Your favorite attack in any game

My favorite attack out of any game is "Real Impact" from DMC4 Dante just slowly takes a stance and prepares to wind up a punch, then suddenly pow, a giant clash sound, the screen flashes and then it hits 2 more times during the impact from Dante launching him and the target into the sky.
It takes so long to wind up most enemies get out the way or can hit you but then you see that situation where you just know it'll work and then you proceed to use it and just watch a massive chuck damage appear.
Then you can use Devil trigger to glitch the move out to make it hit for much more damage and even a forth time.
Just everything about this move is satisfying, it being a reward for just a risky start up, the damage it does (seeing a bosses usually chipped apart HP have a giant red gash in it is shockingly good) which usually stuns a boss allowing for it again.
Just everything about it makes me love it.

What other moves give this feeling to you out of any game?

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Isn't the Arc of Deliverance in Dragon's Dogma pretty much like this?

Between the arcsys fighter and the two musous, gonna have to go with this shit

Ryu's dragon-punch.

The Gravedigger that Testamente uses or used in Guilty Gear. It was such a cheap move.
You could poison an oponent, run like a bitch for a few seconds and when he only had 1HP left, you could just spam Gravedigger and kill him with chip damage.
It also a cool sound, excelent mobility, can be used on air, to finish a lot of combos. Fuck, that move combined with half the stuff Testament could do.

Oh and Gamma Ray from Dizzy. It's funny how it's the same input as the Imperial Ray from Justice but backwards. It was just so cool-looking. Also had that detail where hitting an oponent with the first hit would suspend them in the air while the Ray actually fired. Fucking amazing.

For a less cop out answer, there's a move Rugal has in one of the KoF games where he jumps up on his opponent's shoulders and twists his feet to snap their neck. That's pretry rad

Link's Downward Stab in Zelda games. It was OP as fuck in Zelda 2, and glorious in TP (not that you ever really needed it) and the way it was used in the finale of WW was fucking sweet. And it makes a good down air smash in Smash Bros too, though it doesn't launch as well as it used to.

Two-handed ultra greatsword strong attack from Dark Souls, or Samus' up tilt from Melee.

Ultra burst with a charge blade in monhun. Greatswordfags only think they know how to gotcha bitch.

Love Raging Demon, but recently the Falling Bolt skill from the Dragonslayer Greataxe in DS3-gives you poise on startup while host goes on offensive to stop you, then often one shots them, leaving them a twitching pancake

All forms of stinger.
I fucking hate to run to enemy or jump to it or whatever. Just thrust into their fucking faces with whatever weapon I have, melee or not.
The best shit.

EDF Tempest.

it never gets old.

I immediately went for a Black Knight cosplay build in DS as soon as I saw that attack

Thousand kisses from dragon's dogma feels great

The one-handed sword counterattack from Dragon's Dogma. When you connect it it feels truly glorious and does high damage. Enemies around you and your opponent can hit you, but if they don't, the attack is so powerful it releases an AoE blast and sends everyone flying.

Also this. Dragon Dogma's Assassins are life, and an endless source of joy if you like flashy combat.


Counters in fighting related games. Not hitting them before they hit you counter. But the grapple-esque counters of waiting to be hit and negate hit to hit back.

I was about to post this. You cannot escape rom deff.


Not a fighting game but it reminded me of your post.

buster wolf, galactica phantom, izuna drop, smokes Xray from MK9

It's beautiful
I mean viewtiful

The charged up R2 attack from Bloodborne's Stake Driver, gif related (excuse the shoddy quality, it's slightly sped up for some reason), came to mind. It's a similar kind of catharsis to Real Impact, only without the freeze frames. Long, charged up punch that stuns even big bosses and sends everything else flying.

Took me quite a while to think of something other than Real Impact, though. DMC3 and 4 just do so many things that other games, even within their genre, can't seem to get right.

Swallow the Whale, probably.

It's a classic.

From the same game, Devil Taoist Explodes, which is just an enormous suicide bomb.

Probably the EWGF from tekken

The quit game option


Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Super Max Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Little Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonderful Arrow.


stone greataxe from dark souls R2

the thought of slamming a giant axe into the ground hard enough to pull it up and create a giant explosion of dirty makes my dick turn into steel

either that, or going FIRE EVERYTHING mode in armored core for answer


Almost any attack by this fucker, good visuals for some satisfying attacks that come with edgy voice acting with a side of ham.

Tager too.
And Hakumen's Astral.

There's this one hammerfist attack in Prototype that I really like. Alex would throw himself using the mass of the fist and then crash down on something. Even though it didn't deal much damage it was the coolest shit ever.
Also MMxs giga crash. Nothing gets me harder than ramming into enemies and having it deal damage

It's not really a move, but more of a conjunction of things, I like when I can play with a big shield and a shot gun that feels really good. I guess as far as moves go I love Vanilla Ice's reverse DP. Erasing space in general just feels so good, but the only move that really feels like vanilla ice is that move, since you crash into the ground, make a hole, and then you make another hole wherever you pop back up, 1/3 of the screen is gone when you do this, the only way to know where he's going to pop up is if he plays really predictably and doesn't try to mix you up, it's great for smashing someone from within the corner to give some room for follow ups, and it does some meaty damage.

I think the best form of stinger is the million stab right out of it so you don't push your enemy a yard away, and then you can follow up if you cancel out into high time, areal rave, and then come back down or lay into them with E&I, finishing up with shotty or helm breaker.

Dual Majestic Greatsword plus the two Illusory ring combo is super satisfying to confuse your opponents with.

One of my Fav things in DMC 3
Stinger into Million stab and RG cancel that into literally anything you want

Throwing semen at enemies in Dungeons & Prisoners

my favorite attack is to damage your credit score

I used to troll my sister so much with Paul Phoenix's Burning Fist move. Along with Yoshimitsu's poison breath and teleportation.


Head-exploding suplex or kicks in RE4, or maybe the grab in Mortal Kombat 4 where you snap someone's leg the wrong way.

Mate, it's required. If you sequence break past it (possible), you can't deliver the final blow to Ganondorf.

Is this 2k17? I don't ever remember being able to counter the rock bottom into a Koji clutch/
