I mean just look at these next couple of months. It's insane (mostly because most of these Q1 games were originally Q4 2016 but yeah).
Like jeez. I need to get a job finally I guess.
I mean just look at these next couple of months. It's insane (mostly because most of these Q1 games were originally Q4 2016 but yeah).
Like jeez. I need to get a job finally I guess.
Other urls found in this thread:
imageboards were a mistake.
Making any kind of threads don't require any confidence on anonymouse sites at all. You just have very low self esteem
Except for expecting expansions/DLCs for a few games I'm not hyped much
All I want is english EO5.
It's more that they have confidence in their shit taste than their ability to make a thread, doofus.
Gtfo, sjw-reddit faggot.
I already played yakuza 0 2 years ago
fuck off retards
We'll see if it has a solid line up, I just hope Laura Kate Dale is wrong.
Wow, that's an absolutely shit list. Thanks for reminding me how much this year is going to suck for vidya, while also reminding me how much mouth-breathers such as yourself will praise it.
What a wonderful time to be alive if you keep playing weeb games.
Why can western AA and indie devs get their shit together yet?
Still hoping THQNordic doesn't break my heart.
Yeah I'm worried about the localization of Persona 5 and Nier, however I wanna wait and see before actually buying it. Nier having an english option in the Japanese demo looks like a good sign.
Are you seriously trying to be smug about not knowing Japanese in 2017? Censorship cuck please. Also pic related fanboy.
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 features original gameplay (fragmentary passage) and an original move if that's one you're talking about.
nono. I was being smug to
but yeah I'm not defending the censorship, I'm just saying I'm working on it and it's taking me some time before I can actually play Japanese games without them being translated.
also to
Battle Chasers looks fun
I would love for berserk to be any type of slightly good.
but I know It will suck.
I need to reread
You're not tricking me again Nomura you FUCKING HACK
All I remotely care about is the Switch and even then I'm holding off till its presentation on the 12th before caring too much. If they don't show standard online features every other console and PC DDL service has had for 10 years then no buy. If they don't show at least 5 games I think look good then no buy. If it isn't region free then no buy. If there's any inclination towards jewery (ammibo's, having to rebuy your 3DS/Wii-U digital and VC games instead of free transfer, propierty memory format like the Vita) then no buy.
Are all your purchases based on internet ads?
Everything else up there is a port or a rehash tho.
Theres like 4 ports/reashes on that list you fuck
You're ignorant as shit, what the fuck are you even doing here?
What are you doing here?
Launch title
At this point, they're just fucking with their fanbase aren't they?
I bet you're fun at the parties you never get invited to.
You know what, man? I think you're right. I think things are going to start looking up.
Pessimism keeps us from being surprised, and low expectations allows us to be more easily pleased when things turn out okay.. But I think I can be a little hopeful. There's a different quality to the world now.
We're all gonna make it brah
I'm here to tell you to fuck off for being an ignorant retard who spreads misinfo.
Nobody cares about your social life, especially when the topic at hand concerns videogames.
You forgot
Oh come on, i like musou and i know that game will be decent as best case sceario
If its on the Shitstation or the Bone it might as well not exist.
Its an expression tismo.
I'm just saying, the OP put up a bunch of good games on the way, and like a faggot he goes off on "shit taste" when all that really means at this point is that he's too jaded to enjoy a good game.
People who cry "shit taste" at a list like that tend to just be people who are too depressed to have fun. I as well as you know who we talk with here.
And this shit about not caring about a social life, of course you do, that's why you came here. This is SOCIAL media, even if it's not faggy twitter or the like. I'm not asking you to get a life, autismo, just some perspective.
Reddit is that way, you sjw retard.
There's only one person with shit taste. Please remove your OS chip
yeah if you like jap games, which i don't with the exception of Kingdom Hearts 2.8
you are going to be in a world of disappointment, I can already tell it is going to end up like the WiiU
that is not the image I picked
Indeed, one thats used by normalfags such as yourself to deprecate a persons argument via ad hominem directed at said persons social life
Fuckoff back to >>>/cuckchan/, I'm sure they'll fully support your antics while consuming shit produced by vidya publishers and themselves.
Yeah, they have to run out of numbers between 2 and 3 eventually :^)
No tismo, he was calling you an asshole. Not attacking your social life. See, if you werent horribly blinded by aspergers or what ever you have you would understand.
Thats ok, I'm just here to help you, no need to thank me.
Since when the fuck does Holla Forums not revile Senran? There's a reason anyone who wants to discuss the series has long since found other places to do it. This is, of course, setting aside the fact that Peach Beach Splash looks like the most generic arena shooter imaginable. I love tits as much as the last 10% of Holla Forums left that's not from reddit or tumblr, but it's going to take a lot more than great tits to get me to play one of the most formulaic genres in the industry.
Well I suppose we can all look forward to KH4 in March in preparation for 3
pure autism
Got to be 18 or older to post here, dude. Come back in 10 years.
Next year is looking great, doesn't mean OP isn't a shit taste pleb.
I came here to talk about vidya, especifically, good vidya.
Are you this pathetic?
No, he was calling another user an asshole, you'd know this if you read the thread.
And its not an argument
Nah, just crippling anxiety
But it just affects my daily life ever so slightly
Whats your excuse?
18 is still much too young.
They would have been born in 1999.
How about you read his post next time Flip Flap?
What the desu did you just fucking desu about me, you little desu? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my desu in the Navy Desus, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret desus on Al-Desu, and I have over 300 confirmed desus. I am trained in desu warfare and I’m the top desu in the entire US armed desu. You are nothing to me but just another desu. I will desu you the fuck out with desu the likes of which has never been seen before on this desu, mark my fucking desu. You think you can get away with saying that desu to me over the desu? Think again, desu. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of desu across the USA and your desu is being traced right now so you better prepare for the spam, maggot. The spam that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your desu. You’re fucking desu, kid. I can be desu, desu, and I can desu you in over desu ways, and that’s just with my bare desu. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed desu, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Desu and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable desu off the face of the desu, you little desu. If only you could have known what unholy desu your little “desu” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking desu. But you desu, you desu, and now you’re desu, you goddamn desu. I will shit desu all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking desu, kiddo.
You now have traces of it. It's not too late user, you can still leave
I didnt believe them when they told me the older you get, the faster time goes by. I just want it to slow down a bit.
>tfw I'm turning 30 this year
I know your pain user
tfw we can never go back
Why can people with such shit taste post here?
What Senran? Are they porting Aesteval Versus to PC?
user, what are you doing?
post that shit
Since when did cuckchan start raiding us?
No, it's a new game called Peach Beach Splash. It's an arena shooter where the girls go at each other with a variety of water guns, including a rocket launcher in the shape of a sushi roll that the girl has to give a hand job to reload. It would have been right up my alley if it weren't an arena shooter. Still, one of my favorite New Wave girls is going to be playable in it, so it still tempts me.
I honestly think that it's both cuckchan and plebbit at the same time. I think that the constant emotes speak for themselves
I don't have it on this computer anyways
Will it be on PC?
since 2014
True, but it's still odd how these faggots appeared out of nowhere.
Considering that Shinovi Versus did make it to PC but Estival didn't, it's a toss up. XSeed did say something about pushing for more PC ports, but in the end, it's up to Marvelous.
You know what I mean faggot.
The NuAnons that shit on everything Japanese and praise AAA/indie shit.
More refugees that came here after 4chan gold was memed into reality
The aforementioned plebs, the shilling for titanfall2 is just one guy spamming the same soundless webms he got from halfchan, and overfag generals are just spillover from /cuteboys/
Estival has that game mode with cosplaying as popular japanese characters. The rights were very expensive so that is a big reason they only did PS4/Vita.
Already looks much better than Q1 of last year. I'm ready.
I don't care what anyone says, your alright op.
What senran kagura is coming out in March?
Also South Park The Fractured But Whole and Sonic Mania
If you mean "cosplaying" girls from Ikkitousen, you're only part right. It wasn't cosplay and it wasn't some special game mode. It was the actual Ikkitousen girls implemented into the full game with their own movesets and everything.
The part about the rights being expensive is also only part right. From what I heard, the Japanese owner of Ikkitousen wanted to give XSeed the rights to use those girls for free. The US owner of the rights then stepped in and said "Nope. We want massive amounts of cash for this", and thus the west lost out on a big chunk of DLC for Estival.
I bet you anything they were Jews.
No I mean I saw videos of them cosplaying as Lupin and Gundam shit.
Kill yourself
I was really hopeful when I played the glorious Nioh Alpha. But then people who were shit at it and wanted it to be a different game flooded the surveys until it's core got ripped apart in the Beta, and then even that wasn't enough for them looking at the newer footage where it's been dumbed down even more and you can mash through even more.
Oh, that's not some alternate game mode. That's the dressing room. You can do all kinds of ridiculous shit in the dressing room and have it be reflected in the rest of the game. Pic very much related.
Don't fight it
Why does every thread on Holla Forums get derailed by contrarian shit posters these days, no matter the topic? Are we being raided?
All I got
When does FF12 drop?
What's the name of that game where you teleport around and punch people? It also features a flying drone similar to Automata.
Theres that word again
Official page still says TBD, but some retailers are saying July. That's probably just a really conservative estimate, however, considering gameplay trailers have been out for nearly 4 months.
It was a staple of Halfchan. After the exodus the cancer went away for a few months but then the halfchan cancer found its way over here
Do you not know what it means? There are a lot of people alive that just say I DON"T LIKE IT because they have a chip on their shoulder. This includes many of the people on chans because they are no gf losers with a job that doesn't pay a living wage, if they have a job at all.
there's an infinite number of values between 2 and 3
Its just autism. And its very real, keep in mind we're on an anonymous imageboard and you post among more genuinely autistic people than you think. Sometimes its easy to tell wither or not a particular user has genuine autism but not always, best just to acknowledge that its a real possibility and move on.
Last I recall she already has been wrong several times where the Switch is concerned.
We Shall Wake?
Yes, thank you.
Yeah but you still have to pay to use those likenesses in the game because they're shit from other IPs and very lucrative ones at that.
You don't seem to understand. Unless it's the actual outfits from Ikkitousen, they aren't using anything licensed. They're just creatively using shit that comes standard in the dressing room. That pic I posted is just a clever arrangement of a school backpack, tengu mask, and other objects. In the same way, people can use the standard, non-licensed shit in the dressing room to approximate the look of other things, like characters from another series without paying any fees because the items they're using aren't the actual, licensed shit, just clever use of the standard objects and outfits. For example, you mentioned Gundam, but there was never any Gundam DLC. They just threw something together that looks like a gundam.
I hope a lot of people get Peach Beach Splash when it comes to PC. The small snippets of gameplay we have make it look like Vanquish titty edition.
That's the joke
Yes cause Yakuza 0, Nier, and Nioh are shilled everywhere.
Just fuck my whole life.
Reeee, wrong thread.
Whoa there, we're barely into this one.
Its gunna be shit user, its not like Hyrule warriors where they do anything interesting with it, I've seen some japs stream it, its Warriors except your forced into playing Guts instead of anyone else for most of the story
I'd like to point out pretty much none of the ones you listed have a release date listed any time soon
I forgot I'm already in 2017
Good games came out that year though
It was the last year before the economic crisis affected publishers and normalfags flocked in mass to tech.
Are you implying that was not the case?
At least half of those are comfirmed to be realising this year.
This is all I give a shit about so far. Nier looks boss, but I lack the console for it.
oh shit NO GAMES
Are you implying that was not the case?
Look man, I know alot of shit happened in 2007 that changed things for the worst for quite some time, but lets not kid ourselves, vidya was on a decline in quality for quite some time before that, shitty business practices were preceded by shitty games, period
Yes but unlike the OP they have no solid release date or release window, notice how the OP has the months listed but all the games you listed have a "TBA 2016" release date, not to mention differences between western and eastern release dates for at least 3 of those
It's coming to PC, so you can experience sphincter brown in 1080p
You should've got one a long time ago.
I don't care what color it is. I'll take some fun "Slashing in Heels" Revengence-Lite right now.
Fair enough
LOL Disney is shit
Might be good, I don't fucking know, it's a Sony exclusive so who cares
First person jumpscare VR bait extravaganza. Might be good, on PC, and without the shitty headset, if it ever gets interesting mods
Might be good, too early to tell for sure how fucked it is. Another Sony exclusive, so who cares
Musous tend to be shite, isn't that right? Might be good, if you're into musous
Horizon Zero Dawn? Yet another Sonyshite exclusive. Doubt it's going to be anything substantive, all of the footage seen at various trade shows has been glorious "cinematic" garbage
Are we just going to forget that this game has a mode in which it will literally play itself for you? That is a big red fucking flag. I never played the first Nier, some people say it was good, I don't fucking know. Might be good, don't really know shit about it. Is it another Sonyshite?
Might be good, I don't know much about it
LOL Disney is shit
Might be good, I don't know much about it
not going to say you've got shit taste, OP, but that list isn't looking too good, and neither is 2017.
Yeah, since 2003 but 2007 saw games like Crysis, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Orange Box,COD 4 and SupCom released.
Fair enough
This might be the one of the most awful post I've seen in a while.
coming from you, that's a compliment.
It was pretty autistic taking a shit on Automata for having autoplay and then saying you're looking forward to muh Kamiya's next game when Bayo had an autoplay difficulty too
And you know he's working on Scalebound and you know it's going to be hot dogshit
You're a faggot, as expected. You see, my autistic compatriot, one game's shitty practice does not excuse another's. When did I ever defend Bayonetta for having autoplay, you fucking crippled retard? Oh, that's right. I didn't. As for Scalebound, when did I ever mention that? Again, didn't. Eat shit, you cocksucking homo loving cunt wagon.
As expected? I'm not even the same guy, unless you think there's just only one person in the world who would call you autistic
Implicitly right next to where you said you were looking forward to Kamiya working on a series he hasn't touched for the past three games and a game he has never worked on period
I don't know that. You could easily be some VPN/proxy hopping faggot.
No, fuck you, you're just making assumptions at this point. I never said I was "looking forward to" anything, either. I said there are better things than OP's shit list to pay attention to, and not necessarily that said things will be even somewhat decent. Open your fucking brain and learn some reading comprehension, you nigger.
None of them confirmed to be coming out in Q1 like OP specifically said, but I understand reading is hard. Hard to see through the tears
Oh the irony
(you) should kill yourself, holy shit. What does their release date have to do with anything, you troglodyte? The fact that you'd give a shit about Kingdom Hearts to begin with is telling of your faggotry. Go suck down a fucking semen smoothie, you waste of fucking space.
Why are you so hostile?
Wipe the drool from your mouth and consider for a second that maybe OP didn't list them because he was specifically talking only about what's coming in the next few months? Like he said?
Who do you think you're talking to? I've never even played Kingdom Hearts
He's upset that Christmas break has finally ended and he has to go to school again.
Any perceived hostility is the machinations of your own mind, friend.
Wipe the feces from your tongue and consider that the release date of the games mentioned in the OP is irrelevant. If you don't believe that's true, then start making your cause, autismo, or continue shoving those crap cakes down your throat.
looks like we've got an internet tough guy here.
I believe this cuckchan crossposter thinks of you as the OP for some reason
Would not surprised me one bit if that was the cold hard truth considering his past
That doesn't seem to be the case here friendo
Of course it's not true, it's not remotely relevant in the context of the OP because he specified that he was just talking about a certain timespan and even labeled it by month
Holy shit are you actually mentally retarded
Well, then you're severely mistaken, friendo
Exactly, so why have you continuously brought up the release date, you fucking cockslobbering dipshit? You seem to be under the impression that I give a shit when these games are released. I don't. You have already admitted that you don't, so shut the fuck up about it already, you idiot. Holy shit. You have no business calling anyone a retard, you retard.
We'll have to get the boys at Mensa to solve this mystery
Oh yeah, almost forgot to check those sweet dubs.
fucking this
I meant trips
At least I somewhat saved it by actually getting dubs.
>implying that it even fucking matters when shit games are released
Forget Mensa, your concerns are a conundrum beyond the capacity of man
Nope, just you
Pretty close again
Back to >>>/cuckchan/ console warrior Sonygger.
Its not by spreading misinfo that you'll convince any Nitentoddler to stop sucking cock.
You're not even trying anymore. Eat shit, you faggot.
I know very well from what thread you took those caps you fucking nigger.
My small circle of internet buddies who use cuckchan linked it to me.
That shit was nothing but console shittery and misinfo.
I'm a mustard buddy boy
congrats on admitting youre a shiteater, m8
Shit year so far for me.
You did exactly that by posting those images.
I don't actively use the board aside from the sporadic link I get from said buddies that I archive before browsing.
What the fuck is this. Are you guys fucking shitting me right now? Please tell me I'm being duped. There's no way this could be real. Kingdom Hearts 2, the last mainline game, came out 12 fucking years ago, and you're telling me we're on 2.8 and not 3? Fuck you Nomura.
and I'm telling you now, theres no reason to goto cuckchan when I got Holla Forums
Go back to hell Hippo food
Then why do you do it?
Its the only way you could have gotten those crops.
*cause I made them, dipshit*
Good job buddy
I havent been to cuckchan in years, bud. nice selfie tho. you look familiar
How did you make the crops then?
… OH! the Horizon zero one wasnt mine. the Legacy Collection one is tho
This tbh famalamadingdongboopbeepbopbampbudenghshtegfaseioplkkmdsfkmmaskdfhjewjcncjasdbcadtcbuasdhbcsdacuasdchasdbchasdcjasd.
I hate humanity. All I wanna do is play WoW, RIFT, SWTOR, The Secret World, Destiny, EVE, Elite Dangerous and every other MMO without xXx_FaglordsDonkeydicksUrMum6969_xXx and all the other cancerous fucknuts screaming to PVP, raid, trade and join their shitty guilds. I wanna explore those worlds and those stories, but without the cancer of human contact.
But no, by all means, let's have new games.
Why has Kingdom Hearts 3 taken so long? Its almost criminal. I don't mean for the fans, I just mean for any company that had any stakes in it. How could any project take that long? Mismanagement doesn't even begin to describe what must have happened. They skipped an entire console generation that it was intended for.
They probobly didn't actually start development on it till after DDD, there's no way they would have kept pouring money in 3 for that long with that little to show
How well did Recoded and 358/2 sell, maybe they thought the money on handhelds for easier and cheaper to make games was just the better route
History says otherwise
Wouldn't be the first time Square did it.
top kek
None of those games are worth playing single player
You sound like a faggot who hasn't touched a MMO in his life.
Actually I played WoW, SWTOR and LOTRO, went on raids and joined guilds and did all the shit.
But the whole time I felt the games would be so incredibly improved without other players. I wanted desperately to close the chatboxes, but then I would feel like I was missing out, so I forsook immersion for interaction.
Well goddammit I'd rather have the immersion.
The only one of those I played was SWTOR. Some missions where good, but god damn I had a tv on in the background, and it took me from start of episode to the return of a commercial break just to walk to the location of a mission. Just a straight line. Nothing happend between that walk. Thats the real reason MMOs are dead to me. Nothing was gained in pressing forward for 15 minutes. It didn't look pretty. Nothing attacked me, and even if they did, you could walk around them. It was 15 minutes of pure nothing. I could do without that immersion. Since I actually liked the story missions despite how much they butt fucked the lore.
FFXIII. No, really. The jump to HD hit SE hard, much harder than the jump to 3D, funnily enough.
Including shitty management, an outdated company structure, a dwindling console market in Japan, among other shit, it forced Square to basically put everything on hold for consoles (hence the XIII sequels and the shitty XIV launch used as filler) while they restructured and got their shit together.
Wow, switching a veteran dev for a mobile dev for a high-budget main release and failing to make up for the budget, what promise!
Here, let's ask this man. He appears composed and reasonable
You are falling into their trap, it shall find some way of making you suffer, be sure of it, even if the gameplay is the hottest shit made by Platinum yet there will be at least one aspect that shall wring the joy out of your mind.
HAHAHA Fun Fact: Allison Rapp got caught by Nintendo working on the side as a prostitute. Her husband was such a cuck, he also sold himself as a prostitute. He even fucked men
*Noted child-sex advocate Alison Rapp
ah yes, thank you.
I just use the term Pedo Defender. sounds much neater and clearer
I wish I could say i'm shocked.
They're working on the star wars world
It does not contain BBS user.
Year of giving
I'm surprisingly optimistic for some of the Bethesda games coming out next year because they seemed to have learned lessons from the failures of Skyrim as its DLC was coming out and the same went for Fallout 4, having DLC that gives you more RP options in terms of dialog and choice in the DLC rather than the main game.
I had no real complaints about Dishonored 2 despite the political leanings the voice acting and the gameplay was good.
Skyrim Remaster runs better in general on PCs and you can disable the other shit, they also managed to squeeze more speed and less bulk out of the garbage scripting system they chose for Skyrim.
Sony really has so much of a far and away lead I can't imagine Microsoft catching up unless they spend the next fiscal year pumping out one after another A+ reboots or new entries from Rare properties which is less likely than Half Life 3 coming out.
I think Nintendo has pretty much emptied the tank in terms of creativity and all their old guard is retiring after the launch of the next system, maybe in 7 years they'll be back again. This leaves room for Sega to jump back in but I doubt it.
Capcom seems to be going more into their core alternative fanbase and really digging into old notches for ideas, this is pretty good so far with the new RE and classic rereleases. Hopefully this means my favorite Smug Demon Man comes back.
Fox is being less of a faggot about Marvel Superhero IPs.