Nuke africa

I'm just going to be frank here.
Nuke africa?

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sage the first post in a thread? thats a bold move, Holla Forumsrudder xD

Absolutely not!
Winds will bring the nuclear fallout to civilized countries.
Can't risk biological or chemical weapons either, those could get into the water or soil and ruin any attempts to colonize the newly free land.
Shooting everyone will take too long.
Firebombing runs carpeting the continent is always the better answer.

Retract all aid.
Sink ships trying to cross the border.

I think you're the one who's gonna get nuked, white bitch.

I'm just going to be anne frank here

Nuke africa it is !


Bigger than mine and I'm white.

Why waste nukes? Just get a proper flu there and they'll all die.

Cleanse the world!
Pandemic now!

Sure you are, bucko.

Africa is just like every other black neighborhood, just avoid it and it will destroy itself over time.

Next best thing. Shop black panther as a plantation butler for the avengers

Lol no.

Use something that doesn't make the environment uninhabitible like bioweps or white phosphorus

the problem is they breed so often that there's always a next generation of niglets ready to go

Yes, cumskin, yes.

nah, your dick is just short by any kind of standard.

this is the best and cheapest answer.

Maybe stop fucking with Africa, you capitalist puss? Nah too complicated for your puny cumskin brain.
