Emo/goth versions of non-emo/goth characters
Emo/goth versions of non-emo/goth characters
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>Emo fanart of Eunice from OV>Even tho she literally appeared for like 15 seconds totalI'm not complaining but why?
>>114954356bro no...
>>114954919Why would a blind girl care about wearing all black?
Good thread.
>>114955503So that when people look upon her, they see what she sees.
Friendly reminder that mallgoth =/= goth
>>114955530Friendly reminder that I = don’t care. I get the difference but it’s just my personal preferences
>>114955530Just based on that image, mallgoth is superior to goth
>>114955871if you get the difference, don't post the wrong types in this thread>>114955876no, that would be according to your shit taste
>>114955892seething tastelet.the fluffy 80s hair just looks goofy
>>114955892It really isn’t that serious
canon but only for one episode
>>114955905oh right and the pigtails don't?80s hair is super fucking sexy
>>114955892you should've made a "catoon characters edited as trad goths" instead fucktard
>>114955923what do you mean by "that" serious?Am I holding you at gunpoint or something?
>>114955932the pigtails are hot
>>114955937I shouldn't have to.>>114955951if you're an ageplay crypto-pedo
>>114955962>goth thread full of teens>muh pedo boogeyman we get it, you're a fag
>>114955947Look, I understand we’re all under quarantine and you have nothing better to do, but just loosen up man, for your own sake.
>>114956003you can't just tell a homo to "loosen up" and start being interested in women. very insensitive
everytime someone tells me the difference between goth and emo I always go back to South Parkyoutube.com
>>114955962then don't name your thread "goth AND Emo" then get mad when you get something that isn't strictly goth
>>114954236Is that Gwen?
>>114956051Yeah, I saw another emo gwen in the drawthread and I tried finding the source. I didn’t find it, but I found that one instead
>>11495593280s hair will always be sexy
>>114954567Bro.... Yaaaaas! I’m gunna coooooooooooooooooom!!!!!!!
>>114955892imagine being this autistic about jerking off to fictional women
>>114955892>>114955530It literally has goth in the name you fucking retard.
>>114955530We can all agree as civilized humans that edgethots are complete trash compared to every other version of "goth", yes?Also I dont know if she counts as goth or not but I love her so I'm posting her
>>114956477They may be the worst, but I still like some of them
>>114954303Why did her voice change so drastically? She went from sounding 5 to sounding 25
>>114957224the tan got her kinda just looking hispanic here
>>114955530>has goth in the name>isn't gothsure thing retard
post more gothic cuties
>>114956354>>114956373 They're not goths they're visigoths
>>114955419cute Candace
>go into high school >expecting all the edgy goths, dumb jocks and sexy cheerleaders like all my movies and tv shows told me high school was like >instead goths replaces by emos, the jocks are honor roll students, and my school didn’t even have a cheerleader squadI felt so fucking ripped off man.
>>114954303superior version.
>>114958647Whoever that girl with the bobcut is, she's so cute it hurts me
>shadman thread
We made it through the night, boys. Let’s keep the ball rolling
>>114955932Floof needs to come back.
>>114955530>>114955892If you're going to do this in every Goth thread, start your own.I assume you're the same autist from /aco/'s goth thread?
Goth Alex