FFXIV General

Final Fantasy XIV general discussion
Getcho Garo on edition

Seasonal event: Cocksucker Central (Heavensreturn). Read more about it here: na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/2017/Heavensturn/

Try the game for free for 14 days! (lvl [email protected]/* */) - ffxiv-freetrial.com/us/

Current Patch 3.4
Patch Archives - na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/patchnote_log/

Useful resources:
List of Commands(used for macros) - na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/win/text_command/
Gamer Escape - ffxiv.gamerescape.com/
Garland Tools Database - garlandtools.org/db/
XIV Database (It's good now)- xivdb.com/
FF logs - fflogs.com/
ACT (but don't tell anyone you're using it) - advancedcombattracker.com/
Guildwork - guildwork.com/client
Ariyala (gear build simulator/hunt-&lighttracker) - ffxiv.ariyala.com/HuntTracker/Exodus
Mithrie's guides(should cover a lot) - youtube.com/watch?v=nFn3SxUnR_c&index=1&list=PLbE_CU9Jt_uc0MAfIOY8JqtN5PyPO83Q5

1. Do all of your Main Story Quests - REQUIRED TO GET TO HEAVENSWARD AREAS
2. Do all of your class quests and get yourself a job - ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Category:Jobs
3. Attune to Chocobo Porters, Aetherytes & Aether currents ASAP - it will save you a lot of time & effort
4. Unlock your challenge log, gives great exp and some gil - ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Rising_to_the_Challenge
5. Do your daily roulettes - all of them are great until 60, except guildhests, which is great until around 40-50
6. Level crafting & gathering - free dosh

Primal Data Center
Exodus / New Wheels Order

For New Wheels order contact Aloise Astravir, Umbra Fendere, Veritas Vivet, Nano Monamo, or Kh'jit Meniwaers in game. If they aren't online, use the player search to look for anyone online in the FC. View their company profile then send an application. Remember to mention Holla Forums in tells and applications.

Other urls found in this thread:


My friend is new to FFXIV and he immediately wants to rush to heavensward to get access to the Machinist. How do?

Do MSQ with him and nothing else?

Patch 3.5 video just dropped

Tell him to eat shit and go back to fucking WoW

So for what class(es) Silver Knight is supposed to be? Did FF14 receive dual swords category sometime since the release?

I'm feeling disappointed by Zurvan's implied theme, but I haven't hated any of the primal themes so far.



The concept of a tank pet is lost on me.

Threadly reminder that Concentrated Smug also exists on Exodus, contact Aurora Soulwood, Charr Mudo, Rab Bbit, Kohna Enduro, or Mompf Pompf if you want to join

Solo content/shit tank. Used to be situationally useful for ARR primals if you wanted to solo tank, but then they made Titan-Egi take un-reduced damage from melee attacks so now it's hot garbage


NIN with Zero's swords as the weapon, because NIN has some stupidly long "knives" anyway.

But why tho user? He likes the game he just hates the wall of text for the story.

Does the relic from ARR carry over into Heavensward and is it still the BIS weapon? That's a lot of tasks for a newcomer.

ARR relic is relevant until like level 57 or so. You can use the fully upgraded ARR relic to skip a single mildly grindy phase of the HW relic, which is an entirely different beast and can be started without ever touching the ARR relic.

Fuck off with your pathetic shitty girly vidya, wow is better

Top kek, "wow" of all things.

Unless you want an ARR relic for it's looks it is a massive waste of time.

Yeah the Story drags massively during certain parts, so I can understand not wanting to finish it.
Unfortunately all the heavensward content aside from POTD is locked behind finishing all the ARR story quests. So you have to rush it

We hold hands in this fc. Only pretend gays allowed, no real gays. Or you can join nWo if you're not into holding hands. That's whatever too.

Delete this. Nobody holds anyone's hands in nWo or SMUG. All gays are currently detained and routinely given the shocks from Mike Pence himself until the penis love is gone.


Jesus Christ, I thought Holla Forums was better than to actively support a walking product placement like this game. Sage this shit


That's FFXV, not FFXIV.

Yes, I'm sure I totally ruined their game experience by making them wait 30seconds.

Yugiri is back, but her voiceactor is different. It's weird to hear her, knowing her original VA was brutally murdered by her husband in a mudslime honor killing

Have a picture of birb photobombing.


Halloween event > Christmas Event

Can we have a screenshot thread as well?

I'd like to find a person responsible for the vanilla Vista Points and have a couple stern words with them.

Is it faster to grind FATEs or dungeons to get to lvl 35?

Do Hunting and Challenge Log, do all the Dungeons and Guildhests at least once, do Daily Duty Roulettes, and quests give good Exp. Get into an FC and try to do some Palace of the Dead. I haven't had to "grind" anything and I'm level 46.

Especially on the FC thing. 10% bonus XP from all combat is one of the bonuses most FCs have up all the time.

You get exp for palace of the dead?

Also it is generally good to do FATEs, at least ones you haven't done before. And always do blue background quests and the MSQ.

Palace of the Dead gives exp, and after you get past certain floors it's the best way to level maybe post lvl 47.

Unless you're a tank popping instant queues in dungeons, Palace of the Dead is the fastest way to level

Was it a mudslime honor killing? I heard it was a car accident

I did it with my gladiator, went through first 30 floors but then it became obvious I was undergeared to go any further. I'm leveling conjurer now and boy is it easier than tanking, it's like being on a holiday. At least at

your gear has nothing to do with anything in palace of the dead, only your Aether level does anything which you get from silver chests in the palace.

Really? I thought it was my gear because I kept getting killed all the time on floors 20-30 and it was not because of overpulling or anything, mobs would just kill me in several hits.

Well, classes are weaker than jobs. Get paladin. But no, gear does not matter in PotD

That's because you're bad at videogames.
Just kidding. Pop potions in generous amount and ask healer for buffs.

It completely made up for the rest being boring.

Yeah user, she and her two kids died in her back yard with neck and head injuries was just a car accident. :^)

Do you guys find it hard to play an MMO and also work on your backlog? I want to start playing again but I gotta finish all these fucking games.

To be honest, since I started playing ff14 10 days ago, I haven't touched another game and have no plans to currently. Granted, I went full autism and am leveling 2 crafting and 1 gathering profession.

I was lucky that the rest of the group were very high dps player and they basically didn't even need me lol, the healer must have raised me at least 5 times.

Ay, I didn't know. I just knew she was dead and someone mentioned a car accident somewhere. This is more hilarious anyway.

Yep, if you get invested in an MMO, it's gonna be pretty much the only game you play.

Having fun with the crafting and gathering? Haven't gotten into it yet.

It's pretty awful. It's a very high time investment and you get basically nothing out of it. You can make decent money endgame, but the slog there is enough to put almost everyone off

Yes, definitely. Since I started back in late october 2015 the game resides over most of my free time. I haven't even joined a free company yet on my main. Bet if I did all my time would just vanish.

Does having a lot of money give you an advantage? When I played on release I was pretty rich but I could do fuck all with the money because good stuff came from vendors with emblems anyway.

it's about the same now. Money is for playing dressup mainly

I don't know, I guess cars just work different over here across the pond.



It's more than likely going to be ornate crafting tools. 5 open slots on mh/oh.

You don't need to meld your mh/oh at all to meet the requirements for the highest crafting tier. Fully melding everything, but the body piece is very easy.

It's more than likely coming from Zhloe too, who is Khloe's sister.

>cars don't need to hold more then 10 gallons LITERS of gas PETROL
>only people who want to hit and run would need that much gas PETROL
>we need to ban cars that go faster then 40 mph K/PH

Holy shit rogue is so fun, how more fun it gets when it becomes ninja?


More like ruin the economy.

Sell the HQ stuff for a tad bit higher than that.

Fuck that's the one in the Ixal logging grounds, isn't it? I fucking raged so hard trying to jump on those fucking logs.

Cool new boss waifu, Squeenix

I know that feel, if only people didn't constantly undercut me id be swimming in even more gil right now.


Careful there buddy this is America where CAPITALISM RULES. I sell for whatever the market will tolerate. You actually should be saying "you shouldn't be selling NQ for that high of a price" but I wouldn't expect a poor serf like yourself to understand my money tactics.

tfw hirez ripped this figure off

I got that game on a trip to Germany years ago, I didn't understand a single fucking thing that was going on. Eventually however I figured out the controls and I remember having fun with it.

I gave it another try a few years ago, it's actually quite a neat game if a bit empty. I'd say it's a hidden gem of sorts.

People pay as much as they are willing to pay, and if you "run" the market, you can force them to pay more after normalizing their expectations on NQ to be 37k. If you're a true capitalist, overinflate the fuck out of it and be the sole beneficiary.

Just spawned in and /sit where I was.
Being a Lalafell has it's benefits.

sure thing.


I'm ready to punch with KANJI

There are worse ones than that. The worst offenders so far were the one in Mor Dhona where you need to climb a piece of scrapped hull and jump onto a Tree, and the one in the Shroud where you need to make an ultra precise jump from a wooden ledge onto the roof of a guard post.

Best mount, prove me wrong.

I remember that one didn't give me much trouble. It's been awhile since I've done them but I remember the one in central thanalan being a huge pain since it was only up for 1 ingame hour in specific weather.

Also because the guy who plays him mains NIN

How fucking large is that pistol? Even to grip is 2-3 times larger from what it should be.

I thought I was a forgiving person but goddamn do I hate DRK players. I'm not even level 30 yet and anything that has ever gone wrong so far has been by a DRK player. The stereotype is real.


what do you think the outfit from doing the smiths novice mission reward? i personally like it

its good looking and has good enough stats for you to not worry about armor until lvl 25-30, depending on your class and role.

Does the majority here play with english voices? I reckoned the game was made by nips I'll take their vision on the casting for each character.

Ok let's clear out a few things.
1 - There won't be Ryuuga's Lost Shin Garo, right?
2 - To get garo anything you need to be end-game character and play some fucking pvp against long-time playing autists, right?
3 - You can't just buy garo armor, mount and weapon skin as a cosmetic and wear it from level 1, right?

I don't give two shits about generic wow clone FF14 is, but I might just buy a subscription and whatever cost of this shit is if I can be fucking makai knight and roam around on my metal horse killing mobs.

what's a good glam that looks like tight pants that don't show any skin and have no adornments on them? dyeable pls

Any of the basic tights.

Oh right I forgot not all of them have that terrible grainy texture. How about some elbow length gloves that look elegant instead of huge thick abominations? Stuff like these

i got a new gpu
so 4k catposting!


you don't like the chocolate?

No I like the chocolate nearly all my reaction pics are either angry or laughing

holy shit how do people stomach grinding potd all the way to fuckin 60?

I dont know jackshit man but technically the earliest PvP in this game comes at level 30 which no one does anymore since PvP is completely dead.

Is doing the grand company hunts important? They don't give experience and there seem to be faster ways to get your hands on seals.

Bedouin dreams is best brown.

not really the hunts are pretty useless, dont even need them for GC ranks.


It IS Final Fantasy user. As large as that thing is, i'd be more inclined to call it a one-handed rifle.

been the opposite for me. The worst tanks i've seen so far are PLDs in the daily leveling roulette

you would think people would use this as an opportunity to learn their class

my dream is to get this character skin with the small amount of gems I get from "free gem" events



brown girls are fine

If this triggers you user then you best not remember that FFVIII had a weapon called a fucking gunblade.
Still the stupidest weapon I've ever seen, except for maybe Vanille's pingpong slingshot in FFXIII.

kilometers per hour. its what the rest of the world uses americana.

I think he meant to point out the missing 'm' in 'kmph'

Why are there so many people at quarrymill as opposed to other low level towns?

because that is where PoTD is.

it was worser when HW was released. Back then fuggen FATEs gave very low exp that it wasn't worth doing them

UK uses a mix, mainly MPH though

You know nothing, kiddo.

the hardest thing about XI was the camera controls. FUCK THAT NOISE!

yeah, people bitch about grind and timelocked shit in this game a wee bit much.


while those were bad for sure, my personal "hardest thing" was being an NA who played primarily during JP times. this wasn't a problem following the initial PC release, but once the PS2 fuckbois came on board they shit the bed so hard that "JP onry" is still a fucking thing.

fucking console babbys. not even once. then they have the gall to go and fuck up performance of this game for three production cycles

for a shitter, it may as well be. getting a sophia weapon requires a decent amount of skill and execution, and getting a scripture weapon means you have to at least be functional throughout A9-A12. but a kinna weapon? you can get that shit as a fucking class, not even a job.

What do I do with Poetics?

buy umbrite.

kit out level 50 classes with ironworks stuff, or else blow it on crafting mats or anima weapon crystal sand stuff.

I'm too scared to play this why do social games have to be so pressuring?

It's no longer 2005, user, social interaction in MMOs is long dead.

haha I actually didn't know everyone else spells it LITRE besides America. If you sound it out the way it is spelled that doesn't even make sense. And they call us backswards.

How handy are those combat chocobos? Does it outweigh the fact you have to carry ghisal greens everywhere and summon him everytime?

they are bit useful when needed like soloing difficult FATEs. other than that no

Good for FATEs, but they can't be used in storyline missions and shit that are instanced. I think in the coming patch or next we will be able to use them in dungeons in addition to having a full party

I dont think that is ever going to happen, but at least everyone will be able to have their chocobo out while FATE grinding.

So if I played before heavensward came out and was at level cap, do I have to do any bullshit to unlock the new classes or can I just go directly to an npc as soon as I get the expansion?

Dunno, they did say 3.5 would see chocos treated as summons rather than party members so they could be used in dungeons. No idea how its gonna work though, dungeons would need to be buffed or PC+choco damage would have to be nerfed. Haven't seen this feature mentioned in a while though

You have to do the storyline to get to HW, how much depends on what patch you left off at

If you can enter Ishgard, then you can unlock everything. If you never finished 2.55, have fucking fun with those cutscenes m80.

It was before ninjas came out but I'm not sure other than that. I think extreme titan was still relevant at the time because I remember getting my +3 relic.

>go through all the quests up to An End to the Song
>Trial against Nidhogg to cap it off
I have no idea if I'm ready to tank this or not.

Either man the fuck up and play it anyways, or channel your inner autist and stop giving a shit what other people think of you.

There's a lot of mandatory level 50 quests between the defeat of Ultima Weapon and actually being able to enter Heavensward areas. They're usually pretty easy, if time consuming at worst.

So how long do you think it would take 2 people with formerly endgame gear to go through this?

If you have the time and inclination to do it all in one sitting, you could probably get it all done within a day.

Are there any Holla Forums groups looking for a healer for savage?

Just thought I'd ask since I took a couple month break and I'm considering come back to raid a bit before the new expac is around

You faggots know if SE has released any more arrange albums for heavensward like embed related?

Oh my god thank you for ending my misery

SMN seem to have such powerful support abilities. Eye for an Eye is a 30 sec shield with 10% damage reduce on a 60second cd. You could keep that on the tank for half the fight. Virus debuff reduces the boss his stats by a flat 15% for 10 seconds.

Both arcanist jobs are bullshit

HI RAINE! Weren't you the one a few threads ago ">implying I haven't beat Savage"


The most insulting part by far

I bet the fuckers a potato too.

Fuck, I sold Ramuh EX for between 700k-1m split between 7 pre-horse nerf. 50k is just insulting.

So how many of the 23 jobs do you have at 60?

I've been unsubbed for a while now but this is what I've got

Hopefully the combat re-balance will bring something interesting to the table… Grorrious nippon steer forded ted tousand times crass when?

SAM never, you are the XIV ridleyfags.

Nah, I bet it is a catboi or eczema dragon.

it'll happen one of these days…

neyva eyvo

man i should really level fsh if these are the puns ill get to see.

youll be fine user. stack for akh morn in the last phase, watch where niddy is in flying in from in dragon form, inner beast for ala morn when he's in human form, hot tail means you get to his sides, hot wing means you get in a line along his spine.

did you watch a video for niddy ex? cause that shit gets insane. but niddy normal isn't so bad

Can you enter someone's room if you aren't in their FC?



At least they listened to this instead of "LET ME PUT DRESSES ON MY GAY HOMO CATBOY WHO SUCKS COCKS"

I can appreciate a cute 2d trap in a dress but maleqo'te should not exist, they are below lalafell tier.

Nothing is below lala. Even male roe in dress is more acceptable than lala.

Same way that hillary's detrators commit suicide via two shots from a pump action to the back of the head.
It's a car accident alright. A vicious assault car.

Have they announced any changed to padjali weapons on 3.5? If not a nerf at least a big fucking change in the requirements to get them because it's just bullshit any cunt can score a i255 in one day


no i remember why i hate dungeon ques fucking paladin retards

im gonna need a smug [email protected]/* */ at 4k for this one

Be humble, bitch ass nigga.

I bit the bullet and went for it. Cleared it first try, though with a few unnecessary deaths. I was trying to tell the group that it was my first time, but somebody pulled for me while I was typing and I didn't get control of Nid until he'd killed three people.

Fuck me, and here I thought 1920x1080 was decent enough.


There was a post between these two, what the fuck happened
Pretty sure the second user posted the wrong picture

their bad. if someone who isn't a tank pulls, i just let them tank it until they die. if the raid wipes, so be it. if they bitch about it i say something along the lines of "tanks are for pulling, dps are for sitting quietly until the tank pulls" or what have you. its usually some off-the-cuff denigrating remark about dps, because you still get the occasional dps who thinks they're the Althyks gift to Eorzea and it's good to remind them that they're plebians who are replaceable in seconds and that they need to respect their place in the world.

or in other words, pull shit, get hit.

mah niggress.

they cancelled console support last year, but it's a dead game where everyone solos shit with NPC party members and a redone linearish which links everything together.

someone said smug [email protected]/* */?

Kindly off yourself and spare the gene pool from your retardation. A lot of DPS have buffs that are extremely important to them doing actual damage (Greased Lightning, Enochian, Blood of the Dragon, Huton, Aethertrail Attunement) that they need to keep up or else they've fucked themselves over really badly for the next 20-60 seconds. By delaying a pull you're denying them that damage for no other reason than "hurr durr tanks are the only ones that should pull. Quit your bitching and take hate back from the DPS after he pulls. The point of a party is to work together, and you're only hindering legitimately good players by sticking to your retardedly holier-than-thou views about who should pull. Not recognizing this automatically makes you the worst player in your party.

Also, if you can't take hate back immediately after a DPS pulls at the start of a boss, you are objectively shit at tanking.

fuck you.

dps engages after the tank pulls. dps who engage before the tank pulls are shitters who need to eat floor like the idiots they are. its not about "keeping hate" initially, its about some dumb ass thinking he can jump the gun instead of waiting for a countdown like everyone else. kill yourself nigger faggot.

While tanks thinking that everyone should suck their dicks is annoying as fuck, why are any of these skills listed being used before the pull? Huton is the only one which should be up before pull and even if it isn't you miss out on a few seconds before it comes back up.

Also forcing someone to use their taunt 5 seconds into the fight and mess up their opener is retarded. Not recognizing that the tank does the countdown and pull AFTER they are sure everyone has marks/waypoints automatically makes you the worst player in the party.

What makes a good player different from a shit player is being able to adapt and compensate for bad players, because you will ALWAYS have at least 1 bad player in your raid.

Tanks had better use countdowns, though. Nothing worse than popping everything and having a previously fast tank sit with his thumbs up his ass right until quelling runs out and he's wasted 2/3rds of raging strikes.

yeah, the countdown system was a great addition. it makes syncing up openers as a tank with everyone else much easier in a pug, without needing some stupid macro.

if the dps ever has to pull, you are probably a shit tank. you need to be in the front taking initiative and keeping the pulls coming, not sitting around dick in hand waiting 10 seconds for foresight to come off cd

Does this game have a cross server chat system? Is that what those linkshells are?
I'm in a guild lead by a 40y old UK woman and she calls me dear. I need some bros.

Come next patch, cross server (same datacentre) parties will be a thing. That's it, though.

do you even tank bro?

good job enabling the playerbase to become wow-tier bad faggot

i just got out of a 12 minute expert roulette doing exactly that, so yeah, i do

i don't know what the norm is on NA servers but on JP outside of the latest extremes, savage and possibly the presence of a new player no one is going to use marks/waypoints or pull countdowns - as soon as protect is up it's time to gotta go fast

The chocobo music when you mount is driving me insane. Pray to god other mounts don't have this.

they don't, and there is also an option to turn off mount music so you don't have to put up with it

good, if the healer isn't swiftcasting it at the start he's objectively bad

Decided a way-too-close closeup was a better shot.

We're the highest tier

Does running POTD beat regular questing on a fresh dps character that still has every quest still up?

Sidequests than don't unlock things are mind-numbing, they're all variations of fetching. PoTD is also mind numbing, but it's better exp/time.


SE does a good job of easing you into a class/job and not making you feel overwhelmed with shit to do, and for a first-timer in game, it's not a bad way to go. but for anyone who has an end-game character, leveling something fresh from 0 is torture. the earliest time any class or job gets interesting is in the mid 30's, and most classes aren't fun until 50, at least compared to the simplicity of that same class while leveling.

On my new character I've just been leveling up all my classes to 30 while I wait for friends to be around to play. For whatever reason it doesn't seem as tedious as when I was doing it on my endgame char.

Does anyone have the nude mod files

some of the mounts have awesome music like the magitek armor

Guys is there a 8ch free company on Shiva EU server?

Why would you want to join a chan anything at all?

Because I've been shitposting with you for years so it's better than some random dudes.

You will get more stuff done with pubbies than you will with anything chan related.

My god the controller is comfy.

>do leisurely shit like fish or rough thinks such as ex primals and savage raiding while laying in bed with my blanket and outdpsing shitters

This is the mistake everyone makes, assuming a chanfag guild or clan is going to be just like the anonymous imageboard, but trust me it is not.
The moment you give any faggot here an online name, all pretenses of anonymity and discretion come tumbling down and you will be awash in a sock-smelling sea of bad ERP, furfags, attention whores, redditors and drama queens of the worst sort, and they will be spewing rotten memes the entire time and making the ":^)" face the whole time convinced they are master shitposters and comedy gods and not just sad sorry rags desperate for acknowledgement online.
Do not make this mistake too

I tried playing with a controller and couldn't get used to having just one hotbar on screen at a time, but I can see how would it be glorious for craft and field jobs

I mean after rolling with the planetside 2 outfit I vowed to never ever do shit like that again. Not for the reasons you listed, but because people in there were shit at the game like worse than BRs or Russians and like you said they just spout memes trying to be funny and to get attention.

But I thought that furfags are on cuckchan's general.

have you seen the cat-posting avatarfags trying to get a foothold in these threads?

God damn they have you incredibly buttflustered

I'm aware our gear is synced, but:

1. My gear slightly was below sync levels.

2. If he's doing savage, he should at least know how to manage aggro properly.

how do these people breathe

they are in here too. their board is dying tho. they fuggen lose to /monster/ which is fine


THat reminds me of that one a12n run, we had a DRK who claimed to clear A12s, however, everyone else in the party agreed that he was the worst DRK everyone has ever seen.

How the fuck is your gear below sync levels for Titan Hard mode?

hahahahaah I wouldn't carry someone through fucking sastasha normal for 50k

You remind me of the time I played with wpsg on cuckchan, please don't.

I had some 120s on. Rest was 130s or 3.0 leveling gear. My poetics usually went to relic shit.

This user is wise beyond his years and his trips confirm his enlightenment, please heed his warning.

most retard DRKs forget that PLDs are forced at 60 to spam their agro combo for dps and just keep soul eatering without a care in the world, inevitably losing threat in the process

again not sure if this is a JP thing but he probably has not had to deal with PLD OT before, or rather infreqently maybe. over here 99% of the time PLD will MT, then DRK if no PLD. WAR only MTs if its a double WAR comp.

anyways a12s (really this raid tier in general) isn't really all that difficult and is certainly very easy to get carried through. i see people who could never clear a3s and a6s decked out in full i270 every day.

i mean 50

Pretty much this. Image board mmo clans/guilds/whatever typically tend to attract the kind of people who absolutely make zero effort to conform in any normalfag scenario. If you're on the fence about switching servers to join an 8FC, I'd heavily encourage you to make an alt if only to make sure your power level is comparable to the rest of the group's.


my dick shouldn't be tingling, but it is

linkshells are just chat groups, and they're not cross-server. what realm you on?

there is no comfy like sitting warm in bed and sipping hot cocoa while fishing in North Shroud. truly the best of times. i originally started playing with m+kb but after trying controller on a whim, ive never went back

Don't settle for agdq.

I'm on EU Odin about to go for my first POTD through random dungeon finder. I have no idea what to expect.

Meh, don't worry about it, you literally can't go wrong.

Never underestimate the idiocy of potdfags. I've seen parties wipe on floors x9 because they rush all together and step on a landmine while aggroing half the floor at the same time

hey kid wanna join the BDK? we got everything ya need.

Can't wait, but given the lack of blue colored gear from the whole (((crystal braves))) incident and sky blue from Ishgard I'm not holding my breath for anything note worthy. Maybe at least something better looking than the Ishgardian Barding

where are the [email protected]/* *// at?

I dont know about you but that ishgardian barding was great, I ahve been using it for most of the expansion.

In a grave somewhere hopefully

Actually GCD is 2.5 seconds, lower with skill speed and spell speed, and a bunch of oGCD skills you have to weave into your rotation. This doesnt include GCD reducing skills some classes get.

You would know all this if you weren't a buzzword spouting mongoloid who looked into the game before jumping on the MMO hate bandwagon like a faggot.

How fucking dumb do you have to be?

How rude! There's nothing wrong with wanting cuddly [email protected]/* */ to play with.

the half barding looks nice, ive yet to get it but i definitely want it. i just hate the leg guards and eye covers on the full barding

Dungeons are better for getting to lvl 30, I don't care what anyone says. And 30-40 leveling was easy for me, barely even had to do sidequests.

Leveling from 1 on potd accomplishes nothing but turning you into a shitter that will poz up the real dungeons with his utter lack of understanding for his own job

I just mix them, get the full barding for the legs and half barding for the chest piece.

I don't like potd in general, it doesn't attract me and it isn't fun. People just rush it to get levels. Do I even have to go in there, is there some gear there or what? I just want to ignore it.

There's a i235 and i255 weapon for every class you can score in ONE day, but it's far from the best and also will mark you as a shitter forever. I make it a point to put absolutely zero effort as healer on players wearing any padjal or kinna shit

You should like a faggot. I bet you play a cat.

Shitter spotted

You sound like a faggot

I realize y'all are probably the least biased people to ask this question, but I'm not sure who else to ask. What are the pros and cons to this game, for someone thinking about getting into it? I'll try the free trial, but I doubt it'll give me a complete picture of the game.

As thanks, have some clips from some shit MMO I'm sick of playing.


>shit [email protected]/* */ has fanart of the worst arc of the drk questline

Sounds about right.

Well, as far as I'm aware, the free trial has been upgraded to that you can go to level 35, which is a good chunk of the Realm Reborn content, levels 1-50.
Though, if I remember right, level 30~ is the Titan quest line, and me personally, was probably the most boring part of the game.

the titan questline is probably the worst part of the game. its just a chore to get through and most classes are still pretty dull to play at that point as well

just got the half barding after doing all those damn fates, it does look pretty nice compared to the full barding


Calm down, i'm talking about the drk 50-60 line. The 30-50 questline was fucking fantastic.


What do you mean the pros and cons of TOR?

Only a few story lines are worth it out of the eight available and they're all dark side. It's shit gameplay wise and okay lore and story wise. The latest expansion is shite and they put Revan in for fanservice and it was shit.

Only good stories
Bounty Hunter
Sith Warrior

You sound like a faggot, and the kind of person I drop aggro onto as a NIN

You sound like a massive faggot. I bet you also play potato exclusively

I too become unhinged and fly into an containable storm of autism, refusing to do anything but mash my cock on the keyboard whenever I see someone not meeting my arbitrary gear requirement.

Is he a cat or a potato?

I'm probably gonna guess potato. Faggotry like that usually comes from the same logic as "Lala illuminati master race XD"

There sure are a lot of people from the Uchiha clan in this game.

There's even more Kiritos.

I'm a lv 55 MNK and I can't shake the feeling that I'm a shitter. What are the common tips for getting generally better at the game? I honestly don't like dungeons too much, I spend 75% of my time crafting and jewing, but I still don't wanna be incompetent at the combat part.

Go punch a dummy, watch a rotation video. Actually try to improve.

Don't forget about Cat Astrophes

What the fuck is a Kirito, anyways? I stopped paying attention to anime with a few exceptions years ago.

it's that faggot MC in sword art online

a mary sue protagonist from a popular anime about people playing a MMORPG

Do we have any idea what the other two jobs will be?

What are jobs people are interested in seeing?

Blu, Bst, Sam, Geo, Pup, Run are all the ones I am curious about

Red Mage has been confirmed

BLU will be coming with RDM

I saw a guy named "U'chiha" once. It made me feel physically ill.

What aetherpool gear level corresponds with 50+ and 100+ floors? Or doesn't it affect much?

mid to high 20's is good up til floor 70 or so. 100+ you want at least 60+, the more the better.

Is there a limit?

ya, +99 is the highest it goes, which has to last you til floor 200 (but this happens with a static group of people from 101-200)

floors also have aetherpool levels they sync the weapon to

is it true that PoTD floors 51-60 is the best for xp?

Do I get more experience if I clear the floors solo? I feel like I could with my 20sec summoner root that doesn't break on ticks.

Go level DRG instead so you aren't a wasted slot

DF doesn't even enforce composition, play what you want, user.

DRG tanks the floor well meme.jpg

DRG is preferable on end-game because the megabursts are really useful compared to the stable dmg output of MNK but you are right any class works anywhere, this game really is rather well balanced

I never got this meme

DRG is the FFXIV equivilent of WoW huntards.
No matter how good you are you're shit. You're shit ;^)

I've had DRGs (with their fucking padjali and kinna ofc) stand right on top of me while I'm MT. They also have a tendency to eat AOEs.

Jumplock kills bad drgs.

:thinking: emoji

That's a case of being OP which means the "any class works anywhere" statement is still true faggot


He's a roleplayer

What is the most efficient way to run potd? Some parties I meet clear everything and others only skip/clear the bare minimum and teleport to the next floor.
It's pretty fun so far, going for floor 41-50 on both slots now.

If you have actually competent players, then go and clear everything and enjoy your silver chests by the dozen.
If you are stuck with shitters just find the exit, activate it and get the fuck out before some retard pulls 10 mobs right into the revive room

i play on JP servers coz im in Australia. I trend I've noticed is if they have anything resembling japanese in their name, they are a weaboo. All the japanese players have eurpoean character names or random ass shit.

Easy, just don't run potd

But why is it when anonymity stripped people become much bigger fags? You would think the opposite. I know that in my case anonymity allows me to indulge in my faggotry and border-line obsessive love of [email protected]/* */ that I would never display should anyone know who I am. In the game I just act like a regular person, same as in life.

It really boggles my mind how long it takes people to grasp a new job. Especially in FFXIV when each move tells you how it should be used.
Maybe I've just played MMOs too long.

How I learned AST on PS4

I have to admit I was a bit overwhelmed playing summoner vs Edda. Watching dots, watching aetherflow stacks and replenishing them, watching athertrail attunement for dreadwyrm trance, watching edda her spells and turning around to avoid seduce + also playing for this pet that dies to everything and even having to press his damage cds for him. It's a bit much to learn/keep track of in 2hours but in due time I'll get there I hope.

I just unlocked and figured out SMN myself and I the biggest problem for me was getting stumped by Ruin 2 and Tri-bind. In the end I realized that they are more or less useless.

Also goddamn I love Fester.

Nigger you throw out ruin II before/between every OGCD unless you need to reapply bio I.

What's your opinion on parserfags?

They're pug shitter monitors.

>where are the [email protected]/* *// at?

I have a Zenith weapon from when I used to play this more frequently and I heard they made changes to relic weapon quests, can anyone tell me where to go from here?

Throw it in the trash, start heavensward content. Better yet, throw it in the trash and buy an i100 weapon from the god damn marketboard.

use your zenith, upgrade it to Zodiac and use it to skip atma 2.0 of the Heavensward relic.

This takes serveral times longer than just doing heavensward atma.

Upgrade it all the way into a Zodiac Zeta for the title and then bin that rubbish for something proper and dickwave faggots with your fancy title

I do want the option to dickwave but is it really worth it when I can just do what this guy (>>11666581)
said? I assume it means I can throw the old one in the bin and do the new quest for relic weapons.

I was browsing BIS list on the internet to know what materias are good for selling. And it seems everyone and his dogs use crit materia, even the tanks. Am I being memed or is crit just that good?

If you don't care about a dickwaving title you get from zeta weapon, just play the new content. Zenith is stage 2 of 10 for the 2.0 relic weapon. The title you get is just < Z > by the way.

Guys, which 2 cross skills from marauder are best for paladin? I'm not impressed by mercy stroke, I think foresight and bloodbath would be best but I don't know.

From what I've read parry isn't that good, for Warriors at least. If I had to guess why I'd say it's because one of their cooldowns lets them parry everything for a while. There is probably an Accuracy softcap that you don't want to go over, and Skill Speed has the same problem Haste does in WoW, where it's worth is entirely determined by how close you are to squeezing another GCD into whatever relevant cooldowns you have. That leaves Determination and Crit. Whichever is better is going to be what everyone stacks.

Pretty much, you don't need a 2.0 relic to start making a 3.0 relic. Having a 2.0 relic means you can just skip a step on the 3.0 relic.chain, but timewise it will take you 20+ hours just to finish the 2.0 relic and the skips only going to end up cutting maybe 4-5 hours off the 3.0 relic. Not worth it.

Just toss it to your retainer and work on getting to 60, do relic shit later on if you want a shiny weapon for glamor.

yes, crit is the best sub stat to meld for pretty much every class

take foresight, bloodbath, mercy stroke and stoneskin at all times, last slot is up to you, protect if you are soloing a lot, fracture if not, its ok low level and has some situational use at 60

just chugging potions is probably more effective than taking cure


I'm a Ninja main at the moment so I'm going to need that < Z >.


Very useful website, thanks.

fucking loldrgs


At least it was fun as fuck to be a jihadist ninja and start the fight by blowing your ass up every 2 hours.

So how do you nerds think they'll implement those combat changes they mentioned once in somewhat recent history?

I hope it ends up in some PLD buffs because goddamn what a waste is to level this to 60 currently. And nerf SCH too fuck sake

I'm pretty sure it was more of a mechanics thing and getting rid of useless skills or making it so you don't need as many buttons to keep track of or something, not just buffs and nerfs.

God Bless America

So half of PLD skill tree

I bet they play a potato as well.

Potatoes are shit but god damn, keep your hate boner contained a little.


fucking drgs. do you know how nice it was to get 48tp back from a single Sturmwind? Do you know how nice it was to get 72tp back from a single Raging Rush? and then they ruined it. because of fucking DRGs.


T. Potato.

Everytime you meme like a retard something into oblivion it loses its meaning. After a while no-one will remember why people despise potatoes. Here have a reminder for you to think about

A thread or 2 back didn't someone know how to fix the fact that all glowing weapons appear as white? I'm having it as well with the standard graphic settings and no idea how to fix it. Pic unrelated.

Turn on Glare

I dunno man. Smug is really chill and not gay.

>being in a guild called



My guess is that since you are in a guild based on "lel internet h8 machine" people must feel that they need to keep up the act. Like it is the only thing people know about you that defines you so you just keep reinforcing it. Kinda how like introverts who don't actually talk to people and are really shy, still go to anime cons dressed like retards. It is like expected so people conform to that expectation to be "one of the guys gays" so to speak.

Sorry if that was too meta for you.

Balmung was a mistake

Maybe you should stop projecting about your own inability to stop being a meme spouting retard. Smug is pretty chill.

plebian tbh. oh how i long for the days of ff11, when you could run away in jeuno shouting about your (Incredibly Tough) (trousers) (worm). still, you can do passably well making lewd stuff in the autotranslator here.

Time for another 10 hours of leveling through POTD just to have people at max level laugh at me anyway because they think I'm a shitter who went out of his way to grind a Kinna weapon.


dead game dead thread

potd is actually really enjoyable solo it's like playing a dungeon crawler
fuck mimicks though pox is bullshit


better start posting [email protected]/* */

now I'm glad the thread is dead

Apparently the anons mad at 8ch guilds are the ones who got kicked for being too autistic themselves. Kek.

Why aren't we allowed to remake the thread as soon as it hits bumplock anyways? Mark is the dumbest kike

Because only certain games get special treatment here. Everyone knows that.

c@ in h@
God, I love this hat. Do the Flames and Treefuckers get cool hats?

new thread

Treefuckers get yellow, vaguely russian looking caps.