Spaghetti Western


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You're supposed to hit the mute button before you start it.







You are supposed to eat spaghetti when you watch it, user.


>no humor



still hurts tbh

It's an anagram of "not memes" hence their absence.


it's being built now, kill yourself, goons


What’s up with black peoples and being militantly ass hurt about people playing games on something not Sony? Everyone bitching about Nintendo and pc gaming being popular are always black.

I been noticing the forced Soydom cucks and Soy-C gamer memes coming from 4chan too.

Nintendo is for kids.


Friendly reminder this is the cuckhold that’s been spamming soyboy on 4chan Holla Forums
Not even kidding. He a Sony fanboy e-celeb that was bragging about shitposting on Nintendo forums in the past on twitter. If you seen any pictures or videos of him. He has no right to call anyone soyboy






looks like my old doggo :3


is this real?



Trips confirm, but where are the hills?


It refers to the erection you get when fighting the nurses.




Don’t pair real gamers up with you, nintendokid.


you spelled nintoddler wrong, PissCuck player

kys manchild

how long until its just open season on ICE thugs?




Is that fucking Atari.

does that make you upsetti?

excuse you?

ATAIR 4 real men



tbf there's like three scenes in the whole show where he does any cleaning

We call them "niggers" here, friend.

no, because I already forgetti the movie

Wow, you're pretty badass.

Perhaps Holla Forums is more your speed, fellow. They will kee you safe from concepts you dislike.

Look Mark, I know you really want the soyim image to go away but this lazy projection tactic just doesn't work. Everyone knows all Nintendo and Sony fans and subhuman cuckolds.

Easy, man, I don't know that I can handle this much tough talk.

Holla Forums is going to come out as trans soon, isn’t it?