TMS thread.
Despite the very much manufactured controversy surrounding the game, it's easily the best JRPG released this year. Colorful, lively, and creative, the game opens up a lot of doors for the franchise to take.
TMS thread.
Despite the very much manufactured controversy surrounding the game, it's easily the best JRPG released this year. Colorful, lively, and creative, the game opens up a lot of doors for the franchise to take.
Other urls found in this thread:
Unironically an extremely hype part of the game for me. That final dungeon in general was really great.
I heard from a dude at work that this game was good.
I can never entertain the thought of enjoying this game. Not after SMTxFE.
Yeah, Nintendo and Atlus manufactured the controversy by making a game no one wants.
Blatantly pathetically wrong. It's not even the best JRPG on a nintendo console, that would be Seventh Dragon VFD.
It's 2017 user. I think you need to look at a calender.
The biggest fucking shame of this game is not the wasted potential of a SMT/FE crossover, but the fact that there will never be lewds of the game because nobody played it.
There's not much lewds of the game because everything in it is censored to hell for the West.
Wait what? Noone manufactured anything people were really pissed when this ended up being the result of SMTxFE and anyone who would have given it a fair chance got driven off by the insane amount of censorship right down to the seiyus having to rerecord there lines.
I hear it is not that bad if you play with an uncensor patch but fuck it still deserved to bomb the way it did after all the shit they pulled.
I'm still amazed how far they went with it.
Like this is honestly the first time I heard a publisher asking the fucking seiyuu to re-record her lines to make it more "western friendly" in the western release just on the off-hand chance that someone who bought this game understood moon.
Wouldn't that guy have bought the original jap-version anyway?
I would have expected it to happen in the dub (that never happened) but in the original japanese?
On the whole this is one of the messiest localisation I've ever seen in recent releases.
I bought the Special Edition because I know I can flip it in the future for a better price, so I'm guilty of fueling the machine, but that doesn't change my opinion on how terrible and how butchered both series and the actual game was. The game is shit, your thread is shit, and you are either a paid shill from Treehouse or a genuine retard that will lap up any shit that Nintendo pushes out. Fuck back off to reddit and make sure to kill yourself.
You could at least update your copypasta.
You cowards aren't even into black cock
I think the WiiU is region locked so unless they imported a Japanese WiiU(or hacked it) they would be stuck with this butchered mess whenever they know moon or not.
Playing right now, actually. A little over halfway through. If you liked the Scooby Doo-tier P4 but less social links and no High School shit, this game is okay. If you like idols and musicals, this game is okay. If you like mindlessly exploiting weakenesses and seeing the enemy get hit 8 billion times by all your friends, it's okay. Class changing, not being able to have OP "Persona" so you always have a weakness, it's all pretty okay.
Oh, shit, you wanted a real crossover? It's not okay. You wanted another end-of-the-world scenario and feel the actual desperation of people like in other SMT games? Not okay. You wanted clever tactics and a punishing difficulty like older Fire Emblem games? Not okay.
There is merit to the game uncensored if you somehow never knew it was supposed to be the SMTxFE crossover. It's a lighter JRPG with a not retarded costume system, based around music. Actually, the music bit gives me an idea to tie it to Haru from Devil Survivor and you could make the idols into demon summoners thanks to the music having them harmonize.
What a gay
Meta Critic scores mean nothing. The only metric that's allowed is did you have fun?
Can't bring myself to care on concept alone. Neither Fire Emblem nor SMT lend themselves to this Idoruu worshipping bullshit. Even if it was just teenagers dealing with their inner turmoils and problems, and occasionally going to the beach (like Persona 4) and then Marth shows up, that might have been fine.. But this pure otaku idol culture shit that most weeb gamers can't even enjoy.. What were they thinking?
I played the pirated uncensored version of this, I actually had a lot of fun playing it as it's combat system is a lot like P5's but the story and characters were really light-hearted. Sometimes it's nice just to play a game that was happy and fun for a change.
Nah, it's because no one played the pile of shit.
This game clearly stopped being FExSMT long ago. Why do people keep treating it like it's just that? That concept was dropped ages ago and this is what came out of it. I don't like the idea either but it's pointless labeling it something it clearly isn't trying to be.
to this day I'm still amazed at how they fucked up this hard on a SMTXFE crossover. All they had to do was remake Devil Survivor with FE and SMT characters ft. Dante and it would have fucking worked. Instead we get a new IP trying to ride on the coattails of 2 popular franchises because they wanted the wider audience.
SMT and FE were two of my favorite game series, and this is what they came up with?
Fuck you.
For localizations; Trails of Cold Steel II, Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse, 7th Dragon III Code: VFD and Xanadu Next were all better
And if you count Japanese releases; Ys VIII and Etrian Odyssey V are vastly superior
>tell the higher authority his wifeabout his retarded decision
I guess next time I will tell her to stop him from buying censored shit.
FE is one of my favorite series as well. However that was simply a concept and NOT this game. This is what came out of that concept but we both know it's clearly not pandering to the FE or SMT audience. It's more for the Persona and Awakening audience.
Trying to meme it into FExSMT won't fix anything. However sells show where they've fucked up. Maybe this time they got the picture. Also it's current year. Do you really expect Intelligent Systems to make a great FE again? Conquest/Noir may have been good gameplay wise but it doesn't compare to something like 10.
They fucking announced it using that name you fucking faggot.
Why do you think I'm mad, you fucking idiot?
They got the picture that gamers dont want fire emblem, smt or idol games
The better question is, why have you wiped the slate clean ? Maybe it stopped being SMTxFE as a project, but how it started hasn't magically stopped being relevant. Among other things, it is a game that insults your intelligence just by existing. It's the crystallisation of a perfect storm of amazingly retarded decisions. Why would you go out of your way to treat it as ex nihilo ?
yeah this really screams SMT and Fire Emblem to me
Censorship apologists on Holla Forums?! Oh dear.
Again, that was a concept. That was not the official game. It went into development hell after that and came out as this. Clearly they barely even followed through with the concept. Instead of basing this on the concept, we should take it at face value because it's clearly not FExSMT. It may use a few mechanics and references from both series, but aesthetics wise it's clearly a different game.
I was upset too. But always treating this as what could be won't change anything. I don't know why you would expect anything like the old SMT games after the old director left and Persona sells like crazy. Same with FE. Despite Radiant Dawn selling pretty damn well, it's easier to just add waifus to make up for bad writing. But they did do well with Conquest gameplay and level wise.
Yet FE sell well and people still eat Idol stuff up. With this they tried to gather 3 or 4 different audience and missed them all. It being on the WiiU didn't help. Why not the PS3/PS4?
They censored vagina bones iirc.
That's a fucking crime against humanity. Racism against fit people.
Those are some shitty graphics. Jesus.
I am amazed they're still paying shills for this shit
Well, I didn't buy SMT 4, I didn't buy Awakening or Fates, so why the fuck would I buy this?
Christ this game looks like pure cancer.
Excellent bait, OP.
Why did they do 4kids-tier censorship to this game? Its a game for a niche within a niche, maybe they could've had their own version of Persona but even then Persona 4 was racier than anything TMS had to offer.
I dunno, maybe the combat is actually hard and good and leagues better than Persona 4, I like most weebshit but I cant stand popidol shit.
Come on now. At least know what shill means before throwing it out. I never said the game was good, buy the game, or even ignore the censorship. Is judging a game at face value really that bad? I doubt most people in this thread even played this game. Nor have I. But if you want to get an honest opinion of it or at least have a decent discussion. We need to put the background of the game behind us for a sec.
Same. I wouldn't buy this either and I didn't buy all of those besides Awakening. Which I don't care for nearly as much as some of the other games in the series. Point is that how can you be so upset as if expecting something great to come out of this. FExSMT seems like a very hard concept to fuck up but this is modern ATLUS and IS. IS hasn't been that good in years and can't even make a decent Wario Ware anymore. ATLUS has been making their games pretty casual as of late. Even Etrian Odyssey isn't nearly as hard as it used to be. Though I haven't played 5 yet.
Otherwise people would have to treat it as a generic JRPG with idolshit. No matter how you look at it, it's awful
Localization companies justify needing more production time to localize games with things they deem "culturally inappropriate". Which obviously could mean anything. The more work (minimum effort changes) they put into a game, the longer they can get paid and justify their efforts. It's all for money. This is why these censorship problems are never consistent. They're not doing it out of moral obligation (though some do that but I honestly think it's more rare) but for money.
There was news a week or so ago about ATLUS now getting serious about translating Persona 5. Why wasn't their translation serious before? And before that P5 was pushed back. Makes you wonder why would they suddenly take a translation "seriously" right? What the hell were they doing before that?
Makes me wonder what did better. Omega Quintet or IR.
NoA is afraid of sex.
The combat is a simplified version of P3/P4's. It's easy as hell.
Your insistence at judging it "at face value" is odd, given that plenty of evidence of the game being tepid at best on its own right exists, even in this very thread. Ignoring the very retarded string of events that led to idol otaku's first rpg won't lead to a sudden realization that it's anything but a wet fart, so again, why are you going out of your way to do so ?
Just wanted to see people's thoughts on the game. Despite not wanting the game myself, I want to know why they liked it. I wanted to see the appeal. Like how I dislike Persona 4 but asking why people like it gives me a new angle of looking at things.
How can you possibly get more simple than P4's combat? It already has barely any depth.
You gotta be kidding me, it cant be easier than P4. As for NoA being afraid of people in swimsuits, why?
Maybe they thought people liked Purse Owner memes with P5? I dont know, I thought their work took itself seriously enough in earlier releases. I guess TMS flopping set them straight?
Final Fantasy
This thread should have been deleted on sight.
I don't give a shit about what you just said about this trainwreck, but I'm going to thank you for reminding me to go through this CG set again.
For reasons.
It will definitely be filled with memes.
I was going to say that but took it back in the post you replied to. I doubt it has less depth than FF. Right?
Joy Ride is great. God tier CG set.
This game deserved all the shit it got and I'm glad it failed as hard as it did, both in Japan and in the west.
I'm pretty sure I'll end up playing it myself if I find it used for dirt cheap or by emulation eventually. Though not particularly giddy at the idea of playing an idol-centric Persona, I'm at the very least curious what they did with this baffling premise. But even with this sort of consideration in mind, I don't see the point of turning a blind eye to the game's history. I mean, even the madmen behind it tried to justify the idolshit as SMT material by mentioning theatrical arts were linked to the mystic in ancient greece or some shit.
You mean Stockholm Syndrome.
Sure, but everytime nintendo makes a retarded decision that pisses off the general audience we get gems like "manufactured controversy" and throwing every other company under the bus in a poor attempt to boost PR for some fucking reason.
What did Omega Quintet play like? I saw some and it looked. really eh.
My condolences for your shit taste.
Downloaded the restored version and played it with loadiine. Every time I remember that first teaser trailer it just saddens me. It's a very easy Persona game with all kinds of idol shit. At least SMT4 and Apocalypse aren't THIS shitty excluding all of the DLC.
We checking digits yet?
It's not "not that shitty", it's "not as shitty as #FE". Want to challenge that ?
Not with your post, no.
I understand that journos shouldn't be trusted, but fuck.
A thread died for this.
shit thread op
This is Cody? God fucking damnit.
It's a mix of a bunch of shit. Legend of heroes type turn system with random buffs thrown about. However there debuffs you want to watch out for too. So now you have an incentive to move enemies onto debuff turns. Allies and bosses can attack multiple times in a row, like 5 actions at once per character. Turn order placement team super moves. Momentum based combat that gives you more advantages by attacking in succession and as a team. Huge emphasis on rows where you have your own set of rows and the enemies have theirs (5 I believe). Despite spells being AOE or single target, how effective they are also depends on the row. Piercing/line attacks are very effective on the front line enemies while doing poor damage to enemies in the back line, even if there was nothing in the front. It will always do less damage to backline enemies. AOE attacks deal the most damage in the epicenter, based on rows. So all enemies in the same row as the epicenter will take most of the damage while ones in rows ahead or behind it will take less. Costumes are destuctible and not repairing them makes it so you will not get any damage reductions when attacked.
This is all I've gathered from just viewing it. Supposedly it has more depth but that alone is more depth than most RPGs. It has its own Sphere Grid but not linear and everyone can go down any path from the get go.
I don't trust that site at all. Too many people throw around 0s or 10s based on dumb reasons. Sometimes just to shitpost.
At least they didn't give it a shit score for being too hard. Like God Hand or Natural Doctrine.
That sounds dope as fuck. I hope to god you aren't just misinterpreting it and it's actually pretty shallow.
As you make it sound, it seems like I should be placing far more priority on playing this game than I previously thought.
Yeah, I enjoyed it a lot and went out of my way to get every trophy that didn't demand multiple runs. I got around halfway through a lunatic run before burning out. Everything was great except for the incredibly bland and repetitive battle themes, even dungeons were some of the best designed from an Atlus RPG until Persona 5 blew away my expectations a few months later. Censorship was a damn shame, so I didn't end up supporting it even though I really doubt it was Atlus' idea. Good thing it was so easy to uncensor and good thing that brilliant team of GBAtemp autists banded together to get a quality uncensor patch out in the first place. It'd be my GotY if I hadn't played the JP version of P5 as well.
I want cuckhan and shills to leave.
This guy's a legit shill right?
Yeah these niche games can catch people off guard with how good the combat is however I don't think I'm exaggerating. You can check out this video to see for yourself. Boss fight starts about 6 minutes in.
There are some things to consider though. Based on a bunch of people who've played the game.
As usual CH games lack polish and it shows here. Get it cheap on a sale and play it for the idols and the combat system. However you might just be better off playing Nep VII or FFF.
If he wants to play Fairy Fencer F, he should play Advent Dark Force.
Holy shit, this syncs perfectly with this song.
Forgot to mention that since it came to PS4 recently. It's also coming to PC this summer.
If I never played SMT or FE and don't know jack shit about either, would I enjoy this game? Or is it just shot on its own merits?
i meant he's shilling OUTSIDE halfchan Holla Forums
fuck that self-hating 15.75y.o. balding brat.
godawful JRPG for a WiiU game
there are billions of other superior Megami Tensei spinoffs to try and a ton of mainline FE games to take a jab at.
don't deal with this one and pray to god they don't bother to port this shit.
what do you think?
Just wondering. I've had Xenoblade X for a while and despite a few issues, I like it. Damn shame the Wii U didn't have more RPG'S outside this, XCX, and NuDeus Ex.
i really wished Elma was a good Xenoblade protagonist at least outside her delicious brown looks
now people are only gonna bother about her for Smash-only.
Isn't he also that NIDF guy going by "Travis Touchdown" on places like NG?
We don't know what you enjoy so asking if you'll enjoy it doesn't help. However, go try Fire Emblem 7 and Fire Emblem 9/10. All are great games. If you really like those, then play FE 4 and 5.
That's sacrilege.
Honestly, I've had a hard time trying to figure out if he's a legit shill, or just does shit because he feeds off the reaction people have to his garbage.
I have to wonder if he was one of those guys praising it while saying the Prime games were all shit back in the day on halfchan.
After it bombed in Japan they went all out advertising it to casual audiences in the west.
(Here's the Webm in full:
If you have to go this far to sell it, anything good in it must be smothered in something shit.
I don't understand why this wasn't just its own game instead of trying to throw SMT, Persona, or FE into it. Catherine did well on its own. This could have as well with as much as they were advertising it. Really should have aimed for the PS3 too since everyone owned that unlike the WiiU.
he's un-ironic and does it for free
he's also part of a *hugbubble group of retards on a mission to fend off with the "Pretendo boogeyman" at VG Facts' Disqus community.
The language in the EN version is japanese.
W-what? I was planning on buying it later, what happened?
I feel like Elma's big issue is a case of ludo narrative dissonance. I'm the one leading the party, the one with the highest level, the one telling that slut to wear a bunny costume, but the story still keeps saying SHE's my superior. Either make me play as Elma Or make my character the leader. Can't call her the leader unless she's actually directing shit.
I've been playing it off by having my character be alpha as fuck in dialogue and acting cocky around her. Secretly, I'm the one in charge of her - and she, Lin, and Irina are all part of my Harem of sluts who follow me around and perform sexual favors after I'm done with a battle.
>more mainline SMT games beyond Apocalypse even the hypothetical SMT 5,6, & 7
honestly can someone do a rundown on what Apocalypse did to the main series?
was the weakened YHVH thing that shitty?
You need to be more subtle. Here is your (you)
Dear Cody "It's OK when my Jewish masters at Nintendo does it" Coyote,
You haven't seen the levels of stupidity Nintencucks can reach, as a latin american I can tell you how stupid Nintendrones are on ((current year)) thanks to youtubers who suck Nintendo cock and praise them for censorship, killing the WiiU and taking down fangames.
I wouldn't be surprised if that guy does it for free.
It didn't do anything but end its own timeline for good. Both endings has you kill YHVH in every single instance across the multiverse at once, but in Bonds he'll definitely return and fuck your ass harder than Aleph because you're a retard that bet on the power of fucking friendship. In Massacre he'll also return someday but it doesn't matter because he can't touch you, you've become a new aspect of the observed universe, a creator god, and banished his ass from your new universe.
In the grand scheme of things, nothing stops there from being a new SMT. Humans are always gonna will Ed Bighead back. What might be interesting is being sent to Nanashi's universe and challenging him but he's earned his ending, he sacrificed everything to give a small corner of humanity immunity from the constant shit of the series.
I gotta say I'm fucking burned out on SMT for a while. EO5 localization when
Why would anyone praise Nintendo now? They have dev teams that can make a good or decent game once in a blue moon but thats it, they've done nothing but stupid choices these past 6 years.
Yeah I mean is there a big audience for JRPGs on Nintendo consoles? By all means do a wiiU port but Nintendo exclusive is just seems a bad business decision.
Because youtubers on Latino America became popular and made popular the idea of calling the shit on news sites while sucking Nintendo's dick because "every news site is bought by Sony and Sony is the worst thing that happened to the world after the holocaust so I am the truth and I say that localizations are good and memes are good and Nintendo did nothing wrong with the WiiU, and fangames shouldn't exist because they're made by people who have no imagination whatsoever to make original games and Nintendo has the right to shut them down, whoever says otherwise is a Sony fanboy" and people eat that shit because most of the popular news sites are shit but because they're run by underages who know nothing of vidya and believe that Dead Rising 4 is fantastic. So is simple as "whenever any news site is saying anything bad about Nintendo is because they're paid by Sony and is a hate campaign" and "whenever any news site is saying anything good about Nintendo is because Nintendo is fantastic and the best company ever made". Believe me, is the most autistic thing I've seen lately and the worst thing is that this going to stay for a while here.
This makes me feel like crying for some reason.
Seeing your favorite franchises, and a promise of a crossover getting crushed in front of you does that.
It was clearly the last game in the series. Hopefully they let it stay dead.
Shut the fuck up spic. Sony IS responsible for 90% of everything wrong in gaming today.
I wan fuk Kiria. Ellie's alright too.
Autism. I know we like to throw the word around here a lot, but this fucker has to have some form of autism. He's so irritatingly blind to the fact that other companies can also make good (or better) games in the same genre.
While Nintendo does develop/publish good games, it has not prevented them from also make bad games or even failing far from making the best game in a exclusive genre. (Eg Federation Force may be a FPS, but it's far, far, far from being at the top of that genre unlike other better FPS games on other platforms).
Supposedly in early development XCX didn't have a customization player character until halfway through, so it could be an artifact of that.
I never said that Sony has no blame you dumbass, what I said is that Nintencucks as retarded as Cody exist, just look how they applaud Nintendo for their localizations, for the memes and shutting down fangames, here on Latin America is more common than people think and mostly because Latin Americans have shit taste and are idiots who believes in memes like "((current year - 1)) is the worst year of gaming in History".
If you actually defend videogames companies nowadays you're fucking retarded.