What would you do if you met your characters? Do you have some apologizing to do?Alternately, is there anything you wish was different about audiences today?>/hyw/ CONTACT SHEET - add your webcomic site, contact information, etcdocs.google.com
How's Your Webcomic? #654
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I'm gonna start writing again. Hopefully improving my concept.
>>114950716Don't forget! Voting ends tonight for Azu vs Percy: Grudge Match!strawpoll.com
>>114950810>EvenEvery fucking time
>>114950810Can you give it another day since this thread took awhile to come online?
>>114951691>an douchebotI like how I know enough TF stuff to know why that is optimus prime despite being a bote
>>114950716>What would you do if you met your characters? Do you have some apologizing to do?I'll feed Peri some banana bread!
I'm sure one of you heathens will find this hot.
>>114951723crud i missed that.The original line was "dont be an asshole" but i thought i could do better.
>>114951343I can't recall a single catfight that wasn't close.
>Swords is on the front page of TapasFuck you, Swords.
>>114952079How? He doesn't have that many views or subs.
Omnifighters takes place in a world where supernatural and regular human live together. They live in a mostly orderly society but eventually conflict starts because of different goals and interests. Wendy White and her friends want to be part of the military so they can go on missions and experience all kinds of adventures.webtoons.com
>>114952079He has a tapas?
>>114952063you weren't here for the first ones. thread politics tended to make some people get btfo immediately. This reversed later on, and all we got was reeing about that person getting any votes at all, how dare they even enter
>>114952151You're talking about Coldfusion.Fuck him. He's a pedo, not a person.
>>114952131He probably paid for it somehow.
Admiral pizza is your new favorite pizza powered superhero!! You can read him on tapas!! tapas.io
>>114952585Is Tapas paying people extra? Is that why everyone is going there instead of Webtoon?
Greetings HYWRead Oi! Tales of Bardic Fury on Tapas on webtoons>It's the best webcomic about iron age bards on the market.webtoons.com
>>114952585Admiral pizza dream team fighters is a game coming out for playstation 4. The Admiral is getting a team together of your favorite /hywc/ Characters to defeat the evil Coronachan, who seeks to destroy everything..even hopes and dreams. Admiral, Aideen and Amish fight agressive fire tank enemies.
UNFHhhh! Finished the website! Now I’m reverting all the old pen and ink stuff to digitalOnce I’ve got my backlog, I’ll start posting regularly starting Monday. Not sure what a good update schedule would be...thoughts?www.hellobirdman.com
>>114952640I can't find the button to upload my comics webtoons its pissing me off
>>114952724reverting suggests they started digital in the first placeanyway, I don't think update schedules matter that much. More importantly it looks like you fixed the negative space issue from before.
Priest calls Galog a DOUBLE ONI.>Thread question.All my characters would try to kill me.
>>114950716I'd have to put the kettle on and hope I got the right cookies.Audiences relaying things to their friends, getting a grapevine going instead of obediently waiting to be spoonfed by Big Brother.tapas.io
>>114954087I like those inward-curving horns.>>114954674I'm so with you. old audiences were betterI still put links on my site and I share comics with people.
>>114954087What is this?
>>114954920Oh, page from my comictapas.io
>>114955027I read the first chapter. It isn’t fucking horrible, which is more than I can say for most Holla Forums projects. I look forward to reading more
>>114955066>it isn't fucking horribleThat might be the best thing anyone has ever said of the first chapter so far, love you.Trust me, it gets way better.
>>114955205I always knew story of fire had potential
In a country riddled with corruption and poverty arises an organization set out to plunge the country into chaos. After a life-changing tragedy befell a tourist named Jack Orion, he and his newfound friends are now determined to find the organization and stop it once and for all.bossrush.thecomicseries.com
>>114955027Next one.I love that thing of characters meeting for the finale.>>114956247Thank youuuuuu!Same.
No, seriously, why is everyone on Tapas now? Do I need to go there?
>>114956988tapas lets you post bigger pictures that can be pngs, schedule updates easier, and from my experience as a retard, see new comics easier
>>114956988it's phone-optimized garbage and people are sheep
butler bot offers you a drink to help energize you to work on that comic.
>>114957228it's working!!
moar pencil progress
>>114957253you did it!>>114956988I am on both Tapas and webtoons. I dunno which is better. >>114956865damn what a bae>>114952704when is the release of the beta>>114957255
Work in progress on on Excellentus Alpha.He's based on a fisherman. I really really wanted to call him Optimus Brine, but that was too on the nose.
>>114957281I still love your faces
>>114957993You could have gotten away with 'awesomus brine' or 'boatimus brine' but I appreciate that you have to actually spend a little time figuring out the direct connections to similar words.
So what's the best place to upload comics and stuff.. Thinking of making one, but I'm trying to gather as much information as I can before I do anything..Here's a quick concept doodle
>>114956865do you think the bars are overdoing it?>>114957281very intrigued for these updateshope you get to finish them soon
>>114958067A normal comic host, like the kind that are rapidly dying off in favor of terrible social-media ones.
>>114958095so... Just uploading on Tumblr or something is just better?
>>114957993>>114958019I had a sudden moment of inspiration, and i just had to google to make sure it was a real word.His name is officially Excelsius Alpha. Not much of a change, but more in line with the original Optimus Prime naming scheme.
>>114956865>those bazoongasRau!Do something!
>>114958135no. that is not normal or a comic host. it is social media and it is terrible.I'm dying here.
>>114958147and it rolls off the tongue better. I'm glad I could be here for this moment
>>114958290She can do a barrel roll and sew you a sweater.
>>114958403oh... are there any good comic hosts?
I'd have to apologize for the misery I am about to put them all through
>>114959118This was in answer to the thread question >What would you do if you met your characters? Do you have some apologizing to do?>Alternately, is there anything you wish was different about audiences today?I wish they'd play less video games so they'd be less distracted and spend more time reading webcomics.
>>114952175You haven't seen shit if you think CF is a degenerate.
What do you guys think of the "the innocent character dies of mutation" design? I dunno what to call it.
>>114960748Sounds unnesesarly cruel, if you have too many deaths like this they would start to lose impact. There was a guide about when and how kill off an character.
>>114960812No worries. She's going to be the only cruel-emotional death in the comic that dies via fucked up mutation.
Man, I've had some pretty severe insomnia lately and haven't gotten much done.
Friendly Princesszeroandgravity.cfw.me
>>114958067>>114958720>>114958746wtf. don't listen to uninformative anonWebtoons & Tapas are the main 2Comicfury is good but less traffic