Mark for the love of fuck would you stop deleting actual vidya threads?

Mark for the love of fuck would you stop deleting actual vidya threads?
They're not even template threads, you just deleted a thread about characters who aren't savable and yesterday or the day before that you deleted a Titanfall thread for no reason.

Other urls found in this thread:

Check my dubs

Consider them checked, but it doesn't address the stick he's recently got up his ass.

was it really deleted or did it got bumped off? check the mod log


Real talk, is Mark a Holla Forumstard or an SJW? I've heard both.


I checked the log, and it shows he deleted them.

He's neither.

Read the things you just typed

I'm sure it's all threads he disgrees with. Happens to me too, user.


He not only banned me one time but deleted all posts connected to my IP one time even though they were in other unrelated topics, he's got some serious issues…