$ AT MOST and I'll consider it. Otherwise fuck off cancer boi.
Julian Allen
Then guess what? You AREN'T getting the game! Simple, you either get it or you don't. You can pirate games on PS4 via Raspberry now thanks to the huehue's, so grow a fucking pair.
Wyatt Jenkins
Well, I like my Japanese games, but thus far there hasn't been enough designed specifically for the PS4 in mind that are of interest to warrant dropping the money yet. Especially since the PS4 isn't even backwards compatible with the PS3.
Bentley Fisher
Hello Retard.
Kevin Evans
why is it always the poor people
Henry Roberts
I don't even know if c10737 is trolling or not. If he is, then I took the stupid bait.
Shit, they want everything to be handed to them in a silver platter. If it's not on PC, then it's on not fucking PC. Pissing their panties in a Mexican clay-building imageboard isn't going to magically get their game instantly ported into their desired platform. Either you adapt or you don't. You don't even have to give corporations a damn cent for a used console. If you want a cheap console, you hunt for that shit. Nobody is going to link them to a cheap console on the spot by sheer coincidence. People might as well cry about the new Crash Trilogy not being ported on steam. Fuck man. It's either one kike or another. Lube up.
Jaxson Mitchell
Aaaaand I forgot to sage. Fuck you.
Luke Cruz
It's pretty clear how the industry works, there's an obvious interest developers have in working on consoles that better accommodate what they want to do. This makes them more popular for higher budget games especially, and microsoft, sony both foot the bill for a lot of the aspects of development and production. I think the problem is a lot of fanatics on both ends get people believing the wrong thing about how everything in the industry works. This brings out confusion, anger, and distrust with other gamers and at the end of the day, it's usually these people who end up hurting the most and end up as the weird reject who thinks all games are awful and the only solution is a crash.
Jaxson Wood
While I do agree that this (most likely Sony backed) trend to simply omit the old-gen versions of japanese games here in the west is fucking disgusting, you should be asking yourself if you aren't gimping your experience.
If you've played Yakuza 5 on PS3 you know that it hit a massive performance threshold. And if you've played the demo of Zero on it, it was slightly worse. If you want to play it that badly but don't want to shell out money for a PS4 (understandable, but 4 Yakuza games were too tempting for me) you can either 1) Import the PS3 version, the guides ain't bad even if it can get tedious or 2) wait a few decades to get some good emulation going.
Christopher Gomez
I like you and your objectively correct ideal! Have a little something.
Angel Bell
John Parker
Or I can wait until it's released on PC like literally every other PS4 game of any value so far, instead of wasting my money on the equivalent of an Apple product.
Juan Morris
Of course Sony has an interest in getting more people on the new platform, and this does indeed have to do with declining the PS3 port of the game for the West. That's obvious. I think if you are interested in Yakuza 0, a PS4 would likely be a platform more appealing to you as time goes on, especially since the next installment in the franchise is PS4 exclusive. I think getting angry about this only ends up hurting you more if you want more games like that. The industry has always done things like this to encourage and persuade customers into moving on.
Adrian Young
Actually, this is the first time console manufacturers have arbitrarily cockblocked western cross-platform releases of Japanese games for previous consoles. It's also the first time the hardware jump between generations has been so insignificant that the only difference between the versions is resolution, so take that as you will.
Jack Edwards
*Nintendo Sony is closer to Nintendo than Apple, but Nintendo itself is closer to apple, ironically enough. Yes, I see your smiley face. Cheeky fucker.
Landon Moore
And there is the crux of the issue with adopting a system before it might have enough games to personally warrant it. If there's not enough of interest to you then and there, you're relying on the notion of continued support to bring more of what you like. Part of why I tend to get into systems late, if not outright after the fact: the libraries are more established then. And while I have no real system loyalty towards Sony, Nintendo, or Microsoft, I have to say I am glad I didn't get into the Wii U, considering how little actually came out that was of interest to me and what was wound up being fucked over in localization.
Robert Allen
Oliver Mitchell
It's still a scummy thing to do. It'd be different if it was entirely exclusive. People getting mad at Bayonetta 2 or how Gravity Rush jumped from Vita to PS4 don't really have a point. This stuff probably wouldn't exist if it weren't for the exclusivity deals and whatnot.
But in a case like this where people with less income or a simple refusal to update to a new gen (with fuck all relating to their interest) are artficially locked out of the product is simply indefensible. Look at Persona 5, that shit comes west on PS3 and 4. Yakuza is admittedly more 'niche', but Square Enix is doing the same shit with some of their games and they waste money wherever they can.
Luke Price
Consolefag everyone: They just love getting fucked by Jews.
I think it depends on the company in particular. Atlus and XSEED for example have seemed to still be willing to include PS3 releases even this late in the system's life, while bigger companies seem to fall into the "PS3 is dead and Vita isn't worth bringing it over for now, PS4 exclusive in the west" mindset.
Jeremiah Brown
It's your turn to fuck me now, user.~ I don't even own a PS4. I'm just telling it like it is.
Jason Reed
I never really advise anyone to buy a platform unless there's something like 5 or so great games they really want to play. I think for a lot of people, this point is now with the PS4 getting quite a few solid games this month alone.
The Wii U was a disaster as far as support goes, and Nintendo really failed to live up to customers desires but I think it's been par for the course of them since the N64. None of their consoles had particularly big libraries since then, and people really should know what they're getting into with nintendo systems these days. Their handhelds have been pretty good however. I think more than anything, I'd suggest getting Nintendo systems cheap, and fortunately with Nintendo tax, the games become retarded valuable.
I agree. I think a lot of the practices are scummy, paying for online is particularly shit, even if you get some bonus features. In the case of Yakuza, I recall Sony being more directly involved with the series in the West as a response to outspoken fans. Western distribution and product planning probably was part of the contract and it was under Sony's control. Atlus likely has full control over their product shipping and will happily ship two different versions. Sony is probably using this opportunity to show fans they're getting what they want, but if they haven't yet, need to compromise a bit for an investment in the new platform.
Ryder Adams
Well, smaller companies like XSeed have use for every dollar earned. They're also a great example of bigger companies being nothing but greedy fucking jews. If shit like Senran can get physical copies of all their versions (even if limited), than Square should be able to do that as well. But instead they save themselves the few dollars and shit on their customers instead.
That was true for 5 and I was more than just thankful for that. But the new initiative is done by Sega inhouse. There is no immediate localization connection to Sony apart from the games simply being on their system.
The artificial exclusivity is simply a Sony forced thing, like the strong anti-manual attitude they had going for the Vita.
Lucas Brown
You're a petty bitch if you lose your shit over "Gamer". What do you want me to call you, " Player"? "Controller"? " Beebooper"? Stop trying to be a contrarian user. That label have been here since the 90's.
Jaxon Butler
Indeed, it's a bit odd to see XSEED be so willing to do physical released for the PS3 and Vita at this point, while with, say, TK, you're lucky if they do so much as a limited physical print for Gust's games (prints which eventually shoot up towards $180-200 on the aftermarket) at above average prices, and even then, they don't bother to set up their own storefront and just toss their games into NISAs store instead.
Juan Jackson
yeah, I understand. It's because the vita hasn't quite caught on, the ps4 still has growth potential, so they're cutting their losses and trying to push more people to the ps4. I think it only makes sense.
Brandon Jenkins
The label has always been pure cancer. It's just as retarded as branding yourself a 'movie buff'. There is no question that exists in regular conversations that would warrant the answer: 'I'm a gamer! XD'
Do you think I'd still be here if I wasn't one?
Henry Lewis
who cares?
Hudson Bell
What I mean is; Stop getting rump ruptered about something you cannot control.