Holla Forums blown the BTFO out

Holla Forums blown the BTFO out

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Reminder that a self hating nu male draws this webcomic

i dont get it

yeah same tbh

No shit. Webcomics are the preferred creative endeavor of that group.

I seriously hope you guys' favourite films have sizeable female roles.

what does sizeable even mean

here he is

say something nice about him

I hate americans.

He has a better beard tham be ;_;

We don't care enough about you to hate you.

are these satire? I mean I just read them, and she doesn't have any retort other than muh vagina, it's like a subtle redpill


What if that is satire?

no that's just your gender stereotypes getting btfo

Dear God.




What did she mean by this?

How weak is your beard if that soyboy is better? What he has is kid's stuff.

t. over a foot long beard.


Are these shopped?



What did she meant by this

This has to be satire.

This is the author, he says the comics aren't satire, but he doesn't even do the soysmile in his twitter profile's pic so he must be lying.


is he… /ourguy/?

He looks like one of those rare gays who aren't insufferable to be around.


Fuckin' nazi got what it deserved

Can you still make webcomics without being a cuck?


This guy definitely has a rape dungeon somewhere.

The girl confused her plastic lightsaber with a dildo.

Bitch deserves to get lynched like a nigger

Is that an edit?

fat womyn sweetie

That's the worst part.. It's some thin-wristed male hipster faggot's self-insert feminist wet dream, where he gets to be a sassy, witty badass vagina-haver who puts men in their place.

natty doesn't have punchlines though



His nose has a nice curve to it.

gaf comics tbpfh.


This is fucking awful, oh my God.

But that's a perfectly valid point


This comic is probably the best thing out there right now. It's a perfect parody disguised as a real comic. Down to the designs of the character and the random blurb pages about hating specific male figures. At first glance its almost surreal how unaware the author even is about their own comic, but as soon as you take it as satire, it immediately begins to be pretty humorous.

She lost the argument so she pulled out a lasersword and killed him.


He's clearly taking the piss. It's just aimed at both gullible people and the ones he portrays.


Transcending from post-irony to meta-irony makes his hipster faggotry worse.