Now that the dust has settled, who was better?
Now that the dust has settled, who was better?
John Wayne, hands down.
I wonder if either one sucked off a Jew to get roles. That does not seem very manly. Gay sex that would be manly would be Predator or Rocky IV.
Clint Eastwood.
John Wayne movies are corny as fuck.
best cowboy thread
they were all great tbh
John Wayne was a white supremacist
Isn't one of Clint Eastwoods sons a half-black goblin or something?
Clint Eastwood always looked cooler tbh
Aren't you a half-black goblin or something?
You are so butthurt, holy shit
no that's De Niro
Clint's son is the ultimate chad
Clint is the better actor and his personal life wasn't as degenerate & disgusting
Tell me more, tbh.
John Wayne liked to participate in scat orgies at elite Hollywood parties
But that's Van Damme.
oldie McDumpyface or Manly McManjaw?
That show had so fucking predictable garbage ending. Why did you have to remind me.
JCVD is a punk bitch and Seagal would smash his faggot ass in a fight if he wasn't a Buddist and man of peace.
RVD is the only VD worth a damme.
Clint Eastwood was supposed to be the cool, amoral America that actually conquered the West. While John Wayne was the puritan lie about the conquest being civilization.
Too bad the yankees sold out to the jews and were reduced to a bunch of cucks and niggers. You didn't deserve someone like Clint.
Franco Nero, Lee Van Cleef, Gary Cooper, Yul Brynner Terrence Hill… really just about everyone else since they could actually act
Hatari wasn't corny at all.
John Wayne's movies were too much like the serials. Like stage plays.
bet you don't think BLM or LaRaza are supremacist protip they are
aikido is fake bro, they never train FULL CONTACT, otherwise 90% of aikido moves would be proven useless