Dark Simpsons
Dark Simpsons
>>114950047I've never seen a story like this, in which a lesbian blackmails a heterosexual women into having sex with her. Anyone know any examples?
>>114950295haha asking for a friend
>>114950047Edna: Your mother *sure* does care about your schooling, Bart.Bart: Huh?Edna: Yeah, that's what *she* said...at first.
>>114950492I dunno why, but this one's pretty cool
>>114950295>lesbian rapeYour ideas intrigue me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
>>114950492sweet sweet can
>>114950047>>114950075both of these make me cum buckets
These aren't that good when they need more than screenshots if the show.
>>114951259>thing i like>thing i don't like
>>114950295Sakura Tsuuchin chapter 52. Dirty Angel.There's a lesbian teacher in cram school who wants to fuck the MC, her student.MC's love interest (her cousin and also an student) gets framed about sexually assaulting a classmate, so he's not allowed back into the institute and all the people he knew turn their backs on him.Turns out the teacher and the victim girl were secret lovers who love to 69 in the bathroom stalls, and they framed him.To help him clear his name, MC agrees to the teacher proposal: to become her lover while not being able to see her cousin again. We see how the bitch teacher makes MC lick go down on her in all it's censored 2 page glory.Yeah, it's a hot series. Not hentai, btw.
>>114950525Still not as powerful as the Robotic Richard Simmons Bazooka.
>>114951431This one makes no fucking sense
>>114950047Damn, that's hot>>114950417Funny, just today i was watching Forrest Gump
>>114950492>HOMER SIMPSON : PORTRAIT OF A COOMER>"Oooh, a portrait, sounds fancy!.... don't it?"
>>114952000what is this unfunny shit
>>114950553Fuck, this one got me.
>>114952189Bart Breaks Snake out of Jail
>>114950614I want, no, NEED more Mindy edits where she's just there, helping Homer on adventures.
>>114952189Dark Simpsons, a YouTube channel that remixes Simpsons episodes into funny and often very dark shorts. youtube.com
>>114951270Does stating the obvious help you feel smart
>>114950525I love these combined memes
>>114951530Lehrerposting? On MY Holla Forums?
>>114950641Made me laugh
>>114956404That's a good one.
Soil ph
>>114951317>who love to 69 in the bathroom stallsHow? Is one hanging from the ceiling? are they writhing on the dirty ground under the cubicle walls?
>>114957515i love it.
>>114957515does this count as cuckoldry?
>>114956807I was excpecting the spelling robot's(whose name escapes me, god damn) head to fly back at Homer from the silo.
>>114957550There's GOT to be a better way!
>>114957638enter CHADmer
>>114958150Haven’t read the comic but you’d be surprised at the stupid shit horny people can pull off.
>>114951317>Not hentai, btw.Bullshit I just googled this shit and it's 100% hentai.
>>114951463Video version have better balance and storytelling youtu.be
>>114950047God I'm diamonds rfn.
>>114959805How many of these are just "character kills another character to get with the person the killed character was dating"?
>>114959820Much better then the incest ones. They get too repetitive desu
>>114959970I think anons just post the fap-bait ones. I shall call it coomers bias
>>114950295Incredibles 2
>>114950706I unironically share these opinions.Fuck creating webs with technology. Is he a spider man or isn't he?I would be like if Aqua man only had the ability to swim fast so he invented a crown that let him breath underwater and talk to sea life.
>>114957656>It's my old friend Mr. Simpson, who shakes your hand with a limp-son.Never mind, that was terrible.
>>114960019It's just part of the mythos that Peter doesn't shoot webs. It's also weird.
>>114960019People like you ruined Holla Forums and aren't true fans of Spider-man
>>114960069He can smart guy scientist without needing to build his own shooters. Stop acting like wen shooters are at all essential to his character. If he was originally created with biological web shooters you’d be fine with them.
>>114960069Having 8 legs and shooting webs are the defining characteristics of a spider and Spiderman doesn't have either.
>>114960106He doesn’t even have fangs or venom, kek.
Anyone got the Moe kite edits?
>>114950492i laugh out loudthanks
>>114960106Literally the only powers he was intended to have was super strength and wall crawling, he was only called Spider-man because Stan Lee thought that was sexier than Fly-man.
>>114956830>no nani!?! in the third panel It is shit.
>>114960069I agree we should go even further.We should have Peter get bitten by a spider, and that be just the inspiration for him to invent all this spider technology.No, it doesn't give him any powers or anything. But him being bitten by a spider is SUPER important.
>>114960231>Spider-man should stay true to his origins>so you're saying we should change his origins!!??How are even literate
>>114960004This in every way.
>>114960263Why? Just because it was first it doesn’t mean it’s his best origin.
>>114960337If you're going to deviate from the classic origin there should be a reason. Raimi's spiderman was great despite peter being a dipshit but for fans who want an accurate adaptation it's annoying for inspiring the organic webs fans. What reason is there to scrap webshooters?
>>114960106Well there was that one-time in the 90s cartoon and probably some comics where he grows 4 extra arms and goes full-on mutant spider but then everyone just started calling him a vampire for some reason
>>114960387Yeah it was the 100th or 150th anniversy of his original run and it was dropped immediately after. Dogshit compared to the iconic 50th issue
>>114960351Because it makes more sense.Why have him be bitten by a radioactive spider at all to give him SOME of his powers, and have him maguffen a coincidentally very in theme technology based super power along with it?There is a reason that Wonder Woman gained the ability to fly and lost her invisible jet! If she has the powers of the greek gods anyway, just let her have a power she should already have and don't give her a weird technology crutch.
>>114958446Nah, Homer fucks them both.
>>114957417Under rated.
>>114950047CHUCK'S SUCK AND FUCK (Soon to be Sneed's)
>>114950047its sadbecause that probably would have been a plot 25 years ago
>>114960484>I bet you LOVE movie synergy too you fucking poser