What are the lootboxes of kino?

What are the lootboxes of kino?

Kino by definition can't have lootbox-tier content.

I'm actually surprised blur-rays and DVDs don't have some sort of paid interview or commentary unlocks yet.

who would be so retarded to pay for that though
I mean, with lootboxes you unlock objects that you use in games, but who would want to pay for the additional content of the dvd, nobody watches that shit

JJ Abrams


Single serving channel subscriptions.

I don't feel like I've seen commentary tracks on anything post DVD.

Brainlet memes are cuckchan shit
Go back there

who is this man and why do i keep seeing him plastered all over Holla Forums?

Somewhere a jew is reading this and getting ideas.

fucking statists. if you don't like something, don't buy it. no one is forcing you.

Man, anime adaptations have gotten a bit too faithful lately.

It became profitable thanks to the retards who fell for it. And the government regulating that shit is really the only solution to stop said retards.

why is it any of your business what some retards spend their money on?

fuck off lolberg

fuck off statist

I can see the possibilities, Hollywood just needs to adapt

FWIW, the Special Edition of Memento did hide the chronological cut behind a quiz that you had to answer before it would let you watch it.

The MCU. You pay for movies with no story.

except for that first picture being in a completely different context of yelling at the paparazzi

Hi Zach


The games are made worse because companies cater to the brainlets

JJ really is the everyman. For most directors a pic like that would be them showing off their showmanship and masturbating their own mystery/intrigue creating ego. Like look at me I'm a big shot director guy and I know what's in the box wanna take a look kid.
But with JJ he genuinely doesn't know. Even though he brought the box with him and put it on the chair in many ways he's just like you. Hands in pockets saying hmm I wonder what's in the box.

so don't buy games that you think are bad. there's tons of games with no lootboxes.


zach you're embarassing

I agree, but may as well get developers and publishers spooked about lootboxes being a bad idea so it doesn't filter down the good games

t. zach