ill just get the shop out of the way first.
the cunt couldn't even drop her phone at huge businesses meeting
ill just get the shop out of the way first.
the cunt couldn't even drop her phone at huge businesses meeting
Isn't that a mobile game?
Top kek
Top kek
Well thats that.
who? what? why?
now this is podracing
Good thing nip developers are so good right? Weebs BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
The fuck is this? A mobile game with some faggot being headlined to try and appeal to more faggots?
If it's a mobile game, nothing was lost, it's a fucking mobile game.
AAA jap companies are just as bad as their western counterparts, this is nothing new
I told somebody earlier in another thread that Nips are just as cucked as the west
Yeah, I hope so too. I'd love the opportunity to shotgun her zombie brains out the back of her head.
Anyone else wants Square-Enix to crash and burn fast? Everyone whi bought FFXV and enabled them to keep breathing deserves the worst.
Some retarded spic "Rapper" is going to be in a Final Fantasy phone game
She's somewhere in the whole Pizzagate thing as well
Take that however you will
Ain't that one of the 9000 mobile games Square has put out? Wow, it's fucking nothing!
It has like 50M downloads and its success will guarantee the further butchering of their other actually good series: Mana, SaGa, Bahamut, etc.
oh nooo
Good thing we have the original games at all then. Square Enix is going to kill everythung it has before it kills itself.
This is not cuckchan were you can type like a faggot and expect people to think you are funny, low IQ mongrel.
Not before they release a mobile port of said games with permanent filtering and HR menus over lowres sprites and backgrounds.
4chan is literally Reddit now, what did you expect?
They know right that she's leftist
I sometimes go there for shits & giggles to screencap the autism, and this is what I find. Come on OP try a little harder to convince people you aren't from halfchan…
I'm pretty sure that's mentioned to be ironic.
Is this how rape feels like?
No they're actually literally in love with her…
shes so ugly holy shit
her face looks like its being pulled into a black hole its so close together
This is Holla Forums videogames, from who's loins we supposedly sprung
Some of my normalfag friends actually want to fuck her. The MSM has been lowering the standards of people for years and telling them that a mongrel spic is the definition of attractive.
I don't like it. Her smug aura mocks me.
Not sure why you thought this needed a thread.
out of the 16 normalfags I know, none of them know who this chick is.
I'm so glad I left when I did, Jesus Christ
The problem is that 4chan has ascended levels of extreme irony, and newfags take it literal. Then when the oldfags leave, you're left with redtumblrchan.
looks like you may fit in better back there, faggot
Now now user, no need to get yourself in a tissy. I go there to screencap the lulz amd bring them to you.
for you
If only we cared when it still mattered.
I'd fuck her. But then again I don't really have standards. But still, I would dick her very hard and make her fulfill all my fetishes. but whatever. gonna go back to playing video games.
> Left 4chan first exodus and only went back every so often go post the old "spoilered pic of goatse prolapse/a dead baby in a porn thread" switcharoo still somehow not permabanned
It hurts.
It's poetic
You can cherrypick equally bad examples here, it just takes longer because it's about a thousandth the speed of halfchan. 95% of such posts are ironic shitposting and it's indistinguishable from what you want to believe is reddit/whatever.
Keep telling yourself that.
Yeah we don't have the traffic to make entire threads dedicated to shitposting and not get caught. Sometimes there's a dedicated thread though.
What a fucking numale
What even is this thread about? Who is this whore?
Shit like this is why 4/ck/ needs an exodus.
I'm sick and tired of giving Hiroyuki click money visiting that site
The real question is why did Dan "Hold her tighter she's a fighter" Schneider make her more famous than Victoria Justice?
I think you've spent a little too much time there
Sadly, It took me abit longer to fly the fag nest than the rest of you
Why so they can come here and fag up this site?
i would rather have Natalie Imbruglia forced in my VIDEO GAMES instead of the nickelodeon girl
All the mods at halfchan are cancer as proven with those leaks a while back. Not to mention how they keep banning anything that is not current year enough and banned those fire hazard threads with that autistic spergout by a mod of how terrible bigots and anti-tranny people are or some nonsense. This actually led to the mod getting fired, but all the other mods apparently rushed to his aide and expressed how terrible it is for bigots to oust that mod. IT is the new 9gag or reddit at this point.
4/ck/ is clearly the one of the last based boards on that site.
Half/ck/ is shit. It's just as bad as any other halfchan board.
Didn't they dox that guy?
She's not a spic, she's a wop.
Get your ethnic slurs right, faggot.
Why would you think this
I feel like I remember a huge doxxing campaign centered around this guy. They doxxed him and also messed with that girl iirc.
If you got it post it i want to fuck with them some too
Just nuke halfchan from orbit at this point, it's the only way to be sure this cancer doesn't get here
Oh shit I thought that guy was a dyke
Why are they doing this to final fantasy? Is it to get back at Sakaguchi for The Spirits Within?
Whats wrong with japs?
Yo that has a thing on a crotch, fucker is trying to hide his boner
I think I play this one. I can't be sure, but I think this is on my tablet for playing when I'm away on business trips and shit. As a hardcore sleep-aid there's nothing better.
Play FF Möbius. Much better and prettier with less gatcha compared to its nip version.
It has to be a joke. She's a huge feminist and hates America. Yep she sure seems like a fun person to be around.
Well done on being able to exist. Have a fucking cookie and a pat on the head.
I wonder how much cum was sprayed on her face that day.
What are they gonna do? Is it a meme at this point or are women actually intimated by men simply being near them?
Feminists think literally everything is rape.
Sit next to a woman = RAPE!
Look at a women = RAPE!
Breath the same air as a woman = RAPE!
They might mansplain business things to her or, worse, stare rape her.
They've memed themselves into being able to self-congratulate every time they do something normal, which was the goal. Just pretend the world is really scary and then existing is a major accomplishment that you should feel good about.
Yes, yes they are.
They have to mask their lack of general contribution of anything tangible or technical in male dominated situations with bluster and 'so brave' self congratulation. Doing virtually nothing has to appear like a Sisyphean climb to justify how cunty they behave after the fact.
In a way she's right to be surprised to have managed to exist in that room given how utterly paper thin her constitution must be to think the thoughts she expresses. She's probably upset that she's not pretty enough that they *didn't* pin and gang-rape her so she'd have a sob story to vomit onto the tubes.
The guy tried to get 4/pol/ to dox her after she broke up with him and they ended up finding him instead.
She's a professional singer/dancer that got the job by being good looking.
What I'm trying to say is that she's not intelligent.
Yup; it's the suits that make them better than you, you fucking retard.
What the fuck did I miss?
Same as above, what did I miss? Any screencaps?
Halfcuck praising and defending her.
Well, let the Purge begin!
Someone just earned himself an entire cake.
Just why?
By chinks probably.
And this is Squeenix we're talking about, they're even worse than most western AAA's.
can someone post the deleted posts i want to see what happened
That pissed me off more than it should have. She went to a huge company with a bunch of professionals who expect to interview a professional for a role in one of the best selling video game franchises in history and she's updating her twitter. If you really want to "hold your own" in a business meeting full of intimidating men try making eye contact and speaking to them.
Who the fuck talks about themselves in third person and even calls themselves "a pretty little thing"?
Counter saging out of spite of the angry redditor
Nice censorship, you fucking faggot.
anyone got a screencap?
He should have done his redtext ban humiliations. Some of those were pretty damn funny.
We all know what a massive kikefag mark is but those ban pics are just like those 10 second out of context clips proving police brutality
yet you all keep coming here and eating of his hand
did i do it well sempai
People like bullshit up front. Nobody isn't going to get enough traction to actually migrate to another Holla Forums. It would split up the community to much and if the new Holla Forums fails for any reason then we're all fucked. And personally, I don't trust a single one of you fucks to run a new Holla Forums any better than him. Or any worse for that matter
Hitler dubs confirm Mark is a slimy kike
so what are you gonna do about it? go to another board? you're too much of a pussy to do that, and you know that nobody will remove him because he's buttbuddies with the administration.
Herro prease???
wew laddy, what is going on?
Read through the thread. Somebody was going all out and defending cuckchan.
what is this type of jav?