What "legendary" games haven't you played yet, Holla Forums?

You know, those games that nearly everyone regards as stellar, fantastic, epic or legendary? Which ones are still on your backlog?
And from the anons who have played the game of another user, why should or shouldn't we play them?

I personally have yet to play Ocarina of Time, and Final Fantasy 7, but I recently (finally) got around to Chrono Trigger and it fucking lived up to the hype. Fantastic storyline and plot pacing, amazing and interesting locales, satisfying and fun combat, a compelling diversity (lol) of characters, great soundtrack, and just the sheer level of cool stuff happening made me feel like I was a kid again.
What about you, Holla Forums? Where are you at right now?

Couldn't run it back in the day, now just don't see the appeal.

I never played any Final Fantasy on the PlayStation. Not 7, not 8, not 9. And I've played pretty much the rest of the series.

Havent played chrono or FF7. Its funny because I've have 2 copies of FF7 lurking around but one of the disks was missing. My brother borrowed one from a friend back years ago when he was in highschool. I couldnt tell you where the other copy came from. I moved 2 months ago and as I was cleaning I came across both missing discs. I guess I should give it a go at some point.

Probably Guilty Gear but that's because literally decades of people spamming of that trap Bridget pissed me off too much to play it. I do listen to the OST from time to time however.

This classic right here.

I know its good because all my friends have said it is great….too much homework made it impossible to actually play this fucker back in the day….anyway i should get it on xbone one soon just to see what the fuss is about.

Definitely do Chrono Trigger when you get the chance, I can attest to that for sure.
But try to play the DS version if you can, its the best one because glorious cutscenes done by Toriyama; they actually made the games moments feel FAR more impactful than I'd have expected, especially compared to the original
Don't get me wrong, seeing the sprites and whatnot do shit on the SNES version is cool and all, but this is clearly superior imo.

It was fun, I highly recommend doing it co-op with a friend if you get the chance though. It really helps it out. It was worth playing, at least many years ago, because of all the cool shit, and the bosses actually being interesting and challenging to fight against. The soundtrack is still good as always, but some of the exploration might get a little tedious, that's why I recommend a friend.

Any Zelda title
Any Final Fantasy
All MGS games except V
Any Half Life
Chrono Trigger
Beyond Good & Evil
Fallout 1&2
theres alot more too.

if my gold account had not expired id run through the campaign with you user. Its great.
