Did Dave Filoni just forget Anakin had a robot arm?
Did Dave Filoni just forget Anakin had a robot arm?
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No, he had a robot arm in Filoni's clone wars too.
>>114954318No, its shown multiple times. Theres a great moment in season 6 where Anakin beats the fuck out of Senator Clovis because he thinks Padmé was cucking him, and the robot arm plays a part in the fight.
>>114954366he also breaks that traitor's wrist that framed Ahsoka
>>114954318I remember Anakin grabbing a punch from a droid and overpowering it with his robot arm. If I remember, he grabbed people's necks multiple times with his robot arm.
Dave Filoni is that autistic Star Wars nerd that remembers everything about the franchise.
Thoughts on Filoni's thoughts?twitter.com
>>114955412Damn...never thought of that.
>>114955412He's reading a lot more into it than is actually there, but that's what made him the perfect person to handle Clone Wars, because he could take George's terrible ideas and spin them into something worthwhile.
>>114955412Nobody else deserves to get the premier position in Lucasfilm or for Star Wars more than him. He knows what he's talking about. A shame that the clip is so short, because his full dissection is fucking wild.
>>114955525Where to watch the full thing?
>>114955501He's absolutely not, if anything he's just expanding on how Lucas discussed the movies with him.Regardless, you can tell just by listening that he is a mega fan with autistic levels of passion, dissecting and analyzing George's stories.
>>114955412>Always kind of wondered why it was called Duel of Fates.>Just assumed it was a cool name.Huh. You know that actually makes some sense.
>>114955621Thanks user.
>>114955621>>114955649Fuck, nevermind that's not the whole thing.
>>114955621>>114955412This warms my heart. Not have I seen someone talk so intimately and sincerly about George's movies since... George Lucas.Why is Kathleen Kennedy around again?
>>114955666Sam Witwer's takes are cool too.youtube.com
>>114955666Diversity purposes
Ok, I'm recording Dave's whole speech right now, gimme about 10 minutes.
>>114956052Whew Disney SNIPED it quick. Thanks for the effort user.
>>114956078I initially posted it as public, but tried changing it to unlisted afterwards. Lemme see if I can try again as a private/unlisted video to start to avoid copyright.
>>114955307Exactly who we need in charge.
>>114955695I know it's Collider, but watch when he's on the Schmoedowns. It is amazing how much he knows; From the "fan" knowledge, to the "Who the fuck paid attention to that?" knowledge.It's also what made him a good Maul. He already imagined what Maul went through to stay alive before he 1st recorded for him, he threw in Maul elaborating about "The Code of the Sith" in his senile rants and he broke down the Obi Wan vs Maul fight in Rebels in detail for a convention question. Autismo levels if he weren't an actor, so just VERY thorough for an actor.
>>114955695I appreciate actors that are not only prolific in a franchise, but are also INTO it
>>114954366And that part where Dooku tried to kidnap Palpatine in the Bounty Hunter Obi Arc where Dooku uses the force to toss silverware at Anakin, but his robot arm takes the hits.
>>114955666George Lucas hired her as one last fuck you to Disney before he left the company
>>114955412Lucas never intended for any of this, but this is exactly the kind of fanfic retcon we need.
>>114955695>>114956597Wait, is that Crashdown?
>>114955412I like his take on Qui-Gon wanting to be the father figure Anakin needed, but I still think that's just his interpretation.But his comment at the end about how part of the reason Obi-Wan failed was because he was more of a brother to Anakin, that I buy completely.
>>114954366I thought it was cool that even after he was beaten the shit out by Anakin, Clovis didn't snitch on him when the guards came in. He just said someone attacked him and Skywalker saved him.
>>114957308>part of the reason Obi-Wan failed was because he was more of a brother to Anakin, that I buy completely.I don't buy that at all. I think Obi-Wan failed because he resented being saddled with Anakin, who was too much like Qui-Gon, whom Obi-Wan resented for not being a 'good Jedi like how the Council wanted'. You don't even see that 'brother' horseshit in the PT until ROTS, when Lucas tried and failed to convince the viewers that they gave a shit about each other, when in the previous film Obi-Wan low-key threatens to kick Anakin out of the Order for trying to go save Padme on Geonosis. Brothers my ass.Oh, and for the record, Filoni didn't do shit in TCW to suggest any such relationship between them, so fuck him.
>>114957284Yep. He's also been a vampire.
>>114957456And one of the Walking Dead.youtube.com
>>114957464>>114957456A vampire, a zombie, and one-half of a Sith? Not bad.
>>114957435The only time Obi-Wan resented Qui-Gon was way back in the beginning of their relationship, in the books when they had to fight Xanatos, Qui-Gon's former apprentice.Now, I grant you that he didn't understand Qui-Gon's perspective on the Living Force, going almost antithetical to what he was taught at the Temple, but his was a place of confusion, not resentment.His anger with Anakin was because he was dealing with a cocky teenager that had just caught a whiff of onetis pussy.
>>114955412Huh, and the guy who actually became Anakin's father figure and one of the guiding forces in his life was Palpatine. Really hammers home the fact that it's all one big tragedy.
>>114955666Because she's known George for like 40 years.
>>114957383That was the only honorable thing clovis ever did
>>114957512>>114957456>>114957284>>114956597He was also Starkiller from Force Unleashed
>>114957591I'd be surprised if anyone here doesn't know by now. I mean the whole Maul rampage against the clones in the last two episodes of Clone Wars final season was a massive undisguised tribute to the game.
>>114955695RotJ shouldn't need to be defended because it's in the top 3 Star Wars movies.
>>114955501Dude, just because you didn't see it doesn't mean its not there. Lucas put a lot into the prequels that a lot of people missed because they thought they were owed the same movies they saw as kids
>>114957805People missed because he's a bad story teller and expected people to do fucking mental gymnastics to extract complex ideas from shitty dialogue, poorly directed acting, and over reliance on special effects with no actual visual story telling.
>>114957865this, there is a huge amount of depth to the prequels. But only so much can be derived from those movies
>>114957512>>114957591Full sith plus someHe was Sidious in Force Unleashed
>>114957865The rlmdrone cope
If Filoni gets a greater control over Season 2 of the Mandalorian over Favreau... he will ruin Din Djarin with his faggoty Mandalorian headcanon
>>114958376>headcanonTechnically it's just canon now.
>>114954366They show his arm freaking out when they detonate the electro-bomb that wakes up the Zillo beast.
>>114955412lol, why is that chick from Jurassic Park there?
>>114958376fuck off karen
>>114958515She directed an episode of Mando
Ezra and Sabine look much better with longer hair. Why did they cut it
>>114958578The worst episode, a direct trip of from Akira Kurosawa
>>114958586Animators are lazy fucks who got tired of animating Ezra’s hair so they gave him that ugly buzz cut look.
>>114955412I thought this was basic knowledge of the prequels already.
>>114955412Just give the whole franchise to this guy
>>114955412Even as a kid I picked up on the disjunct between Anakin seeing Obi-Wan as a father and Obi-Wan seeing Anakin as a brother. I hadn't really thought about Qui-Gon's place in that though, but that's the root of it I suppose. In Obi-Wan's eyes, his own paternal figure was taking Anakin under his wing, which gave Obi-Wan a fraternal perspective on Anakin. When Qui-Gon died, he didn't see himself as the boy's new father figure, but as an older brother taking care of his younger brother. Meanwhile, Anakin simply didn't know Qui-Gon long enough to see him in a paternal light. To him, Obi-Wan was the one who ended up raising him and becoming his father figure.
>>114958168>Legends>full SithMan, they count even less than the ass end of Maul.
>>114955666Because George personally picked her
>>114955666I just don’t get it, like looking at her previous track record she helped make so many of my favourite old movies, how the fuck did she drop the ball so hard when put in charge of SW?
>>114958761I love how redlettermedia is a stone up the asshole of every prequel fan.
>>114958874its because they gave OT fags a voice instead of a bullet to the back of the head which is what they deserve.
>>114958889My case in point. Redlettermedia did nothing wrong.
>>114957865Fuck you there is no visual storytelling. Actually fuck you. You can bitch about the dialogue because its not a fucking adventure movie, you baby, but the visual storytelling the prequels is ungoddamn deniable and the fact that you can't see it make me believe that you are actually retarded.
>>114958907>My case in point. Redlettermedia did the entire prequel reviews wrong.Thanks to those shitty movies we now have retards like Stuckmann being treated like actual critics when they have the comprehension skills of slugs
>>114957512He was also Doomsday on Smallville.
>>114956198No we need wimin female force her time now
>>114958810Went Woke, Went Broke.
>>114955412Is that the Ahsokafag or am I confusing with someone else
>>114955412And then Lucas resurrected Maul.Boo fucking hoo.
>>114959294? what does that have to do against it? The whole point is that Qui-gon died. he was the fate for Anakin.
>>114954318Tartakovsky clone wars was too good for star wars
>>114958810An interesting question I doubt we'll ever have an answer for. Still it isn't that she wasn't attached to some failed films, either. Nobody's perfect, right? That said I wonder how much oversight she had for the good compared to the bad. There's a certain type of person who, when handed an agenda set by someone else, can successfully accomplish what they were set out to do. The kind of person you'd think would be great when placed fully in-charge, and yet for whatever reason when left to their own devices, setting their own agenda, the magic just doesn't happen.To simplify the thought, not everyone is capable of leadership. Some people think it's not a skill that can be fully learned, it's merely a quality you either have or you do not. Even Lucas, despite all his success, often struggled, as we can see. Intelligent, creative, certainly possessing of a singular vision, but from what I've heard he struggles on an interpersonal level. He clearly struggled with his own creations.
>>114959307I would fucking love to Tartakovsky to get another Star Wars project. I'm not sure if he's be into it though.
>>114958665This. Anakin didn't view Obi Wan as a brother the same way Obi viewed Anakin.
>>114959300One of the big problems with Maul in TPM for me was that they didn't set him up well as a character. This is a huge problem for almost everyone in the prequels, but Maul as much as anyone.He would have been much more effective if they gave the audience some reason to dislike him before the battle, apart from just telling us he's a "sith" and having a spooky appearance. Maybe Padme's brother has been found murdered heinously to send a message, and Anakin and Obi-wan clue that this was Maul. Maybe a simple scene were we see him shoot or torture an animal or something before he gets to business with his mission. Something to make the audience say "I don't like him".Some of the *ideas* the prequels had were great, but the execution had a lot of issues that the OT didn't.
>>114959307I think Tartakovsky understands Star Wars as well if not better than Filoni.
>>114958601Watiti directed the worst episode.
>>114958932Demonstrate your thesis
>>114959349This is the general idea, and we can all envision a version of the prequels where we see this on screen, but in the actual movies none of this is apparent. The only familiar bond the two share comes at the end, where they sound like brothers, not a son trying to impress his dad.
>>114959307There is no "too good," but his work is better than most. This >>114959390 feels a bit too much like fanboying, though.
>>114959300Not him, but it does nullify part of Obi Wan's action in TPM. Then again, I have always been very againts the idea of reviving what pretty much was just a plot device in the original movie because the writers couldn't be arsed to use the rest of the villains specifically more apropiately.This is what I don't get about Filoni. He at the very least seems to grasp the core aspects of the franchise, but when it comes to doing his own thing he fucks It all up.
>>114959364The prequels really suffer for lacking a consistent villain.The OT cycles through a few villains, but Vader is the connecting tissue on the antagonist side for all three films. Even Jabba, the Emperor, and (to a lesser degree) Boba Fett have a meaningful presence; Han is running from Jabba from the start. The Emperor, while not seen, is the driving force behind the Empire. Fett is hunting Han for Vader and delivering him to Jabba. The only exception is Tarkin, but I think we can all agree he absolutely steals the show in ANH before meeting his end (and one could argue he is a stand-in for the Emperor in some ways.)The PT has Sidious pulling the strings, but he's doing so invisibly. He doesn't have the same kind of screen presence as Vader or Tarkin. Besides him, we have...>MaulAppears only in the first movie, speaks about 12 words, has two kickass fight scenes, and then bites it in the first movie.>JangoAppears in the second movie, has a few more scenes, a few more fights, and is tied in to the core plot... and then bites it at the end of the second movie.>GrievousAppears only in the third movie and suffers from much the same problems as Jango and Maul; There's no narrative weight to his presence, the audience is meeting him for the first time, and then he dies after some cool fights.Dooku is the exception, but Dooku isn't Vader. He's Tarkin with some extra screentime. Dooku doesn't arrive until the second film, establishes a history with Obi-wan and a rivalry with Anakin, and then... dies in the opening sequence of Episode 3. All that weight that he's given in the second movie is thrown aside so he can job to Anakin. And unlike Jabba or Fett, his history is told and not shown: he doesn't exist in TPM at all.As a result, there's a revolving door of disposable villains that serve just to move the story along rather than be a consistent, looming, and personal threat to the characters the way Vader, Jabba, and Palpatine were.
>>114954318He still had it but it was covered up by a glove most for the time
>>114959511Should’ve had Maul as the main villain and Obi Wan be the main character of the prequels. Keep Anakin as the indirect main character of the greater Star Wars story. Make the prequels all about Obi Wan and what he goes through during the clone wars, and his rivalry with Darth Maul. Make Darth Maul the actual cunning villain that is merely sidious’s puppet. No need for Grievous or Dooku. Make Maul take up all those places. In clone wars they proved they can make him and interesting and deep character, let him be the deep character of the prequel trilogy.
>>114959511The real problem with the prequel villains is they just aren't set up all. Mual literally is just bad because he fights the jedi, and he looks bad. It's funny to see Filoni say in twitter.com
>>114955412>autistic ramblings about a character that only exists because Lucas didn't want Kenobi to be much older than Anakin.
>>114955412I am impressed, I a have come to actively hate star wars but I clicked out of curiosity, and that's actually a really interesting interpretation.Most likely it's headcanon, but if headcanon elevates the canon, I'm all for it
>>114958810Cause producers most of the time aren't in charge of the creative side of things. They hire the crew and keep the budget in line. They're not suppose to sit in on "walking dream states" meetings where they discuss the nature of the Force with a concept art designer and the guy that developed Photoshop. Those are not the people to develop themes and plots.
>>114959659How can it be headcanon, if the man was working with Lucas, and it's what Lucas himself has been talking about for years? I am shocked how much people don't give a fuck, and are just generally stupid. Everybody acts like Filoni told some divine revelation. Check this out, you will be shocked. Most people simply don't understand star wars.youtu.be
>>114959713>Watch this 4 hour movie explaining all the stuff you need to know to find the prequels goodThis is precisely why the sequels are shit.
>>114959713Based Rikafag.Now I have come to dislike the prequels even more.
>>114959735>>114959737Based brainlets.
>>114957865The prequels are a pretty good indicator of what Lucas was good at because it had no filter.On the one hand, the writing, acting, and even the basic story are utter horseshit, but the themes, set pieces, and most importantly, the world-building is elder god tier.I think the sequel movies are okay but I'll admit that they seriously lack a solid vision and the world-building is pretty awful and retreading the same ground.I would go so far as to say that the prequels add more to the world-building than both the entirety of the original and prequel trilogy combined. Even all the stupid shit, the goddamn 1950's diner on Coruscant makes the universe feel like a real, breathing place. That neither the originals and especially the sequels do very well.The only major Disney Star Wars media that adds to the universe even remotely substanually is ironicly, Rebels and the Solo movie.
>>114959767>u dumbthank you for summarizing the videos you linked.
>>114959812Epic strawman.
>>114959792I kind of find it hard to credit him with "world building" while being shit at story. Any autist can come up with a fabulously autistically complicated "world", but as far as stories goes a good world can serve as a great backdrop for a great story. The prequels has lots of interesting "things" in them, but the world in terms of the people and characters and this boring sterile sexless feel to it, like lucas was really only engaged in thinking up cool planets and places and not people and characters. Even then, it's a bit here nor there what lucas actually did, as certainly a lot of the "world building" was done by talented concept artists and prop makers. It also all looked like dog shit after episode one.
>>114959436> fanboyingNot really.Genndy did demonstrate he understood the implications of Qui Gon's death perfectly with that scene, showing how Anakin would have overcame his fears and never fallen to the dark had Qui Gon lived and served as his master instead of Obi Wan.The problem is that people take this segment too literally, implying Qui Gon went to Dagobah with Anakin at some point during TPM, when Yoda was just having a vision of a possible outcome that never actually happened.
>>114959850No shit it was talented concept artists. But who gave them the outlines and ideas to draw upon? Who approved the final designs? You must be one of those retards who think A New Hope was "saved" in editing.>no plot and no charactersAnother one filtered by Jar-Jar and 40's romance dialogue, nice.
>>114959737His accent is impossible to place, but he's always got something good to say.My only criticism is that he laid it on a little thick when he said "and DIE" in his latest essay.
>>114959893You've never even watched a movie from the 1940s.
>>114959767Dude, Rika concluded his very own analysis saying he hates Star Wars. Are you expecting the rest of us not to come to the same conclusion when he's spitting at our face that Star Wars is downright evil?
>>114959893>But who gave them the outlines and ideas to draw upon? Who approved the final designs?George Lucas did. But my point is that it's not very impressive imo for the reasons i mentioned.>A New Hope was "saved" in editing.Isn't every movie? Good movies need good editors generally. I recall the official documentaries even talking about how it was "saved in editing.>no plot and no charactersI never said that. The need to pretend i said things i never said so you can shoot them down is telling.
>>114959909That's not the point. The point was to emphasize how much more complex the movies actually are, and how people straight-out ignore all those important concepts. You have conveniently omitted that he also stated how Star Wars is the greatest achievement of human race, but that doesn't fit your agenda. As for hating it or not, it's up to you. But it seems you did not even understood why he said that.
>>114959850Star Wars has kinda always been a series that benefits from the extended material, mostly because the EU actually tries to fucking explain concepts and develops characters because the sequel trilogy isn't the only trilogy in the franchise that does a really shitty job explaining concepts and character motivations, it probably just hinges on that stuff more than the other movies do.As hit or miss as Legends was, and even though I can understand that Disney wanted to wipe the slate clean, they sure as shit didn't bother giving people explanations that Legends already did explain, which is why most people still use legends to explain shit because Canon has nothing. Disney has really handled the EU poorly because the EU is the goddamn ducktape and paperclips that keeps this clusterfuck of a series still afloat.
>>114959914>while being shit at story>lucas was really only engaged in thinking up cool planets and places and not people and charactersMaybe you just did not get the story and characters? Next time at least say why it's shit.
>>114959932>The point was to emphasize how much more complex the movies actually are, and how people straight-out ignore all those important concepts.It's the failure of the movie that these things aren't told well the the audience. We shouldn't have to watch extra content to understand that "anakin was really a good guy who was turned to the dark side", when the movie fails to actually *show* this and instead just has characters say it's true sometimes. The prequels aren't bad because they aren't "complicated" or it's impossible to interpret the characters in an interesting way, it's that the story is told badly. Which is why no one but the hardcore get anything out of the prequels.The OT didn't need the audience to watch anything else to know the had watched a satisfying movie. That's the problem.
>>114959938Completely agree that it benefits from extended material. But the prequels really depend on it in a way the OT doesn't at all.
>>114959950>Maybe you just did not get the story and characters?That's literally what I *am* saying. And that's what most people get at well. If you enjoyed the movie, more power to you. But most people didn't get the characters because they were executed poorly.
>>114959586What you describe is good but I see no problem in not ditching Dooku and Grievous out of the story just to give Maul more presence, specially because if that was the case you would have to rework the entire Separatist plot almost entirely. All three characters can coexist in the setting as how they were originally envisioned without degrading any of them for the sake of the other.
>>114959932Something being "complex" doesn't automatically means it is good.
>>114959969How so?
>>114959969Eh... The prequels do need it more than the OG trilogy, but the Trilogy does have some weird quirks without the EU.I mean, Boba is literally just a meme without the EU, he's even worse than Phasma. And god at least Maul killed a major character. There's also the whole "Leia being force-sensitive" thing that is vaguely implied but ever actually utilized at all. Also y'know, the Death Star exhaust port.
>>114960002That was not the point. People claim there is no story and the characters are bad, when in fact it's the opposite. Everything was in the movies, and all you had to do is to actually watch. How can you tell if something is good or bad, if you did not even understand the subject you are criticizing? That was the entire point, when somebody posted Filoni talking about duel of the fates, and people were like "wow dood, never thought about it", when in fact it all was there in the phantom menace. But people whined "why are we shown kid Anakin reeeeeee what the fuck that is CRINGE".
>>114960010You're a retard Boba Fett is just a minor villain. He doesn't need more shit to do just because people like his design. And there's nothing wrong with the Death Star exhaust port. A tiny hole that's nearly impossible to hit doesn't need to be given a reason to exist, its a limitation of the station's design.
>>114960005A simple example is maul and vader.When vader is introduced we see him bust into a rebel ship, chock out some rebel fighters and treat his own men like shit.Later he see him blow up a planet with millions of people just to test out the empires new weapon, while making someone from their watch.When we see the death star blown up later and vader BTFO, it's nice because vader was set up so we wouldn't like him, so it's nice to see him get fucked up. I don't need to read some extra book or documentary to understand why i should enjoy this, everything i need is in the movie and done well.Now with Maul, he looks scary and that's it. He's told to go fight the jedi and he does. Then he kills one, then is killed himself. We don't know anything about it. Why does he want to kill the jedi. Is he a bad person? We're probably meant to assume so, but he never does something bad before going to fight the jedi. He's a weak villain because of this, but sequel fans would defend him because you can read more about him in the extra material and shit. But he doesn't work well on his own just in the movie.That's just one example. There's many issues like that.
>>114959987Not him, for characters that have interesting backstories in the EU material, it's a damn shame that the prequels never had these concepts. Grievous is basically an echo of Vader, and Dooku has deep ties to the Order and Yoda, and yet both are killed halfway into RotS.
>>114960037>That was the entire point, when somebody posted Filoni talking about duel of the fates, and people were like "wow dood, never thought about it", when in fact it all was there in the phantom menace.It's the movies job to make that clear. If you make a movie where it's important that the audience understand the nature of a certain relationship to enjoy the movie.. and then 90% of the audience doesn't get it. You have failed as a director. Screeched that "BUT IT WAS ALL THERE" doesn't matter, the skill of a storyteller is to communicate that effectively to your audience. How much detail was there in the movie or not if it was carefully dissected doesn't matter, what matters is what the target audience will understand from watching it.
>>114960041Boba Fett isn't a minor villain, because that implies he does literally anything but stand around. JABBA is a minor villain, Boba is a fucking cardboard cutout to sell toys.And yes, there is a problem with the Death Star exhaust port, because it's literally just designed to be a plot contrivance. They don't give a valid reason for its existence, and because it's literally its only weakness, it just seems stupidly convenient and makes the Empire look really stupid.
>>114960048>Later he see him blow up a planet with millions of people just to test out the empires new weapon, while making someone from their watch.That was actually Tarkin.>Now with Maul, he looks scary and that's it. He's told to go fight the jedi and he does.>At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have revenge.You failed to grasp that it was not about Maul. You don't need more than that. Expansion of Mauls character was not necessary. You know he is evil from his looks, and that he is an apprentice of Darth Sidious. There is nothing more needed to his character in that particular story. It was about Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan and Anakin.
>>114959713Rika's video is mostly good and very on point, but his interpretation of Luke's and Vader's arc in RoTJ is contrived as hell.
>>114960088I have good news, Rogue one gave the death star exhaust port a valid reason for its existence.
>>114960096>You know he is evil from his looks, and that he is an apprentice of Darth Sidious.This is entirely the problem. In OT, villains would be made do something uncontroversially bad so we know they are villains. You don't *have* to do this, but they didn't do anything like it for maul and others, and for a lot of people that made the movies work worse for them.If someone just *looking* evil because they are red is enough for you to get emotionally engaged when they fight jedi, good for you. But it shouldn't be a shock that a lot of people were never going to respond that way.
>>114960113Thanks for proving my point that you need EU material to fix issues in the Original Trilogy.
>>114960096Thanks for proving our point that Maul is not even a real character in TPM.
>>114960079>movie establishes that Anakin has no father>it establishes him as being deeply emotional boy, who loves his mom very much and falls for Padme >he has to leave his mother, which is dramatically shown>Qui-Gon looks after him, he explains everything to him, he stands by him in the Jedi Council>every step of the journey Anakin is taken care of by Qui-Gon>Qui-Gon dies, hence Anakin lost his father figure>It is shown after how Palpatine now substitutes that role by telling Anakin "he will watch closely for his progress">In the funeral scene Anakin literally has no idea what will happen to him since Qui-Gon just died>Camera ominously shows Palpatine from the side
>>114960057I must admit, I like both Grievous and Dooku a lot more than Maul, at least on a conceptual level.What's really shaming here is how TCW could have expanded on both characters, but it seems like all the attention went to Ventress and Maul.
>>114960138Exactly, you're listing out very reasonable story point for what could be a great movie. The problem is it;'s just done so poorly.I didn't think Anakin was that bad in TPM desu, but then again he didn't really do much. His plot line was ultimately "isn't it sad that he was a slave and now has to leave his mom behind to become a jedi", which was okay as a background plot to the main story. But there wasn't really a very cohesive main story for TPM.
>>114960119You are shown that Maul is Sidious' apprentice in the very beginning of the movie. Sidious orders all kind of evil shit, like blockading planet, taking people as hostages, wiping everyone out. You must be dense to not get that this guy who he clearly told is "his apprentice" is evil. The focus of the movie was not on Darth Maul. It was on the beginning of Palpatine's rise to power, start of the Republic's fall, and the core reasons why Anakin will fall to the Dark Side. So your point is, Maul would be a better character, if we were shown how he chokes and cuts some people? Because that is exactly what Vader did in A New Hope. He was not much of a character either, but he was more in the focus of the story, because he was directly related to one of the characters - Ben Kenobi. It was logical to flash out Vader more. All that we knew besides that, is that Vader is in all black armor, and he chokes people. There was no Emperor in A New Hope, only Vader. But there was also Sidious in TPM.
>>114960225>You are shown that Maul is Sidious' apprentice in the very beginning of the movie.That's precisely my point. Do you not see that vader would have been a weaker character in a new hope if all he did was work for the empire, and didn't do anything except try to kill luke at the end?>Sidious orders all kind of evil shit, like blockading planet, taking people as hostages, wiping everyone out.Agree that sidious is the only good villain in the prequels. Apart from "wiping everyone out" non of those were particularly evil for a main bad guy. The whole trade federation plot was a mess.
>>114960260>The whole trade federation plot was a mess.It wasn't, because it was a part of bigger, grander scheme. The Phantom Menace is not a standalone movie, and it is followed up by two other movies, just in case you forgot. And even in TPM, it was explained enough to understand, in case you will not be watching the next two movies. But hey, muh politics is boring, SW is not about that, am I right? Good think people working on the sequels knew that. Because it is not in any case immersion-breaking, when the resistance after RotJ are a fucking RESISTANCE, and not the grand army of the New Republic, and the remnant of the fallen Empire, who had lost their leader and TWO DEATH STARS, has more resources and better weaponry than the Empire itself and the New Republic COMBINED. But hey, go read 30 novels to understand why!
>>114959713So... The Jedi really were in the right ALL along?Imagine my shock.
Not everyone can be a Jedi.But a Jedi can come from anywhere.
>>114960297In understand it part of a bigger plot, but the whole stand alone story of TPM is so convoluted. Palpatine is manipulating the galactic trade federation somehow to put up a blockade around naboo unless they pay more taxes, and then... they want to invade naboo for some reason (i actually don't remember why) and as part of that they want to kidnap padme and force her to sign a treaty to "make the invasion legal".. which makes no sense. And all this was somehow meant to create a military dispute that would someone result in palpatine being granted emergency powers.The basic premise of what the trade federation is never explained and doesn't even make any sense when you try to think about it. But this is apparently the main plot of the entire movie.
>>114956198He's not a businessman unfortunately
>>114960564No, not a financial director. A creative director.
>>114960483Literally any generic, late-stage capitalist corporation. The name is self-explanatory: Trade Federation. Their sole purpose is to increase their profits, and evade responsibilities, such as paying taxes. It is also thematically represented in them mostly building droids in an autonomous way. Sidious used that as a premise, promising them support withing the Senate, effectively manipulating them into committing illegal actions. Literally the opening crawl:>Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic. The taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems is in dispute.>Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships, the greedy Trade Federation has stopped all shipping to the small planet of Naboo.The blockade was essentially their protest against taxation politics of the Republic. The mission of the Jedi is to resolve such conflicts in a peaceful way, because they were established as keepers of the peace and negotiators. And thus the whole Palpatine's scheme was set in motion.I don't know, you people demand it to be "more obvious" and "executed better", but at the same time there is meme criticism, like "show don't tell", and such. The only Lucas' fault is that the Original Trilogy appealed way too much to the lowest common denominator, and as the result, he was expected to not go out of bounds and never experiment with a bit more complex themes. Everybody talks about "poor execution", but nobody ever says how to improve that execution, without actually disrupting the thematic integrity of the movies. But most criticism comes from people initially not understanding the underlying messages of the films.
>>114960659>Literally any generic, late-stage capitalist corporation.Were they a company? Or a inter-planetery organisation for regulating trade, like the WTO? You sound unsure yourself. How were they collecting trade taxes if they were just a company themselves? >The blockade was essentially their protest against taxation politics of the Republic.So the republic was the one putting up controversial taxes, and the trade federation, a private corporation that didn't like this, responded by blocking all trade in and out of naboo? Your explanation is even more confused than the actual movie.
>>114960717They were an intergalactic corporation, manufacturing BATTLE DROIDS. They were TAXED by the REPUBLIC, which they believed to be UNFAIR, because they are GREEDY as fuck, and as every capitalistic system it prioritizes benefit.>Your explanation is even more confused than the actual movie.How the fuck is it confusing? Literally everything in the opening crawl and from visuals only, confirmed later through dialogue. You people don't know what the fuck you want, honestly. Literally confirming my point: people don't want star wars to be anything other than primitive space adventure with mild spiritual themes in it.
>>114960763>They were an intergalactic corporation, manufacturing BATTLE DROIDS. They were TAXED by the REPUBLIC, which they believed to be UNFAIR, because they are GREEDY as fuck, and as every capitalistic system it prioritizes benefit.Okay. Let's presume that's true, why were the blockading naboo and how did they intend for this to further some goal of theirs?When is it ever said that they manufacture battle droids btw?
>>114960113>rouge oneI stopped reading there
>>114960788>why were the blockading naboo and how did they intend for this to further some goal of theirs?How does any protest works? People expect the higher authorities to pay attention to their problems. They block roads, stop working, protest in all kinds of ways. But the corporation as powerful as the Trade Federation has the power to protest in a way of blockading an entire planet.>When is it ever said that they manufacture battle droids btw?Literally shown through visuals, how they rely exclusively on battle droids as their combat force, and said numerous times that it was Trade Federation's battle droids. Everything about Trade Federation is metallic, automated and anti-nature, as shown in their ships, interiors, their actions on Naboo, etc.It is LITERALLY said and shown however in Attack of the Clones, on Geonosis.
>>114960825Such as? The prequels had good balance between both expository and visual storytelling. Stop sperging, and provide some actual arguments. There are things that are enough to be shown visually, such as the very hell-like design of Darth Maul, his double-edged red lightsaber for the audiences to know about his agency, in contrast to the protagonists. Some things are told through exposition, such as agency of the Jedi Council, their view on Anakin's training, etc. Explain what is wrong exactly from your point of view.
>>114959489At least Obi Wan got to finish what he started eventually.
>>114955412>The good guy was fighting hard so he wouldn't die and the bad guy wouldn't winSterling insight there.
>>114960845FUNNY INTERNET MAN I RECOGNIZEhey do you happen to have a link to this guy's patreon? I L O V E his reaction images
>>114959586I feel like the original intention was to bring him back as what became Grievous. I have a feeling a major plot point was going to be the history between Maul and Obi-wan, which would have made the last battle between them at Utapau more impactful. While Obi-wan is chasing down Maul and avenging his master's death, Anakin is being pulled into the darkside of the force. Obi-wan would feel immense guilt about not being there when Anakin needed him.Also if it were Maul getting robot limbs chopped off, the anger would have made more sense, as it would be a reminder that Obi-wan is the reason he lost his limbs and body over the course the previous two films, leading to him becoming a mechanical monstrosity.
>>114960865>How does any protest works? People expect the higher authorities to pay attention to their problems.Then why “protest” at this planet in the middle of nowhere and then lie to the republic about there being a blockade? Doesn’t that defeat the point? Where they hoping this secret blockade in the middle of nowhere would convince then Republic to reduce taxes on the sales of the droids they make?Saying they have droid is not evidence that they make them. That bizarre to assume. You sound borderline schitzo.
>>114960888It's as simple as saying that just because a character looks villainous and is aligned with the antagonists is not enough to make a point about what his true agency is.Just take look at Count Dooku and Asajj Ventress, or hell, even Grievous.
>>114955412well fuck me, i'm impressed. if only he'd stop inserting orange butcheeks everywhere
>>114957464I just realised, if you look closely at Sam's chest, you can see him breathing
>>114960391Get fucked, Ahsoka.
I unironically think that the Bad Batch arc was worse than the Martez sisters arc>reveals a new squad of clones we've never heard of and will never see again>All the squad members are cliches without deep characterization.>They have no influence on the plot and the plot would still exist if they didn't exist>It is said that Echo could still be working for the separatists and they make you think that it would be an important point in the plot, but then they do nothing with it and Echo is still a clone that works for the Republic>The animation sometimes looks weird and the characters have blue reflections that don't match the surroundings>There are scenes with dumb Rebels-like humorAt least the Martez sisters arc is imporant to understand the final four episodes
>>114955695Impressive.I knew the Ewoks were to balance things out, but I hadn't considered it to also intentionally had Luke there instead of just off with Vader to illustrate his experience, and possibly force sensitivity, making him more intuitive of his surroundings and encounters compared to his more unsure self with Obi Wan and over-eagerness before Yoda.That's pretty decent characterization hidden amidst what seems like a lighthearted scene if it's true.
>>114961223The Martez arc is as useless except for the final episode.
>>11496007990% of people who watch Lynch have no idea what's going on and he's one of the greatest directors of all time
>>114955412He's right, but it's always been kind of obvious. Moreover, TPM still isn't very good.
>>114961310Star Wars is not the same, because it has "lightsabers" and "stupid aliens", therefore it must always be dumb shit for plebs. Again, the OT's greatest mistake was to make it way too accessible for the common audiences. Should have made it way more spiritual and borderline esoteric, so that normalfags would be off-putted immediately, and did not expect everything star wars to be ANH rehash.