Live action promotionals for games.
Anything more like this? I really like what they did for Far Cry 3.
Did they also do it for other Farcrys?
Live action promotionals for games.
Anything more like this? I really like what they did for Far Cry 3.
Did they also do it for other Farcrys?
Other urls found in this thread:
halo 3 odst
Destiny had a bunch of them.
oh and they should be GOOD promos
Does this count?
I liked the Skyrim ones, honestly, it could have been a better TV show than Game of Thrones to be honest.
It's promotional material, I guess.
Sega Japan gets Takeshi Hongo beating people up and generally being awesome to promote their consoleā¦Sega America goes with the screaming nightmare route.
What's wrong with Sega of America?
Shit, that reminds me of Capitaine X.
Live action trailers for games always come off as something fun, no matter what.
How did everyone die? Did they shoot each other by accident, or did the guy reveal he was a skelton in disguise all along?
i honestly woulda liked that a lot more if they just used a different song
ODST trailer was pretty neato, but i have some bias there since i think the ODST are the coolest thing to come from halo
>Did they shoot each other by accident
Yes.Well, except the last one.
The SOMA transmissions were made fairly well, especially because you actually run into some of the characters shown there while in-game.
Run into the ground by (((guess who))), at the behest of the terminally-butthurt Sega of Japan, after they got their asses reamed out in board meetings after a dumb gaijin proved that all you needed to move hardware was a pack-in killer app like Sonic the Hedgehog. Remember that for a time, Sega held over 50% of the market in the US, thanks in no small part to that plan to get a Genesis in every household.
RIP segatasan
Those are terrible and you should feel bad.
The only acceptable live action vidya commercial
Halo has had consistently great live action trailers, even Halo 4's was good
Nintendo was the king of these in the GameCube era
Remember? Metroid Fusion and Other M had live-action trailers too
I will never understandu
I thought that they were pretty good back in the day
That hurts.
How has this not been posted yet?
Not that I'm aware of, but there's a Far Cry 2 blog. It's a great read.