Deadpool is cancelled
Deadpool is cancelled
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Memes-aside, Liefeld said this last week>“I can’t gloss it up,” he said. “You want to know the plan with Deadpool right now? They have a goose egg, zero, zero.”
>>114958994>Disney hates money
Is this a joke site or something?
>>114958994They'll probably just be reduced to supporting cast members
>>114958994It's not even "SJW ruin everything". It's 100% corporate bullshit, as SJW actually love both of those franchises.
>>114959040What? You don't think "the sausage roll" is the most reputable news source out there?
>>114958994Oh look Disney is giving me more reason to not watch any movie of theirs again
>>114959061Almost like sjw kill the things they love to push an agenda
Thank god. Do we really need to see a 55 year old man play the manic pixie dream pirate, for 7th time?You can't make a movie around black domino. Its 90 minutes of generic sassy black woman that has everything go her way. Like a 90s sitcom character on UPN.
>>114959061yeah the corporate guys still might be the old guys, but the people in their 40s, 30s, 20s, and teens are the SJW type. the corporates might hate it themselves but they know better now what sells, what doesnt make people offended, and what appeals to the largest group of people which ultimately would result in biggest profit.Gay stuff and forced diversity (AKA less white people) are what is big nowdays. Big corporations can't really say they don't like gays or don't like diversity anymore without consequences, and even not including those things in your materials means you aren't for those things whether that was your intention or not.But eventually, the old corporate people WILL be the SJW "diversity is my strength" type of people besides the (some claim) Jews pushing these kinds of things that are already in these positions of power.
>>114959061The group you're defining as SJW loved Star Wars and Marvel user. They're a gorram plague that destroys everything they touch.
>>114958994MCU is a dumpster fire
>>114958994Deadpool 1 and 2 were awful anyway and I think jack sparrow's story should have ended a decade ago.
>>114958994>posting an article from sausagerollPeople are getting more retarded everyday.
>>114958994>sausage roll
>>114959312>post a story from an obvious satire or straight up biased site>people barely even actually read the story>just want to get high on outrage adrenaline
>>114958994>This tabloid site againfucking hell
>>114959251>MCU Domino is just Foxy Brown with Mary Sue powerskind of wantsuppose they could also do Misty Knight if she's not ruined by Netflix
What would he do?
>>114959337they arent satire tho... other sites are repoorting on this as
>>114959251>You can't make a movie around black dominoWhy not? She was literally the only thing that did not totally suck about Deadpool 2.
>>114959416>moviewebSo you're basically telling me tabloid sites are reporting on what other tabloid sites are saying and that you're ACTUALLY this much of a fucking retard.
>>114959425>literally the only thingPressed post to fast, meant to say her and Cable.
>>114959251>Thank god. Do we really need to see a 55 year old man play the manic pixie dream pirate, for 7th time?Not really but my sisters, mother and aunts fucking love Jack Sparrow. Pirates of the Caribbean franchise has a weird fanbase of kids who live pirates and ghost stuff, and then a lot of women who just want to see Johnny Depp hamming it up as Jack Sparrow.
>>114959402Lobby for another copyright extension.
i genuinely want one final definitive last pirates filmhave it be truly in the age where pirates were slowly fading awayhave jack basically be a slightly quirkier barbossaend it with the new protags realizing piracy isnt as glorious as they thought it was and move on symbolically like the franchise
>>114959268>REEEEEless white peoplePampered cunt, you still make the majority of characters
>read On Stranger Tides as a teenager>love it>it ends up as yet another PotC movieIt still hurts, bros.
>'Hey so remember how Johnny Depp was a victim of open domestic violence and no one would talk about it because he had a penis, resulting in him losing like, two fingers and having to get them stitched back on? That guy that was openly lynched in the Media by feminist Klansman right up until the evidence came out at which point they went completely off radar about the whole thing?'>"Yeah?">'Well we fired him from one of his major roles as well because lmao toxic male :3c'I want Micky dead, I want Pluto dead, I want Disneyworld burned to the ground. I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on their ashes.
>>114959279It ended with Endgame. FFH was a nice little epilogue
>>114959402He’d never work with comics cause it’s all written by Jews. POOR Jews. I mean MAYBE he’d work with Jews who were capitalists but all those comic writers are poor Jewish communists.
>>114959268>Gay stuff and forced diversity (AKA less white people) are what is big nowdays.Barely any of those movies last year made any money
>>114959599Theres talk of Disney trying to take Depp back now that the truth came out about the relationship.
>>114959016I am sure the mouse will tell to a brainlet like Rob the schedule of next releases
>>114959308I mean, Deadpool 2 wasn't great, but fuck you, the first is kino
>>114958994WTF was even with this plot point (her falling for Jack). Felt like such a bullshit, but then they just forgot about it...
>>114958994Average movies are canceled, the horror!
>>114959627>POOR Jews
>>114958994questionable source aside, did we need Deadpool 3 or Pirates 7?I liked Deadpool but Hollywood needs to learn when to stop, not everything needs a fucking sequel, we don't need a Deadpool Trilogysadly I doubt they are taking a lesson about doing less sequels, just canceling these specific ones
>>114958994While I am not necessaily for making a new MC after Jack; that guy clearly was milked enough, but how exactly are they gonna expect to make money out of PotC?Literally anyone who would go to see one of those movies, watch it for Jack.
>>114958994why are liberals all such racist and sexist bigots these days?
>>114959684Pretty sure they have to since Rob owns the rights to that character.
>>114959268I am in almost my 30s and I am not a SJW. I am devil may care. I just think SJWs are just special needs children
>>114959543who's fault is that? hell after 60 years of equal rights, old white men still run the Democrat party.
>>114959885in fairness they run both partiesalso, its almost like equal rights was a lie the whole time, its not even like it was the first time white people claimed to give other people equality, but actually didn't.
>>114959885President "I'll have niggers voting for me for 200 years" Johnson
>>114959919you literally cannot give people equality. no, really think about it. it can't be done. and no, money is not equality.
>>114959061>both.I love Bardem, he and Jean Reno are the best Spanish actors, but Salazar's Revenge is a piece of shit.
Isn't Deadpool SJW friendly by virtue of being pansexual and willing to take it up the ass?
>>114959599Sorry pal, being masculine is toxic, you have to have bones as muscular as a celery stick and be a sexuality other than straight now.
>>114959279Deadpool's not in MCU
>>114959279DC isn't much better at the moment.
>>114960043>b-but DC!That counter-argument was born dead, user.
>>114960015Deadpool is just a crazy person who says funny stuff. Then the people who don't grasp humour and are looking for acceptance went all "zomg he is pansexual!" loud enough that officials decided to run with it.
>>114959726But she never did fall for Jack?
>>114960049Dude, you started with MCU, despite neither of those two movie are part of it.
>>114959029Have you seen star wars lately?
>>114960203That wasn't even me
>>114960223Or me.
>>114960223But you defended him.
>>114960247>himDO NOT ASSUME
>>114959780>Rob owns the rights to DeadpoolSerious Doubt.
>Holla Forums still continues to be the most baitable board on the site because none of you are actually willing to do research on the news article sites and would rather get mad at nothing
>>114960360Facts and logic? Fuck you buddy. I'm gonna get my dialy dose of outrage if that's the last thing I do.All I need now is a twitter screencap, hnghhh.
>Deadpool and Jack Sparrow>toxicComedy is dead, at least as far as Disney is concerned.
>>114960464I think it's Depp who is considered toxic, his very public divorce hasn't made anyone involved look good.
3 hours later and I'm still not seeing an article.This place is becoming Holla Forums 3.0
>>114958994Man I don't even care about Jack sparrow anymore but after the shit depp went through with his satan spawn of a bitch wife he deserves better.
>>114959416This site is reporting what Rob Liefeld, which is something he thinks and completely unrelated to what the fake article in the OP says, you are a dumb retard.
>>114960360Fuck off shill
>>114959771After Disney turned the Redhead on the ride into an empowered pirate girl, they've been trying to push her as a marketable character, hence all the rumors of her taking over the films.
>>114958994i thought the previous pirates was the last one anyway?
>>114960217yeah they hate money
>>114960635How should I know when nobody posted the article?
>>114960666They had an end credits scene of Davey Jones trying to kill Orlando bloom. Which makes no sense since1. He's dead, they stabbed his heart, we saw it.2. They spent the entirety of that move trying to break the thing that held all of the oceans curses and they succeeded. You'd think Davey would be bound to that too, if they're letting Will off.
>>114960807yeah i know, but from what i read that was still the final one. bait scene aside, barbossa got his redemption/death story, jack got the pearl and stopped being a fuckup and bloom got his happy ending. the end
>>114959402Cum in his money tub every 5 hours
>>114959337I didn't even know the site exists.