Is he really evil?
Is he really evil?
>>114948611Just following orders
>>114948611define evil
>>114948611From a certain point of view.
Yes, the best part of the movie is that we're once again reminded that Zim is a malevolent genius.
>>114948611He's evil by nature and crazy by life, yesThe Irken aren't really a good race. Even the nicest ones like Skoodge are still completely fine and even happy with wiping out entire species.
>>114949066Only if it's necessary. But remember Irken and other species can live together. They are want to rule the whole galaxy, but they aren't chaotic evil. Like the relationship between Zim and Gir is more friendly. IMO Irken is a good race. I want to be an Irken.
>>114949061All he had to do was stop spawning pigs to win. The fool.
>>114948611No he's cute
>>114949288Hey man i wanted to be an alien all my life but that didnt come true, what makes you so special?
>>114949288"Necessary" being anyone who they think isn't immediately useful to their species as Specialist Thralls like the Vortians or have pacts with the empire.I wouldn't so much as call it chaotic evil, but uh, neutral evil? It does what it wants all the time (what the control brains want, in truth)Also, no, you don't want to be an irken. Unless you enjoy being a literal who of a menial drone, slaving away in a shitty job. If you're lucky enough to be in the military, then you're still probably a grunt dealing with, well, being the grunt for an extremely expansionist army.If you somehow get to be elite, then you still have to deal with the danger of the job and the incompetence of the Modern Irken Upper Crust. Skoodge, for example, despite being a model soldier who finished his job first, was literally fired out of a cannon because he was too short and ugly. AND EVEN if you're a tall elite Irken who is at least on professional terms with the tallest, you're still an mentally controlled brainwashed biological abomination.
>>114948611no, just retarded
>>114948611I mean he did rip out the eyes of a kid
>>114949596But there's something that isn't clear to me. Just look at Zim. He almost killed the entire Irken race, and he's still free and does whatever he wants. Sometimes even the Tallest are friendly with him. Pretty much the same with Tak. If u are an Irken, no one gives a shit about what do u do.
They were originally a peaceful hunter gatherer race but eventually they invented artificial brains who think and even reproduce for them.
>>114949733Zim is an special case (he's a defective, literally). When they tried to get him judged, the sheer defectiveness of his PAK corrupted the control brains. And we don't know what happened to Tak, all we know is that the tallest were basically considering giving her a pardon for abandoning her post if she had gotten rid of zim and turned earth into a candy bowl.Basically, it's not that no one gives a shit, it's that defective Irkens seem to have plot armor as well.
>>114949726To be fair most of us would do that to him also.
He's evil, but also highly ineffective.
>>114949841Because we are evil too.
Anyone read the comics?
He's just a really bratty manchild.
>>114949596Since when were the control brains in charge? Was this brought up in the comics and I just missed it?>>114949926I do, they're quite good
>>114950090The Control Brains were always in charge. They're the true rulers of the empire, with the tallest as figureheads.They show up in the show, but they really appear the most in the unfinished episode "The Trial".The comics show it too, and so does the movie pretty much.
>>114950090So. Is our Zim the ultimate Zim?
He's Chaotic Stupid.He thinks he's doing a good thing for his people.
>>114949061god damn that episode made me feel something as a kid and still does
>>114949288Shut up.
>>114950680Well, he literally killed all the others, so kind of, both by proof of combat and by elimination.
Can we agree that the only bad Zim eps are Battle-Dib and Mortos ?
>>114948611He tries. He really does.
>>114948611Kind of? He wants to take over Earth for his people, but as Planet Jackers, Plague of Babies and the comics show; he's also sort of gotten comfy to living on Earth and would protect it for other threats.
>>114951651Yes, the Dib centered eps weren't very good
>>114952192Chickenfoot was hilarious tho. One of my fav eps
>>114951855He only protects it from other threats so he can be the one to conquer it.
>>114953041Good enough to make him an anti-hero.
Zim geniunely believes he's doing the right thing. Even if he has selfish reasons, conquering the earth is part of the cause for him
>>114948611Yes. He has no issues with conquering a planet and enslaving/destroying its inhabitants, so...
>>114949061>Looper (2012)
>>114950745Anon no one cares about your kicked off your puberty.
Zim is an evil, evil lucky little prick and deserves to be executed. Despite the fact that he's probably a 1 in a million case of an irken with emotions, alone in a sea of psychopaths, he's still killed billions of innocent aliens and ruined an untold number of lives, and rightfully deserves everything he has coming to him.
>>114955101Well neither does Gaz in a few episodes and comics.
>>114950745Oh look, it's another "Holla Forums starts a zim thread by asking a question asked approximately ten million times already in a thinly veiled attempt to talk about their gore/foot/xeno fetish under the guise of discussion" episode
>>114948611Yes and comically incompetent. We're talking about the guy who removed the eyes of some kid just because the last just wanted a friend. Not to mention other instances like: "Dark Harvest", "A room with a moose" and "Bad, Bad Rubber Piggy"
>>114955475i assumed that user was just talking about how disturbing the episode wasdo niggas really be having fetishes for torture via time travel and stuffed toys
He's evil but he's also a delusional moron with zero self control making him an equal threat to himself as anyone else
He's both evil and pitiful. He has no problems with destroying and killing anyone on his way, allies included, but at the same time he's the unlucky victime of being one of the few cases of a irken with actual emotions and wanting to be loved in an empire were emotions were breed out for max efficiency. There was just no chance for him from the very start.
>>114954431In the Rubber Piggy ep he verbatim says "Back to my filthy evil".
>>114956227He such a good character.
Yes, he is evil. But mostly stupid. Evil and stupid.
>>114951536Did he actually kill all others?
>>114958631Essentially, he made them cease to exist sounds like killing to me
>>114955318Does that mean if Gaz were an Irken, she would've conquered Earth a long time ago already?
>>114957237>he is evil. But mostly stupid. Evil and stupid.So pretty much like Trump.
>>114958837That literally happened in the the comic.
>>114958876I still don't read the comics and got the impression they softened her personality a whole lot based on her expressions I saw in some pages posted, is that really true? I did watch the movie tho.
>>114958918Issue 21.
>>114958918Yep, issue 21 where she body swaps with Zim.Never felt like her personality softened, especially in all the issues that are focused on her.
>>114959094She also straight up destroyed several universes to find the universe where gamers oppress non gamers to torture dib [he kinda deserved it though] its more like they gave her more personality and more active roles in causing chaos then being passive.
>>114959145Yeah, the comics have seriously done wonders for Gaz.
>>114948611He's responsible for the death of countless people and wants to murder a child despite being supposedly hundreds of years old, he's just retarded
>>114948611No, at best selfish.He wants to be great, respected, and praised at the cost of others.
No, everything he does he does with the good intention of making the tallest happy.
>>114955628>removed the eyes of some kid just because the last just wanted a friendHe was being really annoying too!
>>114951651I liked Battle-DibIMO, the worst were Mortos, Waffles, and Vindicated, but I wouldn't call any of them "bad", since even the worst Zim episode is better than the vast majority of what Nick and even CN usually pumps out, but definitely not on par with the rest.