Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, cause they knew death was better than bondage


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I'm cool with drowning nigs tbh



Deep and mature.

*click* *click*?

Hair looks faggy

weren't they shackled the entire time?


No, they chimped out and killed the huwhites, but they didn't knew how to drive a ship.

Let them have their fantasy of an all black nation that prospers and advances.

When they die from their own ineptitude and they can't blame anyone we'll have killed two birds with one stone.

those niggers were already slaves.


I thought Wakanda was the isolated black fascist state though?

The actor should be fortunate his ancestors were brought here, otherwise he would have never had the opportunities he has in the US today and would be still eating bugs in some shithut in Apefrica.

His ancestors lived in Wakanda peacefully until his dad decided to become a terrorist. Not only that but apparently his "ancestors" decided for some reason to not become advanced like the rest of the world. He also comes from the bloodline of possibly all of the previous black Panthers? if all the black panther happen to be the same blood line since the first one. Though there is a chance that someone could have challenged at one point.

So what the hell is his problem? Why couldn't he see that his real bloodline ancestors were right not to deal with the outside world. Look how degenerate and pathetic they became. Yet he feels that they were the true Kings instead of his family.

but weren't his ancestors wakandans? they'd have all been chilling in wakanda with all their pyramids and sheeeit

also the niggers who ended up slaves in the us were sold by other niggers who enslaved them in the first place.

Truly the greatest minds who could create the worlds greatest country if only whitey didn't get involved.

what's my IQ again fam?

it's almost as if low iq ""people"" always get fucked by high iq people. it's almost as if this is a natural law or smtng smh

I've been out of the loop. How many muggings, stabbings, assaults, riots, robberies and flash mobs at movie theaters and adjacent businesses have there been since the 16th? I'm willing to bet a cold $100 that there's been an uptick in violence in and around movie theaters in the last two days. And if not yet, there will be

If they died how did he decend from them

Daily reminder that every black person who doesn't have the complexion of an oil spill is descended from slave masters, whereas most white people are not. WE WUZ

This is something I never understood.
Why keep hitting a corpse ? What for ? Is it some shamanic shit ?
Isn't it easier to bury it without making it into a bloody mess ?

Well they are fucking animals, chimpanzees act like that litteraly.

I'm not sure. With ebola it was their *we must wash the blood and sweat off the sick nigger with our own hands and no suits or gloves*.

There is probably some retarded belief here as well.

But if his ancestors chose death by drowning…. how did they have him?

Also I'm picturing a line of slaves all chained to eachother, and one at the end going "I WEEL NOT BE A SLAVE!" and jumping, and the chains rattling and unfurling as the realization hits the others who all shout "DAMN IT SHAQUAN!" before getting dragged into the ocean after him.

Get fucked Hollywood theaters, you fucking suck

Corpse desecration is common in many apes such as chimps.

The doctors who went to Liberia to treat the Ebola infections are truly the greatest cucks.

You don't know about chimpanzees obviously I highly recommend you "Fatal Attractions- Chimpanzees "


So is he okay?

A few of these videos have been posted now and it's really strange - they seem really keen to smash open the head of their victim but then they all run away in a panic when it finally happens.

There was a remove tommy sotomayor video called "slavery was a choice" that talked about how because the Africans choose to be taken into slaver instead of choosing to die instead they wouldn't have had slaver in the first place. That quote was hilariously ironic.


t. jamal kangz

ethno-nationalist absolute monarchy

It's scary indeed.
But compare the two.
The chimp attacks all soft areas except maybe the eyes.

With niggers there some similarity, but they tend to smash into the same area.
Hit on back ? Keep hitting and hitting and hitting and hitting and hitting until a complete mush. While the monkey is more likely to tear, bite off and pull off.

But yes, now listed like this I see the similarity. What differs however, is the niggers have some odd affinity for inflicting very repeated blunt trauma.

Chimps eat eyes believe me just watch the most dangerous chimpanzees gang in the world.

t. ape biologist & Nigger sociologist & criminologist

I agree with that one. But from the first attack in the above video. They attack face, fingers and gentialia first, somehow leaving the eyes for later.

She lost both of her eyes

t. ape biologist & Nigger sociologist & criminologist

The Nigger ripped off Ms Nash's hands, nose, lips and eyelids.

I mean the case with the couple. Where he saves the wife but gets mauled by 2 chimps.

Oh the first case was nothing, believe me.

What happens when an absolute retard gets the absolute monarchy though?

Guy had no nose, no lower jaw, and nothing above the wrist on one of the hands + no fingers on the other. Hardly nothing, but yeah there surely are worse cases.

This case is included in the above documentary.
I am still impressed how when the chimp was going berserk the owner thought it was a good idea to call in someone the chimp is less familiar with.
How exactly is another frail old woman supposed to help ? Especially when the chimp is going berserk.

Something like Zimbabwe or North Korea.
Food shortage, yet heavy propaganda and lots of budget into the millitary.

I'm watching Fatal Attractions: Big Cats.
It's always some retarded girl or guy with tons of cash and a hole in her social circle.
Imagine how much this distances you from other human beings. Even if you wanted to call your friends over you have a giant chimp, lizzard or tiger in your home, who might attack you at the slightest provocation.
Imagine losing conscience due to some condition with an animal like that around. A mere moment and you are dead.

You have to be out of your mind to live with a chimp/nigger in the first place, the whole documentary series is about people living with wild animals.
They are on par with people welcoming refugees, they must be profiled and shot in the head.
t. ape biologist & Nigger sociologist & criminologist

Another one from Fatal Attractions: Big Cats:

Guy eaten by his lizards was truly fucked up and secretive same with the girl killed by her snake. They must be profiled, for example people liking on Facebook images of animals not supposed to live together, example a lion caring for little monkeys, though having just killed their parents. It rings a bell and I start to spy them, especially following their political publications.

t. ape biologist & Nigger sociologist & criminologist

Told you there are similarities between them and rapefugees advocate, especially when they take them back in their home.

t. ape biologist & Nigger sociologist & criminologist

Yeah, but the lizzard guy was a lonely war vet. I could understand being unable to socialize with people after long years of millitary service, which by default make you somewhat of a whacko.
He got bitten, thought he could shrug it off, but couldn't and at one point just collapsed. Then his pets ate him.

But the women are all relatively rich ones doing dumb shit.

And then there is this tarzan wanna be. Boo hoo my escaped fucking 400 pound tiger got shot. Boo hoo evil humanity. Why don't these people fuck off to africa if they want wild nature.

I can see that quite clearly. Secluded in their homes, dedicating all their time to their animals rather than humans, one guy without even a phone.

Notice how already seems like a whacko with head always titled and eyes always bloodshot.

Also wasn't there a horror movie about a woman living with a gorilla ?

Lol what

First scenario.

A Gorilla lol?

Lizard it is i the same series just check my Imdb link ITT for the titles.

Actually the Tarzan wannabe found his lion in Africa and was saved by a lion at one point lol.

Yeah I heard the story about the lion, but he really took it too deeply. Ends up dedicating 40 years of his life to giant cats because of some lion.

did i ever tell you about my grandfather who was gassed at the age of five, goy?


lol true

Why would he do that ;_;


Pretty sure lizards don't play. Lizards must be killed and same goes for this fucking couple, I hope they will die killed by their lizard while being passed out after Christmas Eve.

No finally I want his child to be beaten and die from it.


Truly it was african aristocracy who sold out their own to the slavers, arab and british. If anything, any old family in Africa would be descendants from slavers: black panther's enemy wanted to kill their former customers.

My guess is it goes back to how they've hunted forever. They swarm the prey and just keep hurling spears at it. If they don't have spears, well rocks and sticks take their place.




Chimps and niggers must get along pretty well.

I'm 56% sure I\ve heard it somewhere.




niggers are like 5 year old kids in adult bodies, you cant really try to understand them.

You know the lizard will grow someday,besides some lizards have primitive venom.

Chimps too but their muscles are five times stronger.