Stormbringer lands in the DC and Marvel universes. What happens?
Stormbringer lands in the DC and Marvel universes. What happens?
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I mean, by the sword's very nature nature, Stormbringer already exists in both universes (and I am not talking about Marvel's Conan, lol)
>>114948475What does it do?
It starts raining.
>>114949616Elric Stormbringer is a sentient sword that eats souls and can slay even gods & those who exist beyond. Stromrbinger siphons off the energy from the souls it swallows to itself and the wielder.Stormbringer in all of the books is an aspect of the black blade, which is a timeless & essentially boundless archetype that exists in all universes.
Deep Purple are so fucking overrated holy shit
>>114949616A better question is what doesn't it do. Stormbringer can do shit like turn people into casually multiversal archetypes, cut universes in half via accidental usages, kill and devour both the Lords of Law and Chaos who are things that go beyond threats to infinite multiverses, power abilities to enable Eternal Champions to be capable of taking out threats from outside the multiverse, and more. And it's just one aspect out of all of the myriads that the Black Blade has.
>>114949754Marvel totally copied it with the necrosword
>>114948475Superman puts it in his fortress
>>114949857Thor tanks a hit and kills the user
>>114949877Most Marvel ideas are stolen from other franchises.
>>114949963>killing the Eternal ChampionAssuming he pulls it off (he can't btw), then congratulations. You've killed the one thing restricting Stormbringer.It promptly feeds Thor the carved up assholes of everything in Marvel.
>>114949963If it's some human like John Daker, then it would kill the both of them because his body couldn't handle the power. Elric almost exploded at the end of Stormbringer for similar reasons, lol.But the sword just grazing Thor would kill him.
>>114948475Lex use it to shank Superman really good.
>>114950780>Lex kills Superman and the entire League with Stormbringer>Before he can revel in his victory and dominance, Stormbringer proceeds to kill him and devour his soul on top of it>The last words he ever hears are "Farewell, friend. I was a thousand times more evil than thou!"
>>114950839Lex would have counters for that. An alternate reality Superman took the blunt of the trauma and is killed in the process because of some voodoo magic that Lex did.
>>114950886Stormbringer is fully capable of devouring multiverses, erasing you from all realities or eating things beyond multiverses, what with being an aspect of the Black Blade and all. He'd think he's outplayed Stormbringer, only to suffer an even harder cheek clapping than what Perpetua gave him when she was done with his shit.
>>114948475Doom finds it and controls it.
>>114950951Good thing Lex have several multiverse and dark multiverse Superman to work with.
>powerwankingIIRC there were some cavemen lizard people in Elric's world who were resistant to Stormbringer's soul-suckjob. It's not an instawin against literally anything.
>>114950977I think you mean Richards. Doom is smart enough to know not to fuck with sufficiently powerful evil artifacts.
>>114951042>downplayingSoul-sucking isn't the only thing Stormbringer has, or even particularly notable. Stormbringer's overall power is also determined based on how close it is to something aligned with Chaos, be it a potent artifact or an entire reality, linking it closer to the archetype of the Black Blade. If it's too far, it's just a blade that can suck up souls, which are a dime a dozen. The closer it gets to things that push it towards the archetype, the more its power grows. To the point it can devour multiversal and beyond entities at its higher degrees. Lower ends still have a character tripping with it and cutting universes apart.
>>114951129So its basically "my dad is stronger than your dad" the sword?
>>114951158>>114951042wasn't that the King Under the Hill, who was basically just a zombie with no soul? It's been a while since I last read Bane of the Black Sword
>>114951189It's supposed to be an aspect of the dark opposite to God in the setting it's from. If its powerlevels don't sit well with you, then you're free to leave the thread.
>>114951253>>114951189IIRC The only times Stormbringer has ever demonstrated being able to affect things cosmically is when the universe is already being altered (like when Elric blows the Horn of Fate) or when the blade is brought into a higher realm of existence (realms where symbols can be literal meaning, like the realm of the Dead Gods in Corum)The blade typically acts through/manipulate the user
>>114951444That's volume 1 of Stormbringer, if anyone has any interest, I could dump some more later.
>>114949754Doesn’t sound that powerful at all. So it would probably just be a C List item for C List characters.
>>114951322And it's often countered doing that because the Eternal Champion is primarily its warden.
>>114951569shame I don't have the digital version of Moorcock's Multiverse, that basically puts things really simplistically
>>114951468Thanks for this, user.
>>114951285Hulk snaps it in half then. Eats the demon that comes out of it or whatever.
>>114948475 I wish Elric would heat up the handle and give himself the Ol’ spicy keychain
>>114952742Sure, whatever Ewingfag.
>>114951479>>114952742Posts like these are exactly why capefags get incessantly mocked on here.
>>114949804Blackmore is one of the greatest of all time, same for Jon Lord.
>>114951468Why not? I'll post a few more. Don't expect fast dumps though because I don't have 4chan titanium
Magik's soulsword is the perfect counter for it.It's pure innocence weaponized and capable of dispelling almost all magics, especially effective against demons to the point of making even big demon lords "worried" about Magik.
>>114954513>>114954331I don't think that "Demon" would be the proper word what what Strombringer encompasses
>>114953705>how dare you not be in awe of my dumb fantasy sword
>>114949754Sounds like just another artifact of unbelievable blah blah blah, some villain would get it and be a big deal for a couple of days and after that it would be locked away in the Tower of Fate until some writer needs a mcguffin
>>114954784>>114954735>Tower of FateAt least chose a place that would work. DC has already borrowed similar ideas
>>114954636It amazes me how you continue to prove the point in your furious retardation.
>>114951046Doom can do some really dumb shit if he's convinced it's what's best for Latveria.
>>114954839Low energy reply champ
>>114954735Realistically Diana it would show up in JLD as a mcguffin for Diana, it would be the center of some plot that lasts 5-6 issues at best before being sealed in Fates tower after that it would be forgotten
>>114955028>>114955011Fate's Tower is literally one of the worst places to place it.Throwing it in the source would probably work better than that, lmao
>>114955011Putting Stormbringer in Fate's Tower quickly ends with it raping and eating Nabu alive, turning the Tower into a screaming husk of a thing/new incarnation of the Black Blade, and promptly erasing the multiverse.Out of an entire setting full of mystical places of imprisonment, Fate's Tower is one of the most terrible for this kind of thing. Nabu has already well and proven that forces of sufficient power and CHAOS cause him to literally lose his fucking mind, let alone something like the Black Blade.
>>114948475In DC I guess it would just be part of the whole Order vs. Chaos thing, since I imagine DC knicked that from Moorcock to begin with.In Marvel I dunno isn't like the sword Black Knight uses already it?Either way, not even Stormbringer at its peak as an aspect of the Black Blade is powerful enough to rock the almighty Status Quo.
>>114949877>>114949976A god killing soul eater sword ain't exactly an original idea
>>114955172It was a less beaten path back when Moorcock was first writing his Elric stuff.
>>114955210>>114955158I don't remember where it "wound up" after the Elric-Conan stuff in Marvel. The Ebony BLade is kind of similar I guess
>>114955134Fine it can get dumped in the JLD's warehouse for dangerous artifacts
>>114955172Stormbringer set the trend.
>>114956285Fat fucking chance, jap mythology did that shit hundreds of years ago
>>114949754>Elric Stormbringer is a sentient sword that eats souls and can slay even gods & those who exist beyond. Stromrbinger siphons off the energy from the souls it swallows to itself and the wielder.Wow. Was the Soul Reaver based off this? because it's pretty much exactly what you described. Right down toe the emphasis on god slaying.
>>114955134So it can eat Nabu without cutting him? That's fucking dumb why even make it a sword if it doesnt need to cut something
>>114956392And the bible did it before the Japs. What's your point? Stormbringer still set the trend; modern day dark/sword&fantasy owe a lot to Moorcock's works.
>>114949754>Elric Stormbringer is a sentient sword that eats souls and can slay even gods & those who exist beyondThat just sounds like a crossover event villain
>>114956530>And the bible did it before the Japs.The hell are you referring to? The lance of longinus? That shit don't eat souls and it didn't pierce Jesus till after he was dead.
I thought the idea that Holla Forums didn't read anything outside of cape books and fanfics was ludicrous, but this thread seems indicative.
>>114956709We'll see how much further I get, I'm pretty tried
>>114956724I appreciate you, user. I only read the book collections myself (and the Blondel comics,) but I've always wanted to collect the issues you're posting now.
>>114955172Same design
>>114956806>>114956775Yeah, someone put up the downloads a couple years back here. I can put these up on mega
>>114956608Why read a bunch of shit that no one ever talk about?
>>114956530>And the bible did it before the Japs.
This doesn't seem incredibly divorced from cape sensibilities.
>>114950839So in other words it's an annoying fly to be swatted by Perfect Lex's final form once he's finished absorbing Martian Manhunter, then.
>>114957075>>114956775Here are volumes
Stormbringer is only an aspect of the Black Blade, and not even the strongest aspect of it. It would do well enough as a legendary artifact, but it's hardly unstoppable. Stormbringer does not have all the qualities of the Black Blade, nor can it suddenly jump up to full Black Blade tier just because it wants to.Provided no other aspects of the Black Blade are reflected in the universes, Stormbringer will feast on souls, kill a few gods, but not shake the place too much. After all, there's no real Law there to have fun with. Just some mortals (by its view), and fuckin' with mortals is something it can do anywhere.
>>114956798They are not even hiding it, this is people denying that Sentry is a Superman satire/rip off all over again when his whole story was clearly a "what if Superman existed at Marvel all along"
>>114956425At sufficient power and connection to its archetype, it doesn't need to physically do anything to fuck over Nabu. It isn't a sword. It's an aspect of the Anti-God.
>>114949754>Stormbringer is satanIn the book The Quest for Tanelorn, a character claims that the demon in the sword is named Shaitan – a variant of 'Satan', and in Arabic a word meaning a devil, if not the Devilhell in the book stormbringer the sword morphs into satan.
>>114948475Even within Moorcock's own mythos, the Eye of Rhynn and the Hand of Kwll are cooler artifacts than the various Stormbringers.
>>114957105It CAN summon all the other million+ aspects of the Black Blade if it wants, however. That's an explicit thing it can do. So whilst it might not be the strongest aspect, it can summon the ones that *are*. Even at its lower tiers of power, it's a casually universe-ending threat.Stormbringer isn't particularly great if you look at the Black Blade on a whole. But on a micro scale, it's still beyond dangerous.
>>114956608>nu-Holla Forums>reading anything outside of Big Two capeshitI laugh at you sir.
>>114957196Stormbringer's abilities seem limited by the reality its inhabiting, the balance of Chaos and Law therein, how much its been feed on the powers of that realm and even the level of high magic.It's rarely omnipotent under most circumstances.In Corum's reality, it was just a stabby magic sword more or less.
>>114957196The question is why would it bother? There's no Law here to undermine, no Balance to play at maintaining or tip. Simply by existing even for a moment, the universe it's in will eventually fall to Chaos, whether in a week or in a quadrillion years. No other blades necessary.
>>114957254The two sorcerer siblings (that were the size of towers), required not only 4 aspects of Stormbringer to defeat, but it also had to tear energy from adjacent dimensions to do it.Stormbringer is not omnipotent, or even the most powerful sentient thing in its own mythos. Rhynn and Kwll could easily be more powerful, for example.
>>114957290That's what I was saying. I was talking about the blade calling all the other iterations of the Black Sword into the universe for some silly reason. Why would it invite the ones stronger than itself, especially? It hates those guys.
>>114956798Also both are sapient beings that are part of a deity
>>114957323All the sword summoning was pretty much the climax of a reality that had already been pretty much fucked, wasn't it?I feel its kinda like Surtur at Ragnarok, pivotal moments give it abilities wildly beyond what the powers of Balance normally allow it to bring to bear.
>>114956939Is that an edit?
>>114950754Why do you keep making this post?
>>114957615They all look confused.
>>114956420By how the archetypes work, they're the same sword, in different universes.
>>114957644>>114957628Thousands of years of sleep probably does that to you
>>114948475What archetypes exist beyond the black blade and the champion?
>>114948475Can the sword kill something without a soul?
>>114956530>the thing I like just happens to be the most influential thing ever
>>114957735>>114957695ATM I can only remember the Champion's companion
>>114957290>Rhynn and Kwll could easily be more powerful, for example.It's quite possible, given how they trashed Law and Chaos. But by that same token, Kwll is also quite possibly Captain Quelch of Singularity, where he literally spends all his time giving lip-service to the Original Insect (notably inferior to the full Black Blade/Anti-Balance), so who knows.
>>114957154Lame, it's clearly a sword. To ignore the entire point of its visual is warcraft tier shit right there
>>114956392Jap mythology created this sword design and the legend about a sword that is actually a sapient supernatural being that is an lesser aspect of a higher supernatural being?
>>114957769It's different in every reality. In several, it might choose to be a sword. In another, it's a katana. In another, it's an axe (As in, a wood-cutters axe, not a war axe). In some other, it's a hammer. In countless more, it doesn't even manifest as shit we'd recognize as weapons in any real sense.In one extreme case, an aspect of the Black Blade is an entire being. Namely Lucifer, who would go on to champion Law in the form of Singularity, in worship of the Original Insect.
>>114948475>This thread is filled with people who unironically shit on Superman>those same people genuinely beleive that this edgy nonsense sword is the coolest shit ever
>>114957822You've really made me lose faith in what I thought was a cool as shit fantasy sword
>>114957858Hey, it's not my fault that Moorcock's cosmology is fucking weird mate. I just tell it how it is.
>>114957858It feels like they just wanted to connect every protagonist mcguffin from their various franchises into one single thing, so to avoid making up an infinite number of backstories they will simply use one common source for them all.
>>114957826The black blade is literally Superman if he were a sword (and an edgefag instead of a moralfag) they are the exact same level of "powerful beyond powerful" most significant person/thing across the multiverse
>>114957887That I can understand, but I'm still salty about the sick looking sword not even needing to bother with the basic functionality of a sword
>>114957907Actually from what lore I'm picking up from this thread and some googling, he's the eternal champion of his world.
>>114957907>they are the exact same level of "powerful beyond powerful" most significant person/thing across the multiverseThat is not even Superman, and what you described is actually the Hulk.
>>114957936Considering every Eternal Champion has an aspect of the Black Blade in some form, then it becomes a question of what's his?
>>114957822>It's different in every reality. In several, it might choose to be a sword. In another, it's a katana. In another, it's an axe (As in, a wood-cutters axe, not a war axe). In some other, it's a hammer. In countless more, it doesn't even manifest as shit we'd recognize as weapons in any real sense.Says who? I've read several different Eternal Champion novels, and its always been a sword, and the Champion always dimly remembers wielding "a sword somewhat like it" from previous incarnations.This sounds like something you've pulled from your ass. Stop spouting fanboy hyperbole like some weeb.
>>114958028>>114957999There are some connections between the black blade and Jerry Cornelius' needle gun, but imo even with Moorcock it is kind of reaching
>>114957957In some ways, you could say his kryptonian blood, something typically used for evil in his setting, but he against all odds manages to use for good.In other ways, you could say it's Ultraman, his evil counterpart, whom he can only access his most powerful primordial form by fusing with.
>>114958043They don't even HAVE anything resembling the sword in Dancers at the End of Time, though they encounter Elric at one point, and Stormbringer seems pretty well neutered in that timeline. And I thought Cornelius was an aspect of the Companion to Champions, not the Champion himself (though he also says their roles overlap occasionally).
>>114957942Looks like somebody hasn't read enough DC events, hulks just the strongest monster and I'm not talking about strength. he doesnt come close to Supermans insignificance in the universe, the multiverse and DC as a setting
>>114958053Stop posting rubbish images in this guys storytime. Holla Forums has few rules of behavior but that is one that is universally respected.
>>114958066>>114958060That's why I think it is kind of a reach when people try to bring up the Needle Gun
>>114958074Except this isn't a storytime thread, this is a discussion thread that someone is posting a full comic in.
>>114957999>Says who?Says Jerry Cornelius' Needle Gun for one (Jerry is a confirmed manifestation of the Eternal Champion, with the Banning Gun being his version of the Black Sword). Stormbringer itself has shifted form into a black jewel before and other things, so shapeshifting isn't even limited to specific instances of the thing.This isn't even debatable outside of people STILL being confused as to what Jerry is, despite it being spelt out.
>>114958071At larger aspect of being Superman is nothing more than a "constant" just like Spider-Man was stated to be, just like Thanos and Dr Doom were stated to be.Hulk in the other hand is the choosen one by God dark side to have infinite power (the power literally comes from God evil side) and destroyed the multiverse through him.
>>114958145Fuck off. First, everyone knows what the Superfaggatron 3000 looks like. Second, its become a storytime since almost the beginning of the thread. Go blow Superman's dick in one of the many DC threads.
>>114958165"Farewell, friend. I was a thousand times more evil than thou."
>>114958171literally cry more
Question: What is the appeal of Elric stories?Conan stories are escapist fantasy, where you picture yourself doing the things the protagonist is doing. Does anybody identify with Elric?
>>114958185Well, he's edgy, nihilistic with a black sense of humor...
>>114958178This is why you dont trust cool swords you find in mysterious places or given to you by aquatic bimbo. There's always a catch. You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you.
>>114958060>And I thought Cornelius was an aspect of the Companion to Champions, not the Champion himself (though he also says their roles overlap occasionally).Don't have the page on me, but it's left ambiguous, leaning more towards him being yet another aspect of the Champion than anything else.M'v Okom Sebpt O'Riley also wielded the Banning Gun as an aspect of the Eternal Champion, firmly confirming its status as a manifestation of the Black Sword, even if you don't accept Jerry to be one.
>>114949877and the Soul Gem.
>>114958194>>114958185I mean, he s basically the "Anti-Conan"
>>114958208And that is all of Russell's Stormbringer
>>114958205If this comes from Moorcock himself I'll have to accept it, although if it is, he surely appears to be whoring himself for relevance and monies.
>>114958185Nah. The setting is cool, but it's just basically 'everything is corrupt', 'man is evil', 'this world is in decline', and then it finishes it with 'there is no hope, everything dies, and your only hope was a lie all along, using you."The End.It's like a story that ends with 'Fuck You."
>>114958234Everyone DOES die though. Except Elric, who just keeps going through this shit as a multiversal janitor/hitman.
>> really should read some Superman before you try and act like an authority
>>114958234Don't worry user, when you pass, you will be whisked to a special cloud theme park where you will be the center of attention and your every need catered to forever and ever and ever, and Magic Sky Father will give you daily hugs and your pupper will be there as your pal.
>>114958230Basically all of the Chaos Engineer stuff (of which Oriley is one, on top of being the Eternal Champion) comes directly from Moorcock.Also, the Black Jewel was Another manifestation of the Black Sword, and that was even earlier than the Banning Gun.
>>114948475Dane carries the original already
>>114958288I'm not familiar with it, but a lot of older writers just stamp their name on "collaborative works" and collect their percentage. Usually they are upfront about the "collaboration" tho.I'm just not familiar with any of his recent work, and it doesn't seem that appealing.
>>114949877>>114949976>>114956285>Never heard of the Ebony sword, created a whole decade before any Eric's bullshitFucking normies.
>>114958161Are you high? Superman has always been the golden boy of the universe, the shining star of reality, the biggest deal in creation
>>114958185It's dark fantasy with a grim and tragic protagonist, why would you assume it doesn't have a target audience?
>>114958205>>114958288There was also the White Crow (who is an avatar of Elric on top of being the Eternal Champion) who wielded the Black Sword in the form of a lance.The Black Sword has its aspects *primarily* manifest as blades or similar implements, but it absolutely does not need to. Much like the Holy Grail, it can appear as anything it wants.
>>114955251Yeah, a path that Marvel's Black Knight already took before Stormbringer was even a thing.
>>114958358Plz explain, I dont know my marvel as well as I should
>>114958358At their core, the swords are fundamentally different. It's why Corum's sword is named "Traitor", because the swords are fated to kill the wielder at the end of the story. The Ebony Sword is a little different in that regard in that you "can" overcome its darker nature
>>114958409The Ebony Blade is a magical black sword that corrupts its user and craves for killing, its extretremely powerful and can cut most things thanks to magic.It goes without saying, the sword was created years before any of Moorcock's stuff.
>>114956420The Soul Reaver is Raziel, you time travel and see how you get your vampiric soul fucked into it.
>>114958493that doesn't sound fundamentally different, the just have different endings
>>114958493You can only keep down the curse of the sword by not killing.Btw i was replying to people saying that the Necrosword is a Strombringer's rip-off (when the two shares no similarities or functions) while not knowing that Marvel already did the cursed black sword in unsuspected times (although i'm sure those people will never call the Stormbringer a rip-off even though the two magical artifacts are basically the same)
>>114958493>fundamentallyYou should have used "slightly".
God slaying, universe ending, soul fucking magic bullshit items are a dime a dozen in DC. Superman either stores it safely away in his fortress, gives it to Doctor Fate who depowers the sword or Supes just straight up breaks it.
>>114958636it's really not as significant when taken out of it's series and put in a series that has been doing this shit forever
>>114958757It's the Outside Context Problem/Villain in reverse. Like imagine Godzilla showing up in the Friends tv show or the Anti-Monitor suddenly appearing in RWBY. It's entirely out of context for the setting and shits on everything.This sword would be getting that in reverse, it would be thrown into a world where fucking everything is as powerful or even more powerful than it.
>>114949804Why does Holla Forums consistently have awful taste?
>>114958636>>114958757>>114958881Considering I've seen these almost rehearsed responses for literally anything and everything thrown at DC (including shit that would objectively and definitively shit on it), please don't be surprised when other people say you're full of shit.
>>114959017>(including shit that would objectively and definitively shit on it)such as?
>>114959024In no real order:>Digimon>Doctor Who>The Xeelee>Downstreamers>Umineko>Ultraman, oddly enough>Outer GodsAnd probably hundreds of other things that have been brought up and dismissed by DCfags without even a basic understanding of whatever the fuck they're talking about. It's like watching a never-ending Looney Toons gag.
>>114959044>Doctor WhoDunno about the rest of that list, but at the highest end there is literally nothing from who that can compete with he highest end of DC, even in the most wanked audiobooks.The main question I want to ask is: what in DC are you comparing these verses to? Seems like you're talking "flagship well known DC vs high end obscure bullshit", probably just because those are the things that show up in these threads. Sure the Time Lords shit on Martian Manhunter or whomever, but the high end DC cosmics and meta characters absolute annihilate any similar who beings from who. They have 1000x more scaling to build off and don't just rely on vague statements and wank.
>>114959044this list is hilarious, if you actually sincerely believe this than you have made my day
>>114958881DC's just too big and has been going on for too long, it's highest tiers have been snowballing for decades. no one series could ever come close to matching every unimaginable feat that has happened in the last 8 decades. this really shouldn't upset people nearly as much as it does
>>114958881>the Anti-Monitor suddenly appearing in RWBY.
>>114959285this concept, that dozens upon dozens of writer's have tried to leave their mark on a single character for 8 actual decades, is so far above the heads of people who don't read these comics. We are talking about a character who has been, since day 1 toted as the strongest hero of them all, able to leap higher than anyone, able to survive in scenario's that would swallow any other hero before, and this was simply the starting point. Era after era you have have writer after writer after writer, trying to push him to even greater heights and even more unimaginable feats.
>>114959409Is there any better example of this than 1 shotting a guy who sits literally infinitely higher than a being that can hold a multiverse with in hands?
>>114959457I can name a bunch of crazy high end shit but I don't have any examples better than the one you brought up
>>114958499Sounds like a lot of the legends surrounding Murasame.
>>114959573I always wonder how many are actual legends and how many came from anime / video games / comics / movies
>>114959623Thing is, those are actual legends. Anything pulling from historical myths are just retellings of those stories in a new medium rather than word of mouth.
>>114958071Hulk's been retconned to be the mortal conduit of the One-Below-All, an infinite source of rage and hate and supposed to be second only to the One-Above-All. Of course they've since been retconned to not be able to handle an eggplant after he powers up enough so marvel remains as retarded as ever.
>>114959623They were cursed sword in the japanes folklore because just like in most societies the damnatio memoriae, and people had to remove the sign from the swords in order to use them since they were considered illegal.The main legend is that after you unsheathe it you have to kill someone, but that was more of a jinx thing rather than a curse.Most of the other stuff came with anime, mangas and games.
>>114959916That's cool, and a big deal if you're specifically reading Hulk comics, but itll never be mentioned in an X-men book or a marvel wide event. It's just not the same. But when you hop to the Distinguished Competition, doesnt matter if your reading Batman or Wonder Woman or the Flash, Superman is still the absolute golden champion of the setting
>>114959879Ya but tons of stuff got added to those retellings, to serve the setting of the stories. Demon this and legendary that
>>114959916>to not be able to handle an eggplant after he powers up enoughTOAA handled Thanos just right, he removed any personality from him, making him neutral.You should not get your information out of shitposting, Hulk is also not a conduit and it won't be the shell of TOBA up until the end of the multiverse.