What movies are about this?
What movies are about this?
Other urls found in this thread:
A Beautiful Mind
That one weird movie that famous Canadian comedian was in about the numbers.
the nightmare is real, fam.
Leftypol: The Movie?
b-b-but Holla Forums told me the /left/ can't meem…
yeah that it
that movie was awful, I recommend you watch it to get a grasp on how fucking weird it is
it's really confusing
user please stop some of these are facebook tier
Yes. And until someone does something about our gun culture we're gonna see another school massacre.
makes about as much sense as leftism in general
I wouldn't sacrifice myself going to Holla Forums for a stupid joke either
How about this one?
As a former Holla Forumsack I can confirm, since I saw the error of my ways my life has improved drastically. Not a lefty but certainly not a righty anymore, radical politics is a waste of time.
This basically. Drumpf really opened my eyes. Holla Forums needs to read Bookchin.
I don't know, it just kinda lacks the punch that other memes of the same type have.
You see, Nazis have been the subject of ridicule constantly for over 70 years so it's really fucking hard to make any original jokes about them that are also funny.
The core of a meme should be to be funny, not to be political. Like the ancapball memes, 99% of them aren't serious which is why they're so funny.
This tbh. Being anything but center left after they pushed their ultra right wing white supremacist into the white house is stupid.
I don't even care about Trump, Americans and their American ways do not effect me directly. I just stopped with the antisemitism its unfounded and stupid. I am to blame for my own failures.
Trump is anything but ultra right wing though. He is a right-wing but no more or less than anybody else who votes for the conservative party. I am just not a rightwinger any more socially left and economic rightish
Trump's just the guy with the hair
He really doesn't have a coherent ideology. Just self-promotion to the core.
He's just a pragmatic tbh.
Give me one legit reason why ethnostates are bad, Holla Forums, and I'll join antifa.
Holla Forums can't even agree on who is or isn't white.
Doesn't matter, white is not a race. Just tell me what's wrong with ethnostates already.
said no-one ever
wtf i hate Holla Forums now
I at least know you aren't.
ancaps say it all the time
Do AnCaps even exist though?
They also browse Holla Forums, which is a board populated entirely by people who say "(x) has never been tried".
Remember those Hades edits they tried doing and their tranny of a BO got so embarrassed from second hand cringe that he deleted the thread?
t. retard
There's a reason they've been kicked out of literally every nation they've ever inhabited in the past.
How about you tell me what is to be gained for germanics, slavs or anglos by introducing a hostile population of niggers and arabs into their territory with equal if not more rights, benefits and voting privileges. I do not care what some moron ideologue blogger has to say about some strawman amerimutt movement, I want you to actually say what's good about this. I've yet to hear about any possible benefit this might have.
The loss of social cohesion is obvious to anyone living in a """multicultural""" area. The rise in crime similarly so.
Increased cultural diversity. Being exposed to different cultures actually increases grey matter 33% ages 10-25.
Can confirm this, since leaving Holla Forums I've actually lost my virginity, gotten a job and gained normal T levels. All I had to do was to stop wasting my time with a rotten ideology and to delete all my interracial porn.
I watched this yesterday.
The big take-away: those acting as individuals will always be taken advantage of by those who act collectively. It's like if you are playing a sport and everyone is using steroids but you refuse to because you want to be more virtuous.
Holy shit
Is this true or are you being facetious?
[Citation needed]
And even if true, which I very much doubt, you don't need niggers in your nation to get exposed to different cultures.
Why are the most homogeneous societies on Earth, Israel, Japan, China, Europe for much of its history, also the societies with the highest IQs?
Whom are you quoting?
Any movies about this?
You need someone to star in all that cuckold porn that you secretly love so much.
It's true, misery loves company and I finally realized that all browsing Holla Forums does is to keep you miserable and passive. I actually quit due to listening to Peterson.
the times I went to leftypol, it just felt like an economics-only Holla Forums with no humor and no memes.
Guess we should give England back to the darkies and the Americas back to the Indians.
Stop projecting, /trannypol/. We ultra right-wingers are against and reject porn altogether. Everyone producing it should be shot and buried in shallow graves.
I quit browsing Holla Forums as well. I'm still a right wing voter though. But unless I focus more time on work and relationships all that stuff I learned on Holla Forums doesn't really matter.
Not him, but that's not how it works. Us willingly giving away our land is not the same as them reclaiming it. They want it back they need to fight for it back. The problem today is affirmative action
I was a leftist, which means I'm fat, nerdy, and have a tiny penis. I got AIDS from paying a cheap hooker to fuck me, since I have no love in my life.
When the doctor told me, I went to the only thing he recommended – National Socialism.
I slammed my penis between two copies of Mein Kampf. It swelled up to twice normal size and fell off. I was worried.
I woke up the next day with incredible abs, a 14" rod of steel, and no HIV. I'm now a gainfully employed, banging my 9/11 traditional wife(she is a house wife, shit is so cash) and raising two blonde haired blue eyed children.
Thanks Uncle A!
pics related: me before and after
And no economics
I browse Holla Forums more than Holla Forums because at least Holla Forums is shitpost friendly.
Now we both know that's not true.
Nobody in America is an ultra-right winger you nigger. America is a classical liberal society. there is only center-right and center-left
You're not American? Why am I even talking to you? You don't matter.
I'm pretty apolitical but this sounds pretty nice, guess I should try it out. Where do I start? What version of Mein Kampf should I go for?
I'm not a white nationalist, I'm just an anti-niggerist. I'm hoping people will take up my ideology. If it gets big on the chans in 5 years, remember where you heard it first. It's a combination of separatism and buddhism. You're happiness increases in correlation with your distance from niggers.
Just watch The Greatest Story Never Told. At least that's Kino and is actually on topic for this board
everyone who voted for trump is an ultra right wing nazi
Stalag Edition.
Higher Learning
That looks like something I dont want to watch but If I did and smoked a bunch of pot beforehand it would be trippy as hell.
I remember as a kid seeing this and before I became racist still being pissed off when the niggers beat up the skinheads in that one scene.
I'm American though.
Do you dumbfuck goons actually think you're fooling anyone?
He's not wrong tho, Holla Forums really should read Bookchin.
This is the only thing Holla Forums and you should be reading.
It isn't.
The descendants of Cheddar man are the modern Brits. Africans have no claim on are Chez. We were much better darkies than they were.
Truly you fags can meme
Schindler's List and other jewish anti-white fantasy movies.
Here's a video about OP btw.
He's a NAtional ZIonist.
Yeah, you got your priorities straight.
11/10 shitposting.
No one needs your approval to self determine.
No doesn't mean no, when it's left on right violence.
You think Holla Forums invented pepe?
I know Holla Forums invented pepe you faggot.
this is some advanced level trolling lmao
Right Wing SJWs folks. Give them a hand. They actually managed to rub two braincells together and slap the keyboard enough to almost make a coherent post. You know what they say about a thousand monkeys, a thousand typewriters, and a thousand years.
good job getting trolled, kiddo. its all about memes and The Don.
Absolutely based. r/The_Holla Forumsyp is the hot new place to pic up the dankest rare facebook frogs.
nu/tv/ everyone
Race goes much deeper than skin colour. It's true that people get along better the closer they are related and that the difference between the negroid races and say the aryan, slavic and iberian are huge. The pseudo-apes of the southern parts of Africa is almost a different species entirely.
Even so, white is still not a race. Americans on both sides of the liberal spectrum has become so strict with it that almost only germanics even qualify and then what's the point of the term in the first place? Just say germanic if that's what you mean.
t. centrist cuck soyboy
So Holla Forums?
you should nervous then
What a surprise.
how about you come at me with an actual argument instead of calling me names, bub
Ladies and Gents, Holla Forums.
then what do you call this, faggots?
can't wait to see this in theatres
I actually physically cringed at that, how do you make that and not realize how autistic it is?
If socialists realize something was autistic then they wouldn't be socialists now would they?
Howdy, comrades. Call me MarxistMatey.
I'm an emerging leftist content creator who's trying to expand his image throughout the internet, as well as to find an ideology I can stick with. So far, I'm a mere Classical Marxist, still in the middle of reading Marxist theory, hoping to see what else I could apply to myself from there afterwards. Pirate posting is my favorite kind of shitposting, and I praise Comrade Bat'ko for having invented it to begin with.
Speaking of Bat'ko, his YouTube takedown and swift return via several alt accounts, as well as you guys and your awesome efforts in reuploading his stuff, has inspired this expansion of mine in the first place. I created an account on vid.me not only to follow Bat'ko there, but as a failsafe for when I post videos to YouTube. My first account for my own Holla Forums OC is on Instagram, which I've noticed does have a very small leftist scene there, one that I think we can expand with enough effort. Some other users I highly recommend following there are sigfried.the.anarchist, leftcomgang, shillforsocialism, redinsurgent, the_bolshevik_walrus, and dialectical.idealism. These guys are awesome leftists, but I doubt they're Holla Forumsetarians, specifically. We should definitely make ourselves known there.
My accounts so far are listed below:
this is some candle cove type of shit isn't it
At least it's true OC.
Only Holla Forums can make something so dry, so stale, so normalfag-friendly, and yet waste so much effort on it
This honestly
you're talking to non-americans because they are white, so they can teach you a few things about white history and culture
If you are going to try and be "scientific" about it, be specific.
Use haplogroups but even then they are just averages from groups of genetic markers from a case study within an arbitrary border.
This is what lolbergs actually believe
Let me hit you with another one.
Yes and?
It occurs to me how much lolbergs actually have in common with leftypol. Both of their ideologies don’t work and neither one can meme for shit.
How about taking personal responsibility and realising that the establishment must hang?
Btw, where did this meme that Holla Forums thinks you shouldn’t clean your room and get your shit together come from?
You can understand why centrists, who are apathetic stoner losers, would want to espouse an ideology that says their laziness is intellectual superiority.
More like 90% or so. And yes, if such a large part of the population weren't apathetic good goys things wouldn't have gotten this bad.
You can't read forty eight words?
I don't consider myself to be a centrist, and I'm certainly not a liberal.
That's a fair point. I'm not denying that the establishment is garbage. It is. I'm not saying that you should not stay informed about the serious problems in the world. I am saying that spending massive amounts of mental energy on problems that you have no control over is counterproductive.
One idea that Dr. Peterson is trying to convey is this:
If everyone focused on achieving their highest possible potential, in what ever domain they're naturally drawn towards, then the world will, in turn, achieve it's highest possible potential.
In other words. If you see massive corruption in the establishment, and you feel driven to reduce that corruption, then by any means necessary you should dive as deeply into it as possible to achieve that goal. Otherwise you're just spending time and energy complaining about a problem that you have no power over.
/pol can have two different effects on people.
The first, which I regard as generally positive, is to become informed, and to teach people to take everything with a grain of salt.
The second, which can be catastrophic to well being, is to teach impressionable young men that the Jews are responsible for everything that is going wrong in their lives, and not themselves. It can feed a victimized mentality, which does not create conquering men.
Pretty much, yeah.