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Who do you think she would go for, Danny or Jake in his dragon form?
>>114957430Danny easily
robot reboot
If we got an official new season today, there would be a trans episode with Jenny trying out a male body, because...... reasons.I just ruined your day, you're welcome.
cum omelettes
>>114959263I mean, outside of Holla Forums, the show has a pretty sizeable trans fanbase
>>114959177Didn't this guy do some pinup style art of her in the hot-rod paint job?
I finished this yesterday, this must be destiny, OP
>tfw you will never be a tiny on Jenny's giant soft feet.
>>114960348YOU'VE GOT IT AL WRONG!
>>114960450This is now an emmy thread
>>114960511we get another Emmy thread in two days or so, have some patience.
>>114960511>nowIt always was.
>>114957844what's he holding
>>114957407>design your preteen robot daughter with a crop topwhat did the show mean by this
>>114960598Because most creators keep forgetting the age of their characters. Not blaming them, it's only human to create basically avatars when you draw characters.
>>114960660This GIF may be legendary.
>>114960679Fuck jannies
>>114959828this is extremely good user
>>114957407YESi hate that maidbot
>>114960511>>114960442>>114960631>>114960784have a (you) and fuck off with your half-amelia bedelia half-xj9 shilling
>>114960511robo-jucika or GTFO
>>114961026this is getting ridiculous, what's next, Spinnel ?
>>114961058that's just some random maidbot with a proto-jucika hairffs you can't even shitpost right
I've been tempted to make a Jenny toy, but the only 3D model of her I've been able to find is very low poly, and her nose/mouth area didn't translate to 3D well at all.
>>114961045see now this is the kind if stuff I could sanction when it comes to shit life furries spending 2000 bucks on artthis is just about the stuff worth my labouring for in order to have created
commencing small dump
>>114961084Jenny's head in general doesn't translate to 3D well, so you'll have to figure something out or improvise.
>>114961084xinus22 Has a really good Jenny model. Can be downloaded belowhttps ://
And a bonus Vexus
Reminder that SpongeBob killed Jenny>This show's success is the main reason why a lot of Nicktoons in didn't last that long, as at the time there was a rule that said if a show wasn't doing as well as Spongebob within a set number of episode, it would be cancelled and put on the chopping block. This is why shows like El Tigre, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Catscratch, Harvey Beaks, Mighty B and Welcome to the Wayne were cancelled regardless of their viewership.What went wrong?
>>114961211Spongebitch got milked too hard. Shouldve been killed 10 years ago
>>114961170Her head is basically just a sphere with features painted on it, there's not much you can do about the pigtails except put them on ball joints, but the real problem is the mouth, which just looks ugly no matter how you try to do it. The most official 3D render I could find was from Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots and it's low-poly as fuck.>>114961177That's a lot better
>>114961211damn I remember liking el tigre, it was decent
>>114961177>>114961227a properly decent jenny model needs to be rotoscoped or something to make the mouth nose bump thing always facing the right way, I think Jenny can only really be done right in 2d or in some 3d way that uses 2d
>>114960511there's a time and place for emmy, but not now!
>>114960813Thank you anonany requests?
>>114961312Moar robojucika please
>>114961312How about some xj-4?
>>114959828Cannot un-see microscopic foot.
>>114961170>Jennyfags realizing that if their waifu was real she'd be ugly as fuck.