Good evening owls and robofuckers,More conniving robots tonight
JSA Storytime: Transformers
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>>114950991Hello, Storyteller. >this coverOkay, Mistress and Chromia was suggestive enough, but this? The artist was straight up jerking it.
>>114950991Wew, that cover. Starscream is a born sub and we love it.
>>114951109It's not his fault evil fembots (and Megatron) want to dom him.
>>114951109Isn't she great???
Hi threadDepressed bc work is bad. In general, the concept. How’re y’all doing? Anything happening in comics? Now that generation zero-5 seem dead I hope Williamson gets Wally
>>114951180this is like everything I ever wanted out of this scenario, damn
>>114951180>Starscream does the right thing and blows with us all to hell.
The Vril Dox & Starscream intergalactic fetish club for ex-military dictators who want to get stepped on.
>>114950991Corruption is my fetish
>>114951264Vril's a switch, thoughLOLOLOLBTW if this thread gets linked to any writers/artists: we love you in all your robodegeneracy, dammit
>>114951240Yeah I had a feeling you were going to be into this set-up.
>>114951293It's so weird seeing Megatron in Lost Lights, but seeing him like this to Starscream
So WHY is this Liege faggot even that feared?Elita didn't even know Vigilem was still in Windblade and most bots would assume she will soon die anyway, so what the fuck is the problem with Liege? Just because he can tempt people? It's just a guy. Just punch him. I mean there must be more to him but so far he was just a normal dude that did less terrible stuff than 80% of the cast so far.
>>114951293Dammit, Starscream. Just can't get past your abusive boyfriend, huh. Also, obligatory 'ain't gonna suck itself' joke.
>>114951352For those who have not seen here is The Transformers: Monstrosity Storytime>>114940492The Transformers: Monstrosity is the sequel to Autocracy, and continues where that series left off, with the Autobots dealing with their freedom in the very early days of the war. The Dinobots take centre stage, on the run from the law as they attempt to steal the funds to escape Cybertron, while Scorponok usurps Megatron's seat of power following his defeat at the end of Autocracy.
>>114951293Poor Starscream. Even when he tries to do the right thing he gets screwed over.
>>114951131Almost feel sorry for him he tries so hard to be the powerful guy for once but now he even loses to a harmless girl despite being the ruler of the whole damn planet.
However you feel about SS you have to love that he's such a designated horny outlet for the fandom. You put a comically inept villaim with a voice like a dying Disney animatronic in your cartoon and 40 years later it's all heart eyes and cummy emojis.
>>114951352ahhhh, sometimes you just need "not subtle" in your comics
>>114951180You know outside of her being pushed I honestly at this point have no idea why some of the fandom doesn't like Windblade Also hi JSA!
>>114951324It's good IMO. Even if Megatron changed that doesn't automatically heal his victims. As last thread said it is a crying shame we don't get to see nuMegs and nuScreamer interact.
>>114951240>inb4 Starscream wins because he has million years of training in fighting inner conflicts
>>114951408The MegaScream relationship certainly delivers that...
>>114951408HI EVERYONE how are you this evening, I didn't get a walk in but I worked outside most of the day and got plants I'd ordered to plant tomorrow
>>114951408Fucking lmao, the switch just FLIPS when people write these scenes.
>>114951379Thanks for your contribution to making the board a better place user.
>>114951293>>114951294I was always a total fan of mental fights like these. Especially when they are depicted in some way.
>>114951408Especially during a battle of the mind plot. It's a good opportunity to have blatantly obvious symbolism and mix them with trippy imagery. Also, I think this is Windblade's first proper encounter with the Starcream/Megatron UST. >>114951397>there are multiple generations of people who are sexually attracted to Chris Latta's record scratch voice...
>>114951460I did a lot of slacking off. It's nice, but I'm caught between wishing the restaurants would reopen and praying desperately they'd stay tue course. Doubt it's feasible though, people need an income.
>>114951460I had pizza until I made myself sick, which is my ideal evening so I'm good
>>114951408Scott and Roche should coop on a comic once.
>>114951512Turning the rescue around is a nice touch too.
>>114951460I can't add anything to this, lol
>>114951524If they're gonna make people work, they better be giving them hazard pay.
>>114951408>beware of robots that change their skin too often, they are hiding a rotten coreLiterally Senator Shockwave. I wonder how grey he was.
>>114951460Okay, aside from my brain being an uncooperative lump of barely functional grey matter, as usual. Otherwise, I've been thinking about how to translate classical fantasy character classes to a sci-fi setting, if not the physical attributes, then at least the basic concepts.
>>114951584McConnell wants to make it so companies can't be sued by employees for contracting the virus at the workplace. Stuff like that is why these companies need to sink.
>>114951615McConnell is like a cartoon parody of a corrupt politician
>>114951584I am happy that my local grocery store is one of the good corporate citizens in the world, on that front and others
>>114951568I was gonna be like this is Reylo before Reylo but actually it's pretty much concurrent.
>>114951611My friend and I are making a small game that's basically Final Fantasy 1 with the classes translated to superheroes. It's a fun thought exercise. I'd like to do the same for a sci-fi take on Dragon Quest 3 for our next project.
>>114951611Check out Stars Without Number and Starfinder maybe. The SWN guy has a cool Jack Vance/BotNS dying earth project going on too.
>>114951437It's probably the pushing combined by most writers simply not writing her very well. Idw2 is pretty great and most characters appearing there are better than their former versions imo but Windblade is just.. there. Kinda lame. She can be fully described by saying she is "one of the good guys" and if you didn't know her before you would probably forget her a volume later or something. A few bots have this even worse like Arcee and Elita in my opinion. Even Sentinel has more charisma than these two.
>>114951656I still can't believe people got so mad about Reylo happening but I saw it even though I got no investment in SW right now
>>114951584The bourseois will do everything they can to avoid giving the serfs even the smallest scraps, because they have been raised to see money as the only thing that matters. Ugh, corporate greed has got me talking like a damn commie. >>114951631Is he? This shit went far beyond parody years ago. Like, just the other day, Republicans started talking about how maybe the national deficit might be a problem. Naw, really? You can't make this shit up.
>>114951719The villainous abuse victim is saved my the humble outsider with a connection to something greater, Windscream is a really similar beat. And desu the Reylo fans disappointment and anti-Reylo rage were both off the charts.
>>114950991Oh dear. Does Windblade's brain surgery bring out a pervert streak?
I’m mad about Reylo cause they fucked up doing it so bad
>>114951442Yeah I give IDW a shitton of kudos for making Megatron good, siding with Megatrong, making Megatron basically the MC of one of the main series but never erasing the crimes of Megatron. Even the worst war criminals under him like Starscream or Overlord were confirmed to suffer from permanent mental damage because of him. Most series would take the easy way out and either make everybody including the victims forget about it if Megs is framed as the good guy or, if the author sides with the victims, make their crimes excusable instead and explain them away as reactions of abuse but idw doesn't do easy routes.
Honestly official ship meltdowns are my favorite
>>114951023>Windblade head on towerGetting flashbacks to the /tfg/ threads where her TM keeps taking over shit.
>>114951719I really wish Windblade could have met Rung ;__;look at these feels>>114951765i have a friend in that boat
>>114951239Work is sucks, yes. But anyone who's not had a job (or got lockdowned) knows how awful it is for habit formation.
>>114951631> * is like a cartoon parody of a corrupt politicianThis is the new normalcy to be honest.
>>114951850The best thing to do is the commission James Roberts to write Rung meeting Windblade and then paying Alex to draw it
>>114951719I had basically no reaction to Reylo, because of course Star Wars would do the obvious, yet incredibly stupid thing. Frankly, the fucking force-teleportation is far more worth of scorn. And no, it's not because 'lol da force does whatever', it's because there should've been more of that glorious whackiness. If characters are gonna yammer on about the Force all the time, at least have them use it.
>>114951850Okay I absolutely get why there's so much fanfic on these two now.
>>114951883I don't think I have that much monies but I still do want a commission of Rung and Nautica dancingI WORSHIP A SMITH
>>114951522I know that personally, I scream "COOOOOOBRAAAA!" any time I nut.
>>114951899I've never been one for shipping but their chemistry just sorta works, each sharpening the other to each other's benefit.
>>114951927I... actually have no idea how much it would cost to commission a writer to do something like that
>>114951584ohio has it so if you dont go to work because of fear of the virus your employer can snitch on you to unemployment and get you cut off
>>114951850>I really wish Windblade could have met Rung ;__;It would be wholesome as fuck, but the best case scenario is that she finds out he's Primus after they hang out for a bit. It hits better if she comes to realize that god is just a normal, unassuming dude.
>>114951927Oh come onHow can people NOT like her
>>114951950some h4X0r wrote a script to flood the site for narcing on people with fake data, lol
>>114951460I am tired. I've managend to utterly fuck my sleeo schedule, and somehow i managed to write "Scrub" as "scrup" yesterday.
>>114951568Itty bitty baby, itty bitty boat.
>>114951850I always wish EVERYBODY would have met Rung somehow. The good guys would get along well with him and ask good questions and the villains are just fun to imagine lying on his couch.
>>114951969I'd buy that toy of Starscream.
>>114951969I'm trying to unfuck mine so I can get used to 11 AM worktime, ugh, so early...Awww yes, just lean in on all the femdom
>>114951944I regret nothing, and apologize for nothing!
>>114951988I don't believe it
>>114951969Oh, it's kinda like Armada Starscream.
>>114951611I'd suggest hitting up /tg/. People have been hacking D&D for SF settings since it was invented.Beware fags bitching you out for class based games, tho.
>>114951719Reylo is just about the only redeemable part of the ST, and it's mostly because Kylo the Mall Goth Dark Lord being a creepy stalker is both fitting and hilarious.
>>114952053Imagine dying from being shoved between a robot's tits.
>>114951888Same here. Even if I was into that pairing that scene was so sudden and ended so fast I doubt any shipper was happy with this. It was just shoved in to get some brownie points from these people. I personally would have prefered Rey with Finn if anything.
>>114952083If only.
>>114951850Wait, is Windblade becoming his mom now?
>>114951961A combination of shit taste and delusions about corporate intentions. >>114952007>>114952053And before you ask, Storyteller. Yes, this is /d/. Giantess vore, specifically.
>>114952083that's a top-tier deathlol he's trying to avoid having feelings!!!!
>>114952053God I wish that was me
>>114952093It's honestly amazing how badly just about everything in the ST was handled. But I guess that's what happens when you have a trilogy that just makes stuff up as it goes along with each part...
>>114952135>>114952141in this storytime, your robokinks are always okay
>>114951944Man this shit is hype.
>>114952019No, that's Red Shouldercannons Starscream.This is more like a variation of Cybertron Screamer.
>>114952156windblade just needs to start domming starscream it would solve most problems on cybertron
>>114952007Anyone else kinda want to live in a house with a giant Windblade head roof? Just me?
That's a great scene honestly. Starscream can't save Windblade, you can't beat manipulation with manipulation you just create more manipulation. But she takes the raw material of his desire to help, which he can't even admit to himself, and makes a new path with it to save both of them.
>>114950382Huh, didn't realize it was racist. My bad, user.
>>114951969Man I thought it was Proteus at first. I actually like this a lot.
>>114952156Should've just kissed her dude.
>>114952112Well, his mommy, at any rate. >>114952194Wouldn't be difficult. After all, as she said, she worships a smith. Windy could craft all sorts of tools for that job.
>>114952208that was an extremely gratifying issue of comics, my good owls
>>114951969The idea of Windblade giving the cold constructed ones their true bodies is way too interesting to be a 3-pages thing.Which body would Prowl have? Or all the others constructed cold. Would Megatron change his body too considering that the body was constructed?
>>114951944>>114951927Hi OP. Sorry I'm late.For the record, I'm hearing the Forging Song in my head while reading this.
>>114952194Megatron shoulda left a Starscream User's Manual.
>>114952211I could have sworn I saw someone complain about chimp out in a past thread months ago And these are threads where people say nigga and nobody complains so lol
>>114952208She's all grown up now. >>114952229Seriously. Again, I want Scott to write more everything.
>>114951969Wait-So WHY was this part considered "problematic" by SJW when it is literally saying that body dysphoria can be harmful?
>>114952208>Not speaking for MetroplexHe is gonna be one depressed municipality.
>>114952244Oh is that what that isI thought it was basically "This is what you would have been like if you were a good person" since they change their bodies all the time, but that makes more sense
>>114952270FWIW, I try to go with a light hand on the scolding except for really sexist shit, but I appreciate everyone not being their worst self>>
>>114952007I worked on a site in a city 2h away from my city for a while and had to get up at 5am and came back at 7pm it was kinda fun since I had a lot of skeletons to clean but I was happy when I switched to another job because I was tired all the time.
>>114952280People having their heart in the right place doesn't necessarily mean they have their brains in the right place
>>114951969Forged Starscream is H A N D S O M E.
>>114952306>>114952319I have a short commute although I won't be able to do it like I want to, I couldn't deal with a long one
>>114952007Scott's stuff feels very anime to me. The good kind of anime I mean.
>>114952270I lived with a black girl and her family for three years and when we broke up it suddenly occurred to me I should stop saying nigger so casually, especially if I don't have two black people on either side of me
>>114952280No, you don't understand, Windblade was abusive towards Starscream. We should cancel her.Seriously, somehow someone made that to mean autism and mental health. Talk about reaching.
>>114952280Who can even fucking tell with Starscream fangirls mangHe makes them crazy
>>114952349>An attempted genocide by our human alliesWhich one is this
>>114952244>Which body would Prowl have?I'm guessing it has more skulls on it than anyone this side of a Warhammer universe. His is an Are We the Baddies reference.
>>114952229I will be sad if Scott doesn't at least get an arc in TF Galaxies.
>>114952390Oh right Pink is their blood color
>>114952436I would read a teamup mini with all the Caminus ladies in it, Nautica, Lotty, Windblade, Chromia
>>114952457Yeah, this is super shippable, lol
>>114952457Them not releasing Windblade and Chromia combiners was a missed opportunity during the MAKE EVERYONE COMBINE part of the toy line
>>114952298It's probably both. Starscream wakign up in a body that wasn't naturally his and the effects it caused for his role and life in a functionist society that wouldn't allow change and also him being denied of becoming a good person for all the shit that happened around him and with him. He was a multi-criminal mastermind before he even met Megs so it's not just him, probably the world and functionism in general.
>>114952480With Starscream, nothing nice is ever selfless, and nothing selfless is ever nice.
>>114952349If you're wondering about the body change, it's because this is based on the Titans Returns toy which was out (buy now) I think
>>114952480Based Starscream
>>114952390>paints themselves the color of energonOh, we're actually acknowledging that transformers would logically have a different perception of the color pink. Cool. >>114952244Agreed, but I feel the obvious metaphor would attract yet more outrage tourists who care more about whining at the existence of different kinds of people than about interesting stories. ... Eh, fuck em. Give me Windblade playing therapist to a bunch of trans people. It would be fun, dammit.
>>114952349Reminds me of that page of the new continuity in which you saw sacret paintings and in one of them was a holy Smith. Looked male though but I wondered who that was back then.
>>114952306I do feel like I should almost apologize for greeblegroober bringing ups yesterday, because I do want to make clear I really don't actually support those dumbasses.
>>114952570hol-ee shit
>>114952570>What's a Liege Maximo>Fuccboi Robo Satan
>>114952390Again, why is Maximo even such a problem? Does he have magical powers?
>>114952385Listening to people say bigger all the time really desensitizes you to it. Watching The Boondocks and playing San Andreas at the same time snuck it into my vocabulary for a while in Uni.
>>114952570I love this artist but for robots that turn into cars I think in that perspective shot they made the human a litttttttttle bit too small
>>114952390Elita 1 is basically Bloodface the Brutal as a Transformer.
>>114952646this may not be keikaku but it's SO GOOD
>>114952436Man, no one likes Firestar, huh?
>>114952457>I would read a teamup mini with all the Caminus ladies in it, Nautica, Lotty, Windblade, ChromiaWith the push for more femmes, I'm honestly surprised this hasn't happened. Windy, Nauts, and Chrom are all fairly popular characters in their own right, and Lotty has a loyal fanbase, so it would definitely bring in readers. Throw in Stardrive for good measure, because the world needs more of her. Also, liking that Lancer and Greenlight are getting to do something. They had only recently gotten names, so this is nice.>>114952480Awwwww! They're applauding her! She damn well deserves it.
>>114952595Reminder that so far the Mistress of Flame has only ever appeared outside of this in the Titans Returns cartoonWhere she's very, very, very poorly written and then she meets Overlord
>>114952543In G1, Energon was fluorescent pink when it wasn't chromatic. Since G1, it's much more frequently blue than pink.
>>114952662>My name is Windblade>And this; is Slagass>Banjos.wmv
>>114952662Asshole of the Flame deserves to get outed after that slap.>>114952670She's that "friend" who's not malicious but is self-centered to the point that other people are objects.
>>114952725>artist's rendition of Liege Maximo is just Marvel LMI love this book.
>>114952725That artist rendition is VERY funny in context of the people mad they made him Loki
>>114952595Liege Maximo IS a Prime. Y'know that guy who's supposed to come kill everyone?PICK A SIDE!
>>114952725Read that in the Kent Brockman voice
>>114952595Nothing against Orion but Primes can and should go suck cocks.
>>114952725Ha! The artist depiction is G2 Maximo!
>>114952646That's my girl. You ain't gotta take this bullshit. Really though, it was only a matter of time until the "MUH PRIMES" thing would get out of hand. >>114952725>artist renditionCute.
>>114952654>Elita>Overlord>ArceeYeah it fits. All bots with pink parts seem to be crazies.
>>114952814Blurr sure moves fast.
>>114952814I love all these dumb robots so much
>>114952857Being Pink is probably the TF equivalent to being a fiery redhead.
>>114952687>spoilerDid she survive? Wouldn't mind if not.
>>114952865OMG that waspinator face, it''s CUTE?>????
>>114952865I really like that the only reason he's short Tankor despite being huge in Beast Machines is because his recent toy was so small
>>114952921No, Overlord killed the fuck out of her. She didn't even get a toy out of it.
>>114952772I'm not even mad, I just find it silly. Like, I get it, and it does make a certain amount of sense, but still. >>114952865>last panelThis book made me give a shit about Tankor. Goddammit.
>>114952646Request Windblade as the pepe meme of him in a tux holding up a glass saying "FUCK PRIME" instead of "FUCK JANNIES"
>>114952923Waspinator is a cute buttmonkey.
>>114952923SO as of right now, btw, I'm thinking this: I go back to some sort of work but right now ???? on the timing/scheduling/fucking everything. So I'm thinking workdays storytime will be at 8, other days 7?
>>114952923To be fair, it's not hard to make Waspinator cute. The entire point of the character is that universe hates him, so he's got the woobie points fro the jump. Also, I love that Windy being nice to him in the first mini had some pay off down the road.
>>114952622He has the power to create Fangirls, if his design is anything to go by.
>>114953037However you need it to work, we can roll with it.
>>114953037Is that the usual time or different from the usual time Would you believe the concept of time has stopped registering and I just know when a new JSA thread is up by the position of the sun
>>114953037because I am legitimately moved when people say "this thread is a nice place to come when the world sucks", and accordingly I would like to keep it as open and moving as possible. and the timing should make every day possible, I think
>>114952952Based. That's my boy.
>>114953065Ah so thats why we like Stardrive
>>114953037Do whatever you feel comfortable, just keep us appraised of time shifts so no one misses anything?
>>114953088It would be an hour later than the current time, because my workday would be roughly 11-7, and I think I can swing my preferred commute home but not in*sniffle* look at how this bot has grown>>114953116yeah, I'm leaning toward a consistent time but on days off I'd probably sit myself down here at 7 anyways, I'm a creature of habit
>>114953037Whatever works for you, Storyteller. Presumably you'll just inform us of the time like you normally do at the end of each session. No big deal. >The Cityspeaker speaks for us!I would happily, gleefully vote for Windblade.
>>114953088OP is Central, so it would be 9PM eastern, 8PM Eastern (which is the current.)
>>114953098God I'd just love to put my ass against Starscreams head vents and feel the air pressure going insI mean yes OP, this truly is the best place to discuss comics on this entire fucking website, and outside of it too.
>>114953136Blurr is adorable right???shit, which Windblade was the best toy, I need Windblade>>114953149Yeah, anything I mention is Central Daylight Time. I did live on Eastern for years, tho
>>114953098It's bold of me to speak for others, but we really appreciate having this thread. Thank you, ST. I'd say all we'd need is like "Tomorrow's thread starts an hour before/after today's did," to keep up.Also this page has good juju.
>>114953098>don't know what you saw in Windblade's mindDoesn't that basically confirm that Bee is a real ghost and not imagination?
>>114953177you crazy fucks kept me sane for a couple of really bad years, believe it or not, so I enjoy returning the favor
>>114953147>tfw Windblade isn't on the 2020 ballot
>>114953136This is such a huge progression from Spotlight MegatronReally for both characters
>>114953098I genuinely can't even go anywhere else at this point with how mind-numbing discussion is everywhere else nowadays
>>114953173>which Windblade was the best toy, I need WindbladeProbably either Robots in Disguise or Titans Return. But the both have issues. Once you get her and Rung, remember that she can carry him in Baby Factory mode.
>>114953173You have to give props to Starscream for still being one of the top three candidates in the running after about five different national disasters (completely beyond his control) happened while he was in office
>>114953173>shit, which Windblade was the best toy, I need WindbladeSeconding this quesrion and sentiment.
>>114953195It could be the imagination speaking in-character as a ghost.
>>114953195We already knew that.He is stuck in the Crystal City black hole and is somehow psychicly transmitting to Starscream to Jewish Mother no Jutsu him into morality.
>>114953202I'm not sniffling YOU'RE sniffling
>>114953221National disasters, even ones made worse by the incumbent, mean nothing. Fear November.
>>114953268Enh. Worst case scenario; Second Terms are usually quieter than first ones anyway.
>>114953204I mean, is it even worth making the joke? Saying Windblade is more qualified than our current choices is less an understatement, and more like stating the obvious.
>>114953251OH, tonight's opera is a favorite opera of mine, but I wish they'd chosen the later video instead of this one, boo.(I was at the one they filmed of the later video--it was so good you can see on the video where people are shredding programs for confetti at the end)
>>114953251All you need to be a great reader is for the giant living computer connected to everyone's toilets to tell you want they want or need!
>>114953300>Just make sure that I can walk at the end of the nightGOD I wish that was me
BTW if it wasn't clear, we've skipped ahead a bit, jumping over an entire event and some regular issues.
>>114953316Leader not reader. Fack.
>>114953327Arr hair grorious reader!
>>114953299There's a reason why the standard 'Vote Megatron' and 'Vote Cthulhu' and somesuch joke campagin pickets people put up in their yards feel... well, a lot less jokey this year. Christ, I'd probably vote for G1 Megatron at this point, hell, I'd vote BW Megs, and that crazy asshole repeatedly tried to break time because he was mad a monkey outsmarted him once.
>>114953325I didn't mean to but I just followed the list...the old list...shit...>>114953318INORITE????
>>114953251Oh, my heart. They're just such wholesome friends.
>>114953263I didn't know Titans Return toys were that cheap. Maybe I will get angry orange Prime, I like the design too much I am sorry.>tfw more and more bots toys you want Aaahhhhh. I already said this before but only another few more toys and then I am done for real and won't ever touch anything else!
>>114953173Man I feel unironically sorry for SS. He cannot stop fucking things up and losing and he knows that. Now he is getting better but that only makes him to deal with his shortcomics and constant losing instead of getting angry about this, this is sad. He deserves a happy end.
>>114953299Fuck, an issue of Transformers: Windblade would be more qualified, and it's a fucking comic book.I can't remember OP ever posting anything where Windblade advocated for injecting bleach.
>>114953300Ahh, yep! Here's the part where Windblade stays out drinking until the sun comes up ST!See, when I said that before you thought it was going to be her coping with Starscream's dickery that did it didn't you?Also, amusing note about the afformentioned TR Windblade, that toy got nicknamed 'Thiccblade' by fans due both to the chunkier proportions, and because the odd hip assembly made her legs hang a lot wider than normal.People drew fanart of this (pic related). I was pleased.
>>114953216I love it so much how the big two villains of a 30 years long running show became mains in the new contuinity and the stories were about them getting better ;_;>tfw you will never see this againDouble sad.
>>114953300>bottom panelWhy is this issue being so aggressively cute? >>114953346Airazor is adorable. Seriously, is something really bad about to happen? ... Oh, right. That.
>>114953342I would unironically put a giant VOTE MEGATRON sign in my front yard. Can you buy one on Etsy?
>>114953346Not blaming, just informing the thread. This annual is bundled with the last bunch of TAAO in the trade of it. Specifically, we've skipped Revolutionaries 5-8, all of First Strike, and Optimus Prime 11-14.
>>114953359Anything being replaced by Siege and Earthrise is gonna get eBay'd to fuck and back which is why so many Titans Returns are cheap (except Windblade), OP might want to wait for an eventual new Windblade Unless something from the kids line is fine
>>114953456....whoops :DAHA> This trade includes an annual that wasn't in user's list.
>>114953446Good joke in those first two panels
>>114953318After a robot gangbang?Me too. At least in case that I could choose the candidates.
>>114953464Bruh you could print one at Staples for like five dollarsI know because I had to print a shit ton of Abbott signs for dipshit rednecks a few years ago
>>114953511thank you, horrible vodka, for this fine evening
>>114953268>>114953297get ready for 12 more years libcucks
>>114953435Have you seen OG Airazor?
>>114953464Damn you could just paint one yourself for less then that!
>>114953520BAAW HOW COULD THEY DO MY MAN BRAWL LIKE THIS HOW DARE THEY HAVE HIM LIKE FRUITY DRINKS!... And now I'm remembering that Brawl was so stupid in G1 that the robot made by high school students with his recycled brain was actually significantly smarter than him.
>>114953173Iron Factory Miko. Good luck finding one though.
Volume 2 of "Transformers: The Manga" by Viz has already been released and I haven't even found volume 1 on sites to read online or download.
>>114953545I just got some Vermouth, it's green, and I forget the name of it at this point, but it's good
>>114953590Yeah, limited edition third party, small enough that you never have to worry much about storing her... and just look at this little shit, she's adorable! The number of people selling theirs off is going to be next to nothing.
>>114953486Yeah I hope such characters will get worthy figures one day even if it's 3P. At least MMC is finally bringing out stuff again now I wonder whom they will announce after the rest of the djd including djd re-issues and deathsaurus and such are out. Basically the guys they announced ages ago I mean.
>>114953596Just buy it cutie
>>114953511I say again, I don't like this Rattrap as much as Beast Wars "Pessimistic and a bit whiny but fundamentally good guy" Rattrap.
>>114953596I forgot to post the cover.
>>114953613I kind of had to cut back after I realized how much Becherovka I really drank in one night :|
>>114953640>No Overlord lipstickI don't think OP is interested.
>>114953596I would have bought it ages ago if I wasn't perma-broke thanks to Roberts and Milne being plotting villains that force my brain to spend ~150$ for a bot toy every month.
>>114953640Fuck yeah Sixshot and Overload!
>>114953639While IDW Rattrap is definitely a different from BW Rattrap, he's not as off as you might think. I remember a lot of people complaining when he tortured Windblade in her first book, but BW Rattrap was interested in the idea of a "Maximal torture chamber" when Dinobot thought he was in one.
>>114953649(we're finishing this volume tonight even if I'm tipsy)
>>114953649>last panelOh, oh, that's that goooood shit right there. We praise Mairghread a lot for this book, but Sara deserves major props as well.
>>114953730AwAwThat first panels so fucking cute
>>114953730Ah, I remember laughing my ass off at this part the first time I read this."Oh great, so Starscream is on a redemption arc now and we're all supposed to like him?""NOPE! Starscream making some attempts at being a better person is still Starscream, still huge asshole, still done nearly as many awful things as Megatron!"
I wish I had BumbleJesus as ghost around me that talks to me and tries to help me becoming a less terrible person.
>>114953715(Not really relavant to IDW Rattrap but just a reminder: BW Rattrap canonically frequented Cybertronian titty bars)
>>114953708Thank you.
>>114953757She really does--it's an excellent balance of cartoony, expressive, and still on model. It has a nice looseness to it.Speaking of, I should try to take some pix of the Milne page I own because seeing the inks up close is really something, he's an astonishing inker of his own work
>>114953782I would have loved to have see post lost light megatron meet up with starscream, soundwave and optimus
>>114953730>>114953750>Starscream for probably the first fucking time since becoming leader is actually enjoying looking out for the people>Windblade ruins it immediatelyNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>>114953801I have yet to see proof that IDW Rattrap is not of patrician taste, so I choose to belive that this remains the case for both versions.
>>114953730>Eight-Legged friend and the-?
>>114953750Windblade, I love you, but you're fucking up here.
>>114953799"Don't forget to work out, user! Your servos--I mean, muscles--will thank you later!"
>>114953814>bee is so pure he is gonna make starscream go out of weasel mode and do the right thing
>>114953822Maybe THAT'S why people don't like Windblade >>114953814He's trying so hard!
>>114953814Sara is fucking awesome and does great fanart and is funny, you should follow her on twitter OP if you aren't already doing so.She also made the short gay story for idw2 so I hope we will see her again a lot. Hopefully together with Scott one day.
>>114953822>*first time in his life
>>114953826Murder of people she was trying to get information from under Starscream's orders, and brainwashing of the Combaticons.
>>114953848>He's trying so hard!There is something really comfy and relatable about evil guys or guys that fucked up hart in the past trying to get better. I wish it was more common for MCs.
>>114953860>and brainwashing of the Combaticons.I mean... is that really a bad thing, though?
>>114951944>>114951927>Windblade is banging Starscream to the core
>>114953848>Maybe THAT'S why people don't like WindbladeWhen it's not people going 'Ree why are they pushing this character!?!?' it's almost always someone throwing a fit about her being 'Abusive to Starscream' in some way or another, so... probably?
>>114953892This clearly isn't abusive, but it's tragic and kind of fucked up. She showed him the bot he could have been (in every sense) and he's SINCERELY TRYING to become that (in the moral sense) and then she slams the door in his face.
>>114953879Certainly not from my kinks' perspective.
>>114953943Different user but I'm weird: I fucking love mind control in my porn and fucking hate it anywhere else.
>>114953892Remember when OP storytimed Dark Cybrtron, and after Windblades very first appearance where she said maybe three sentences someone who was pretending they were reading this the first time said "She seems unlikable" I'm glad at this point it seems all the people who were hoping we would dislike these comics have left the threads
>>114953953Starting to like Vortex, tbqh famalam.
>>114953953(sorry went to make a drink lol)
>>114953977>Remember when OP storytimed Dark Cybrtron, and after Windblades very first appearance where she said maybe three sentences someone who was pretending they were reading this the first time said "She seems unlikable"I don't recall it but it's entirely believable, more's the pity.
>>114953953>even starscreams guards think windblade and starscream have a thing
>>114953977Maybe I'm just naieve, but part of me hopes some of 'em stuck around and actually read the comics and chilled out about them once they realized that they weren't the tumblr soapbox with robots that they had been lead to believe.
>>114953953Is it weird that a lot of my sense of humor comes from the appreciation of good joke construction? In any case, that was just a well designed joke. Props.
>>114953997If you want, and if the Holla Forums archives let you go back that far, just look for the replies to the first few pages with her in itNot that you need proof this dumb shit happens
>>114953997>I don't recall it but it's entirely believable, more's the pity.I do, it was actually one of the first JSA threads I poked my head into.You all are pretty cool people by the way, I get a lot less preemtively defensive posting here than... well, over most of the internet.
>>114953995Ugh, Cybertronians have had millions of years to think about it and haven't adopted a better voting system than first-past-the-post?
>>114954029Speaking of, the thread with the final issue of MTMTE is also good, because there were people going "Yeah, you'll hate Lost Light, I feel sorry for you that you're gonna have to go down this road all positive like" or something. I think that was the thread where someone said they would pop into the final Lost Light thread so we could apologize to them for constantly saying "we won't judge it's bad till we read it"
>>114954046they spent those millions of years fighting this is like their 2nd election in millions of years
>>114954037:D :D :DI'm really proud of the weird group of posters we've accumulated here over the years>>114954046FPTP/SMDs=two parties, Duverger's Law>>114954070I saved the last LL thread and re-read it on my phone for like three days
>>114954046Democracy is a pretty new thing for them. Most of that time they were ruled by god-kings, beauracratic leftovers from the most successful of the god-kings pretending to be a Senate, and then TOTALEKREIG:CIVIL WAR happened and everyone was in the army.
>>114952929I think he only looked huge because he was next to Beastformers who are slightly taller than humans
>>114954090I'm glad to be a part of it too OP I'm sorry I barely said anything during LEGION
>>114951969He's beautiful!
>>114954029Can't be assed. My memory's spotty, but I'm more than willing to take your word on this.>>114954037It's been a long, long time since I've had this cool of a place to hang out online, aye.>>114954046>>114954083I forget were the false Primes elected, or was it a pseudo-monarchy?
>>114954121it's good--I wanted everyone to like it as much as I do, but that's never really possible
>>114954090>I saved the last LL thread and re-read it on my phone for like three daysI do sometimes wonder what it would have been like to read that when it came out monthly, but I feel the way we did it was best
>>114954159I liked it but I starting working 2-11 at wal mart so I could get money while furloughed
>>114954176it was a bunch of toxic bitching reading it monthly a bunch of rees over gays
>>114954154More than I really wanted to pay, but....not not tempted>>114954186Hey, you do what you do need to for you and I hope they are not too shitty to you.>>114954176It was a no shit incredible experience
Is this the part where we all get sappy and sincere, and start talking about how we keep each other sane? Cause we've been doing that a more and more often lately. Not that I mind, just don't want to get repetitive. >>114954121It's okay. To be fair, Holla Forums has weird arbitrary standards when it come to most storytimes. We're anomalous due to the high amount of actual talking we do. Again, don't mind, cause it means we're not a bunch of being fucks at least.
>>114954162Woo, memory kinda works!>>114954159I was mostly screwed out of following by my job, but I liked what I did get to read.Also I swear to Rung that if I ran for office I'd steal this opening statement.
>>114954210>starscream was so moved by windblade he confessed everything to try and be the bot she thought he could beor is he just doing it to fuck over elita
>>114954223>if I ran for office I'd steal this opening statement.about defending cybertron from liege maximo and creatures underground?
>>114954186I worked Wal-Mart for six yearsMy only advice is don't get hurt because not only will they take you to "company approved" doctors that will say you're fine when you're not, but they'll actively try to fire you at the same time.
>>114954218yes, this is totally where we do that, because it actually means a lot to me and shit, no exaggeration.>>114954239it's so great that you're unsure
>>114954259Change that to America, COVID, and corruption and you're gold.
>>114954210For once Starscream did nothing wrong
>>114954262im already gone i put my two weeks in and got a week left I just needed something to last through my old jobs furlough
>>114954070... I was definitely one of the dissenting voices that cautioned people to tamper their expectations after the highs that MTMTE reached. And I still hold to my opinion that Lost Light is still alot of wasted potential (I actually liked how it ended though) even before it got truncated. But I accept that people will approach the material with different contexts and mindsets and thus may have their own more favourable opinion of it. The caution we gave out was more to soften any potential blow for anyone going in with a different set of expectations, not an active discouragement to continue.
>>114954090>I'm really proud of the weird group of posters we've accumulated here over the yearsYeah, can't say I agree with you lot 'bout everything.Personally I still don't like Lost Light for example, it just didn't have that same spark of charisma that MTMTE had for me.But I feel less like I'll get a lynch mob after me for going against the grain here than most places... but maybe that's just the result of me spending too many years on Webforums populated by assholes who spent their time crafting ways to appear charismatic and intellegent when tearing into people for having different tastes instead of learning the slightest iota of tolerance. Not having to make every single post into a robust and articulate multi-paragraph essay so I don't get either ignored or have a wandering Debate Lord after me is really nice.
>>114954210>sad bee is judging you
>>114954233Windblade is CUTE. CUTE!
I'm not dumb enough for anywhere else but not smart enough for JSA thread, it sucks
>>114954289I'm fucking astonished that this book actually made me like Starscream of all people. Not love-to-hate, but sincerely like.
>>114954272>>114954293Hmmm, don't get me wrong, I could shed some tears for where LL didn't get to go, but since we weren't following it realtime it's more of a hypothetic. But I do understand the structural setup for making such a thing, and I would pay significant monies for all the shit we didn't get but should have.
>>114954345Believe me, user: if I can post here, you're smart enough.
>>114954298Outside this thread you'll be more likely to encounter a lynch mob saying you LIKE Lost Light
>>114954210Only an hour? Shit. He musta left a bunch out.
>>114954371For those of you who aren't as old as this thread, we were really formed in the crucible of "Wow James Robinson is rebooting the JSA on his own terms in a longform book with lots of mysteries--holy shit he quit????" and the fallout of that.
>>114954371>Making Blastoff and Onslaught share a cellThis feels like it will lead in death
>>114954272>yes, this is totally where we do that, because it actually means a lot to me and shit, no exaggeration.... Fine. As I usually end up saying, you lot have legitimately helped me be a better person. I'm still a bitter, angry asshole, but having friends has allowed me to acquire some chill. I still fuck up and act a damn fool sometimes, but I have a tighter leash on my own bullshit. Thanks for that. Also, you all want to fuck robots now, and I will forever be grateful for your willingness to be corrupted by me.
>>114954293>>114954298It's partly that we're actively trying to be chill with dissenting opinions (like one of you said, that's rare), and partly that most of the dissenters including you two are being tactful. You're not pretending to love stuff you hate, but you're also not being absolute tools about how everyone should get cancer for liking what you don't. I can respect that.
>>114954423I'll never let you forget you made me cry, Cranky :D
>>114954400>Look. I'm already under arrest after like, half of this shit. Anyway. Vote for Windblade, Elita is way worse than either of us, G'night!
>>114954415Well if Starscream's happy then I'm happy
>>114954371Isn't locking a combiner team together a bad idea?
>>114954159Im mostly sad i only started reading along when Legion was nearly done.But I'd drifted away from Holla Forums quite a bit around like 09, because all the comics were shit and all the threads were infested with Wyatt Creed.
>>114954415ok now im finally starting to see how windblade/starscream could work that isnt just windblade mommydomming him
>>114954420I mean Onsaulght's already taken a couple swings at him, judging by his face.
>>114954371>Putting a rapist in the same cell as his raper Well
>>114954420Ol Blasty is bleedin' from the mouth, so he probably already got his comeuppance.
>>114954423Making us buy Transformers toys is a much harsher thing to do to someone I mean that costs us money, instead of body goo
>>114954454We do have, fuck where did we leave off? I actually also do like R.E.B.E.L.S. But I'm tanked right now, so don't fucking ask me
>>114954415God damn it, book, don't make me tear up.
>>114954371Poor Brawl, he probably voted for her
>>114954461There are many reasons they had a 4 million year civil war, this is one of them
>>114953799BJ wouldn't approve of your porn choices user.
>>114954454Stopped reading Marvel at Civil War and DC at the one where Elongated Mans wife gets raped and killed, how about you?
>>114954371Those guys can combine so putting them all in the same room is a dumb idea.
>>114954495Hahaha look at this LYING COVER
>>114954540arent they missing one
>>114954540>>114954449If they can't harmonize they can't combineAnd Onslaught just found out Blast-Off was raping him for the past month
>>114954378On 4chan maybe, but the places I tend to frequent have a very different culture, and a lot of the TF fans who hang around there are either ancient grognards (most of whom are practically orthogonal to the whole thing in my experience), or leftovers of the 'OMG GAYS!' crowd that showed up when a bunch of articles about the existence of Chromedome and Rewind dropped. Those ones I always felt the need to tread carefully around (and really just keep my mouth shut on the topic) lest I get accusations of bigotry flung at me for saying I thought Anode was an asshole (which, well, she is... and apparently that's why some of you like her? I don't get it).But anyway, I really do love TAAO, and honestly out of the whole lot I think this one's ending is the one I liked the most.Shame Unicron happens like less than two weeks after this in-universe, even when she wins Windblade must suffer.
>>114954449Out of every team, this one seems least likely to combine. Yes, including the dead ones.This, though: >>114954461Oof.
>>114954437I know. You shouldn't. >>114954491The best part is that I don't even care about the toys. Heh heh!
>>114954495>>114954589I found Anode largely a waste of space but I can't approve of getting fundamentally mad about her for being trans, which is what people seem to do
>>114954495I think Lobo had just fought Mr. Cool Ice or someone? Vril got married, then divorced, to some sort of crime-succubus who stole his and stealth's son, there was a cloud virus on the planet of the assholes, some other stuff.
>>114954628>I found Anode largely a waste of space but I can't approve of getting fundamentally mad about her for being trans, which is what people seem to doThis.
>>114954628We should all get drunk and watch Koyaanisqatsi together
>>114954608>I don't even care about the toysI can't even look at you.I have around a thousand
>>114954589Ah that explains it, I only hang around 4ChanAll other Transformers sites I don't even register accounts on they just argue all the time or say stuff sucks all the time. And nigga don't get me started on Twitter.
>>114954634I think Vril actually briefly got to hold his as yet unnamed son.
>>114954655You're mad!
>>114954495issue #50. Vril rescues his rape babby
>>114954628>I found Anode largely a waste of space but I can't approve of getting fundamentally mad about her for being trans, which is what people seem to doYeah, in my case it was like 'Oh goddamnit, this character reminds me of someone I know in real life and despise because they're an ass, and now if I say I don't like her people are going to assume I hate her because four panels meme'.Cue several years of silent bitterness.
>>114954691IT'S SO GOODThe other two are not so good. Mishima is absolutely god tier but will drive you mad
>>114954589Bigots are fucking stupid, and I genuinely wish they'd all just shut the fuck up. >>114954589>>114954628I wanted to like Anode, cause she is a cute biplane, but they didn't go hard enough on her whole lovable rogue thing. Ironically, she's not enough of an asshole, considering the crew she joined.
>>114954628Agreed, but even then I feel like if Roberts was just allowed the full 50 issues he would have made us like her by the end
>>114954655I know what weird flick to put on the "Suggestion Notebook" of my local Microcinema now.
>>114954713I actually liked her first appearance, what with being impaled and talking to herself.It was the bazaar arc that made me go eh and like it's mentioned thats where the trans thing happened so forget mentioning that ever
>>114954281You sure you don't want to go with the proven successful "Aayatolah" and "Caravans Underborder"?
>>114953892I can understand, but disagree with, people who don't like Windblade's inclusion in everything.I am BAFFLED by people who hate her inclusion in everything because they don't understand why it's done. Being including in everything is L I T E R A L L Y the entire point of Windblade's existence. She was created as a celebration of the brand's uninterrupted 30 years of production, as a new franchise mainstay.
>>114954710>>114954744it's a great film>>114954730I would not bet against Roberts having done that
>>114954293Well then we'll just have to settle this the old fashion wayOption A or Option B
>>114954710Mishima changed my fucking life
>>114954810wait, I can stream stuff via Twitch and shit, right? We should watch my blu-ray of EINSTEIN
>>114954345Just come look some opera and you'll fit right in.
>>114954810>>114954730Yeah, part of it felt like "Oh I have less issues to work with, I better focus on characters people care about more" so they got pushed aside
>>114954754It probably didn't help She managed to resurrect her girl friend no strings attached while people were still hung up on everyone who died the prior arc, especially with Nautica mourning over Skids in the Bazaar arc. Poor Lug! She has a cute blocky design, but she's barely a character and almost an accessory
>>114954835...wait, what's up next, because I'm really too wired to quit
if anyone is looking for plays to watch, the Stratford Festival has put up
>>114954754She was fine at first, and had potential, but she ended up being too innocent for her character archetype. Being the innocent one among a group of broken war veterans was Nautica's shtick. It doesn't help that she ultimately didn't contribute much overall. She was just kinda there, and that's a shame. Also, the bit where she explains that she's trans is, again, four panels. I could not begin to care less that Anode is trans. Fuck, even the guy she was explaining this to in the scene responded with "Huh. But anyway...". I desperately need the bigoted outrage tourists to shut up.
>>114954790Personally I feel like it would probably be lobbied at her less if she didn't suffer from a severe case of Wonder Woman syndrome (has a solid character, but writers can't be bothered to check what she's supposed to be like and just write her like whatever), if her first appearence in animation hadn't been bloody Combiner Wars, I think she'd have had a much smoother road, as it is, non-comic readers only got a really decent version of Windblade with Cyberverse.
>>114954790I found that initial media push kind of obnoxious at first but she definitely grew on me, I really liked her after her own mini and now years later I can't imagine not liking her.
>>114954861I didn't mind cause she used her literal special snowflake to do it seconds after finding out it was possible, and before anyone could say HEY CAN WE USE THAT INSTEAD ON A CHARACTER YOU DONT EVEN KNOW INSTEAD OF YOUR LOVER?>>114954862Uh something that starts with an R I think
>>114954814I don't even want to know what's happening on the left>>114954835You'll get in shit for streaming copyrighted content on Twitch, but there are other streaming solutions>>114954841I've been working on it but my music theory education is meager
>>114954495Legion, not LEGION.I'm an old hat at this point. I got here around your Retroboot run.
>>114954883Are they gonna do Midsummer? I've never seen it but desperately want to see a traditional performance
>>114954862>>114954910good to know>>114954932OHHHHH, lol :Dfuck that was a long time ago, that was before the old dog died
This writer wrote some of the best episodes of RID15 too
>>114954518Siege and the start of Brightest Day.I pushed myself to read a lot of trash and just hut a breaking point.There was a time in early Holla Forums where not only was I reading fucking EVERYTHING, I was going on IRC to upload new shit for the Holla Forumsrades.
>>114954862>Revolutionaries 5-8, all of First Strike, and Optimus Prime 11-14Apparently, I've never read any of themAre you gonna do the dreaded Visonaries crossover just to see what happens to Kup?
>>114954951Yeah, I remember him getting old on you. Many Fs for Orginal Pooch.
>>114954892Windblade's first animation appearance was RID2015, not Combiner Wars.Besides, Windblade isn't the only thing that's terrible in Combiner Wars.
>>114954862>>114954984Do it, ST!
>>114954790Right? It's straight up, "Hey TF fans, this is that character YOU created!". These people are essentially bitching about being pandered to. >>114954892TAAO is the definitive Windy as far as I'm concerned. >Wonder Woman syndrome... I hate that even before reading further, I knew exactly what that meant.
>>114954984>Are you gonna do the dreaded Visonaries crossover just to see what happens to Kup?Could make a good Storytime of Pain honestly.It's kinda similar to Revolution in how the meatbags act, it's just set on Cybertron instead and, well, Kup dies in a really lame fashion.Could be fun to drag my freind who burnt his physical copy in the fireplace out of salt in and see if he's still mad.
>>114955003He was the best of doggos. 2016 fucking sucked.>>114954984ooh which one is thatNext up is Revolutionaries 5, as I'm still sober enough to type
>>114954933looks like no. The list seems to be>King Lear>Coriolanus>Macbeth>The Tempest>Timon of Athens>Love's Labour's Lost>Hamlet>King John>The Adventures of Pericles>Antony and Cleopatra>Romeo and Juliet>The Taming of the ShrewLooks like they last performed it in 2014, and they only started recording all of Shakespeare's stuff in 2015.King Lear expires tomorrow
>>114955038Transformers vs. VisionariesConsidered the worst thing IDW ever did to Transformers, might be neat to actually read it
>>114954655I almost watched it on TCM a couple weeks ago.
>>114955069>Considered the worst thing IDW ever did to TransformersOkay, now I'm scared. I've been loving the highs, but the lows...
>>114955038Oh, does the trade you're reading from not have the conclusion letter in it? That's kind of a shame, M Scott talking about how much she enjoyed building up Windblade as 'someone to look up to' over the years actually tugged pretty hard at my heartstrings when I read it. And I'm made of stone.Ah well, on to Crossover Nonsense!
>>114955050SOmetimes drunk captcha is a fun challenge!
>>114954892Also like Wondie as the most high profile female she's expected to be a feminist role model but everyone has a different idea of what feminism even means>>114955048Dammit. I might track down the Max Reinhardt version.Macbeth will be a good watch during work tomorrow, though.
>>114955088It doesn't! Fuck!!!!>>114955079IT'S A PERFECT FILM
>>114955083Yes, normally when you hear about people bemoaning IDW it's due to GAYS or "IT COULD HAVE BEEN GOOD" or nicely put like that one user earlier.Vs Visionaries is the only one I see constantly insulted due to writing
>>114955089>>114955117Whoops!ST, Revolution is the clusterfuck crossover we already did. RevolutionARIES is the thing we never finished.
>>114955116Max Reinhardt, BTW, is the model for the figure of La Roche in Strauss' last opera, Capriccio. Also despite what everyone says about the Countess La Roche is the actual hero of the opera
>>114955130it was written by a trans person which I see brought up because of course it is
>>114954713Anode's biggest problem was that she came in just in time to steal screen time from already popular characters, just as a not insignificant number of them got killed off or written out as Getaway mutineers.
>>114955141CURSE YOU IDW AND YOUR SIMILAR NAMESNow I have to go sort my Soundwave and Shockwave collection
>>114955142Ugh these pictures are big and confusing
>>114955142>>114955117>>114955089OP you are too drunk we already did this we need to read revolutionaries the spin off with action man and kup
>>114955089>>114955117>>114955142I'm gonna go swimming OP so good luck! Don't drink too much!
>>114955174...goddammit. Lemme check my list.
>>114955153... You know, I didn't actually know that. Huh.Like, I'm not suprised people would bring that up in circles like Doorchins, but I don't think I ever heard someone mention it.
>>114955207SO the list maker confused "Revolution" and "Revolutionaries" WHICH is perfectly cromulent.
>>114954883>MacbethWho's in it?I never got the high school Stratford trip because it would have been in the Mike Harris teachers strike/WTR.
>>114955226That means I need "Revolutionaries #5".
>>114955214it was Visaggio
>>114955226is cromulent a word yet?
>>114955278Cromulent is absolutely a word.
>>114955259Yeah, I didn't really pay attention to the names of people behind stuff back when it came out... still don't really, but I had just kind of assumed it was Barber fucking up again since, well, it certainly *feels* like a Barber-style crossover bedshitting.
>>114955038>2016 fucking sucked.The last decade was not good, and this one is off to a solid shitshow too.
>>114955234PDF warning. I don't watch enough theatre to really recognize
>>114955248Am I going to have to find it myself, ugh
>>114955153>>114955292It's always a double whammy when a minority fucks up because the type of people who post the four Anode panels will take it as a chance to crow about how "inferior" the minority is.>>114955342I would help you but aside from 4chan and gaming, computers are essentially space magic to me.
>>114955315I have to keep telling myself that it's not a higher frequency of shit going wrong this past decade, just advanced communication infrastructure making us more aware of things going wrong.Like, could you imagine what people would think of the world if the internet had been a thing back in the 80s? Good God, people would have convinced themselves it was anarchy in the streets!Or, at least, that's what I tell myself for the sake of my sanity.
>>114955153People should really not use that as a signifier of quality, good or bad.
>>114955404but user if a trans person wrote something that is bad by process of transferrence trans people as a whole are bad
Is it wrong that I actually LIKE toyetic elements in stories? >clear, well defined personalities>easily identifiable factions, complete with logos>each character has their own set of personal abilities>tons of accessories and personalized vehiclesYes, these elements are already broadly present in fiction, but stuff that's meant to sell shit to you will emphasize them for maximum advertising. And for some reason, I find that emphasis almost comforting in a way.
>>114955375>It's always a double whammy when a minority fucks up because the type of people who post the four Anode panels will take it as a chance to crow about how "inferior" the minority is.Reminds me of the New Warriors Fart Gas thing.'f course, if I remember right that one had people bending over backwards to make this the fault of everyone but the minority author behind that one (on Twitter, of course), so I think it cuts both ways. People are people after all, and writers aren't any better or worse just because of who they are.... Unless who they are is Karen Traviss. She has a natural -30 to Authorship checks.
>>114955464is traviss the one who made that really boring hyper realistic joe run?
>>114955443It's not wrong, no. As for the why, it seems to be more comfortable for people on the spectrum. At the very least, I've heard that from some spectrum people and find it to be so for myself, and I may be on the spectrum.Not to say that you are, mind.
>>114955443Not sure really, part of me wants to make a joke that you're brainwashed by commercialism but I don't think that's it. I think it comes from Nostalgia, old made-to-sell-toys cartoons you have fond memories of when you were a kid or something.
>>114955443I like toyetic stuff in fiction, but it's got to be something that's actually useful to the character in question.>>114955464>Reminds me of the New Warriors Fart Gas thing.It was really fun asking people who their favorite New Warrior was in those threads.
>>114955513>G.I. Joe>hyper-realismPlease tell me you're joking/misremembering.
>>114955513She's the serial bad writer responsible for Cobra being defeated off-screen among other things, yeah.We talked about her here back when we were reading Revolution I think, she's the one who wrote the really awful Halo EU novels with the Spess!CIA running guns to anti-human alien terrorists for human supremacy reasons, and all the old Star Wars EU novels that were full of crazy Mando wank.
>>114955278It's right up there with embiggen.
>>114955162I think I found itwe'll read it tomorrow lol
>>114955631embiggen is a real word now though>>114955561it's been years but I remember cobra was dealt with before the comic started and it became a lot more real war stories about sandy counties
>>114955536Nah, I probably am. It would explain some things. >>114955568>Mando wankI almost want to read those books, if only because this IDW rabbit hole we've been diving into has taught me that angry fans are often talking out of their ass. Then again, it IS Star Wars, so it probably is really fucking stupid.
>>114955561heres the synopsis DOES THE WORLD NEED G.I. JOE? Cobra had become an international peacekeeping force… and the future of G.I. JOE looks bleak. SCARLETT leads what’s left of America’s ultimate fighting force—but will she be able to keep hew team together? Real-world action and politics collide… and nothing will be the same.
>>114955642Fair 'nuff. Thanks for posting, ST!
>>114955675NGL, I'm pouring another drink
>>114955670as someone who has read the books it really is that bad, jaina fucking worships them and thinks these are the single greatest people who ever lived
>>114955376Oh, I fully know that this isn't the worst time ever, or the end of the world, and that public anxiety is a product of 24 Hour News media and Internet news hyperlooping. This isn't the worst pandemic ever. Our wars are cimparitely minor, if unending. The market will never not recover.But as a 90s kid, shit has definately devolved.
>>114955642Thanks for posting as always, Storyteller. Windblade is just the best, and her journey from naive doofus to strong, charasmatic leader was a fun one to read. Anyone who hates her is factually wrong. Oh, and this is the best version of Starscream, hands down. The scheming prick actually managed to turn it around. Also, hot damn, we've reached near post limit!
>>114955740fuck, really???
>>114955688You know your limits better than I do.
>>114955778Oh, it's all a bad idea, but I have too much nervous energy tonight.
>>114955443Nah, dog. Toyetic shit is intrinsically designed to be appealing, so you liking it just means they did a good job creating it.Humans love patterns and order and all that shit, even without autism.
>>114955464Has the Woke Newest Warriors ft. Internet Gas some out yet, or did it get Corona'd?
>>114955647>>114955671Well, that sounds like hot wet trash. G.I. Joe is fucking ridiculous, and should damn well embrace the insane sci-fi elements. Ain't nobody wants gritty realistic G.I. Joe. >>114955689... But, Deathwatch tho. Also the thousand years of war? Hello? >>114955769Yeah. This thread was a fuckin' ride, yo!
>>114955827Has not come out... though honestly does it even need to."The world is a vampire, and so am I."~Hot Topic The PersonI actually fell out of my chair laughing the first time I heard someone say that out loud.
>>114955642Thanks for running OP. See you tomorrow.
>>114954893Ah friend, glad to see you here, the /tfg/ went to hell once again.
>>114955860I hope I make it!
>>114955875What was it this time? Arguments over MPs? Last time I checked there were like six TF threads up at the same time on /toy/, presumably in a show of force to remind the rest of that board that they exist only because TF fans allow it.
>>114955854The New New Warriors is so tone deaf, especially with Snowflake. Okay, 1) no, you ain't "taking it back" with that name. Fuck off. 2) Have none of these fucks even so much as SEEN an non-binary person? Cause it might help to do a bit of research before making such a character.
>>114955875I haven't been over there much at all the past few months, even before the world got corona'd I wasn't doing a ton of toy shopping so I kind of fell off the general for a while. I suppose with no new news to pick apart anons there are left to rehash old dead arguments endlessly and shitpost. OP re-posting these comics have been nice though, I only ever read through the serious once so revisiting it is a good thing.
>>114955931IIRC the author themselves are non-binary.Why exactly they figured that color-coding their non-binary characters in pink and blue... well, it's about as far beyond me as figuring out what the hell non-binary even is. I just don't get it man.
>>114955931You know you've fucked up when progressives and conservatives alike both think your product is shite.
>>114955920>What was it this time?I'll be honest, I don't even know this time. Discussion about G1 bad, Beast Wars bad, UT bad, etc. Just discussion for discussion's sake and it goes on and on.
>>114955958It is a good place and it is good content, feel at home.
>>114955931Look, everyone I know was all "Are those characters fucking? They are, obviously" about the siblingsI don't think that's what they were going for
>>114955979Hmm...Tallying up things...Yeah, it's probably the Bayposter again, shitpoisting about how the Bay movies are the truest form of Transformers and all else is trash.
>>114955847>Ain't nobody wants gritty realistic G.I. Joe.I really hate to tell you this, but sadly, you're wrong. There is a sizable vocal minority of Joe fans who really just want it to be milsim nonsense, instead of crazy military themed sci-fi adventure filled with robots and ninjas and what have you.They recently announced a 6 inch line and people are livid they have sci-fi guns. People got mad at Renegades for giving the Joes laser blasters and fighting goo monsters instead of shooting regular people with bullets. People are dumb.
>>114955969>IIRC the author themselves are non-binary.Oh, so this is just plain old run of the mill incompetence. That makes it slightly less obnoxious, I guess. ... I just can't get over the name. Fuck were they thinking with that. >well, it's about as far beyond me as figuring out what the hell non-binary even is. I just don't get it man.It is simply that someone identifies as neither strictly male or female. It is literally no more complicated than that.
>>114956034>most popular character is a straight-up ninja>MUH REALISM
>>114955969>IIRC the author themselves are he isnt
>>114956034Both G.I. Joes are valid. I want some random wrestling over some ridiculous Mcguffin. That's the life.
>>114956044>It is simply that someone identifies as neither strictly male or female. It is literally no more complicated than that.That is what the name would lead me to believe, but from what limited exposure I have to the concept it seems to be not quite like that... look, I decided years ago that it was best for me to just leave the whole thing be when people started getting cross with me for oversimplifying things when I was trying to work out what was what with that stuff.The way I see it, it's best just to leave 'em be and let them be themselves. I don't need to know what they're doing, it ain't got nothin to do with me anyway.
>>114956073Is he? I heard someone involved with the production was, and I didn't feel like it was worth it to look any further into it.Not like I need names of the people behind it to laugh about rediculous stuff like the vampire kid or the super lame backpack power. Or Internet Gas.
>>114956034Well fuck that. If they want gritty realism, they can go suck of the COD teat some more. I will never understand this attitude that gritty=better. >People got mad at Renegades for giving the Joes laser blasters and fighting goo monsters instead of shooting regular people with bullets.No shit people are dumb. It was actually a plot point that the Joes got the lasers, cause they were experimental Cobra weapons that they picked up. Also, the goo monsters ruled. >>114956142>The way I see it, it's best just to leave 'em be and let them be themselves. I don't need to know what they're doing, it ain't got nothin to do with me anyway.That is a wise and extremely healthy attitude. If only it were more common.
>>114956034The GI Joe Classified reveal was the first time I was ever exposed to GI Joe autism because of how loud and insane it fucking was. Fucking people coming out of the woodwork to say THIS ISN'T WHAT WILL SELL, THEY SHOULD BE SIX INCH VERSIONS OF THE 80S TOYS, THE 80S TOYS LOOK BETTER, HASBRO IS SABOTAGING THE LINE BEFORE IT EVEN COMES OUT as if Hasbro would spend hundreds of thousands to try and relaunch a toy line knowing it would fail, or to "attack" old fans who they're most likely hoping would have enjoyed a new version of the same old shit.Like, those people deserve a dead franchise.
>>114956256I've said it before back when we were discussing Revolution, but man fuck GI Joe fans, they make my sperg ass look like a well adjusted individual and the pinnacle of intellegence.Seriously, if they aren't milshits clamoring for CoD the Toyline, they're brainlets so stupid they think that the only way Revolution could have been better was if it included Pastel Horses who hijacked the plot.
>>114955958I'm still looking for Earthrise Optimus whenever I go to Target (I wear a mask don't worry)I regret not having money when he was $40 on Amazon
>>114956256>>114956290>>114956034They were so mad
>>114956256That's the thing, angry fantards are always, without fail, under the impression that anything they don't like is a specific attack on them. It's fucking pathetic.Not everything is about you, people. You make 80s Scarlett sad.
>>114956346... Now I've got to do Cancer Calculus to figure out if this or brainlets who constantlly write up crossover fanfiction that can be succinctly described as 'Revolution, but with even more unwanted and unnedeeded junk thrown in, and a fixation on Horse Show because of course' are the worst form of GI Joe fans.Personal experience biases me towards the latter ('MISSILES SHOULD BE LIKE PUNCHES! YOU JUST WANT YOUR STUPID ROBOTS TO BE INVINCIBLE WAAAAH!' ugh), but I can't even divine the source of the salt in that, only that it is *powerful*.
>>114956172Yeah, good monsters is a great twist on the "bad guy robots" trope that lets your heroes kill mooks with Saturday morning morality, AND it let them have gnarly hard to kill mutant John Carpenter's The Things.>>114956256>THIS ISN'T WHAT WILL SELL, THEY SHOULD BE SIX INCH VERSIONS OF THE 80S TOYSYeah, there are a lot of Joe fans who literally who hate everything that isn't the first like four years of the 80s toyline.>>114956290I deeply love the GI Joe franchise, but the fandom is a terrific example of a godawful trashfire of a fan base.
>>114956441Sadly...every franchise has toxic elements.
>>114956504Some more than others. The Voltron Legendary Defender fanbase has mostly disbanded, but it remains a potent cautionary tale.
>>114956256They killed it last time when they were updating the other figures bitching about the scale changing slightly.Which then caused the line to become a Web Only Exclusive and shell out thirty bucks a figure at least. Really wanted a Sgt Slaughter and complete my Dreadnoks set.
>>114956346>has to change literally everything but the bracers, kneepads, and shoulder guard to make his "point">somehow doesn't realize he's retarded
>>114956441>Yeah, there are a lot of Joe fans who literally who hate everything that isn't the first like four years of the 80s toyline.Same with Transformers... God I would kill for a Generations of this guy
>>114954415Dammit, this better all be part of some larger mater plan. Starscream going from an amazing manipulative dickhead to humble redemption guy is such an uninteresting turn, especially when he's being replaced with the designated waifu. All of the happenings on Cybertron were more or less held up by watching him gleefully manipulate and screw people over on a path for a better future. I can't imagine anything Windblade does will be nearly as interesting.
>>114954415Anyone know if there's a Forged Starscream toy?
I'm just here cause i wanna fuck robo girls
>>114956982I'm sorry user
>>114954415Aw man ;_;
>>114956640I actually prefer this - morally, at least - to Megs' heel-turn. Like Megatron kinda got a random position of leadership and respect and stuff even though he's probably one of the universe's greatest war criminals. Moving from a position of power to a position of power isn't the best remedy for abuse of power, even though we got a well-written redemption. Starscream HAS to give it up, HAS to put others before himself, has to CHOOSE to become powerless. All that is the opposite of what he's chosen and done wrong with for so many years.I don't read him as humble redemption guy. He's still Starscream, still as psychologically fucked-up and aggressive but... he made a genuine choice to be better at great personal cost. Maybe that's how forged Starscream would've turned out, a hero.Overall I probably prefer the Megatron line because it's more consistently written. Sometimes Starscream just comes over as an idiot in these plots but to be fair when it's done good it's REALLY good.
>>114958225Also something something Megatron had a point to prove and a driving ideology and fought on a technicality when that was threatened over he, personally, being threatened. Starscream is completely self-serving so him fully accepting defeat is more fitting.Also also it's important that it is accepting defeat. Megatron had his chance to go back when the Decepticons mounted their rescue. Starscream's back was against the wall here, but do we really think he was out of options or it was the worst situation he's ever been in? Of course not. Each of them chooses to let their former self be defeated rather than prolong the misery.
Also also also it's good that Windblade's victory over Starscream is a moral one, rather than her out-scheming him. It's a bit convenient that it all gets dumped in her lap with someone else doing the dirty work but hey.
>>114953953Apparently Vortex is a shipper.
>>114959678I like his little fist bump, "Good for you Windblade!"
Was curious if Scott had any opinions on the similarity of the Starblade/Windscream ship to Reylo so looked it
The Transformers: Primacy Storytime:>>114960809The Transformers: Primacy is the third and final part of the trilogy that began with Autocracy and Monstrosity.