So in T-Minus 1 hour since the creation of the OP of this thread the HCE server will be ready for testing in preparation of the Saturday gamenight. The server will be unofficially open prior to this, however it will be unstable and prone to random restarts and changes as the settings are tweaked.
JOINING THE TEST FIRE >>>/fs/18 A pocket client of HCE is there, both in torrent nad a mega version with maps so you won't be spending every waking minute downloading them after a game. Pirate and legitimate installs will be able to connect to the server all you need is the following
Connecting Either in the server browser look for a server named Holla Forums8 Halo CE server
or connect via direct IP
One last step, to actually join you need the password below
password IS case sensitive.
Server info Dedicated?: No Location: US East Server program: SAPP
SERVER IS LIVE NOW Map rotation being added to few fun gimmick maps like top down shooter style maps and implementation of infection incoming
David Foster
Server still alive, also does the server have the hyrule map?
Jaxson Ward
I can add it to the rotation, server is up right now and I'm just checking maps. I've had the same Halo install on this thing for ages so half the maps I've forgotten.
also there are actually like 4 LoZ maps, do you mean the massive one?
Ayden Gutierrez
Jordan Anderson
Wasn't there a really good Zelda mod for HCE?
Bentley Scott
Yeah the huge one,
Ian White
The torrent is only 90mb. Give us a proper torrent and stop shilling for forced MEGA browser addons.
Hunter Turner
Get MegaDownloader. Or just click the "Download through your browser" button on the download page.
Jayden Diaz
you literally don't have to use the addon
Asher Cox
O I believe you goy, MEGA literally dindunuffin.
Brandon Brown
This you can also use Jdownloader
server is currently beign tweaked so I'm AFK
the MOTD has everything you need to know. working on a lua script that allows you to pic kand vote for a map based on what I have in my maps folder meaning we can expand the maps available to not just those in the rotation file
Lucas Gonzalez
Get MegaDownloader you absolute retard.
Aaron Harris
Hey im in the game, do you know how to change the FOV? Also can you see me typing in the game, arent responding?
Ayden Young
HAC 2 has a build in FoV slider hit F7 IIRC or look up HAC 2 documentation
Henry Price
working on infection gamemode right now
it's amazing how much some craft lua scripting can be done to make a gamemode not readily available in the game work. I should see if headhunter has a lua script for it.
Tyler Russell
why not post in the other halo thread
Anthony Rodriguez
because that's Halo Online, not Halo Custom Edition
Brayden Wilson
You fucking cancer you have to go back.
Luis Stewart
look at the latest posts, they talk about CE and custom maps and shit.
Adrian Jenkins
Dead server, save for host and 2 faggots
Robert Phillips
Becayuse that's most likely me
server still up
Aiden Jackson
Hard restart so SAPP would recognize the infection gametype
Nathaniel Diaz
and I switch gametypes as someone joins without realizing, sorry Big Guy
Samuel Cox
It's okay, I forgive you
Kevin Clark
yeah tonight is just a test anyways, I wasn't expecting anyone to join really. I'm going through to rotation and a big reason why I want people to grab the 11 gig download is because that way any changes we make to the map rotation won't result in half the server waiting to download a map at a time
Alexander Morris
Is the server still up?
Benjamin Martin
yep, still undergoing testing so expect random map changes, sudden restarts of SAPP (which doesn't affect you) and other things
I'll post a update when the server goes down, well 30 minutes prior
Hudson Martin
Just one of the maps that's definitely in the rotation for saturday
Lincoln Wood
Right almost done compiling the server rotation, will post a pastebin of all the maps being played. it'll essentially be just the rotation map list in text format
Andrew Morris
Multi team vehilces work, a feature implemented in Halo 2, working in Halo 1 and it synchs
Joseph Evans
Also if you have no text in multiplayer I'll link to a fix hang tight and add it to the OP come gamenight
Zachary Diaz
yeah that is a problem, everything else seems fine though aside from the occasional lag jumps, but that might just be me
There's a LUA script supposedly that grabs maps from the map folder and just randomzied gamemodes with the maps available but the script itself is gone and I can't find it so it's more or less this painstakingly put together
Robert Rogers
how playing are playing currently?
Camden Walker
wew I meant how many people are playing currently. I guess none
Luke Baker
well tonight was just testing
Saturday night is the real deal. I've got an infection gamemode working through scripts and it's yet to be properly test, the script works but I added a bit to have it load through SAPP when the map and GT are loaded
Camden Torres
>>>/oven/ You brony scum.
Jose Richardson
I downloaded the mega from >>>/fs/18 That's all I need right?
Jason Wright
This was my favorite multiplayer game as a kid but my PC is dead since there was a flood in my house, i really wish i could be playing with you anons. Fuck im sad now.
Lincoln Peterson
It looks like it has all the maps needed.
Samuel Edwards
It's Saturday today, is the server ready yet?
Eli Cook
Yeah i want my videogames
Bentley Myers
If I already have HCE am I good or do I have to redownload shit?
James Nelson
Saturday on EST
yep it has every map, except maybe a few that aren't on Halomaps. but I'll link them in the OP of the gamenight thread
Jason Campbell
Yeah Custom Edition and HAC 2, the download on /fs/ has the HAC2 packaged with it already so no need.