New Frozen Olaf short, featuring a brand new
New Frozen Olaf short, featuring a brand new song: a 6 episodes Disney+ Making-of series got announced today...
>>114956655Based Olaf keeping this franchise alive.
We're getting a proper short announced at the end of the D+ series, right?
I thought we were only going to get 20 of these shorts
>>114956655wasn't this olaf thing fucking over already?
>>114956655>>114956896>we were promised 20 Olaf shorts>we actually get 21 because Olaf can’t countI’m sorry for ever doubting him
>>114956846Have faith, user.
>>114956974Perhaps we're lucky and he's counting in decimals.
>>114956655I'm surprised they didn't cancel the documentary series after the behind-the-scenes controversy that they originally wanted to kill off Elsa until Iger saw a screening in spring 2019 and flipped shit. 98% chance they won't even allude to it though. These behind-the-scenes "documentaries" are typically marketing tools or creative crew circle-jerks. The more you hear a cast member praise one of the main credits, the more jackass the subject of adoration actually was. It's Hollywood doublespeak.
>>114957108>that they originally wanted to kill off Elsa until Iger saw a screening in spring 2019 and flipped shit[Citation Needed]
Brace yourselves for like a month of this:>>114957108
Oh my GAWD you guys. Can you believe Jen Lee took up TWO parking spaces outside the studio? Who does she think she is? And I doubt they’ll cover that in their “documentary”. Cowards.
Should have invited the tangledfags, our euroanons are non-existent.
>>114956655Did the Lopezes write this song?
>>114957294Yes, they did.
>>114956655There are legitimately sad implications in this short.I love it.
>>114957161I hope not shit feels virtually indistinguishable from the parody >>114957194
>>114957161Would you rather if nobody called out the directors/writers/producers on their bullshit? If production went smoothly, there wouldn't be nearly as much tomfuckery as we are seeing. Gossipfags blow the whistles. Gossipfags are only gossiping about people who are in positions they are far unqualified for. I am autistic about this. Fine. Whatever. At least somebody is keeping record of all these dubious details.>>114957153Disney is very secretive. Everybody is probably under NDA. Only sources we have are @DanielRPK and thedisinsider on Instagram. There are numerous pieces of evidence in the final product and in production.>Opening Song is Titled "Some Things Never Change">Anna and Arendelle's wheat motif: wheat is a symbol of harvest/resurrection/rebirth>Olaf sings "When I am Older" to perish half an hour later>The Nøkk carrying riders to their watery grave in legends>Elsa singing a literal death note at the end of "Show Yourself">Concept art of Elsa's body being carried by the Nøkk>Anna's coronation in a tent>Development so rushed despite after four and a half years from official announcement to premiere they had to call on fucking Google to process some animation
>>114957394Yes, it pretty much throws the "Elsa comes by every Friday" assumptions overboard.
>>114956655>New Frozen
>>114957108>98% chance they won't even allude to it though.They will, but they'll spin it so it makes them sound good. How Jen and Chris "realized" halfway through there's no way they could go through with killing Elsa, because she's the star and who doesn't love Elsa? Thus, despite the rapidly approaching deadline, they just HAD to rework the ending so that she lived in the end. And frankly, they're quite proud of what they were able to accomplish.
>>114957429>Anna's coronation in a tentHasn't it been discussed multiple times already that what we got in the movie wasn't her coronation?Although I get what you're saying, the tent is obviously a remnant of the version in which the castle was destroyed.
>>114957492I know, pretty cool, huh?
>>114957576Olaf was dressed up for it. If it was a typical celebration like Christmas or a harvest festival, Olaf would just wear a bowtie. We had Kai announcing "Presenting Queen Anna", so that sounds like a formal introduction of the Queen's public debut. We also see Anna in a crown, and so far Elsa has only wore her crown just for her coronation. It would be unusual to see either sister donning a crown outside of major political events (Iduna on the other hand wore her crown almost as if she were lording it over all the commonfolk, that bitch).
>>114957429>called out the directors/writers/producers on their bullshit>On an anonymous chinese message board they will never visit and would be a much bigger scandal if they did
>>114957520>Thus, despite the rapidly approaching deadline, they just HAD to rework the ending so that she lived in the end. And frankly, they're quite proud of what they were able to accomplish.Unfortunately the writers/directors weren't doing any of the muscle work. They made the animators and other artists go back through and redo a third of their work when the creatives "realized" they couldn't kill off Elsa.
>>114957661>so far Elsa has only wore her crown just for her coronationElsa literally got rid of her crown on her coronation day.I'll pose you these question if that was Anna's coronation.Where was she crowned? In the tent?Who crowned her? She was seemingly alone in there.No one was allowed inside to see her coronation?Not even Kristoff, her fiance, was allowed to see her?They combined the coronation with the unveiling of a statue of some past royals?Such a little crowd for what it amounts to a big event?
>>114957688Rumors/memes start here, user. I've seen tumblrs reference my "five Kristanna fans" meme (no love for dumb slut Agnarr though) and a mass-produced YouTube video touch upon the Elsa death conspiracy. We are the pipeline where shit backs up. One little spark ignites the methane. It's trickle-up fecalnomics. We don't create controversy, we uncover it. That's the power of autism.
You could simply ignore the gossipfags.Let them post the same two or three copy pasted replies, and move on.We would avoid running into the same tired arguments over and over again.
First time I've seen a recent picture of white/pale Anna mentioned directly by name
>>114957713>Where was she crowned? In the tent?Possibly. It is more likely Anna was officially crowned in Arendelle's chapel and the tent was for her first public presentation much like how Elsa was presented at her ball. We both know the tent is unnecessary in either circumstance. Also, if it's the middle of winter in Scandinavia, why are they even outside? If they waited three years to crown Elsa, why didn't they at least wait until warmer weather for Anna? See my last answer for details.>Who crowned her? She was seemingly alone in there.There could be more to the tent.>No one was allowed inside to see her coronation?A handful of folk were probably in the chapel for the physical crowning but Anna stepped away from the limelight between crowning and public debut. They pull that shit at weddings all the time.>Not even Kristoff, her fiance, was allowed to see her?It's probably a matter of tradition and protocol. Besides, they are not legally wed yet. That would be a public taboo (as if their relationship isn't already raising eyebrows).>They combined the coronation with the unveiling of a statue of some past royals?The statue seemed of little note compared to Anna's public debut. They could have merged events for symbolic meaning and show a regime change (for the worse).>Such a little crowd for what it amounts to a big event?My headcanon is that Anna was crowned queen in a quick, more or less informal coronation because Anna is only acting as Queen Incumbent. Elsa is still queen of Arendelle, but she went on sabbatical indefinitely to "find herself". You know, typical coming-of-age bullshit.
>>114957784>Let them post the same two or three copy pasted repliesI hate how accurate that sentence is.Why do some anons have to be so fucking autistic?
>>114957976You're on 4chan, user. Where else are the autists going to go?
>>114957394Such as?
Wish they had gone with darker colors for Elsa's travel outfit like some of the concept art showed
>>114956896This was an unannounced surprise. Hopefully we'll get another one, but who knows.
>>114958088Such as apparently Elsa comes by so rarely that writing a letter is required.
>>114956756Never doubt Olaf. This has been a fact ever since OFA.
>>114956846>>114957012I doubt they will offer a passionate project like Tangled if it happens. The most possible outcome might be Olaf messing around the places with his spirit friends in every episode without any overarching plot or BOP song.
>>114958127that is depressing
>>114957394>>114958127>>114958188Great. The short is a teaser for the plot of Frozen III where Anna, her squeeze, her squeeze's mount, and Olaf go on a rescue mission to find Elsa while leaving Arendelle yet again in the hands of the trolls. So two-thirds of screentime will be on Anna, again, and Elsa is reduced to damsel in distress shining trophy like she was in Frozen Ever After.
>>114958188How do you know the letter is for Elsa and not Olaf's secret girlfriend or something? It's clearly for the kid viewers anyway.
>>114958265>Forget the notion that an ocean's keeping you from meWho's the only character Olaf knows that 1) has an ocean between them and 2) needs to have their mail delivered by Gale?
>>114956655wtf i love olaf now
>>114956655>>114958127>>114958354It's even sadder when you remember that Elsa is Olaf's mom.
>>114958293i'm gonna marry this bitch
>>114958606Hey, have some respect. That bitch is somebody's mother.
>>114958354... Samantha?
>>114959286Dammit, user.
>>114957108The only thing I'll really believe with Frozen 2 is that they were going to have a romance between Elsa and Anna but decided against it.She's just a suspiciously pointless character, give a specific introduction then doing nothing, having almost no screen time and maybe a couple of lines at best.
>>114958539Considering how close we're to the date perhaps it was originally scheduled to be released on the 10.
>>114957846>new Onion>new pale AnnaI don’t know why this feels so strange
>>114956756I like his VA and tolerate his character but I still can't really make myself like his character design.The song is super duper saccharine and great though, and I will admit seeing him use his coal to write with is pretty excellent use of his design.
>>114958258>two-thirds of screentime will be on Annawe can only hope so.
>>114961069There are two part to his design: the way he looks and the way he's built.I understand people who dislike the way he looks, but I've always loved how the animators take advantage of his disjointed body.
>>114958354It's not a character. The letter is for all real-world fans who don't live in Disney Europe
>>114958539Deadbeat mom.Never visits.Spends all her child support money on makeup and clothes.Olaf deserves better.
>>114961069>someone likes Josh Gadthat's more unbelievable than the existence of an actual talking snowman.
>>114961202It obviously also has that meaning. Things can have multiple meanings, you know? They still have to make it work in-universe, otherwise they could be more blatant about it.
>>114961218and Anna just lets her get away with it because she's soooo in lovewhat a toxic relationship
>>114961202I don't think Olaf gives a fuck about Australia...
>>114961248Not him, but what's wrong with Josh Gad? He is cool. We have had anons express admiration for him in the past.
>>114961276does Norway even know it exists in the 1800s?
>>114961306Australia was explored by the end of the XVIII century. I would say so.
>>114961268>Elsa rolls into town three hours late for her court-ordered visit>she’s drunk and has her new forest girlfriend with her, making fun of the Arendelle guards’ silly helmets>Anna just fights back tears and says “she’s still figuring herself out”
>>114961276>>114961306It’s insignificant to Disney Earth because there’s no magic there. We need an Australian princess.
>>114961364Where are the drawfags when you need them?