You know the drill. Post those cute boys like there is no tomorrow.
Holla Forums boys thread
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>>114947530I love him
>>114947540I think you need short shorts
Do you like brainy guys or dumb guys?
>>114947540Wow, you are fast. I can understand you, I can't stop thinking about my son too. I love him so much no one will ever know what it is when you wake up and he is not there, sleeping right next to you.
>>114947590Dipper's cool
Are wooden boys acceptable?
>>114947573both are good, but dumb guys are almost always cute
>>114947738As a Russian, this is both cursed and wholesome.
I like to think of him as a teenagerHe's too perfect
>>114947810For some reason no one gives a shit about Bergy, which is very disappointing.
>>114947590What do you like about him?
Thoughts on crossdressing guys?
>>114947918good, but less "girly" guys crossdressing and unashamed crossdressing are underrated
>>114947991I like unashamed girly guys crossdressing
>>114947885EVERYTHING. I like his voice, his face, his personality. He's a great brother - really, he's amazing. I love everything about him. He doesn't have a single flaw. If he said "Ah", then I would be like "Ah! Ah! Dipper said "Ah!" That's how much I love him. When something sad happens to him, I feel sad too. I really want him to be happy. Forever and ever. I want to make sure he lives without a single regret. I love him. Super love him. It pains me that I will never be able to hug him, to congratulate him, to praise him, to touch him, to live with him, to create new memories with him. He's everything to me.
>>114948138You sure have a lot of dedication
>>114947540Me too, user. Me tooI just wanna hug him and pet him and maybe some lewd things too
Read webcomics.>>114947573Either smart, but shy loners or dumb, but gentle and compassionate jocks. There is no in-between.>>114947918As long as they're still boyish looking.
I'm really enjoying their show. The gross humor is offputing sometimes, but overall it's a very fun cartoon. The misery tasting wizard is probably my favorite cartoon villain of all times, I just love the way he talks about all those negative emotions.
>>114948631I passed this up initially since it was only designed by Jhonen and he didn't really have anything else to do with itShould probably check it outAlso Dib a good boy too. I prefer original Dib
Is there a reason why you all post on Holla Forums rather than /cm/. Cause I use the /cm/ Holla Forums boys thread.
>>114948938Don't forget that every once in a while a series will spawn its own thread!pic related
>>114948888At first I found artstyle weird to look at, but then I got used to it. You just gotta love these dorks. Also Randy is pretty hot.
>>114948888Would a Dipper/Dib supernatural investigator duo work?
>>114948938I want to use it too, but for some reason no one uses it. Though honestly I prefer faster threads.
>>114948938I lurk, but Holla Forums has more traffic flow, and some shows get their own threads that people go to instead.
>>114949251I like that Marco
>>114949289I mean, we are in 4chan, so....
>>114949315Being a tranny or a pedestrist is unbased though i could understand teenage girls however.
>>114948522>As long as they're still boyish lookingHow so?
>>114949289>Ben 10What a joke
Do you actually own anything that's connected to your favorite boy? Like an accessory, similar clothing/full-on cosplay, or maybe a poster? If it's something you can wear, how often do you wear it?
>>114949939>Joke Why are you referring to your pic?
>>114949995I posted it.
>>114950008Ok. Have you tried dressing like him?
>>114949289Some you (you)'d are actual adults lol
>>114950033You think he actually cares?
>>114948138Well, here he is
>>114949910Like this. Dipper's crossdressing as a bunny girl, but you can still tell he's a boy.
>>114947530I like Ben he's cute no homo
>>114950223Oh fuck yeah that's top tier.I have a nice one like that with shota Steven but his bulge looks a bit too obvious to post even under a spoiler
>>114950517>no homoWhy? Just be true to yourself.
>>114950517I like the reboot's Kevin even though I've never watched Ben 10.
>>114950223Those are the best. Never really liked "draw a girl call it a boy" traps.
>>114950676Also frilly dresses on boys are the shit.
Partially related
>>114950703I wanted these two to fuck so bad
>>114950730That's pushing it i wouldn't mind Kevin though he's been in the franchise since forever
>>114950703I like it when mouth animation has a lip biting frame. Sorry for Miko, too lazy to edit.
>>114950702>>114950715What about crossdressing guys that like it?
>>114949954Ooh, missed this. I have Steven's shirt from the movie. I wanted the jacket but I missed it..As for other Holla Forums boy I like, I have Finn's hat and Dipper's, but it's one of the fanmade ones. The color matches better than the official one I saw tho
Do western-made VNs count as Holla Forums?
>>114951310What make you love Ben?
>>114951057That's cute. Not sure if I have enough guts to wear pink jacket, but his shirt is manageble.Aside for Dipper's cap, I also have a red t-shirt and some random vest, so I can pretty much dress as him. Obviously shorts like his are out of question. His outfit is so down to earth almost anyone can somewhat cosplay as him.
>>114951340Nostalgia for the show also his dynamics with rook in ov
What do you think of Sailor Homeworld?
>>114951373>That's cute. Not sure if I have enough guts to wear pink jacket, but his shirt is manageble.Yeah, that's kinda why I'm not too upset that I ended up missing that jacket. I prefer my fandom clothing to be a bit subtle. The little stars on the inside are super cute tho>Aside for Dipper's cap, I also have a red t-shirt and some random vest, so I can pretty much dress as him. Obviously shorts like his are out of question. His outfit is so down to earth almost anyone can somewhat cosplay as him.funny you say that because I remember his VA wearing a Dipper (technically it was Tyrone, he had the number on his hat) right around the beginning of the series and I'm pretty sure he made a comment about how easy it was to throw together lol>>114951587My first thought? makes me miss the beginning of the series when the gems were presented more as magic than alien so the premise of the series was kinda "magical girl, but a chubby boy"
>>114950604Patrician user >>114950643Reboot is trash
>>114951649Yeah, I would also like to be subtle. I don't think I will ever wear his cap, I just bought it because I wanted to have it. It's more of a symbolic item. I'm really awkward and GF is very popular, I don't think I can bear it. But I might go out dressed like him minus cap this summer, it's not so obvious.Didn't know his jacket has little stars, this is adorable.
>>114951960Is he even supposed to be human? I still can't understand his design.
>>114951960>>114951981been curious about Midnight Gospel, I've been hearing mixed things>>114952108>I don't think I will ever wear his cap, I just bought it because I wanted to have it. It's more of a symbolic item. I'm really awkward and GF is very popular, I don't think I can bear it.I'm awkward as hell and I've worn it out before, only had it recognized a few times. tho GF is getting a second wave of popularity via SU crossovers so I'm not sure how much that would change. haven't exactly been out lately..>Didn't know his jacket has little stars, this is adorable.Not in the show itselfdon't know if it's for animation purposes or to make the jacket for sale look a bit more unique but it's super cute either way. The pic i had posted back there was done by one of the storyboard artists
>>114950109That's an awfully high pitched scream
>>114949166>another Chiro-loverI thought I was the only one who remembered this show
>tfw no smol choccy elf bf
>>114952108Dipper's outfit seems comfy to.wear
>>114952568I need to see new episodes, I stopped watching it when they took a break for the second time.
>>114953292The ghost guy seems cute
>>114953320Which one is your favorite?
>>114949289>>114949289all me :)
>>114955454Use saucenao, or open literally any pixiv picture and just replace numbers with the numbers from filename.
>>114949345Imagine being this dumb
>>114949289/co/ + Holla Forums are the pedo nests and its pretty rampant, hard to browse these days since you can see the slow approach to the day when they will post outright CP. It's very obvious this is beyond shitposting: Fucking a child is a great dream of theirs.If you'll notice pedo's use the same logic as trannies do, and if you'll notice LGBT have to legitimately slap them away everytime they try to make their sexual urges for children normailzed.I have never seen a sexualized child art enthusiast ever defend their tastes beyond the epic 4chan single word responses. Protip: They can't
>>114955930Yeah you got the script, we get it
>>114956030/co/ is nowhere near the levels of /a/ and Holla Forums. They just aren't ,there isn't as much traffic and there isn't as much material to work with
>>114956056>isn't as much material to work with>On a board where every cartoon(i.e. not comics) character is a 15 year old.
>>114956030I'm 100% certain you fap to Jenny XJ9, Raven/Starfire and tribe war girls without knowing they are the same age
>>114956088I'll bite>Two wrongs make a rightTry harder pedo, i see you're damage control tactics hard to justify your urges. Protip: You can't
>>114956056>>114956088Pedophile cope >>114956135>>114956030Based
>>114956135You didn't say no, admit it because I know you doFrankly some of these in this thread are too young, the characters in the 17 year old range are the good ones. Of course you replied to posts with actual over 20 year olds in this thread saying pedo so
>>114956147Please reply to everyone in this thread with pedophile cope so I know you're for real>>114937137
>>114955578Used, no results
>>114956214>he didn't say noI was in highschool once, dancing on the edge of being a child and a man, I fapped without any knowledge of the implications. One day you notice, but you have to override the coomer within, you are not young enough to fit the age ranges for these kind of relationships any more. If you are, I hope you realize these tastes need to be curbed after a certain age. If you don't you will slowly astroturf your own brain to unironically see pedophilic activity as wholesome and/or worthy.
>>114956083Try doing that with videogames or anime, brainlet.
>>114956232Why would i do that?
>>114957038Because fapping to Teen Titans girls is pedophile
>>114956679>anime>the literal entry level media type for burgeoning pedophilesDo you know what world you live in? I mean not all anime is pedo shit but for fucks sake.
>>114957340Try getting some reading comprehension before respond to someone's post
>>114957178And i don't what's your point? I'm not going to waste energy yelling at drawn c.p although calling them on them depravity and watching them cope is pretty funny sometimes
>>114956030>>114956147>You need to lose rights because it hurts my FEELINGSCringe and delusional beyond belief.
>>114956030Go back to twitter you falseflagger. We all know you're some angry anti-shipper LARPing as a Holla Forumsfaggot.
>lusting after straight boysRead webcomics for canon homo.
>>114950884I love that
>>114959259They're still never going to fuck you user
>>114947540HNNNNGthis is my fetish and there's not enough of it
>>114959553>being a self-insertfagI would never. There is nothing purer than the love between boys.
>>114959259What's this?
>>114959633Paper Roses, a webcomic about a robot and his love for a human boy.
There are gay pedophiles in this thread.
Is anyone here a fujo? Is there a process to becoming one?
>>114959738You need to file the proper paperwork at the nearest townhall in your vicinity to be properly registered as a fujo
Fuck off, Holla Forums is a guys only board. There are two whole boards on 4chan for your kind.>>>/cm/>>>/y/
>>114959947>implying this thread isn't crawling with guys
>>114960035Fujos pretending to be boys so they can eRP with each other don't count.
>>114956299>Used, no results
>wake up>all this pedo talkWhy do you have to be like this? Just, just don't reply to any of these people. Leaving them be is much more insulting than engaging with them in "discussion". In the end, if you don't break any laws, you are in the right.On other hand, I guess thanks for bumping this thread, I am able to post more cute boys for one more day.