Linux Gaming

Let's have a thread about how it's FINALLY the year of the Linux gaming desktop. Please end my life.

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Well the upside is that Chivalry went on sale and is Linux supported. That was nice, but I just hit the upper end of the level spectrum and now everyone is exploiting. At least being a bowyer is still okay.

Why they couldn't have done it a decade earlier when good games were still coming out?

Gaben has really stopped pushing steamOS, shame since it was the only thing that could challenge microshills' monopoly and directx.

it didn't have very good marketing did it? i only ever saw Holla Forums shills talking about it and the steam machines.
i wish they'd open up the local streaming so i could just toss it on my htpc instead of limelight.


Found a pretty good hearthestone ripoff called faeria. It runs pretty well except for the dev council that won't stop popping up.

That screen looks like if Hearthstone and Settlers of Cataan had a baby. A miscegenated black baby.

Thats some major crap there, not even worth pirating


Yeah speaking of linux gay men, PPSSPP is fucking dying on me every time a cutscene needs to play. Apparently it's because of FFmpeg being a little bitch

How long until I get to play PPSSPP on Manjaro? Do i just downgrade to PPSSPP 1.2.2?

Year of the Linux PowerPC desktop!

Face it: We're stuck with shitty x86 instructions and a nigger rigged OS

most of the consoles are x86 garbage

Vulkan is set to take a lot of ground. Directx12 has done horribly so far and offers no performance boost with any title its used on.

And since vulkan works perfectly on GNU/Linux you see crazy shit that was never thought possible, video related.

i'd just use 1.2.2, since that's what i'm using and it works fine.
it sounds like using an oldish version of ffmpeg and building ppsspp solves it too.

what a gay

Enter the Gungeon is another good title I found for gahnoo. Would recommend. It is shameful how few games there are for us.

Is there a list of upcoming Vulkan games?

I'll try and tinker with those options inb4 I wreck everything as per usual.

One of the biggest problems with the Linux kernel comes from its licensing paradigms and source code conventions. Its meant to retain source level compatibility across platforms, so there is NO standard firmware interfaces for Linux on x64. This is why little things like updating the BIOS' is impossible to do from Linux based systems, in worst case scenarios you're really fucked if the distro you have can't read ACPI configs (this still happens to me even today depending on the system and/or distro)

I seriously just don't understand why anyone gives a fuck about GNU/Linux on x86_64 when Windows exists, whoever says Linux is better than Windows is kidding themselves, the only thing Linux has going for it is the open source aspect but thats purely from an ideological standpoint. Linux users have to understand that not everyone shares the same values of what an OS should be. Windows can run Linux programs natively not anyways.

I'd like to hear why you think x86_64, currently the architecture that runs the fastest chips in the world, is garbage.

I'll wait

Except Win10 is fucking trash. 8.1 moved me to Linux and I haven't looked back, and honestly whenever I can get a game to work I treat it like a rare gem. I'm autistic and dislike the feeling of being deep dicked by MSoft whenever I'm on any Windows OS later than 7.

you're not allowed to say that unless you've actually used it
you're self-evident


Well. Latest good "native" linux games are:

The Dwarves
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
War for the Overworld
Dungeons 2
Hearts of Iron IV
Darkest Dungeon
Dawn of War II: Retribution
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Its not that bad, as you can see.
Everything can be pirated on private websites like rutracker. There's also Metro Redux and Last Light, which are extremely optimized by the way. Pretty much linux gaming is alright at the moment.

Its also becoming self-evident you haven't used Windows 10. The "ads" are superficial widgets attached to the start menu. You can swipe those away. This apparently triggers a lot of peoples autism though

windows 10 is garbage though.
the amount of driver issues we dealt with at work when new machines were brought in with windows 10 was retarded. all those systems are on 8.1 now, which i don't particularly like but at least it works.


Stop lying please, Windows 8 uses the same driver model as Windows 10. Your rhetoric is just that, rhetoric. And it holds 0 weight.

it's from personal experience, i don't know what you want to hear.

I can't find a good list since most games being developed for it haven't been announced yet. Of the 16 titles that use DirectX 12 7 of them are Microsoft developed titles. Currently 4 titles use Vulkan. DOOM, the talos principle, Ashes of the Singularity, and DOTA 2. The list is sure to grow since the titles developed for DirectX 12 have had serious performance problems. Battlefield 1 on DX12 has worse performance than the supposedly dated DX11 version.

Its quite funny since Microsoft tricked a bunch of people into installing an operating system the otherwise wouldn't use because they were told their new API was some groundbreaking tech. Turns out DX12 is a massive pile of shit. They made windows XP users switch to windows 7 because they couldn't get DX10/11 to run on the OS properly but with DX12 there is literally no reason given, they're simply doing it to try and push people onto windows 10.

I used windows 10 since it came with my new laptop. It sucks. Cortana is a horrible search system for a computer, I don't need a fucking browser built in I just want to quickly search for my program. the "start" menu on there is a joke, a good chunk of it is taken up by obnoxious panels that you can't turn off and for some fucking reason it kept trying to download candy crush. Its not even a particularly fast OS, I got faster boot times with windows 8.1 and the asinine metro worked better on it too.

That is completely wrong

My dick has more rhetoric than your paycheck.

Don't look at me like that, I just wanted to try something without systemd and Manjaro OpenRC "just werked" too well for me to bother trying something else (Devuan was missing some shit when I tried to install it–pain in the ass). Specially now that I've completely fucked my OS several times and having to reinstall Xubuntu after trying to get rid of Unity/tangentially related software it uses. This is my first dive into something slightly less retarded potato-friendly than ubuntu-based distros.

It's absurdly bloated, it has a lot of legacy shit that hinders design. Both of these things allow scary as fuck security exploits to be found. This is without mentioning botnet shit like IME.

Do you mean Dying Light? I try not to mention that game as I get dogpiled when I do, despite me having liked it myself.

Listen Pajeet, this isn't a Linux vs Windows thread. You can take it to Holla Forums. This is a support group for linux users.

Is it so hard to pirate windows 7 and dual boot instead of bitching about not having games on an OS that maybe 1% of steam users actually use?

More holes than windows 10.

Oh yeah I decided to look it up. The two ways to do it are to unpin every since one which doesn't alleviate the huge amount of space they take up and they'll just keep popping back up anyways or I can install classic shell.

In other words, there's no option in windows 10 to turn them off. Great job ignoring everything else though.

where did you get that impression from this thread.

Gaben pls go

The OP for starters.

Attack surface is smaller since the codebase isn't trillions of line of pajeet spaghetticode.

That is wrong as well. The x86_64 architecture has been heavily streamlined over the past couple of decades by AMD and Intel. All SIMD components have been scaled down and the core itself is a RISC-like architecture with CISC exposed only to the programmer. IME runs under its own architecture.

This thread really took wrong direction.

Finally a new bait pic for the collection, and it's good.

I think the more pertinent question is why do you think x86 is a superior platform to POWERPC?

Darkest Dungeon was good though but it got repetitive once you had a decent team together. I do like those types of games though but it's clear the dev didn't had much in mind in terms of endgame.

I am really thinking about getting Truck Simulator. I miss driving around in GTAV.

I know that, it doesn't change a single thing. The microarch can be improved but they have to comply with the overall high level specification. The -2 ring exploit is a good example of this, it is something specified in the APIC documentation, microarch changes nothing. IME runs on a different architecture but all x86_64 newer processors already hard depend on it, it's the -3 ring, you will see it in all x86_64 PCs until the last one is made.

Because PowerPC is overrated shit with terrible IPC, terrible thermals, and the only reason anyone gives a fuck about it is because its "exotic" There's a good reason all console makers besides Nintendo switched to x86_64, and Nintendo had to fulfill a contract with IBM that goes back to the Gamecube

its not because its exotic, its because its an open architecture as opposed to x86. powerpc has a ton of potential for further development whereas x86 is reaching the limit of where it can go.

Don't make me laugh, all traditional RISC processors hit an IPC ceiling lower than x86, just some ceilings are higher than others. Even supercomputers are abandoning PPC

And no, the Power ISA is not "free" its available for licensing just like ARM is. Who the fuck told you it was a free design?

Listen fags take this to Holla Forums, this is about Linux gaming.

I try to avoid Windows when possible and try to avoid Steam when possible. That said, it's surprising that Valve isn't pushing developers to port to Linux more heavily when they're shilling those overpriced consoles.

streaming is opened up, if you are logged into steam on both machines the machine which doesn't have the game installed should have an arrow next to it with an option to stream, if the game can't be installed say on linux then the option should be just stream. Windows too I would think.

even if they where pushing devs to port and some big devs have, there is such a tiny playerbase on linux so they won't see any financial incentive to do it.

There are ways that Valve could incentivize porting, but it would require them to give up some potential shekels.

x86 doesn't even come close to stacking up against it.

you don't know what free is.

why do you think the playerbase is tiny? Probably because no games have been getting ports. 2017 has a lot of big titles coming that are natively supported on Linux, things have been changing. Linux finally has a good API to work with and most of the major game engines support it currently.

Exactly it's a loop, you need the playerbase to bring in the devs but you need the devs to bring in the playerbase. At the moment Gaben hasen't cracked it despite the introduction of steamOS and steam machines.
Steam have done nothing either to take advantage of the backlash too Microsoft from windows 10 which from most people I know irl who play games have refused to install or update to. Either someone better have another card up their sleeve or Microsoft will keep their directX monopoly as no one has brought up a loud enough alternative for the masses.

Xeon Phis use 72 cores with 4 threads per core. Its meant for a high-degree of parallelism. PPCs cores don't mean shit, its useless in a supercomputer because it can't scale to massive parallel workloads and its useless for desktop because it has shitty single core performance. You're an idiot


Congratulations, you're retarded.
You point this out like it's a good thing, performance-wise.

is one hell of an old meme. I've been pirating windows from Vista to Win10 so I'm good. But I'm rooting for you son.

Loki Software did that for a while before they went tits up.

That doesn't change the fact that they have to rewrite drivers to support it. If it were that easy, why can't I just reuse a Linux kernel with a module written to a different spec? Because of behavioral changes that could break the module, you dumb nigger. Do you actually know anything about computers or do you just get paid by Microshill to post here?

PPC used to have pretty good integer performance and if you can use AltiVec appropriately on 74xx models (G4), you used to be able to out-class a similarly spec'd Pentium 3 in int and fp performance, which was the major competitor at the time for Apple vs IBM. That's about where my knowledge of the past stops. Of course, after Intel fucked up with the Pentium 4 and made the Core series to redeem themselves, and PPC development wasn't improving fast enough, x86 architecture was adopted as the general architecture of choice, offering low power requirements as necessary but able to scale to bigger development. You might as well ask why MIPS, ARM and SPARC were ever used, too. They had merits between them but a lot of the tradeoffs became minute with the modern x86 processor, from a raw performance standpoint. Security on a low level I don't know jackshit about.

From a reliability standpoint, a lot of MIPS and PPC machines last a really fucking long time but that's less architecture and more quality components.

That is a solution, and that's what I'm using currently, but the problem is that if there's no reason to try and make an alternative we'll be stuck on an outdated OS or Windows 10's nonsense 10 years from now.
My prediction is that since Microsoft has realised that they're fucking up in the console market they'll try and get into PC gaming properly. That's why they're pushing their store, and Windows 10, and the Xbox stuff built into Windows 10.
Competition is a good thing, because it forces companies to get off their asses and do something good for the consumer. Right now the alternatives are GNU/Linux distros, BSD distros Which emulate Linux systems for gaming and ReactOS Which is an OS made to run Windows stuff natively, and is still experimental. WINE has made a few good moves lately, and is adding DX11 support. If the Linux community could have a non-shit alternative by 2020, when Windows 7 and Server 2008R2 hit EOL, we could have some actual competition. And that means benefits for everyone.

That doesn't mean go out and install Ubuntu on everything and complain about nogaems, though. That's just silly. At the very least just check out how Linux distros work, and fuck around for a bit. I use Windows on one computer for vidya and Linux for everything else, to quarantine the things I don't like to a computer that doesn't touch anything sensitive. That way I can play all my vidya, but I can also type up my work and do programming without having my system restart on me, or download things behind my back, or waste my time in general.

I don't know. There are some glimmers of light, and things have been slowly getting better much like the entire OS. I'll continue to be content with gradual improvement on all fronts. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to purge 7 from my machine by 2040.

It'll never be the year of linux as long as there are retarded lingering issues like not being able to set up a luks filesystem on an sd card with the fucking disk utility.


Holy shit, I mean holy fucking shit. This is embarrassingly retarded. Who the fuck are you? Yes, the Linux kernel does change its ABI with every release, because THATS HOW THE LINUX ABI WORKS. NOT WINDOWS. Did you seriously just compare Windows driver model with Linux' ABI and call me retarded? How fucking dare you

Do your research.

I saw two options, wel 3 technically

Not viable long term
Disadvantage being it might not be compatible with the lastest Jewvidia shit but I'm poor anyway
Will give you weekly headaches and dealing with a dysfunctional community (this thread is proof enough, no?)


Please just fucking kill yourself. If there weren't changes like that, why wouldn't things just work? Is it too hard to understand that "Gee, maybe other kernels go through similar development cycles"? Are you a fucking retarded eurocuck with brain damage from underaged drinking?

Then you don't understand how the Linux ABI works. Windows driver model is a poor analog. Kill yourself

nice argument.

You have successfully defended your company Prandeep, now go to bed it's late in India.

I've manged to cut it down to monthly.

If the problem is particularly bad, then just restore and find another solution. Dealing with such high levels of autism when your machine is fucked will only make you more miserable.

I've found with linux some googling will solve most problems that come up. Although it will have problems so much more often then windows. Especially if you're an idiot like me who has managed to delete all of the ubuntu setting guis while uninstalling another package I need to reinstall xubuntu on this thing.

I fucked up my OS so many times on Linux I've become a master at fresh installs. That said, I've enjoyed the OS since I don't really play too many games anymore. Not like there's been much that wasn't trash in the last couple years anyway.

I feel so much better knowing that completely fucking your own shit up seems to be part of the linux experience.

WINE all you like Linuxfag

GNU/Linux will only give you headaches during the transition period, once you have an idea of how the system works there will rarely be issues.
Windows is a nightmare in comparison when it comes to things mysteriously breaking.

Restoration images are your friend. It's not too difficult and has saved me a lot of time and headaches. Fresh installs don't take too long nowadays, but getting the system where you do like it can take a decent amount of time.

I break my development machine all the damn time.

Wangblows and SteamOilyShit are at a standstill. Shills from both sides are at a stalemate. It could go either direction. Businesses are hanging on to 7 as hard as they can and are very receptive to Linux suites. The only thing Microshit has is branding and they hurt themselves hard with 8 and 10.

The sad fact remains is that Loonux is so vibrant but also so divided. There are so many different flavors but the most popular ones are just not strong enough to make serious gains when Microshit is weaker and weaker. If Loonux was better and way more aggressive, it could seriously damage Microshit in ways it can't recover. The only businesses that are switching over to Loonux are the ones that get persuaded by their IT departments and those guys have to be serious Loonux enthusiasts. They're a minority but not even they have enough sway to cause a killing blow to Microshit's lifeblood.

It is, before this install I managed to uninstall a shitton of ubuntu drivers and completely fucked up the wireless interface. Just be careful when using asterisks around purge.
If you want a real challenge there is a package floating around somewhere that will auto correct any incorrectly entered command "rm *" so if you mess up at all in the command line it will essentially self destruct your OS.

Is this why Linux has actually made losses in market share as Windows 10 made gains?
Oh shit, I forgot facts are shilling

fucking epic

You're right, my mistake, Linux has all the market share on mobile but that has done shit to help the GNU OS on desktop

Let's hear the wangblows 10 shills explain why sticking with 7 isn't viable.
Windows update is permanently disabled on my computer, I don't download whatever "support" microsoft releases. I installed w7 service pack 1 and haven't connected to the internet with that computer since. I don't plan on using the internet on it.
There isn't a single fucking game worth playing that is w10 exclusive, and there will never be. There hasn't been a single good new release since 2014 and all modern video games are shit.

So explain why I can't keep using w7.

So should I stick with a gaming VM or should I hope that Vulkan takes off and run everything through wine?

fucking epic reddit spacing

You can use whatever the fuck you want if it works, just don't be retarded when something goes wrong and sperg out
Forza Horizon 3

you mean gahnoo/leenox, right?

Yeah I better be fucking prepared when my daily routine of booting up thief/eador/supcom/etc suddenly gives me a fucking BSOD. Dipshit.

Top lel

This thread never stood a chance

Linux dominates web servers and networking but those areas are not expanding as much or nearly as large as the home consumer device market. So obviously Linux's share is gonna stay that way and shrink.

Business won't pick linux up either as adobe has been locked out of porting any of it's tools and suites to linux by microsoft and most other major working app developers are pressured by microsoft to not make ports either.

Let's hear the wangblows xp shills explain why sticking with 98 isn't viable.
Windows update is permanently disabled on my computer, I don't download whatever "support" microsoft releases. I installed w98 service pack 1 and haven't connected to the internet with that computer since. I don't plan on using the internet on it.
There isn't a single fucking game worth playing that is wxp exclusive, and there will never be. There hasn't been a single good new release since 2001 and all modern video games are shit.

So explain why I can't keep using w98

Just play real X-COM, user, it's F(L)OSS.

Strawman can't even argue convincingly.

Worked with 98

No one is forcing you to play modern games user, your setup sounds pretty sweet. How are you posting here though?

Then keep using it, I like Forged Alliance, Dark Souls, and Dragon's Dogma, but most of my games otherwise would probably run on 98.

Gaming VN. Vulkan's future is hopeful but uncertain.

Cortana's fucking garbage specially now that it can't be turned off.
I purposefully use mega-huge file names so I can find my shit and Win10 always showing me options for websearch well fuck you I just want you to fucking index my files you gigantic abortion of an OS, I will never fucking click on your suggestions, please go fucking die.

I know user, I did to. Eventually switched back to a pirated wangblows. It's fine enough, I did like the Linux stuff except for no games.

Me too. I would absolutely recommend linux to people who don't like video games but use a computer. It's leagues better in every aspect except video games.

I only use 98 for games. I dual boot Mandriva 6.0 for my normal os. I actually found some ancient Mandrake installation discs at work a few weeks ago. I'm tempted to see if I can get it running on anything.

Seriously, though. 7 will become mostly obsolete eventually, and there should be an alternative to the clusterfuck that is 10.

This, but in my case it's lacking certain convenience-driven programs, though admittedly some of them might be replaced by scripts.

I already explained how microsofts "support" is useless and my needs for the OS, so please explain how it will ever become obsolete to my uses.

Because Intel-aviv are jews who'll cripple new hardware on older OSs like 7?

Wait, you're implying I'm using new hardware? Why?

Not all of us can live on the Thinkpad museum my man, sometimes you just have to get that shitty 300 dollarydoo laptop from last year because your main computer broke.

Maybe not next year, maybe not even in 10 years, but you will eventually want to play a game that doesn't support your hardware/software.

I use 8.1 for my games desktop and I have a tiny 8.1 partition on my linux laptop so I can play Elite Dangerous on the go. 8.1 is not nearly as bad as everyone thinks it is and will probably last longer then 7. You can ignore metro entirely and there are lots of mods to get back the original start menu If you want it back that badly.


I hope you can solder well since your caps will start failing about a decade after they were manufactured.


I'm telling you to be prepared if you want to keep your hardware. I'm running into the issue with PCIx mobos at work right now. Shit sucks, but it is possible to fix if you have the skills.

Then I'll deal with it and continue to not use anything past w7 or modern hardware, cunt. You're never going to get me to downgrade to the shiny new garbage.

and I thought regular PC gaming was cancer. I'll stick to consoles, thank you.

Because driver support for new hardware. New hardware that requires the latest build of win10.



My nigga. Just call it manjaro and the Arch memers probably won't even recognize it.

was falling for bate part of your plan?

No, this always happens. It's literally the new consolewars. Smug faggots praising Linux as if it's perfect and underage goys praising (((Windows))) because NOGAEMS XDD

How are you posting here though?
I think I managed to post here once on mine. It's not hard, the browsers are just shit on modern sites. I used Firefox 2.0 and nearly every page gave me 2-3 error popups for one reason or another.

I suppose you could literally do that with a lot of SBC's.

Post desktops


Steam OS's only function was to rattle Microsoft enough that they come to Valve. Same with their investments in Vulkan. A former Valve employee who was heavily involved in their OGL tech was with Gabe when Gabe wrote the original blog even admitted as such and then said the original Linux team were let go at the end of 2013

People still haven't come to terms that Gaben is no Linux savior. It was directly to get Microsoft to put a fire up their ass and start working on the next API's. In fact most of Gabe's moves have been "Get Microsoft to react in our favor but always have that threat of Linux above them". And when Gabe gets a former work colleague and one person he was still talking to at MS in charge of MS's gaming efforts, then he's just going to push it further because why invest the time and effort in creating a competing platform when you can just make a few calculated moves and have that competition benefit you?

Gabe's playing chess when fanboys think he's playing checkers.

VK is pretty boned at the minute. Git and documentation is poor. It costs way more time and money to implement than DX 12 (And if you are a big enough studio. MS will go do it for you). Kronos are way behind schedule on everything and pretending everything is fine (Oh look, Switch is certified despite there being NO SWITCH FORK and devs having to use OGL 4.5 for their launch titles). And they lost their biggest bargaining chip in Apple saying they were creating their own API and vendor locking all their devices with it. It's just a complete mess. Especially since it only supports 2015 onward Flagship Android phones. Oh and Sony has said there is no plans for Vulkan on PS4. They will only support their own proprietary fork, GNMX.

Kronos need to pull themselves together in 2017, badly.

What reason is there to avoid SystemD? I just use Manjaro for everyday stuff and dabbling in programming, nothing I've read about it has brought about anything terribly convincing, I just get "muh unix philosophy" (don't get me wrong I think it's a good philosophy for software but yeah) and some example of the developers being retarded. Does it actually pose in security risks to my computer, is it bloated, etc? I have had it annoy me before when I was trying to modify by computer's sleep settings, but I found a way around it so the temporary issue is no motivator.

People tend to forget that "GNU's Not Unix". :^) Emacs is a huge violation of Unix principles, but you'll still find people on Holla Forums praising the shit out of it and using it as an all-in-one tool.

The problem is that SystemD violates basic principles (i.e. do one thing and do it well, then move on to the next thing, and do one thing at a time, as well as making sure that everything that's happening is transparent and not layered in obfuscation) but also that the obfuscation means that it's harder than ever to audit and who knows what the fuck they've put in there.
SystemD was created and pushed by the guy behind the Pulse audio shit and he needs to burn in hell for that alone.
There was nothing inherently wrong with the old SysVInit, though it could have used a clean-up.
Beyond that, though, are the problems with Red Hat, known to be used by the US military and spy agencies as their pet project, are the ones creating and pushing SystemD, which gives them control over the most basic and vital system tasks on your PC. Not saying they weren't or couldn't do it before SystemD, but now they literally own and wrote the code, which should give anyone pause considering the vast spy powers that Snowden revealed.

I get you, I really do.
But alsa is so fucking bad.

OSS4 and JACK2 would be the perfect setup if someone would bother working on it.

I don't think there's a smug enough anime girl for this.

Considering how lackluster the advertising push from steam for their link and controller this makes sense. Save the cards for later when Microsoft needs to be whipped into shape. Forgot Gaben has turned maximum Jew.
Shame cause the steam controller is pretty neat, got one for christmas and it's so much nicer then a mouse with my laptop on the move. Clearly there is some innovation left in valve but they're keeping it close to their chest.

ok madman

What would it take for Linux to become a viable platform for games?

Developer incentivization

r8 and h8 plz

I really gotta upgrade my processor, but not today.

I give it a 9/11

Is Slack hard to handle for someone who's only ever been on Mint? I've been considering that, Alpine, or Void as my next jump.

No, it's probably the easiest distro around after it's been installed and configured.
It's the only sensible distro left at this point tbh fam. Literally just werks with no horseshit. Also make sure you install sbotools and slackpkg+ with alien bob's repo added and you'll have most of the packages you'll ever need.

cheers mate

cheers ur asshole

Just werks. I have no complaints. I'm not doing any super technical audio processing, but for an end user I think it's very good. PulseAudio on the other hand is horrible. Anything that requires it immediately becomes not important enough to bother.

wtf chum you picking a mishy moshing

I nearly installed Slackware again but the latest release uses Pulseaudio, which is a big no-go for me. Right now I'm using Mint as a stable-ish development environment that doesn't shit itself when I uninstall Pulseaudio, still sucks that I haven't managed to get JACK working with my motherboard audio yet.
I miss i3

I nearly installed Gay fucker sex online again but the latest release let me suck all gay penis

Windows got big with windows 95. It was a different time, computers truly became mainstream. Linux doesn't have the money to go up against MS.

You can remove it in 2 minutes. Bob wrote an article about it. I keep it because everything uses it now.

I was going to say "Don't forget Steamboxes" but even Valve has forgotten Steamboxes since they barely get updated these days and SteamOS is still laggy with stutter issues on Steamboxes.

The problem is that people created a personality around Gabe and made assumptions that he was going to kill Microsoft for getting in his way. Which is bullshit. Gabe only ever wanted a guarantee from Microsoft they wouldn't vendor lock them and wanted to force them to start taking PC gaming seriously because they would lose out if they didn't. His entire strategy was based around "I'm going to harass the fuck out of MS to make it work" and it suddenly dropped off once Spencer got the job because he was way more PC gaming friendly and got Valve on the Windows 10 advisory board immediately after the division restructure was announced (Xbox would comprise all of gaming and be under Windows instead of it's own branch). So Valve not only got in with Microsoft on advising directly on Windows 10, they effectively got the hotline to the Kremlin with a direct line to Microsoft's gaming department (So much so they have monthly meetings now).

If I was a hardcore linuxfag, I would maybe feel betrayed because it seemed like a real push. But people forget this is a business and Gabe was always fencing for the better deal and to be taken seriously by MS because it's better for his business in the long run. And this year would be a good example. If they spent millions on SteamOS and positioning it as an alternate OS. They would have been fucked because spending on Steam is down massively compared to 2015.

According to , removing PulseAudio from Slackware means running a bunch of programs through apulse because they were only compiled with PulseAudio output and that's an ugly solution.

Fuck off

What are some good games that Linux can't run?

I miss playing the occasional h1z1 game. Ridiculous that it doesn't have a linux release.

Eery single fucking time.

If Linux had skilled coders instead of garbage it wouldn't need any money :^)

I asked for good games, not early access zombie survival trash.

Main reason I have Windows on my gaming PC is drivers, rather than vidya. I can play The Talos Principle on both, but it's laggy as fuck on Linux because AMD are too busy doing whatever it is they're doing instead of supporting GCN1.0 cards.
As for vidya itself, Space Engineers is written in C# and requires .NET. It could be ported to Linux, and I think the devs expressed interest at one point, but some of the libraries they use don't have Linux versions.


Why should we be guessing your taste? No, your obscure GOTY weeb trash RPG doesn't work on Linux so neck yourself then leave the thread

I just want my fix fucking around with dynamic grids and coding features into ships with C#. Do you have any alternatives?


I was going to say Rust but I just fired it up after a six month hiatus and it got ruined.

Well Rust works in Linux but not very well.

Off the top of my head, Artificial Academy 2 and Earth Defense Force 4.1. The former because WINE butchers facial rendering though it does technically run, and the latter because DX11 support isn't up to snuff last time I checked.

look we get it you have shit taste and you enjoy wasting time fucking around in a shit game's c# scripting but there's no need for you to shill that garbage EA game that runs like shit and gets updates that are as meaningful as fagtorio's.

BSDfag reporting in.



All I want is dynamic grids and scripting. Minecraft is ok, but everything follows one grid and Redstone isn't as powerful. Do you have an alternative that doesn't trigger you?

Try to actually read posts.

I don't have a problem with you having shit taste in video games and becoming addicted to literal garbage, like space engineers, but please avoid recommending that shit game to someone that's looking for good games that run on Linux.

What's wrong with dynamic grids and scripting? Here I was hoping that you might mention a game I've never heard of that would be more fun, and maybe run better. Instead you're whining because someone else on an anime board likes a game you don't.
And I never recommended it as a game that runs well in Linux. Take your own advice and learn to read.

Why would you recommend a game that doesn't run well in Linux in a Linux thread? Seems a little nonsensical.

Did you just jump in the thread when you saw someone mention Space Engineers on the main page, without looking at what I was replying to?

Whoops, you're right

Aside from MPlayer, two or three command line players and GStreamer nothing out of default install is hardlocked to PA so you can pretty much just recompile those two and that's it. Slackbuilds obviously won't configure for Pulse if it's not installed.

nice buyer's remorse lmao

Then recommend me something with those features which isn't Space Engineers.

how well do emulators run on bsd, if at all?

But it works in windows 10? Linux you're fired.

Retroarch is available in the ports, together with pretty much every core you may want. The binary package will pull in pulseaudio for some fucking reason, so I recommend building it with portmaster instead. Portmaster will not pull pulseaudio if you disable it at compile time. Or just use the binary if you don't care. Also, if it crashes immediatelly after launch, you'll have to edit the config in ~/.config/retroarch/ and change the video driver to sdl2. Then you just have to tinker with the settings as you would on any other platform.

Some assembly required, works well once set up.

Just to clarify, I'm talking about FreeBSD specifically.

I'm not a huge fan of weebtrash rpgs, but I can get my shitty weebtrash vns to work fairly stable with a little legwork.

You're right. Mine went from fap material to horror game pretty quickly.


It should run 60 fps on both. You are probably retarded.

he isn't lying, with some weird space magic linux with wine does run better than windows until it crashes because you can't render frames if it crashes


Linux players need more than Civ V with mods?

rip thread

How much of a perfomance drop would you get from running windows in a virtual machine?
And would I be able to use windows 10 specific CPU drivers while using a virtual machine?

If you just stick Windows in a VM it won't be able to access your graphics card. You'd get OK performance from older games but newer ones will run like shit.
If you mean using GPU passthrough, you'd be running Windows with your game + the overhead of the Linux distro, which isn't much. You shouldn't notice much of a performance drop compared to native Windows. I haven't done it myself but I've heard people say the difference is around 2 to 3 FPS.
CPUs that don't work in Win8.1 or below will work fine on a Windows 10 VM, and should work fine on linux distros too. The only reason they're not supported in Win7 is because nobody is making drivers for them.

But will you be able to use the win10 specific cpu functions if you use a VM?

The toolchain is pretty nice for programming.

For gaming? Nah, I just dualboot. It's mostly not worth the hassle to use linux for it, and it's useful to seperate your 'work' OS from your 'play' OS, anyway.

You should be able to. Modern virtualization isn't like emulation, it runs the virtualized OS on your processor. It should be really close to bare metal if it isn't already.
I tried searching for more info and didn't get anything helpful, or any confirmations. You might want to give it a week or so to search for answers if you want to be sure.

do you know how computers work?
virtualization gives a guest os access to the whole cpu without compromising the hypervisor


Personally I don't care about the values, although open source is nice. I use it on my laptop because Windows on my laptop causes me more annoyances. I've got Windows on my gaming PC for gaming though, because it's better at that for now. I pick the best tool for the job, because computers are made for getting stuff done, not popping the metaphorical bonnet and wondering what fucked up.
Linuxfags use FreeDOS to update the BIOS. It's the same way bigger companies do it without having to deal with Windows licenses, and you can even get computers from some manufacturers with FreeDOS preinstalled if you want that for some reason. It's a neat tool to have on hand.

Don't feel too bad OP, Linux fine
As a second Os

Rather have a good OS and few games than a shit OS and a bunch of games I'll never get around to playing anyways. :^)

Kerbal Space Program

Is this bait?

Why would you ever need anything else?

A lot of Jap companies jumped aboard the POWER train back in the early 00's, for awhile Sony was convinced it would catch on and blew billions on their Cell chip.

It's not just a matter of fulfilling a contract, IBM spent the and money to make that architecture a popular choice in that country and it still is in certain fields. It was a smart strategy considering how popular Japanese consumer electronics were globally 20 years ago but they lost to ARM and China.

And what software are you going to run that will utilize those very recent CPU features? PC games for the next 3-5 years aren't going to support it considering 99% of their customers don't have it, it'll be an optional patch done as marketing by Intel or AMD at the most.

This entire issue is just fear mongering by the bought off press to push W10.

Most of the thread is.

>tfw you can boot straight into dorf fort without loading anything else.
Truly the future is now

Just emulate and play old games through WINE
Its not like you'd be doing anything else on a Windows OS anyway.

So what exactly is the process for getting old native games to run on a modern disto?


just, like, make gaem

You usually need old libraries and symlinks set in LD path, there is a packaged version of most of the ones that are needed for Loki ports.

And hows the "LD path" thing work?

this is the only way to search through your windows files

Usually just by setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH and running ldconfig. has info on getting Loki games running, works pretty much the same for other old binaries.

mintfig here
any tips on packages/dlls/configs recommended for running steam through playonlinux?

It should just werk. Last time I checked PlayOnLinux has a Steam option. It sets it it's own instance of Wine with proper configs already configured.

Change your system language to one that doesn't have Cortana support. That will disable it.

point and laugh, anons


The one issue i had with loonix is how to this day it has garbage power saving policies so your notebook's battery is going to last much less on linux than on windows, but other than that it's great.

Just make a new prefix and use the latest wine version without using any winetricks and run the Steam shortcut with -no-cef-sandbox -no-dwrite

You're going to run into problems with some games anyway but from using Steam in wine for three years now I learned it's better to keep your general prefix as is and create a new one if you really need any overrides.

Some distros' generic kernels try to use the performance CPU governor which runs your cores at full speed. Look up what powersaving features for your hardware are supported by your kernel and manually change the options for that, Ubuntu and Arch wikis are a great help for that

things like
echo ondemand >! /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy*/scaling_governor

Why does the linux machine look like a PS3?

>auto-login to dwarfslut and script automatically launches dwarf fortress from commandline
>through the many desktops of eons past, I now have the power to run dwarf fortress at 04 frames per second


because its an edit of ye olde [ps3 has no games] meme, from before MGS4 came out and PS3 dominated Xbox 360

mgs4 is fucking trash

The PS3 did not have and will never have any games just like its successor. Games don't count unless they're good, exclusive, and 60FPS.

the PS3 used to have an option called OtherOS which let you install linux on it
Sony's contract requiring them to support it ran out pretty much the same week that GeoHot used it to find the first major security loophole in the PS3's architecture so they wasted no time in patching it out
never mind that doing so was illegal for two reasons: first because upgrades cannot reduce functionality and second because linux support was a major part of the advertising in europe

what was it

Get windows enterprise. You can switch Cortana off in group policy. Or get Enterprise LTSB and you'll have no shitty apps at all.

Yes you CAN remove it in windows 10 Home but that's a lot of work.

Seriously though if you can't even figure this out god help you with Linux son.


I haven't bought windows ever since xp came out, the cracks are really good and you don't lose any funcionality. My uncle has a company with 40 computers and all of their windows installations are pirated

Whoever made this is legitimately retarded.

I've been using Mint for a year now only recently has it gradually slowed down. Restarting and shutting down the PC has take considerably longer and watching videos they sometimes skip frames. I even refreshed Pale Moon, disabled all my addons but it's still skips frames. Overall Mint has become sluggish.

I have 4gb free in my home folder and 18 gigs free in the system if that matters. I used bleachbit too but still sluggish.

Also I'm running mint on an SSD.


also, mgs4 is fucking trash and the ps3 still has no games, just like it's successor

Replace (((GNU))) with more efficient binaries, end (((FSF)))'s retarded (((ideas))) and replace GPL with the anti-Jewish license I can't find right now, or at least MIT or BSD. Basically Holocaust the Linux OS.

GPL is as anti-jewish as it gets you meme spouting fuck

The GPL prevents Judaism in tech you retard.

Because the jews can't profit from GPL licensed works that clearly means jews are behind it. Read your holocaust 101 stupid goys.

Hey fam, look into Classic Shell to restore the start button

try hard parking looks fun. But apart from that shit, are there any real games for linux?


There was a lot of talk about Linux because admittedly Windows 10 Home is fucking shit and Windows 10 Pro is still shit with the only distiction that they charge for it.

But after Enterprise and Enterprise LTSB (N) leaked I think most of the people who hate the telemetry and advertising stuff will use those instead of Linux.

You won't see any data about it due to the shadowy nature of pirates and powerusers. MS is trying very hard not to draw attention to the Enterprise editions because it undermines their revenue stream. But strip all the apps from windows 10 and sever all links with the mothership except WSUS and voila Windows 7 is back and improved.

I predict more marketshare for Windows 10 Enterprise than Linux.


Linux user here (Zorin OS, based on Ubuntu)

I've been using Stock ubuntu, OpenSUSE and Zorin across my machines as my daily drivers for 5+ years now, and I've never really encountered any major shortage in software.

how do you live like that

normalfags don't ask questions when my desktop looks like winders at a first glance.

fair enough

I just installed a version of Mint and it's noticeably slower after a few months, on a stock 5400 RPM HDD. Like the entire system runs like ass now. I might install a new distro just to see if it persists. It runs OpenRA and basically nothing else.

Bullshit. Business and governments are never letting go of MS office.

IDK why so many people rip on linux here. Do you retards really want all of PC gaming to be exclusively in the hands of fucking microsoft?

I know this vid has been posted in 3-4 threads, but it's the way things are going as long as that corrupt behemoth controls everything

I've been using Mint for years now too lazy to move to anything else and it slows down for sure. It's like windows on stereoids.

Nobody is receptive to Linux. Not until everything you throw at windows 10 works just as well in Linux.

It's already in the hands of Gabe the jew.
There's literally no way it can get worse.

And windows is still an open platform last I checked (2 hours ago). Did something change?


oh give me a fucking break.

let me breathe even more

It's never going to be the year of your freetard OS. Just get over it and dual boot.

A lot of people only use PCs for vidya, and currently you get a better experience with that on Windows.
Wine has made lots of developments recently, so hopefully Linux + Wine can work well with DX11 by 2020.
Ripping on Linux in general as a Windows alternative is stupid, because the worst that can happen with Linux being more popular is that Microsoft has to actually do something interesting for the customer. Then again when you go on Holla Forums and ask about Linux systems you get bombarded with stuff that you have no idea about, like systemd


get back to me when you can load a custom DE to windows and release a windows based distro.

Vulkan is going to pick up steam soon, frankly a developer locking themselves down to DX12 doesn't make any sense. You can only use it with windows 10 and it offer no real performance gain with any title that uses it.

I used to say the same shit, but progress has really sped up lately and there's already a couple playable DX11 titles.

This is the band wagon here talking. If EA, ubisoft or anyone else owned steam it would have died off years ago from hardcore unapologetic jewing. Plus people only throw their shit on steam to ride off it's publicity. If you're popular enough it's more advantageous to NOT use steam. There is really no reason to use steam otherwise if you're a dev. The same can not be said for windows, where 98% of people in the world use it and there's no way around it.

The linux community in general is absolute cancer.

Windows actually has alternate DEs. Emerge, BBLean and KDE come to mind, but they aren't as well integrated as the default.
As for Windows distros, there's Tiny7 and Windows 9. OSX has custom distros too, which are used for hackintoshing. They aren't as diverse as your average Linux/BSD distro, and there are legal issues, but their distros exist.

can I get a link to those distros? I can't find them anywhere.

I found tiny7 but I can't windows 9 anywhere.

I've been having a pretty good time with it and some of the art is nifty. This should be it. It's really hard to google because of all the "Microsoft is skipping Windows 9 for 10" articles.
Note that you need a legit key. It isn't pirated software.

Now linux users can enjoy the unbearable AI too!


Does Civ VI use DLL mods? You won't even be able to use the mods that make the actual core gameplay slightly better if you play this shitty game on Linux.

How do I use wget to archive webpages so it functions offline like it does online? Also how to convert .webms and .mp4 into .mp3 or other whatever is the best audi format with FFMPEG? I get a million and one answers how to do both.

Managed to figure out how to convert webms into .mp4s and .oggs

I'm wondering what's are the best options for converting a .mp4 or .webm into audio formats without audio loss? I know youtube doesn't have the perfect lossless audio quality but I want to convert music into whatever is the best audio format .ogg, .mp3 whatever. I'm gonna load it on my SD card and play it from there or is it better to play it from a phone using auxiliary cord?

man wget
man ffmpeg but don't fucking transcode from one lossy format to another unless it's some dumb video you want as webm for posting on here

you just extract the audio stream from one container and put it into another container without transcoding

I have no clue what any of that means.
What I want to do now is convert an entire folder from .webm to .flac. Tried using this command I found and set the proper directory cd ~/Music but it doesn't do anything. If I don't change the directory it converts all webms in every directory.

find . -type f -iname "*.webm" -exec bash -c 'FILE="$1"; ffmpeg -i "${FILE}" -vn -ab 128k -ar 44100 -y "${FILE%.webm}.mp3";' _ '{}' \;

pls foss linux games. ftl. rimworld. ss13.



How well does Retroarch run on Mint?

I actually bought that try hard parking game and it's a total waste of time. Good thing it only cost me 1€, if it was more I would refund.

War for the Overworld seems cool, but the "reviews" are conflicting. Is it good or not?

I really loved both Dungeon Keeper games.

This game runs natively on linux and you mighta seen me shill it on here before. It's probably my favorite indie game but it's hard as fuck.

I don't even care whether this is bait and that this retarded shit doesn't actually exist, I need you degenerates to listen for a second. Don't indulge in moe shit if it's not lewd. If it's just cutesy, girly shit it's effectively feminizing you. That, or you've been a ridiculous faggot all along and are now unashamed, which is still just as bad. Don't watch and obsess over moe that has no sexual content, otherwise you're going to turn into faggots


Uh, citation fucking needed. The reports from multiple websites just came out recently, and Linux is showing marketshare increases everywhere. Where the fuck are you getting are you getting your statistics?

Theres no way to prove how many linux users made loss edits.

I'll make a fork called Manbuntu.

just no

It's actually the year of the fire cock, not the penguin.

not yet, year of the fire cock starts on the 28th iirc

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.


I can't install mods at all, even if "installing" consists of copying and pasting files into a folder.
For some mods it works but for most of them I get access violation, crash on startup, computer freezes etc.

What do?

Don't do that, it's a waste. Just use "-c:a copy" and save with a .ogg extension (WebM uses Vorbis) and it'll be an exact copy of the audio in the webm.

sudo del –rf C://System_32.exe

Which linux community?


Super Mario Bros. X
Sanic CD (The PC version has some extra stuff)

.ogg was actually my first choice, but how do I convert a whole folder into .ogg? I followed that command but it didn't do anything.

What do I do with -c:a copy? I'm new to linux and I still would like to know how to make a functional archive of webpages. Sorry if I sound demanding, just a bit frustrated with loonix. Thanks.

Also youtube videos save as .mp4 if that makes a difference converting it to .ogg. What I want to do is download the videos straight off youtube which are saved as .mp4 and convert the whole directory I saved them into .ogg or whatever audio format is best so there's not quality loss from .mp4.

You can use youtube-dl to directly download only the audio track if you want (use -F to check for formats and -f to chose)
It should be available in your package manager if not,

All the autistic screeching ones.

This shit just got a beta for linux. Came out in 2009. I bought it for peanuts last year but didn't play much because it was kinda bad. I might give it another shot now.

Was pretty surprising to see an old, not very well recieved title like this suddenly show up in my linux library on steam.

They also game Septerra Core an offical Wine "port". I recommend trying that too, since it's actually a good game.
