These issues are trademark Ellis. Six issue self contained stories. He gets in and gets out. Hope everyone enjoys.
Secret Avengers (Ellis)
>Osborn Stories>>114839223>>114859581>>114886267>Moon Knight>>114909629>>114930938
If I remember correct, they swap up the artist every issue giving each adventure its own unique flair.
Give our boy Moonie some credit, Hank.
This page is goergous. Love secret cities. Gives me a major Hickman SHIELD vibe.
God, Moon Knight is all about double kicking the shit out of moving vehicles. Just one of the many reasons why his legs are jacked up to high hell.
This may have been the series that ignited Ellis' interest in Moon Knight. McKelvie is at the top of his game with these penciles. Those clean lines and efficient paneling are a true work of art (no pun intended). It wouldn't have been my first thought to go with someone this clean but I stand corrected.
>I can't fire a gun! I have paws!That sounds like a fucking excuse, Hank.
>>114951216Absolute garbage.Ellis, ever the edgelord, thought that having Captain America ordering Black Widow and Moon Knight to torture prisoners would be awesome.
I forgot about the hard light shield. I actually kind of miss it. Weightless, nearly indestructable, can be thrown to great effect, and then regenerated within a couple seconds.
>>114951537>It wouldn't have been my first thought to go with someone this clean but I stand corrected.yeah it's insane how good some v clean artists are with action. maybe that's why he went with declan "99% straight lines" shalvey for a man with a flowy cape??
>>114951616>hard light shieldi think coates brought it back. like of all the folks writing rn, i didn't expect coates to bring back brubaker villains+hard light shield
There are so many options when it comes to sending a secret city through times and space. Definitely a mission for the Secret Avengers.
Are the Advance War games worth playing? This page makes me want to be a commander.
Well this got a hell of a lot darker.
>Relax. I'm far too borderline psychotic to feel pain.Sassy.
Shame Bendis makes sympathizing with Beast near impossible in his run.
This brings human trafficking to a new level.
I know Walker definitely jacked up Steve's face, I do appreciate having an older Captain America.
She's bringing up a good point.
This is so fucking cool. Definitely some old school spy shit Fury would say lost its tactical appeal. Easy to see why Steve's a fan.
This is some serious Nextwave shit...I love it.
Is this an actual "Monster Truck"?
>>114952052Well Marko seems like a fun guy.
>>114951383Those old comics look so good blown up. The bigger size really brings out the inking quality of that issue.
>>114952400I still remember collecting the Minutement/DCP/Green Giant issues. Replacing them wither higher def version was a surreal experience. Only JUST now found high def copies of my favorite Spider-Man story (A Death in the Family).
This may have came directly out of Global Frequency. Not sure if showing it would have taken away from what it was.
>"Incapacitate".This issue was my first introduction to Shang-Chi. Naturally I am now a fan of SHang-Shi and can't wait for the MCU film (I need my Iron Fist fix).
Gareth Evans should have been put in charge of the Shang-Chi film. He worked well with an Indonesian cast and crew with Raid Redemption and Raid 2, and he worked within a London cast and crew in his series Gangs of London. Dude would absolutely kill it in the role of director or even producer. He's established himself as a decent enough writer and a balls to the wall director.
Aja was an inspired choice for this issue. I wasn't a fan of Hawkeye (entirely Fraction's writing) so I missed out on that run which is a damn shame. This has a kinetic energy to it as well as delivering on intense landscapes/backdrops.
Two page info dump but I'm not complaining. If anything I'm impressed they managed to have two pages of massive expostion but still be a pleasure to read. Slott needs to take some notes.
>I resent being made your thug.Glad to see someone actively giving Steve shit. Shang-Chi is a warrior, not a cleanup crew.
Don't think you're validated Rogers. You didn't plan on him being this effective in non-combat situations.
Shang-Chi is just becoming more and more awesome. Extremely direct, yet exceedingly efficient.
thanks OP I loooove this run. desert island love it.
This is so fucking cool!!! Is he traveling mid-warp or is this a case of a surrounding bad-continua?
>>114952853My man. So glad to have you here.If anyone has some 6 issue arcs (or fewer) that they feel are super classy I'd love to hear them. Another requirement is try to limit it to under 180 images as I don't have a pass so it would be three hours minimum.
Cap totally looks like Race Bannon in that last panel.
>>114951216This was the series that totally wasted Nova, right?I remember being miffed.
Three things I already love about this issue.>1. Moonie is back and as "Steven Grant" no less.>2. The issue is done by Lark and his art style is fantastic for darker stories.>3. The issue largely follows a 3x3 grid which is A-Okay in my book.
I'm currently playing around with the 3x3 grid in my own work. It's ultimately the format I plan to structure my comic when all is said and done (opposed to the 2x4 grid which I had already written some issues in). That said, I"m having issues fully taking advantage of the 3x3 grid and am mostly using it for talking heads. This is directed to anyone writing in this thread, but how do you take full advantage of the 3x3 grid without trying to reinvent the wheel with regard to panel layout every couple of pages?
2x4 grid lends itself to conveying a cinematic sense (four panels stacked horizontally). This style was heavily used in Parker's Thunderbolts and Millar's Jupiter's Legacy which is what drew me too it. Also Millar tended to follow a pattern where even though he used the 2x4 grid allowing for 8 panels maxiumum, he almost exclusively made sure to NEVER exceed five panels per page (three horizontal and one split) and 25 words per split panel and 50 words per horizontal). These restrictions forced me to speed up the work and strip away a lot of the unnecessary when it came to plot as well as thinking visually.After tinkering enough with this style that I felt comfortable, I realized that even taking full advantage of the 2x4 grid I felt restrained in comparison to the 3x3. I had messed around in my early days with 3x3, but it was shit. No other way of describing it. Nine panels of uninspired Bendis knockoffs. I'm determined to do better.
>>114953010This was the series, but he's absent meow
Love it.
All that said, the 4x4 employed by Miller in TDKR is truly amazing and while I wish I could do my work in that style (which I could probably pencil on my own as I wouldn't have to draw "too large" of an image), I'd still need years to get comfortable just thinking like that. Miller was presenting a mastercraft course in paneling just those issues alone. While his character work and overall anatomy got worse, his paneling only became more intricate in the sequel.
Well played Natasha.
Moon Knight seems like he's having a ball.
This is great, thanks. I feel like it should have had more promotion due to Ellis and the artist talent
>>114953298The TDKR media panel thing is cool but got copied all the time in the 90s. Just read early Spawn and it’s gets over used all the time
I'm going to reiterate again that Gareth Evans should do a marvel project. If not Shang-Chi, then possibly the Moon Knight title (assuming Slater shits the bed -- he wasn't terrible with Umbrella Academy but I want Moon Knight to be a step further).Obligatory Gareth Evans
>>114951826We just need a Wonderman/Beast mini to get people to love him again.
This villain reminds me of
>>114953403This was around when the infamous computer break happened and Ellis couldn't work/lost scripts/etc and it bungled a ton of releases
>>114953523shoot thought that said "Chappie" at first glance
>>114953506Shame Bendis shit that relationship.I love Bendis as a writer. I really do. His work on revitalizing Avengers after the kinda all over the place Vol. 4 and Ultimate Spider-Man is a testament that he is more than capable. His work on Daredevil, while not rivaling Miller, was crime drama Nirvana and managed to get a bunch of my friends into comics. And after saying all that, he is capable of truly fucking up a good thing either with Beast/Wonderman or the entire X-Men lineup.All that said, I still really enjoy Bendis and find Dark Avengers to be my Guilty Pleasure title.
Well that resolved itself rather quickly. Not that I'm complaining.
I'm not usually one for Natasha as a main character, but I'd be more than happy for a six issue mini if it was penned by Ellis.
>>114953528Oh no, so many books that never got finished. Desolation Jones, etc.
>>114953644As long as it’s not a former mentor or some tragic past or a edgy rival spy
>>114953747I'd give her a command of a highly public Avengers team and having to work where the people. She'd have to actively work and preach restraint with a team of "Avengers" that also have issues taking it too far. Just a thought. I'm drunk.
>>114951216Is the cover supposed to bear a resemblance to arizona?
>>114952447It feels like this is something that could one day come up again.
>>114953791Love her doing a straight spy super hero book like Grayson.
>>114953809Shouldn’t it just create a different timeline if they die?
>>114951407Jesus, you still have to work together with that bag-wearing psychopath, Hank.
>>114953866When it comes to time travel, I've learned to adopt the philosphy of "shut up and go with it". It's for this very reason that I will NEVER incorporate it into my own work. Too many cans of worms.
>>114953918Dr. Druid is pretty great
>>114951696lol nice Land Raider chassis.
>>114954035Time loop aaaaaa
Am I crazy for considering Mark Millar as someone that can deliver some solid character-based dialog? I know it tends to veer on the side of edgy in some cases, but I maintain Millar more than pays tribute to the core of each character and plays them to the best of his ability (or in some cases to "his vision" which may significantly upset some people). Ultimates Vol. 1 & 2 were fantastic and Marvel Knights Spider-Man was expectation defying, especially with his inner workings of Osborn.
While I don't consider dialog to be Ellis' most defining feature of his writing, I will say that it is competent. He has a style, it's a bit mean/sassy but there is a definite attempt to tap into character. I think he works better with characters that have an "edge". I can't imagine an Ellis Spider-Man title.
Last issue, let's see if Ellis can stick the landing.This is directed to anyone reading alone, which writer would you say is capable of delivering consistent character based dialog? Feel free to explain your reasons. No judgin
>>114954164Miller’s animated Superman run is great since he likes Superman and can’t be an edgelord
>600 SecondsTen minutes. I'm down. I can't post that fast but I'm down.
>>114954270Absolutely agree. It's for that reason I enjoyed his imprint story "Superior". It was like his combination of Superman and Shazam. One of the more uplifting stories especially near the end. I think when he realizes it's going to be part of a main "public" line, he reels himself in. When he's working within his own properties or part of third party titles like Authority he "goes for it" for better or worse.
I feel like the seventh panel has been used as a reaction image but I can't place it.
Serious FF7 Mako Reactor vibes here.
Words cannot express how quickly I would have preemptively fired. I watched Angel S04. I know that a mental parasite can go "live" the second it's been out of the womb for a hot second. I aint' havin that.
>>114954587It's a blue demon baby Rhodey, just kill it and get therapy later
This thing is Daedalus from Resistance 2. Only more corpsy.
Hank...fucking getting over yourself. I would have dropped you off the team after this mission for simply insubordination.
This message is directed toward this gentlemn 114936124. I super appreciate the feedback and feel more confident going to town (pun intended) when it comes to making up locations. I never made a locale that overshadowed a capital city or even a large city. It's almost always been used in the context of small-medium sized that either already fill the space geographically or fit thematically in the context of the area. I have made up city in Michigan that exists just to house another location I reference. So much worldbuilding isn't glamorous, it's filling in the tiny pieces that make up the infrastructure of everything.
>>114954763Dammit, this person >>114936124
>>114954787Mutants did 9/11.
I'm down for advanced science but come on....really?Also, I'm not really surprised. Ellis isn't one known for providing significant payoff unless it's in his own stories. This was just a collection of six missions filled with horrific opposition and difficult compromise. Prior me felt cheated, current me feels that it is thematically appropriate.
Got the time so I'll post some more. First issue of Infamous Iron Man. I think this was the first Bendis title in a while that got me back interested in him as a writer. Still have not read ANY of his Superman title so I have no idea what I'm in for.
>>114954342I remember David Brothers and others getting livid at this take on Steve Rogers.
There was a surprsing amount of restraint shown here. Then again, while he could easily dispatch Robbins could he deal deal with Dormamuu (assuming I got the right demon).
>>114954969Why? This isn't Steve at his most patriotic. If anything it's him at his most compromised as he is supposed to be serving as the Director of SHIELD publically playing nice for the press, he realizes he needs to run these black ops just like Fury did just to keep the world spinning five minutes longer. It's perfect.
I am now interested in Diablo. No shame as I previously had limited exposure.
Oof. Sexist and an egotist. Not a good combo, especially in this day and age.
>>114954969I can see why they would be, but that's the point, he's the boy scout playing the spymaster, the one that gets involved in nasty shit and solving it by any means necessary, it's not supposed to be within the character's comfort zone, and that's why it would be entertaining to see how the character is written around these scenarios.
He dead? He look like he dead.
Doom definitely needs to work on his game. Randomly teleporting away with a bizarre aura isn't good for anyone.
>I'm kind of a big deal.And in one sentence you immediately became someone to ignore. Like an armored up Hank Schrader from Breaking Bad. Someone that needs to act big and tough because the reality is that he's a bitch that uses his physicality to intimidate a bully.
>I wasn't asking permission.Finally someone with balls. God speed, Doom.
I don't care what the title is, Bendis/Maleev warrants a buy for me. ALSO Wherever you call home, please stay safe and take of yourselves and whomever you can (friends and family) in this difficult time as it's taking a beating on everyone I know. I'm in a position where I am inventing reasons to keep my job but others aren't so lucky. Help whomever you can assuming it's no sig. detriment to you (I gave a burger coupon for a full entre to a homeless person -- his face lit up and I felt like I helped in my own tiny way).
Oh fuck. If this is who I think it is, god help us all.As I mentioned in prior threads, one of my friends died and I've been doubly looking after his ex (who is also a friend) and I decided to surprise her with an ice cream cake that read "Miss Beatrice's Special Cake". While I don't expect everyone to go out and get baked goods for their friends and family, I do recommend you take this time to check in with those you care about. When in doubt, send them this "B======D".
>>114953178>my own workooh are you writing+drawing or?? give us a peek user (positive reinforcement only because this storytime is only good times)
>>114954164>inner workings of Osborntwo words for you good sir - ellis thunderbolts
>>114955541Dude needs to put on his big boy pants. Justice is vile. It compromises any and everyone. No one is above it. At least no "human" person is above it.
>>114955064Yeah but that came out way later
>>114955913As much as I want to share I"m Writing only. I had a couple scripts prepared that got the seal of approval from my friends but I always question their feedback. Anywho, I"m going back to Make sure the story works before taking it further (If A doesn't lead doesn't lead to C you're fucked -- and I was terrible at just having shit happen because).. From whom I told the main story to they enjoy it, it's just "weird' which is what I'm going for. You better bet your bottom dollar that the second it's done with I'm going to post the finished product and a .cb archive for everyone here. BEst way to get yourself noticed.>>114956119I can do that.
>>114956257Did he actually fight Dormamuu?Stay safe everyone!!!! Last late night text! Also peeps cool with Thunderbolts by Ellis?
>>114953579danny trejo?
>>114954966>>114954990Heh. I like the Hood.
>>114951826Beast did nothing wrong.
>>114955104>This isn't Steve at his most patriotic.And?
GUYS, don't know who wrote it, but the Valkyrie centric issue of Secret Avengers with flashbacks to her being recruited by Odin was fucking fantastic. Highly recommended.
>>114956212Really? Because it sounds more like lazy writing than anything. Like it's actually fine when you're doing actual spy characters or when Ellis writes his own characters. Captain America kind of has a particular characterization that's been done from the 60's to the 90's, arguably the 00's. Maybe David Brothers went over-the-top with it, but I think he's partially right in this case, but more in terms of characterization.I could see Ellis' Captain America turn out to be Hydra though.
>>114955482See. I don't buy this. Why would Doom take on another heroes identity?Couldn't A.I. Tony just continue being Iron Man like in Hypervelocity?
>>114951216I was very much into SA back in the day. Upon rereading them a few years back, I came to the conclusion that it was mostly trash between Brubaker's lackluster start, and the Fear Itself stuff. Ellis' issues were the only worthwhile ones, and I still catch up with them from time to time.>>114954945IIM wasn't exactly great, especially with how decompressed it was, how everyone acted OOC, and how much the ending sucked, but it was one of the best BENIS books, and, you know what, it had an identity. I'm certainly not sad I bought it, even as a Doomfag.As for his human look, Marquez and Maleev draw him way too differently. His old appearances, Secret Wars and the like, were like any other American, so they lacked identity. Deodato just traced Vincent Cassel, and Marquez did that but made him more conventionally handsome. Maleev made him look like a random Slav guy. Ideally I'd marry them all. Give him some fuller lips and higher cheeckbones. Give him some wavy but not curly hair. Stuff like that. Reed's got the temples, Tony's got the goatee, give him a defining feature. I lean more towards Marquez's Med look. Maybe because I started reading with Ultimate Marvel, and there Latveria was in the Med. Actually, I liked the bit we saw of Ribic's version.
>>114951558wait...he made the guns...
>>114951511Is he wearing power armor or something?
>>114955442Ben’s just having a laugh man. 90% of the man is just showboating for a laugh cause he’s a giant rock monster and somehow he needs to clear the air about rhat
>>114957419Cause this was back when Doom literally realized he was worse than Richards after Secret Wars and decided to more or less remake himself as a good guy. It’s Doom at his least Doom.
>>114951216These are some of the best Avengers stories I have ever read and I would pay serious bank to see some of this shit on the big or small screen - especially this >>114953644 one.>>114956212Nah, ain't no excuse whatsoever for torture brah.
>>114952052Deff Skwadron inna house.
>>114951616hard light shields like this made a fun appearance in the Agents of SHIELD tv show
>>114957808Good catch. It's a running theme that Hank's not comfortable killing people in that run. Looks like he designed a way around it.
HOPES & IDEAS FOR FUTURE SA RUNS?Team line ups?Creative teams?Pic related a team idea I had but it's out of date now with Val & Scorn being dead.
>>114960724My unfinished current line up idea> Free Spirit (replacing cap)> Jane Foster / Valkyrie (replacing val)> Black Panther> Monica Rambeau>> Either Domino or Misty Knight (replacing widow and only if misty has that epic cleavage outfit)>> Either Aarkus or Prince of OrphansWhat is the current status of Moon Knight?