Redesign thread
Redesign thread
This thread is baitMove along
>>114950474not the worst race swap, but reminds me too much of Steve Urkel
>>114950464I wish she was real
>>114950464She lives off of sunlight and water. Why would she ever be fat.
>>114950942Because I need to coom.
>>114950474Was this from that hot minute when everyone was saying the black lady would be Harley in the sequel to Joker?
>>114950474I kinda like it but the pants arent quite doing it
A thick Ivy makes a lot of sense. She is supposed to seduce men so making her some big lipped big ass fuck doll out of a 6ix 9ine rap video makes sense.
>>114950626not bait just genuinely not a fan of ivy, i kinda like the harley one
>>114950464>P'shawn Ivy
>>114950474I like the pants and suspenders.
>>114950464I'd plant my seed in that garden
>>114950942Binge photosynthesizing high intensity uv lamps
>>114950464I've always wanted a chubby poison ivy. Her whole thing is pheromones so it shouldn't really matter what she looks like.Also, if whores, renaisance paintings, and venus figurines are to be believed. Well, most men enjoy grabbin on some chub if you know what I'm saying.
>>114951085>so it shouldn't really matter what she looks likeThen why should it matter what you want her to look like?
>>114951097I just want her to be chubby 'cause it hasn't been done. Anything wrong with that?
>>114951116>Anything wrong with that?Yeah, there is and I quoted it from your own post.
>>114950942Her body is most likely based on what she looked like before experimenting on herself like a mad woman.
>>114951134Can you just admit you like fucking bony sticks and leave it at that?Plus, model poison ivy is so played out.
>>114950464Someone make an edit where she's skinny
>>114951134Are you saying she should stay as she is or... what exactly? She has to look like something.
>>114951085>>114951097What he's saying is sound, he just phrased it badly. A fertility goddess Poison Ivy would make just as much sense as one who looks like a model.
>>114951162>you like fucking bony sticksCitation needed. When someone uses your words against you, the appropriate defense isn't the cessation of sense made.
>>114950464Bigger and she should be African-American.
CAN WE GO THROUGH ONE FUCKING REDESIGN THREAD WITHOUT THIS CHEAP BAIT TUMBLR CRAP?! Seriously, I wish Holla Forums would just get off their lazy asses and try and brainstorm original/good redesigns for once
>>114951188Who teaches you people how to read? Unreal. I'm saying that he's a hypocrite for saying "It doesn't matter unless it's what I want." I never once said anything about what I want her to look like.
>>114951206She has a black face.
>>114950464Could work,>>114950474Not sure if black Harley can work. But keep trying
>>114951221I said I would like it. That doesn't mean my idea is the definitive of anything. How about you learn to read and stop making assumptions because if anyone's a hypocrite it's you.
>>114951221Anon just gave their opinion man, how about you chill out.
>>114951199dam you have low standards
>>114950474unironically not bad and still keeps her roots as a jester theme intact
>>114951443>t. closeted
>>114950464Makes sense she'd have tree trunk legs. Wonder how her bush is
>>114950474Finally, a fucking non white washed Harley.
>>114951190Pls giv earth mommy
>>114951443>not liking plus size womendamn, user, if you're a dude and you object to having a bigger woman thereby meaning you have MORE woman, then idk what to tell you, man, you might be gay
>>114951247How does black Harley not work? I mean, normal Harley already comes from a poor New Jersey family with deadbeat parents. And then she goes to college on a scholarship and ends up becoming a criminal.The only reason she isn't black is because her backstory was invented after her design.
>>114951502dude if you like diabetes with boobs go ahead
>>114951230Please stop, black face is racists. Just stop now.
>>114951533no, i like men
>>114950474urkel harley?i mean it works, no complains here, just wondering how the hell the artist managed to get there
>>114951500All I got
>>114951443These are the kind of people who go to thicc threads and post fat chicks.
>>114950928Someone needs to make a skinny edit.
>>114951513Just saying that design not working for me, it doesn’t come ass flexible gymnist jester to me. Keep trying
>>114950474why does she have a mustache
>>114951681Some actual good art, based
>>114951576That's the stuff!
>>114950474Not that bad, I like it.
>>114951608I understand! I like the design but it could be much better, I agree.
>>114951573A lot of clowns wear suspenders
>>114951823It's okay, looks pretty tumblr if you ask me.
>>114951443This unironically, the Ivy in the post is fat not thicc.
>>114952127I gotta disagree user, I think you're just randomly saying critiques.
>>114950474It's borderline mammy shit but it looks good. She should never show her face without the makeup though, that design is retarded.
>>114950626Shut up faggot don't tell us what to do m
>>114950474Where are you people getting Urkel from?Surely you're able to separate black+suspenders from being strictly associated with a single character
>>114951681>sponge not in water
Didn't I >>114950626 fuckin' tell y'all?BAIT
>>114950474Not awful actually but I on't like the bowtie or the bows. Just give her bells and a jester's collar hike up the pants so the yellow socks are a bit more prominent.Lose the heterochromia
The nigga version
>>114952508Would fuck
>>114952375So you never even seen Nicktoons Unite
>>114950474>Harlem Kween
>>114950474Not bad>>114950464Literal garbage
>>114950464this is just that awful negro Biollante redesign that one faggot did for a Godzilla high school auOr I suppose you could say that Biollante was just this awful negro Ivy design
>>114951219no retard
>>114950942Water storage like a cactus
>>114952508dom me
>>114950474pretty cute
>>114950928Why is she fat? Wouldn’t all the running keep her fit? Can she even run now without having a heart attack?
>>114951219>CAN WE GO THROUGH ONE FUCKING REDESIGN THREAD WITHOUT THIS CHEAP BAIT TUMBLR CRAP?! Seriously, I wish Holla Forums would just get off their lazy asses and try and brainstorm original/good redesigns for onceBecause rage threads get more replies
Should I post some redesigns? Like my own?
>>114953970She likes cheeseburgers and I guess this version is supposed to not be so active
>>114951219If we're talking our own stuff, here's something I'd posted to the drawthread that I did the other day.Redesign for Red Sonja. She's always just a sexy female Conan the Barbarian, but the attempt to recreate her by just killing her off and reincarnating her into a boring woman with the same mannish personality but without the sexy chainmail bikini is stupid.I think it's more fun if you go crazy with the Scathach side and make her a half-nude high priestess with witch/sorceress vibes. Get rid of the bikini and just have her tits out.
>>114954671Here's a random comic page I did of her too. I was using Melisandre from GoT as a reference. And also the idea of 'shisogan' in Lone Wolf and Cub, the eyes of a warrior that has seen countless deaths. She's got freaky eyes that can stare into your soul. That and the tits are to make people way uncomfortable.
Friendly reminder that Holla Forums has more women posting on it than any other board, and that the idea that these whales are anything other than disgusting is blatant fattie propaganda.
>>114954728Bullshit, that's still /x/.
>>114954671>the sexy chainmail bikini is stupid.Leave
>>114954816Brah, put your penis away. We can talk sexiness without saying the dumb outfit looks good. It's not interesting at all. Go read any Conan book and see a million women dressed in better-looking, equally as sexy outfits. The simple chainmail bikini look is fucking lazy.
>>114950464>>114950928>>114951576>>114951650>>114952508Too fat
>>114953397Pathetic; and you call yourself a man?
>>114950942Plants turn water and sunlight into calories
>>114954671>>114954706Very based
Posting a scrapped He man reboot redesign idea. Inspired by the She ra Netflix show, No were not putting gay shit onto the show. But, me and my cousin who is way older than me and was a HUGE avid Motu fan. And me being a Zoomer that doesn’t know jack shit about He-man besides that Meme song is somewhat off to me. I don’t know
Batman but Metal Gear
>>114954887A real warrior welcomes death. Besides its her trademark
>>114950942A woman after my own heart.
>>114955807>A real warrior doesn't wear proper armor because they welcome deathThis is your brain on coom
Who is this nigger covered in weed?
Are we still doing redesigns?
>>114955807you can welcome death with the proper attire. in this case, the proper attire is a shitload of armor.
>>114956016Pretty nice
>>114952452No one faps to ugly people, user.
>>114954959You mean not fat enough.
>>114956094God he is pure sex. Like holy shit
>>114956016Meh, Task Master is at his best when he's an intentional try hard who wears a skeleton mask to look scary.
>>114955189Remove the head band and make the lower darker portion of the legs red and I would love this.
>>114955781> Someone actually liked my chart enough to save & repost itGod bless you user!Have a wonderful & safe rest of 2020.
>>114950474I really like this, love how they brought back her Jester inspirations.
>>114950464If you were gonna make a b8 thread, the least you could have done was get some better b8.
Lego Harley > Old Harley >>>>>> garbage >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nu-Harley
>>114954962uuungh, thank you user
>>114954959Someone needs to make skinny edits to make the tumblr rejects go ballistic.
>>114957331First off, Holla Forums and Holla Forums already did that, both with the Tumblr Raids, and the SU Edits Blog.Secondly, all the Crazies of 2016 Tumblr migrated to Twitter. If we're ever gonna do another raid, it's going to be Twitter.
>>114957379Twitter is literally worst-era tumblr but even lamer, at least tumblr had drama so weird that it was hilarious, Twitter has nothing but bickering idiots and normies.
>>114950474Huh, this one's pretty good actually>>114957296As is this one
>>114957379Anon I'm not that green I know of the SU raids, I'm more saying that we should piss the idiots on this board instead of a raid to somewhere else.
>>114950464I'd smash.
>>114957296This but unironically
>>114950474>heterochromiaim like 89% sure the person who drew this is a weeb
>>114956094Apparently not enough to cover his biceps though.
>>114952968Ikr? Ivy isn't fat enough.
>>114954959Pearl too defective.
>>114951443>>114951533t. Low test
>>114958366Where’s the edema sores and mice nesting in the rolls
>>114954671>>114954706>I was using Melisandre from GoT as a reference.Let me show you where you made your mistake. Good artwork,though.
>>114950942It's like rings on a tree
>>114951576Aw yeah thats hot
>>114951610That's her lip.
>>114953211Ok, fag
>>114955749Time to create some time paradoxes, Batman. We need to rape the Joker through time!
>>114953970>Why is she fat? Wouldn’t all the running keep her fit? Can she even run now without having a heart attack?cheetas are fat in the wild
>>114957555To be honest, at this point Doom Guy could literally fight demons naked and it wouldn't matter since he will heal from their blood anyway.
>>114957555He used to have sleeves, but then he flexed and they exploded.
I really love this design. I really think it's perfect in every way.
>>114958405Try looking in a mirror, you disgusting fuck.
the danger of obesity is that it spread by the lie that it's healthy and desirable. It's like the zombie disease, but it kills you with pain way faster.
>>114950942Made by a Tumblrtard
>>114959727Too bad, it’s my fetish
>>114954671She cute
>>114950942High doses of sugar in the water
>>114956484get the fuck off this board
>>114950942>he doesn't know all plants are just chubby ara ara milfs
Hot Tifa from FFVII
>>114950474>black harley quinnHotbased and jokerpilled
>>114955189idk manthat top portion seems dumb. its like zip up from the top of her cleavage? is the middle some kinda corset unto itself? its like she is wearing a 3 piece outfit.
>>114956653>>114956016whos the artist?
Warhammer Batman
>>114951681It pains me this will never happen
>>114961230A Nicktoons Unite TV special would have been godlike