What older characters will show up? (It has been confirmed that it'll happen by the way)
Star Trek
>>116345838They'd ruin quark by just defaulting him to a shitty "lol evil capitalist" instead of actually providing any nuance to his character. Hell that goes for all the characters since nuTrek writers aren't actual fans of the franchise and only know what the stereotypes of each older character is. Look at the amount of idiots that think Kirk is just a sex drunk chauvinist.
He's gonna get his own starship, isn't he?
>>116345997Oh, please, his coworkers don't even remember he works with them
>>116345838I hope none of the TNG characters show up.Shit, I hope none of the DS9 characters show up. Even they don't deserve to be in nuTrek.What the fuck even is the idea behind this show? Star Trek society is utopian with "grunt work" all automated or eliminated. The people we're following aren't even crewmen they're ensigns, officers who graduated from starfleet academy, a single step below an LT.So far I've only seen one clip which was the black girl unloading green stink gas from the holodeck - fucking why? What is it? Why does it need to be moved by hand instead of through pipes or transported? Why is an officer doing that work at all?SHUT UP IGNORE STAR TREK LORE NERD LAUGH AT BLAST SHIELD SONG AND JACK OFF TO GREEN GIRL
>>116345838I hope Worf will show up, looking like always so we can finally say goodbye to shitty STD redesign
>>116345997After DS9, he becomes faculty at Starfleet Academy.>>116346083It means they're the college educated grunts.
>>116346083People wank "Federation is Utopia" to much. Each series shown alot proof its not fully that utopic beyond Picard speeches
>>116346173>they're college educated gruntsNo, they're elite junior officers whose primary duty is to learn from senior officers so they can replace them. An ensign's duties generally boil down to shadowing other officersEnsigns are allowed to take on emergency duties as high up as the fucking captain's chair.>>116346191Literally the entire fucking point of Star Trek is to portray a utopian human society you living chunk of fennel
>Guys lets make an animated comedy about Star Trek grunts lol>Do we know anything about Star Trek?>Nah but fuck it who cares STINK GAS IN THE HOLODECK
>>116346254>>116346278You realize the series title comes from an episode of TNG dedicated to the crew members who do the scut work around the Ent-D? And in response to the sperg out about green stink gas, this is a setting where power distribution amounts to piping plasma throughout a ship and into display panels. It's a setting where the antimatter annihilation reactor failsafes have to be manually activated. It's a setting where you can override control of the ship through a computer terminal in a hallway. It's a setting where there have only been 2 major non-com characters because Gene Roddenberry decided that in space there is no enlisted despite having an enlisted character in TOS played by an actress he was banging. I don't know what show you're describing, but it doesn't sound like you were watching Star Trek.
>>116346417Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
>>116346417It's a setting where the basic comedic setup they're establishing doesn't function.You could make a good Star Trek comedy about the non-bridge crew or making fun of ST tropes but this show is not that.
>>116346417How much are they paying you?
>>116345838>tfw no orion sidecut gf
>>116346191It's not that it 'is' the perfect utopia, it's that the people are enlightened to the point that they work toward betterment of not only themselves but of those around them, and their futures. They find fulfillment and satisfaction in their everyday lives working toward a better tomorrow. How would you describe a utopia?
>>116346499You can't argue the quality of a show that hasn't been released yet, just give your opinions on the trailer. And the basic setup works fine, considering it's literally an expansion of a pre-existing episode concept done as a comedy. Whether or not it will be good is another story.
>>116345862Wow, do you work for the show?
>>116346635Do you really trust the current producers of star trek after Discovery and Picard?
>>116346632>You can't judge the show it's not out yet>Also the basic set up works fine, I've made this judgement based just on the trailer
>>116346632>BLAST SHIELD SONG BLAST SHIELD UP BLAST SHIELD DOWN BLAST SHIELD BLAST SHIELD>LOLOLOL SHE'S IN STAR TREK BUT SHE'S DOING A GROSS THING>Kurtzman nu-trekI can argue the quality of the show just fineIt's cute that some people still have hope for this franchise after Discovery and Picard
>>116346543sidecuts are hideous
>>116346632The basic comedic setup is these characters being forced to do cleanup and other such gross or dirty jobsThe problem is those jobs wouldn't exist at all in the setting
>>116346654Wait, what?! The same people creating live action shows are now the writers and creators of fucking cartoons?! I've never heard of that!
>>116346701I wish I agreed but I’m a sucker for women with short hair and sidecuts aren’t an exception.
So after this and the Nick show tank and lose funding half a season in who will Viacom sell the Star Trek license to?My money's on SyFy
>>116345838They will look ugly. I would much prefer the Sealab look from the classic cartoons.
>>116346673Well yes, because the basic setup is contained within the trailer but not the entirety of the show.>>116346707ST has long shown that those job exist in the setting. It's even a plot point in DS9 and VOY that they're starting to use holograms to carry out those tasks. At best you could argue that those jobs would be phased out since the holograms could do it, but then you'd be opening a can of worms because the show is set post-VOY - why have a doctor when a medical hologram is just as good?
>>116346848>ST has long shown that those job exist in the settingShow me the episode where barred officers are removing green goop from the holodeck
>>116346848watthe holograms were taking over jobs like doctor and singer and soldiernot trash collector
>>116346543>>116346701Sidecuts, like short hair, look spectacular on already beautiful women.
>>116345838>Thinking this slop will run past s1I mean,they might have ordered 2 seasons in advance but it has no audience and other than the usual paycheck chasers no previous actors will want to be associated with another dumpster fire.Delancier will never, ever show up as Q.
>>116346893In Voyager's "Author, Author", it's shown that the EMH holograms in the Alpha Quadrant have been retired from the medical office, and repurposed to mine dilithium in dilithium mines.
>>116346884Show me where canon states that pipped officers cannot remove green goop from the holodeck. Strictly speaking, it's closer to Roddenberry's vision than O'Brien existing.
>>116346632>Can't judge a show off it's official trailer which was comprised of the best footage they haveCopeIt's just Rick & Morty lite, totally squanders it's premise and shows a bunch of unlikable jack offs bullying each other.If you want a bunch of animated assholes abusing each other in space, go watch archer1999. A least that shows writers understand the material they parody.
A blue collar Star Trek comedy show should have ripped off Planetes, not Rick and Morty.
>>116346893>>116346978The episode "Life Line" stated they were also used to crew waste transfer barges. Also the DS9 episode "Doctor Bashir, I Presume" showed that Starfleet was working on full-fledged holographic doctors to replace biological ones on a permanent basis.
>>116346499Here.I'll green text you a better comedy trek setup in a handful of characters:>Regular star ship >Follows the night shift crew>They are all less experienced but can do the fucking job>All the cool stuff happens while they are sleeping>They have to clear up the mess left by day staff>Both shifts gloss over details when they hand over like actual work shifts do
>>116345838Not making a thread for this, but anyone has video of scenes from DS9 featuring Quark and Rom, but dubbed in Japanese?I might have just enough understanding of Japanese vocabulary to have a new appreciation of it.
>>116347084That makes even less sense.
>>116345838Why is star trek run by nonfans of the show
>>116347084Except Planetes suck ass. Tried watching it, liked the premise a lot, but what they did with it is ignore it as much as possible to cram as many sitcom tropes as possible with zero originality. And they are not even trying, like they made character archetype and will make them work as those archetype even if it doesn't work with the plot.I absconded this show after the episode where they go an a theme park and the B plot was a character accidentally interrupting a shooting scene because he thought it was real.
>>116346551What you are saying I would describe as propaganda Not supported by what we seen in case of Humanity of Federation, especially away from most prestigious SF ships, installations or Fed planets
>>116346632You can also guess based on how much they’ve shit on your plate in recent memory.>>116346654Enough to give it a shot. My expectations are low since Kelvin.>>116347126Wasn’t that robot chicken already? And the one where data had the bridge?
>>116346978Ahh yes, the famous midship dilithium mines.You're grasping at straws
>>116347274>say that holograms aren't being given menial jobs>get BTFO with a citation>move the goalpostsFucking cringe.
>>116347274See: >>116347116They literally turned the EMH Mark 1 into trashmen. >>116347205It's a delicate balancing act. Non-fans are needed to keep the fans in check, as otherwise things tend to get heavily self-referential, stagnant, and dominated by favoritism. At the same time fans are needed to keep true to what drew people to the property in the first place and to insure setting cohesiveness. Ideally though you want people who appreciate the setting and property but who can compartmentalize what they like and what they want against the realities of showrunning and the desires of the audience.
>>116347425What horse shit is thisCBS needs to stay true to Roddenberry's idea. If he was still alive he would never have green lit voy,ent,std,picard,this shitNever.He actively fought against the network's trying to dumb his IP down. Star trek is a well established IP. If you want a new IP fucking make one.
>>116345997>>116346018So, did one of the writers really hated his gut, or did he get some kind of weird boner making his life miserable?
>>116347579It's catnip, isn't it?
>>116347361No, I was saying those jobs don't exist on fucking starshipsI know you have the memory of a goldfish but do try to keep up with the thread.
>>116347567"O'Brien Must Suffer" was basically a required episode plot at least once a season. The writers knew that pretty much the entire audience loved and identified with the character so they knew they'd get the best reaction by putting him through the wringer.>>116347522Roddenberry was a two-faced, drug-addicted sleazeball of a subpar writer and most of Star Trek's best and most beloved moments came after his power and influence over the show was reduced to practically nothing.
>>116347663Ah yes, I remember that speech Picard gave in TNG season one about how as a society and culture humanity have moved beyond the need to poop.
>>116346417>non-comThe heck is that?
>>116347756Non-commissioned officer, i.e. enlisted. Specifically I'm referring to Miles O'Brien and Janice Rand.
>>116347579>When the background characters look more interesting than the mainOops
>>116347222>Not supported by what we seen in case of Humanity of FederationBut it does match up with what we saw. Individuals struggling doesn't disprove the concept cause it isn't that people are all perfect now. The concept is people have enough support, freedom and a culture that lets them focus on bettering themselves and humanity. Where many basic needs are met. They still can encounter problems but society is much better at helping you work through them. Again, the point is not that everyone is perfect. But when your basic needs are met and you aren't being oppressed focusing on betterment becomes much easier. Thus episodes of NG are often about a character working through a personal issue because they have the space to. > especially away from most prestigious SF ships, installations or Fed planetsYeah cause no one said the whole universe was now a utopia. The whole point is earth figured something good out while other cultures are developing. Often in different ways.
>>116347742Poop is transported into the matter storage for replicators.Automatically.No one brings a giant container of shit to a disassembly room
>>116347756It's a cutesy term Tumblr uses for rape porn. It's not problematic if you don't call it what it is.
>>116347241>Wasn’t that robot chicken already? And the one where data had the bridge?TNG did an episode that explored the concept, but it was played straight. They otherwise never explored what the rest of the crew was dealing with when the random space adventures affect the whole ship but we only see the bridge crew dealing with it. When you look at it, stuff like Data going crazy happens A LOT, but he also gets away with it because he is otherwise hyper competent. Imagine that from the perspective of some grunt in engineering replace gel packs or what-the-fuck-ever. You go weeks at a time without seeing the android, then he commandeers the whole ship and locks everyone out while he dicks around on some jungle planet. A few weeks later some probe has implanted multiple personalities in him, and a month after that he's randomly popping up on workstations because a power surge imprinted part of his programming on the ship's computer.Other times its just genuinely weird shit like that time they were flung to another galaxy and thoughts became reality or everyone turned in to cave men or the ship got hijacked by feringi and everyone was looking at becoming a slave in the mines, but while the was happening the captain was also turned in to an 8 year old.
>>116345838There was that one species being mind controlled by a race of hideous immortal worms but everyone was cool with it
>>116347898She's not a background character.
I just hope Tendi finds herself in silly and fetishy situations
>>116350130Pretty sure this shit show is about the teen titans not justice league but feel free to cope in anyway you can bro.
>>116345838Spock will make an appearance using voice lines edited together from TOS.
>>116346191The point is that people in Tru-Trek try to better themselves and their society. The Federation in Discovery and Picard is a hellhole populated by 21st century millennials and evil boomers, since that's the only kind of person modern writers can write, apparently.
>>116346191Federation was literally intended to be "perfected socialism" because even in the 1960s we can't escape commie retard soibois. Any GRIMDARK added later on is because people who aren't total faggots realized the story needs some actual conflict rather than the Super Good Guy Alliance going around fixing everything with their magic fixit guns.
>>116351351It's also post-scarcity. Energy is free and can literally be converted into whatever material possessions or supplies you want.
>>116351686The federation represented an ideal to strive for, it wasn't achievable yet still humanity tried to be something better, some aliens joined them, others did their own thing.Grim dark shit only flooded the market in 2012 after dark knight changed the trending lists, as a cream cheese brained millennial you won't know any different. And thats fine but the gritty personal drama blood gore is not compatible with an IP like star trek.
>>116351928Roddenderry was literally a socialist and the federation represents the only situation in which socialism could work- one in which all matter can be immediately changed into a different form, ensuring there is no "supply and demand". Ironically of course this makes Roddenderry's meme even more unrealistic, since a society which has no need to exploit stellar resources has little reason to expend the time and energy expanding into space in the first place, while also conveniently handwaving the fact that the new conflict would be over energy resource rights to power their matter converters. I'm sorry your favorite childhood show which is inferior to Star Wars anyway happens to be the result of some faggot's delusional commie mindset.
>>116351351Twist- the writers are actually Gen Xers.
>>116352000I think they are, actuallyKurtzman hires writers based on everything BUT skill
>>116351985Not even sure who you are trying to bait. There has always been conflict over dilithum and new energy sources in every trek series because everyone burns so much power. I think you should go back to pol, they will love you.
Remember when Kirk got raped?
>>116353911Remember when Spock summoned Lucifer and Kirk argued in court he was an alright guy really and it was all just a prank?
Maybe somebody from Voyager? If Commander Ransom is the son of Captain Ransom of the Equinox I could see him having a couple scenes with the last people who saw his father alive.
>>116354177Remember when the Enterprise became self aware and started pranking everyone even the Romulans?
>>116351985>while also conveniently handwaving the fact that the new conflict would be over energy resource rights to power their matter converters.Wasn't fighting over dilithium crystals with competing civilizations a repeated issue in Star Trek? Or was that just TOS?
>>116352463>>116351985>>116355689While there have indeed been squabbles between major powers over things like large deposits of dilithium, this is only for massive government/military applications. The kind of massive naturally-occurring dilithium that can contain an annihilation reaction large enough to run a starship.Everyday societal needs are easily provided by artificial dilithium which is essentially infinite in supply.
>>116355666Satan, can you please explain why the Romulans are using Klingon ships?
>>116355666>1:01 to 1:03>Far left of the webmThat Star is hauling ass
>>116356210The Romulans started using Klingon designs for some reason. Out of universe the Romulan ship model was lost or destroyed.
>>116356269How fucking hard could it possibly be to make a ship model? Like, I know it costs money but come the fuck on.
>>116356320very since they were custom made for the show and the budget was already spent and no one is going to wait a few weeks for new props to be made. why do you think props get reused?
>>116356269But this is a cartoon and the model thing doesn't offer an in-universe explaination.
>>116357327Maybe the model issue isn't relevant for the cartoon, but regardless, Romulans using Klingon designs is canon.
Just about the only way this show will be able to win people over in the first episode is if they shit all over Discovery and Picard and I don't see that happening.
Personally, I hope they visit the gangster planet again.
>>116358024I want to see Zeon again.
>>116356320The budget was so short during the 3rd and final season that they had to borrow sets from westerns filming in nearby studios, and when they couldn't do that, they literally filmed an episode in a black, nearly empty room. They absolutely did not have the funds to make new props.
If I were going to run a Star Trek-esque game, set on a starship exploring new galactic territory, what departments should I have and what sort of ranking system should I use? Can anyone suggest cool uniform designs?
>>116345838They'll have Old Scotty back and for maximum insult get Simon Pegg to voice him. Hey, it could happen. If Pegg will voice goddamn Dengar in The Clone Wars he'll voice Scotty in a shitty cartoon.
>>116346710>executive produce Alex Kurtzmando you like being retarded?
>>116357616You are getting diet rick and morty and you are going to watch it with a gaping mouth full of chocolate almond milk.
>>116358622Lower Decks is being run by a guy that wrote his own fanfic for TNG season 8. Have some faith.
>>116345997Oh honey he doesn't need a starship to fly any more
>>116347214Read the manga, But listen to the anime ost while you do.The anime amplified the most annoying aspects of the characters for some reason and added a bunch of random bullshit.The only thing the anime has over the manga is the soundtrack.
>>116358727>My style is I don't draw pupils
>>116358727>kurtsman and kronies still have years left on their contractslet it go anonthey will pump out garbage just to justify their salaries, the same way sony poops out a comic movie to keep hold of the IP
>>116358302Memory Alpha. They esentaily took the shit from the US navy.>>116347756>>116347832This gets changed between generations and series, and because writers cannot into millitary, but imagine two tracks. The Officer track, where people go to starfleet academy. Star trek uses Ensign as the lowest officer rank, so college interns still end up as ensigns.There's also the enlisted track. People who don't go to the academy, train in space community college, ect. These are VERY rare, as Roddenberry's initial plan didn't have them at all. In the old series it's generic "crewman".Even if you don't go to the academy crewmen can still get enough experience to be given responsibility. EG, Yeoman Rand and Chief Obrien, Chief Obrien is actually a petty officer.In Obrien's case, you have a situation where Chief Obrien, in the chain of command has to take orders from even the lowest ensign, like Harry Kim, Merrywether, Chekov, and motherfucking Wesley Crusher CAN order Obrien around, but under normal situations, Obrien will be supervising and training a bunch of ensigns and crewmen.
>>116347214Yeah, it suffered from being anime and having to do anime shit. Blue collar space labor would be a fantastic show though. And I think it has to be animated just so they can pull off zero-G and all the big stations shots. Otherwise it's just going to be 2 space-dudes in a box we never see out of.
>>116351928>And thats fine but the gritty personal drama blood gore is not compatible with an IP like star trek.I like the utopia angle. I really do. The progressive promised land where people just stop being assholes and start cooperating. It's a good message, you can still have conflict and drama. It's just not... antagonistic and backstabby. But the universe is big and to have a gritty gory drama.... all you need to do is step outside the federation. Cardasian space did it pretty well. I liked seeing just how a liberal pussy dealt with stepping outside of that utopia and dealt with scum sucking oppressive backstabbing assassins and pissed off former slaves.
>>116358727Those are fucking satirical barebones outlinesShit like "Alien monks think Riker is a demon and trap him in an orb. Geordi and Data make a movie."
>>116359565What do you mean?The Romulans are the soviet state with KGB operatives. I'd be all up on a show about some star fleet cadets on exchange to the Romulan academy and getting culture shocked and constantly tricked. That could be very funny...you dont even need to add dismemberment/vomiting/peepeepoopoovagoo mouth breather "humor"
>>116359855>Check the Twitter>They're all like this>"All this stuff is going in the cartoon guys!"
>>116356269>The Romulans started using Klingon designs for some reasonIf I remember correctly, the in-universe reason used to be that Romulan scientists were pretty much hilariously awful when it came to warp technology to the extent that their warships were impulse-powered only. I think the idea was that the Romulans had warp-powered tugs/mother ships that would tow their warships into patrol areas and then get the hell out of dodge; well, provided their warp engines didn't explode.Anyway, they worked out a technology sharing deal with the Klingons that got them warp technology that worked; probably in exchange for the cloaking device.At least, that's probably best the logic for that trade since the writers dropped the idea of Kruge's Warbird being a hijacked Romulan ship.
>>116357327The in-universe reason is a short-lived agreement between the Romulans and Klingons for tech transfer. The Romulans got Klingon ships and designs, the Klingons got cloaking devices. >>116359455"Crewman" is an actual rank for enlisted, with three classes, followed petty officer, which also has three classes, which is in turn followed by chief, senior, and master petty officer ranks. Although it should be noted that rank is not interchangeable with chain of command. O'Brien is a non-commissioned officer and as such could be ordered around by an ensign, but he was also chief of operations on DS9 and a member of senior staff, meaning he would have officers under his command.
>>116360536Don't worry, they won't even produce 20 episodes of this. It's DoA and the YouTube commentators will have higher viewership, even the mecha cringe girl.