Who would top: Ben or Hal?
Let's settle this
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>>114957927HalYou can’t knock off his emerald crown
>>114957927The first person to make proper porn of the two decides
>>114957961The race is on!
>>114957927>>114957934>>114957961You cunts have been doing this for 11 months11 months
>>114957927You're kidding right? Ben is made to be dominated
>>114957927Hal has more experience than Ben. And even with Ben 10K, he kinda married Kai pretty early so his only other long term shit would be with Julie, Hal’s kind of a slut by comparison
>>114957979Soon to be 12 :^)
>>114957992Prove it, tough guy.
>>114957979Yeah and it's been 11 months and 0 of you faggots made porn of the two togetherI'm actually disappointed, I thought your dedication and autism was high
>>1149579791 year anniversary is a week fron now which is why this is finally coming to a head. Soon we will know who the true victor is.
>>114957927>2nd best ass in DC/easily dominated canon slut vs cheeky twink made for fuckingA double ended dildo, apparently. You've discovered the true stalemate here, user.
>>114958115>Twink He's a 15 y/o i don't think you what that word mean fag also stop the obsession with Hal ass you fucking homosexual
>>114958115Will Gwen steal the win from both of them through femdom?
>>114958148>Gwen>domGwen is exclusively for submissive incestuous xenobestiality.
>>114958174Nothing wrong with marrying your cousin it's not true incest like brother/sister relationships
>>114958143>telling others they don't know what words mean>can barely speak EnglishSasuga, ESL-kun.
>>114958200Sissy faggot
Doesn't Hal like to eat at Raisins?
>>114958143He's almost always the first one brought up when someone mentions a western animation twinkOV version that is
>>114958115Ben canonically grows up to be ripped
>>114957977Why were so many people on Holla Forums this autistic about this particular deathbattle? I thought only normal faggots and weebs cared about DeathBattle? It's been years now and there's still salt over this particular episode. It's like the Gokufags seething all over again.
>>114958233It hasn’t even been one year. Anyway, both of these fanbases suck but I blame that guy who made these videos saying Ben could destroy Superman and Goku easily
>>114958233Actually it's been monthsIts turning one year old next weekBut anyways1. Ben 10 is huge and is pretty much one of the biggest new IPs of the 2000s with it around the 4.5 million dollar range and a successful reboot2. Alien X is seen as an instant win button especially after the popularity of Kuro's videos. Not bothering saving X for the climax may have raised eyebrows and having Hal pretty much break the reality wiping was probably seen as blasphemy.3. Zoomers don't know shit about Hal. At best they grew up with John Stewart thanks to the DCAU or Guy Gardner thanks to Batman The Brave and the Bold4. If Superman is Goku, Hal would probably be seen as Krillin to the unknowing public. They saw their god tier lose to a character they assumed would be Krillin level5. Specifically on Holla Forums but this match up was Comics vs Cartoons and HEATfags like to gloat6. Ending the match with scissors instead of an explosion because the people behind Death Battle wanted more creative finales7. Ben not wanting the episode to be too long led to shit like why the 6 thoughts crap was invalid not being expressed clear enough
>>114958250You mean Kuro?
>>114958216Further proof that >>114958148 is right and Gwen wins.>>114958233Because it's a forced meme and retards on here are aware it gets people mad.
>>114958250Even without Kuro, I still think the battle would be circlejerked by Holla ForumsBen 10 is an active franchise that cartoon Holla Forums enjoys talking aboutGreen Lantern as well among the comic side of Holla Forums, HEATfags alone are infamous
>>114958219Who cares what pedos and gays think?
>>114958279>Who cares what pedos and gays think?That's the entire Death Battle fanbase over the age of 12 though?
It was settled from the startBoth sides are tards and continue to be tards spamming this
I just post about it because it makes Benfags mad
>>114958283Okay, Hal Jordan became a villain, a bunch of geeks didn’t like it, sent smoke bombs and death threats to DC headquarters
>>114958283HEATHal's Emerald Advancement Team (formerly Assault but even they realized it was a bad idea)Basically when Hal went evil and got replaced by Kyle Rayner, his fans went nutsThey raided trucks, burnt comics, and allegedly sent a bomb threat to DC demanding Hal were to be brought back
>>114958289Deathbattle are cocksuckers i don't know why people care so much about them make fucking natsu win
>>114958309>>114958324Now that is some serious autism
>>114958330I don’t really know anything about Natsu or Ace, why would Ace win?
>>114958330One piece fans are enormous faggots too
>>114958143No, nigger.
>>114958261>Further proof that >>114958148 (You) # is right and Gwen wins.Intriguing argument, I look forward to the proof.
I just realized that Beast Boy doesn't even get a death scene in Apokolips War, he just dies off screen.
>>114958686Lol um, based?
>>114958686IT BEGINS!
Do we need to remind Benfags everytime?
>>114957961>>114957977ben is power bottom and hal is a sub (the weak should fear the strong)i.4cdn.org
>>114959779Based and Benpilled
>>114957927That actually interests me. The picture not the porn parody. Who would win? Ben as parallax or Hal with the omnitrix.
>>114959794Hal’s will is beyond many. Even using a GL ring is pretty hard as even Green Arrow will feel wiped out from making one construct whereas the Omnitrix doesn’t really rely on the user
>>114959779How will Halfags ever recover?
>>114959779>The weak should fear the strongYou really don’t know who Hal Jordan is
>>114957927Only UAF Ben possesses any appearance of masculinity so he tops while OV and OS bottom
>>114959779>shotadomHoly fucking based. Such a rare, but superb kink.
>>114960045UAF Ben has small dick energy. Petty little fucker
>>114957927To this day I do not know where this conflict came from, but I do know I'm enjoying it.
>>114960068Okay web series that animates power level debates. Ben apparently had a guy who was memed as invincible and omnipotent. Was put up against Hal and lost. People were not happy
>>114960025>well, he actually slapped the actual God in the face with *bullshit power #35* in *alternate dimension #544* , ain't my character so interesting?Why are capefags like this.
>>114960082>>114960025It was not God, it was just a planet eater who took on the form of God
>>114957927They aren't faggots
>>114958686You know, if we merged both universes, I would see the plumbers (or whatever they're called) as the regular police of the universe and the GL as the elite (like SWAT team equivalent)
>>114960169Technically it’s like one GL per a couple of galaxies or so considering there are 3600 or so, though 2814 has like 6 or so
>>114960177Ir would make sense then? A great episode would be the GLs inviting Ben to join then (like with the super hero team in the original series)
Anyone got the pic with ben surrounded by male Tamerannians? (or what Starfire's species is named)
Anyone remember the good old days when we could have "Could superhero X beat superhero Y?" debates without it devolving into who would buttfuck whom?
>>114960115It's about mounting strictly as a display of dominance; nothing gay about that.
>>114960531Oh user, those times only existed in your memory. There was always "Who could ass-rape Superman?" threads.
>>114960077Ahh thanks user.
>>114960531Those times sucked
>>114960531I only know bits and pieces about Hal but isn't his whole stick is being a buttboy for everyone?
>>114960696Yeah, he’s kind of a whore
>>114960531No, I don't remember them.
>>114960531Shut up newfag.
>>114957927Ben, because hals friends would prefer ben>batman because ben may be imature, but ben reminds batman of his childhood>superman becaus ben fights for justice and cares for peopel>wonderwomen because of /ss/>shazam because they both are kids>Flash because they can race eachother>aquaman because ben defends the fish>this would evolve to ben joining the JL while ben fucks CArol while hal cries
>>114961382You’re really overestimating how many people tolerate Ben, even his own grandpa can’t stand his ass sometimes
>>114961396true, but ben always earns his familys trust back, so even if they fight, he would earn their trust, while Hal is some suicidal faggot who's job was to test new planes, and almost dies