This is Jucika, say something nice about her.
Jucika thread
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This is honestly the worst fucking comic I ever read and would be forgotten if the character was not qt 3.14.
>>116330758>This is honestly the worst fucking comic I ever readlucky.
>>116330758>readThere's nothing to read, there's no dialogue.
>>116330841Read the inside of my butt.
>>116330916I would but it's full of shit.
She's a cutie and also kind.
I wanna sniff her crotch.
I know she got married, but did she ever had kids?
Love is over for Jucika?
Lucky fish...
>>116333247Poor fish
>>116332741Its getting pretty forced at this point. Like the guy who thought we needed a /shelf/ thread 24/7, it eventually gets tiresome.
>>116330719She was tight when I raped her
>>116330719she has nice assi'd like to tit-fuck her ass
Japs like the art
>>116335928Japan likes funny cartoon girls with cute faces, nice boobs, long legs and constant wardrobe malfunctions that leave them naked or showing their underwear?
>>116330719I would gladly buy a published collection of her comics.
>>116336718Too bad even the people who edited her magazine don't care that the comic became popular again.
>>116336718>>116336964I'd either go to them and negotiate a contract to license the character and comics so I can publish a book, or publish the book without asking them and wait for them to sue me. If they sue me, I settle out of court and just give them the money I made with the book.If they don't sue (and there's a chance that they don't), I live the rest of my life happy and gay.
>>116337104Ha, you're gay.
>>116337135In the old sense.Op,I think people still love this gorgeous girl, but the threads need better OPs. If your OP is just one of the strips, in the catalog doesn't look good and it's missed by most.
>>116330992This simple combo is incredibly rare
>>116337104Maybe they'd do something if more Hungarian news sources realized that the comic's been trending for the past half year. I mean they make news stories about absolutely anything, one of the biggest Hungarian media outlets recently published an article about /mlpol/ of all things. But Jucika? Nothing, it's like the news that people like the comic hasn't reached back to her home country yet.
>>116337892You're from Hung?
>>116337035The only time she spoke?
I'm nominating her for miss Holla Forums
>>116338752You're at least 3 months too late...
does anyone have the jucika mod for 100% orange juice?
>>116339334No, but I wanna.
>>116339055Anon, the Holla Forumslympics don't start until September
I wanna sniff her crotch and touch her butt.
At what age you think she lost her V?
>>116340680she never had one
>>116340692Was born already fucked?
>>116339334>flag in her buttHot.
>>116330719I'd definitely take her to my bed and lie down on top of her
>>116337892Which is a good thing. I don't want foreigners reading our stuff, a brief fotm is okay.Also>reading Indexfucking lmao
>>116337892>it's like the news that people like the comic hasn't reached back to her home country yet.Dude, then it's up to you. Call your local newspapers, TV stations, email them, make them notice.Then bring here videos of the news and scans of the papers, that'll give life to these threads.
I needed these, depression hit really hard today.>>116338709Yes, indeed
>>116342525>depression hit really hard todayShit, dude.My wife gets depressed lots lately, because of the quarantine she can't visit her sisters or anyone.We'll cheer you the fuck up, don't worry. We'll post Jucika until you feel like new.I'll search her ass on Pixiv, see what I find.
I enjoy that a Hungarian man in the 50s made such a tasteful feminist character.
Pixiv seems to be a bad idea, everything there is already posted in the booru.
She is nice, too bad the guy dumping the comics on Twitter is a leftist fag.
>>116330719The country she lived in is not plagued by Corona very much.If Juicika was still made today I am sure so she would have a cute sexy comic about mask wearing. Yes, that is a happy thought.
>>116342610She was in the original sense, not the screaming, american internet cunt.
>>116330719I ship her and Everett True
>>116337892Where is it tending apart from Holla Forums? btw I'm from Hungary and I'm absolutely baffled by the daily threads about this ancient, obscure comic even thought I've wrote my BA thesis about the very same, now defunct magazine (once a mainstream humor publication infused with state-sanctioned socialist propaganda) that used to publish it.
>>116342764The only woman for True is Ma Hunkel.
>>116343207it was trending on twitter last year but i havent see much since then. its mostly just Holla Forums now
>>116341975>>reading IndexI just found a link to it while searching for something else and got curious, wouldn't go to that shitstain myself.>>116343207There's a couple Twitter accounts posting the strips. I don't recommend looking them up unless you're really curious. They usually devolve into the usual Twitter degeneracy and there have been a bunch of cunts calling the comic sexist and racist and all kinds of stuff.
>>116342629Relevant I guess.
>>116344677Imagine the smell
>>116343207Also some Japanese sites used to collect Twitter posts about Jucika, they seemed really interested in it. They even wrote a Japanese Wikipedia article on her.China used to be into Jucika too, they released a collection of the strips years ago as part of a book series about Western comics.
>>116344705That's just wack.
>>116337892>recently published an article about /mlpol/ of all thingsI have questions. What the actual fuck made them do a piece on an event that happened ~5 years ago? Had the merger been this years prank then maaaaaaaybe you could justify the relevance but that's just bizarre.
>>116345108Slow news day? They also talked about Nazism in the pony fandom in general, and by the looks of it, the authors were quite familiar with the subject -- which is unsurprising since Hungarians have historically been big horsefuckers.
Jucika makes communism SEXY!
>>116344705Very cool.
>>116344677Lucky bastard...
>>116336698Why are you in this thread?
>>116335599That is called "hotdogging" good sir.
why do i never understand these comics?
>>116346241Because it can be kind of a treasure hunt to find the elements making up the joke.
>>116345108Its a liberal news site that is about to be "restructured" by its owners because its bleeding money and became hysterical about "oppression" so now its nazis all day every day for them, no matter how tangential.
>>116346196>Why are you in this thread?Why are you here?Why wouldn't I be here?
What's the booru tag for just the original strips?
>>116346461The name of the author works for me.Although they really should have a special tag for them.
Dumping what I have, Anons. These comics always bring a smile to my face.
>>116337035>NIGGER> :)
>>116344689I am
Honestly, all I wish for is a cute woman who likes me for me and likes kids. That's it. That's all I've ever wanted. Not this house I own, not the car I bought, just a girl who likes being around me, doesn't have to love me, or be a certain race, just someone who would like to be around me and have my children.
>>116347371>>116347373You'll get that someday, user. But don't settle for someone who doesn't love you. I understand wanting companionship but you should also take care of yourself. Also remember that if you can find happiness on your own, you're a lot more likely to find a partner who will make you even happier. Happiness is something you won't get from a romantic partner alone, it has to start from within you. I hope you find someone, user. I'm rooting for you.
>>116347333If I'm getting that one correctly, Jucika was trying to steal a tree, got caught, and as part of her punishment she now has to cut logs?What does the text say?
>>116347128Man, this is just so good-spirited.
>>116342572Best of luck to ye user.
>>116347637>What does the text say?Jucika and the Christmas tree.
>>116347889And that's all for now, Anons. Hope these brightened your day a little.
>>116347852Did she just prostitute herself to Santa?
I like Jucika's talkative friend.
>>116336964>>116337104they pretty much abandoned the comics and are now some bland crossword magazine
>>116347373>just>have my childrenThat's a lot to ask, actually.
>>116348973There was an attempt a few years ago to re-launch the original magazine, it didn't go anywhere. Some still living members of the old crew who knew Jucika's creator sometimes post about it on their Facebook.
>>116348973and whomever has the rights to Jucika are not only too elusive to track down, they may not even be alive at this point
>>116349183>they may not even be alive at this pointThe rights still have to belong to someone. Those people, if dead, have to have living relatives.
>>116349530You'd have to track down Pusztai's heirs if he has any. Aside from that, I think Hungarian copyright expires seventy years from the author's death. So, wait until 2040?
>>116349683I won't wait, I'll just publish. If that smokes out the owners, good. If it doesn't, better.
>>116330811Agreed, everyone knows the worst comic of all time is Kit and Kay Boodle, may its creator be burning in hell
>>116330719Jucika a cute.
Damn communist helicopter lesbians.
>>116349849Hungary has an orphaned works section of its copyright law if you can't find the owner, but if you're operating outside of Hungary, it's copyright right law is moot and you would have to look up any copyright registrations in your country
>>116350102>may its creator be yiffing in hellftfy
>>116350159I used to play the bass for Communist Helicopter Lesbians.
>>116350102curiosity got the better of me and i searched it. i regret doing that
>>116334658I haven't seen a Jucika thread in weeks, it's not forced.
>>116350102>forgetting about moon over june or hathorPleb.
>>116349683Problem is, even the people who claim to have known Pusztai personally are untrustworthy. Case in point, they kept saying for years that Pusztai had a wife who hated his comics because the girls he drew were hotter than her. They also said she burned all the original strips out of jealousy. But on other occasions, they said this is all BS they just made up to mess with people. The magazine editors were shitposters back then and they're shitposters now.
>>116352148Linkara, get out.
>>116347373Anon, I'm going to assume you're a grown man. First of all, if you want a loyal partner, you need to put in some work to be desirable. No one is attracted to a sad sack that thinks a wife will magically appear in his life. Secondly, do you really want kids or do you living proof that you scored with a woman?
>>116336689I don't get it
>>116352368She can't do the traditional Hungarian bottle dance without spilling out the alcohol, so she drinks it and dances drunk instead with an empty bottle on her head.
>>116352324I make over 50k a year, and as I've stated in my post, own a house and car(a bmw 3). Dating life over 30 is awful, single moms everywhere and my only resort are dumbass 19-22 year olds. Every cute girl I meet is just some retarded cock-riding whore who just wants sex and take pictures of my house to tell their other whores that they're "living the life" even though it's a fucking facade. I'm really sick of this shit.
How much porn of her you think the author drew and never showed anyone?
>>116353191>Hundreds of Lewd Jucika pics hidden forever never to be found
>>116353269No, no.Not>Hundreds of Lewd Jucika pics hidden forever never to be foundIt's actually hundreds of CANONICAL Lewd Jucika pics hidden forever never to be found.
>>116333247>>116334615>imagine the bubbles
>>116350799and you wonder why Ludas Matyi is now a bland puzzle magazine.
>>116347193>>116347233>>116347319Jucika is too pure for this world, lads.>>116347830And this one swerves into the surreal. Is there a pun or some cultural reference I'm not getting?
>>116354185It's Jucika applying for a job at the magazine. The mag's title, Ludas Matyi comes from an old folk tale about a goose herder named Matyi or Mattie who was always accompanied by his pet goose, and they were also the magazine's official mascots.
>>116353434At least some of it got into the actual magazine. Censorship really wasn't consistent.
>>116353191How much would you wanna bet this strip was originally more "detailed" before he scribbled all that smoke over it?
>>116354375>it's a wigwhat the FUCK
Reminder that sex and dirty jokes is cheapest and lowest form of
>>116354585Yes, and?
>>116354291It's not even actually a folk tale, it was written right at the beginning of the 19th century as a humorous epic and was folk tale-ified due to its popularity
>>116354585Not gonna lie. Groucho sounds like an out-of-touch old man here.
>>116354534Its a joke
>>116354534It's a gag
>>116350102The creator died?
>>116352626>retarded cock-riding whoreWell, you sound like a fucking catch. I truly wonder why more mentally mature women aren't flocking up to you.
>>116350394There's a very real chance this comic was never copyrighted internationally.
>>116354585They are, which is why Jucika derives most of its comedy from situational humor that also happens to feature a sexy woman. If you pay attention most of the jokes aren't about sex at all, even if they do get her into revealing situations.
>>116355437There’s a kinda funny sad story about that. So the Kit n' Kay guy and his wife were good friends with the Albert Temple, creator of the apparently super influential (among furrys) comic Gene Catlow, and his wife. As you can probably guess from >pic related, he died and around that time KnK stopped updating. Turns out they were the same dude all along. Now, here’s the sad part: the wife? The one who had a threesome with her mother and also had a pretty notable online presence? Never existed and from what I heard he had a lot of other acquaintances who mysteriously stopped updating around the time he died too.
>>116354375At least that reveals that, in the canon, she has a smooth one.
>>116355193He was eighty years old there. He hadn't been "with it" for ages at that point.
>>116354585>sex and dirty jokes is cheapest and lowest form of entertainmentNo, sex and dirty jokes can be that, but they aren's necessarily the cheapest and lowest form of entertainment.
>>116347502Lawful Slut?
This comic should've never been rediscovered. Now Twitter thots think they're always in the right because jucika does it
>>116358133this, so many whores with pfps of her or people retweeting the comics with her being like "omg I feel this so hard"
>>116358133>>116358166What bad manners are they learning here?
>>116358133>>116358166That’s an argument I can't respect. The rediscovering of old media and art has a value so high, yo have to tolerate a few whores is a low price to pay.
>>116330916it says your gay.and have AIDS.
>>116347373I'd be okay with not having a wife even. I just want kids. It's quite hard for a single male to pull it off though.
i wish she had a bigger butt
>>116342764>48I thought True was from 1918?
>>116355771Woah. We are through the looking glass here, people.
>>116337035so is "eger" the word for mouse in whatever language this is