Batman's one of the most feminine hero there is...

Batman's one of the most feminine hero there is. Every little aspect of his character is speak to something that a woman can relate to. Specially traumatized women.

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>>116357575You seem like a snarky faggot OP

>>116357604Why? You don't even know me.

When are we going to get the retcon that Joe Chill didn't shoot the Wayne's but instead raped Bruce

>>116357631You're basically saying "I love cock" but with other words

>>116357665I'm lesbian, dude.

>>116357678>cock lover in denial

>>116357575>>116357678Why are fujos so disgusting?>inb4 its not shipping!I know but this reeks of a 40 y/o roastie trying to fagship bruce or anyone

Bullshit. Batman can drive.

>>116357575>Implying men can't be traumatized. As is Batmans whole character origin

>>116357678if lesbians don't love cocks why do you buy dildos?

>>116357732It's not about shipping, but about Bruce as a character.He grew up as a boy being targeted by everyone around him simple for being a Wayne heir. Everyone around him treated him as a prize to be won because they wanted to gain his favor. That's something any woman can relate to.Then you've the tragedy in his life with him growing up with this feeling powerlessness.The character has this fragility you don't find in a lot of male characters.

>>116357678No, you're a man,

>>116357575Ever hear of Batwoman? She's got some god alighty trash show going on right now. She's traumatized from rape and abduction as a kid or some shit, as well as being a dyke like you.

If OPs bait wasnt too glaringly obvious to you fucking retards, "I'm a lesbian" should've really clued you in.

>>116357850What is your point?And what if he was "feminine" (whatever that means)

>>116357850>bullying and being incapable of magically solving all your problems makes you a womanThen Stardust the Super Wizard is the only actually male character in comics.

>>116357884I think we're just trying to force a triple down for the trans card.

>>116357882Who cares about her?

>>116357850That's basically Spider-Man character

Attached: Far-From-Home.png (601x301, 77.83K)

>>116357850This is a damned if you do, damned if you don't kinda hypocritical mindset. You're saying Bruce is feminine because he had feelings of powerlessness that led to his vigilante career, but if we don't include some kinda weakness it's problematic. Can't we just have characters without you trying to make them a fag or some shit? Moments of weakness don't make us feminine, or less of a man. And if you do think that, you're basically equating Weak = Female.

>>116357885>>116357896Not bullying. I don't remember Bruce being bullied as a kid outside of Tommy. I'm talking about Bruce growing up with everyone wanting a piece of him for whatever reason because of his prestige and money. From grown ups to youngsters. How growing up feeling like a target influenced his character and how that's not something most boys get to experience.Or how the loss of his parents traumatized him in such a way that made him growing up with this growing feeling of powerlessness. Even his desire to wanting to be change himself into something more aggressive is compelling under this optic.

>>116357575What's feminine about the Batmobile?

So batman is trans?

>>116358036No. I'm not saying Batman is gay or that Batman is trans. He's obviously male and het. I'm just talking about how there's this very feminine side to his character that i've never thought about before. Perhaps that might explain why so many girls are into Batman. I certainly am.You guys see everything as a trolling attempt. I just want to discuss about this side to the character. It isn't an attack.

>>116357575Isn't that just Griffith

>>116357575Batman is the most masculine hero there is tho. Everything is about personal responsibility. Dedication. And self improvement. Literally nothing like women at all who like to be carried and if they arent carried as far men can go by themselves, they play the victim card until the government put some quotas or laws for them. Batman is about owning and conquering your destiny. Women is about to cry until some faggot gives them something.

>>116358010So would a female character with character development of feelings of being disposable, or expectations to provide, and sacrifice yourself for the benefit of others be masculine? Don't think most girls have those types of expectations during their lives.

>>116357804Technically his car usually drives for him.

>>116358115Wow. You've issues.

>>116358118Sorta. At the very least i think that's something a male reader could identify with? Not that there aren't women who go through things like that.

>>116358010I'm having a really hard time following your kind of logic.

>>116358177My kind of logic is that Bruce Wayne/Batman as a character have a lot to him that any woman can identify with. He shares a lot of characteristics and burdens that any woman can relate to. I just found that neat. Just that.

>>116358115When was the last time a woman said she liked you?

>>116358010Again, this shit can easily be applied to Spider-Man and other characters as well. With several figures kids and adults being obsessed over him due to his genius and looks, his Spider-Man persona literall created to be a more agressive person etc

>>116358221I'm not into Spider-Man, but he feels like the typical nerd kid who gets to be a jock eventually kind of troupe, but with a superhero bent. Maybe there's some overlap with the Ugly Bettys?

>>116357850I get where your coming from I'm actually trying to make a "female batman" comic right now because I think the only way to remove the character from this current deadlock is to remove the macho big boss self annihilation themes and push the character towards the utilitarianism and pushing ahead even when the world constantly decides who you are which often happens with girls

>>116358095Griffith is a chad

>>116358171I mean, there are plenty of trophy husbands, or attractive women marrying ugly rich men. But most women aren't told when they're growing up "You need to get a job so you can provide for your family.", also, in the US there still hasn't been a decision, since it came up in like 2017, on whether or not women should be forced to sign up for the Selective Service like men are. There will always be exceptions, but the vast majority of men and women don't know what if feels like to be in the other's shoes. A lot of men cherish the attention they get, because of how little they get any of it, but women don't because of how much of it they get.

>>116358248I'm just saying that your description easily fit Spider-Man more than any other character and I'm starting to realize Spider-Man character is far closer to a woman than a man.

>>116358252Right? I honestly feel that if you were to change Batman into a woman for an Elseworlds type of tale or something very little would need to be changed about his character and mythos, if anything at all. Maybe a lot more could explored that is already there. I just find it all so weird, but also very neat;>>116358281Since you know more about Spider-Man than me i'd like to hear your opinion on the matter.

>>116358137Yes. The issue is called reality.>>116358213Yesterday. Im lucky I got one of the few decent women left on the planet. I talk like this every fucking day and even her has to admit that Im right...because well, I AM right. Batman is about forging your destiny. Confronting it directly and changing it with your fists. Practically old school fascism with benevolent intentions. Women just play the victim card, like you are doing right now, until they get some moral or law welfare from simps.Again, Batman is one of the most masculine characters you could have ever written. And "lol we have traumas too" is not enough. Because a traumatic event is just a setting. what the character does with the trauma is the character.

This can be a great example of what characters should be. Each of us see what we want in a character, it is how We envision them ourselves. But there is enough to the character that anybody can value it in their own way, even if it's never the same as anybody else. OP is a lesbian and has stated she like Batman for how he is, but also sees value in an aspect they see in him.

>>116358313Well his early run makes way more sense if you genderbent everyone, like the whole harem shit with the girls agressively porsuing him even though he's a literal who and awkward weirdo and even fighting over him while he's quite submissive to all of them. They also seem to treat him as some kind of trophy.

>>116358365I just find odd how you're filled with this anger. You could make your point across without all the vitrol.

>>116357678>>116357830 OH NO NO NO NO!!

>>116357575.t ironman fan

>>116357575>X Is one of the most feminine hero there is. Every little aspect of his character is speak to something that a woman can relate to. Specially traumatized women.Tits or GTFO.

>>116357575The feeling of helplessness doesn't define masculinity or femininity, especially when it is experienced as a child. Its one thing you find it in a character and related to it, but it doesn't make him feminine.

>>116357678i thought you were American

>>116357575Nope.Batman is a super unhealthy PTSD avoidance cluster. The super-self transformative avoidance reaction is a very male pattern.Batman is essentially a childhood trauma spiralled out of control in a boiling vat of toxic masculinity.

>>116360766>toxic masculinityThat term has no meaning. Anything a man does that isn't being a onions guzzling femboy is toxic to you.

>>116357850What? His backstory is literally just random mugger makes parents dead, gets mad, grows to be bat themed Sherlock Holmes. Where are you getting this "targeted" thing?

>>116360766>childhood trauma spiralled out of controlNope, that would be something a lot more destructive to both himself and society. Drugs, crime etc.

>>116357575just when i thought op couldn't be more of a colossal faggot, i keep getting proven wrong.

>>116360865The term very much has meaning. Twatters just use it wrong.Bruce Wayne is taking massive psychological damage that goes largely untreated and is expected to get better by himself.The stiff upper lip and walk it off approach here is an unrealistic societal expectation he conforms to and is being harmed by.That he is effectively self-medicating on power fantasy instead of seeing a professional to become as functional as one can be as a plutocrat with inherited wealth is an outcome of toxic masculinity enforced by his surroundings.

>>116357678You're just a man in drag, sicko

>>116361149>batman needs therapy because toxic masculinity

>>116361031Oh, excuse me. Spiralled into an obsession with control and order.Jumping around in a bat costume to punch who he decides is a criminal is not healthy. Also very illegal.Just because he found an outlet for his violent fight with fear that is tolerated by Gotham doesn’t change that he is lashing out.

>>116358137>>116358115Female hands typed these posts.

>>116361300Batman has not gotten therapy and was thrust into a position of power and expectations because of a toxic ideal of masculinity.Had he been treated correctly, he should not have become Batman.

>>116357961She's just saying that women like sensitive vulnerable guys, in part because women relate to them more, but she's tying herself into verbal knots to do it

>>116361430Then you wouldn't have a comic book.Stop deconstructing things and go away.

>>116357678You can easily be cured with a good dicking

>>116361149>>116361430How more functional can Bruce Wayne get? Hes operating at peak levels almost all the time for the benefit of Gotham and the world at large. Batman not existing would be worse for everyone.>>116361321There is nothing controlled about lashing out. You couldn't make a coherent argument to save your life. Almost everything Batman/Bruce Wayne does is for the benefit of others. Hes a hero in his story; all his actions stem from his altruism instilled into him by his parents. Stop applying real world rules and laws onto a cape character.

>>116361430>he should not have become Batmanyou are trying to rationalize the actions/mentality of a comic book character as if it were a real person that suffered the same tragedy in the real world...the argument is stupid. This is a world where Superman exists and magic is real....why the hell wouldn't a billionaire dedicate his life to fight crime after the murder of his parents from a mugger? It's called fiction for a reason.

>>116361435That's a fair point, really. She's just bad at writing it out.

>>116361805I was just trying to refute the claim that Bruce having distinctly female problems when the opposite is true.Naturally a pathologization and even diagnosis of a character this malleable and distinct across iterations is not helpful for a literary analysis of the character given the premise of the genre.

>>116357850Person has a difficult life and doesn't think about their own decisions or special circumstances. Offsets all their difficulties onto a persecution complex built around their race/gender/orientation. Many such cases!

>>116357678Lesbians are not real.

>>116357575>Now ThisAnd into the trash it goes.

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>>116357575not a single word you said there is true.And I hate Batman

>>116361430>worlds greatest detective uses all available resources and skills to improve a shithole, basically-condemned city to ideally make a better place for future citizens>even refuses to resort to killing and condemns straight revenge for being unhealthy and unproductive>"he's just mentally unwell!"