>>114947505I hate everything that's been done to Kingdom Hearts after the first game.
Gonna be shit.
>Source is We Got This CoveredLiterally worthless and fakeThough I should note this would be the third Donald Duck animated series in the last several years
>>114947505Meh, does Disney have enforced gay sex like Netflix?
>>114947505Adaptation or spinoff?Live action, 2D animated, or 3D animated?These are CRITICAL questions and one wrong answer is the difference between this being the best thing since KH2 or the worst thing since KH3.
>>114947505But will it have Zootopia world?
>>114947564>enforced gay sexPlease explain
>>114947564>complaining about gay sex>In Kingdom HeartsNigga, that's like complaining about nudity at Playboy Mansion...
>>114947505>not animeit's gonna be shit
Kingdom hearts had a manga so it can be done but why make a tv show to a video game. The game will always be better.
>>114947505autism kino?
>>114947593It's not happening, We Got This Covered is the "source" and they make up shit to see what sticks and is "proven right"
>>114947626If Sora isn't getting NORTED in every orifice it doesn't count
>>114947651to tell a new story that is canon to make yet another thing that you have to invest in in order to understand the overall plot.
>>114947505I want a Kilala Princess series instead
I never played Kingdom Sharts but from the looks of it most people prefer the human OC characters rather than disney's. Don't see this is going to appeal to anyone
>written by justapancake
>>114947505>>114947557>reportedlyThere are those weaselly words you gotta watch out for like "reported".
>>114947505>Kingdom Hearts Based>made in 2020oh noThat would've been great if it came out during the mid -00's
I hope so. Kingdom Hearts in my favorite franchise of all time.
>>114947723>407 articles, an average of one "scoop" about the MCU per dayWow, guess they really do got this covered
I don't get the appeal of this cringefest
>>114948033Woody talking shit to an edgy anime boy was cringe kino. When it's OCs only is just cringe
Im fucking so happy now this made my day.
>>114947505Didn’t they try this before but got canned only after a few storyboards in?
>>114947505So, a western cartoon, not an anime?
>>114947697Wait, there are people out there thst actually understand the plot in its entirety?
I can see this work->It's going to be live actionNevermind. For fucks sakes
>>114947505You know what, I'm actually glad for this.This whole entire franchise has been the best for two things: metal gear solid plot and the two most jarring types of characters thtrown together. Bishie sissyboys for the eastern audiences and 1980s esque disney cartoons in infinitezipper suits. Just the fact that it exists is so bizarre to me. Perfect for Disney+, a fucking burning wreckage of a service.
>>114948509As someone who's seen the original BBS teaser since 2007, yes
>>114948493Neither insidethemagic.net
>>114948596So what is darkness? What is light? What are hearts? Are hearts light or darkness? Is Kindom Hearts light or darkness?
>>114948602>Live actionThey'd better fucking not.
>>114948033I feel like non-fans of the series take it more seriously than actual fans do.
>>114948602For me it's live action Goofy
>>114948702Funny. Most of the time I hear that, the fans quickly jump and its dick and claim only stupid people think it's overly complicated
>>114948662Start from the first game and go from there. It's best you do release order rather than chronological order
>>114948662>So what is darkness?An obtuse way of saying "evil" > What is lightAn equally obtuse way of saying "good" >What are heartsBasically souls>Are hearts light or darknessNeither. A heart can either welcome darkness or light, welcoming too much of the former and you become a heartless, basically a monster made of pure evil >Is Kindom Hearts light or darknessAt this point who fucking cares? I've been following KH since the first game and I honestly cannot tell you what function Kingdom Hearts serves other than it being an obvious McGuffin
And it turns out to be integral to the plot of Kingdom Hearts 4>>114948873Actually, those first two aren't quite right, and the third is technically right, but the term "soul" also exists and means something different, so it's kinda confusing.
>>114948673>A Kingdom Hearts show is finally possibly getting made.>It's live fucking action.
>>114948907Oh lookie here, it's the "well actually" squadYes, I know KH has the term "soul" in it, but for any reasonable person it doesn't actually fucking mean that. Heart fits the description of a soul in any actual theological/philosophical sense in the series than their horseshit description of what a "soul" is.Also yes, I know the games like to pull the "well actually light and dark don't represent good and evil and they're just forces of nature" shit. But that doesn't mean shit when we have seen fuck all from the "tyranny of light", and every asshole who wants to conquer/destroy the universe has been a dark user, the only exception has been Riku, who has secondary main character points and frankly nothing he does ever screams "dark".
>>114949076Am I really part of the "well actually" squad if I'm not a fan of it though?
>>114949097Then why do you care?
>>114947505See if they ever did make a cartoon or anime they just need to use the manga. A fucking 358/2 Days tv series with just Roxas and the Organization getting up to stupid shit would be a fun time
>>114947505Let me guess:>instead of properly adapting the story for a visual medium they'll just try to cram it into the already existing convoluted mess that is the timeline and end up right in the Dream-Drop-Bucket(the trashcan)Side note, I think it could benifit from having multiple mediums like traditional 2d, flash animation, CGI animation, and Live action depending on the original world.Maybe completely re-imagine the story and bring in some tv shows into the universe but keep this entire thing an adaptation, not a remake or a "(FF7)remake"
How in the hell will they manage to adapt Tetsuya Nomura's style into Live Action?
>>114947505>trying to actually turn this into a show>implying anyone can even find the fucking plot
It's not that hard to follow if you just play the games or watch cutscenes.They usually dump all the lore at the final planet in each game anyway.
>>114947505fuck nomainly because of what >>114947527 saidit was incredibly obvious that disney screwed with the plot of 3 just by looking at certain worlds like frozen
>>114949648>Not KH1 Sora
>>114949702He's underage.
>>114948033>>114948080>woody called the big bad a friendless loserI was laughing my ass off and had to pause the game
>>114949712I know
>>114949727Uh, hello? BASED Department?
>>114949191Just like making fun of Kingdom Hearts.The terminology being complicated included.>Hearts aren’t hearts, they’re sould, but there are also souls that are something else>Light is good, dark is bad, except these twenty times when dark was good, but light is pretty much always good>Keyblades are special and rare>Everybody gets a keyblade>I want those shards!
Why is it popular to hate Kingdom Hearts now?
>>114948509It's one of those things that is fairly straightforward, but only if you follow literally everything that comes out on every system and handheld because it's all important and nothing is going to take the time to explain what you missed but assume you know it anyway.It's kind of like the MCU in that way.
>>114949831>nowIt always was, only now there's also the people who used to be fans but were disillusioned by 3 joining in as well.
>>114949712But Sora is underage in all games
>>114949648Sora is only for Kairi.
>>114948029they've got some kinda shit covered thats for sure
>>114948602>HBOMax has them absolutely nailed in the weeabo department between Crunchyroll, Ghibli, and RWBY>A stylish Kingdom Hearts anime is just the thing to counter them>"Let's make it live action!"
>>114950006Why are those executives some of those most retarded people imaginable?
>>114950058Once you get to a certain point in the entertainment industry, you can only fall upwards
>>114949750Heartless are hearts without bodies, nobodies are bodies without hearts.
>>114947505Source is shit, and its a rumor anyways.But really, the vidya series had some popularity, and the games sold; but it doesnt justify to get a series. And the series CANT be live action, at all. It just doesnt work.Disney+ needs content, but doing this retarded projects noone asked is more damaging than helpfull.
>>114950058Cocaine and money makes everything a good idea.
>>114950079>heartless are hearts>no bodies are bodieshuh
>>114947779>100k+ subs for text to speech KH shitpost videos.What a lad.
>>114947522Based, Fuck everything after the first game. The first KH was pure magic, and they have failed time and fucking time again to recapture that.youtube.com
>>114947505"We need to save Disney+ with new content!""NEW, you say?">grinds every old Disney movie up in a blender>spices with every shitty anime trope in existence>pours resulting slurry onto a desk, watching it dribble over the sides"BRILLIANT MAN, WE'RE FUCKING SAVED"
>>114950006They don't need to counter anime, they need animation in generalClone Wars is done, they don't promote their other original cartoons (some of them are really good too), no one will give a shit about Monsters Inc and Proud Family is only going to niche so farHBO Max has a shit ton up to bat and Netflix is producing everything they can
>>114947522I liked first game best till I played the final mixes
>>114947505This will obviously be a disaster, but imagine for a moment, in a perfect world, that they cast Billy Zane as live action Ansem. It would be glorious.
>>114951570That would be fucking great I'll admit
>>114949567You don'tYou can'tYou literally can'tFuck anyone and everyone who thinks a live action adaption anything of Kingdom Hearts, unless its goofy shit on the internet done for fun, is EVER a good idea.
>>114947505the real question is, why disney never did a kingdom hearts movie, adaptation before?hell its blockbuster material!!
>>114948602Thats just the headline, no other article says for sure but instead just says "possibly" or "might be"
>>114951673They didn't want Sora stepping on Sophia the First's toes.
>>114947505>yfw this guy shows up
>>114948033the games are funif you think they're to easy, play the secret bosses
will there be moogles?
>>114947505Watch it be a Disney JR series
>>114947505>Kingdom Heart's story without the pesky gameplayThis isn't real but they should fire whoever suggested it if it was
>>114948033Awesome boss fights and wacky shit like the image you posted and the idea of Donald Duck canonically being one of if not the strongest caster in the Final Fantasy multiverse
>>114951871Eh i think it could be pretty popular. Just adapt the first game and advertise it as a disney crossover show. You can shove all the main story stuff into the last 2 episodes and let everything else be episodic adventures.
>>114950079That too.Except Nobodies can grow their own hearts after a while, so Roxas, who looks like Ventus, but is Sora's Nobody, has a heart in 3 that Sora is trying to find.And a person with a heart and a body is a Somebody, no I am not kidding.And technically Kingdom Hearts doesn't show up in either 1 or 2 because those were both artificial versions made by the games' villains.And Xehanort's voice has died TWICE now.And the first Organization XIII had 14 members, while the second one (the SEX Club) has at least 15.
I hope they flesh out Kairi's and Sora's relationship more. They have very little chemistry, only thing that felt more forced was Riku and Namine.
>>114951673They didn't seem to give a shit about it for nearly two decades until KH3. That's when they started to show commercials for it and actually sell merch.
>>114948602>live actionWell, that's the fastest I went from "Oh this could be real good!" to "I don't want this" in recent years.
>>114947505>took them like 4 games to completely erase any final fantasy reference so they could make a tv series.fuck you Disney
>>114950058Imagine being an executive for Disney and saying, without any irony, "animation? why would we bother with that?"
>>114952699I don't suppose there is any chance that bit is inaccurate...well assuming there is any accuracy in this being an actual thing in the first place.
>>114948509It's sad that the running joke that the games are hard to understand make people think they are literally incomprehensible. If you play the games in release order and don't just try to read a wiki the story is really fucking straightforward and not confusing at all
>>114948509It is straightforward enough. The problem is you need to be aware of all the pieces so people who just stick to the numbered games will be lost. Even then you can just watch a summary and be on track for the most partyoutube.com
Didn't they cancel Kevin Smith's Disney+ show for using too many Disney villains?
>>114951871I mean, it's just Naruto featuring Donald Duck. I actually like the story of the first game. They just have to capture the "feel" of it.
>>114952926I'd say KH is less complicated, but more that there's just a shit ton of things to remember, and it doesn't help that every "side game" released between II and III were non-optional and required you to play them to get what happens in III.I love the Kingdom Hearts series, but goddamn it does not do itself any favors with the mess of a story structure it has. Frankly it's abysmal in presentation.
>>114947505I hope it's live action.
>>114947505What the shit? What would this even be?
>>114951674>no other article says for sure but instead just says "possibly" or "might be"No other articles says "this could happen" besides We Got This Covered which is known to just make up shit to hope it actually gets announcedIt's actual fake news and not happening
>>114948579>live action What, with those spiky hairstyles?
>>114949567DUAL WEILD
>>114949586It'd be simple to turn this into a action TV show. You just need to segregate all the plot happenings to its own location so it doesn't contradict KH established plot/get retconed as soon as the next game.Just say that due to Xenonaught tampering with the Triforces, ahem Kingdom Hearts at the end of KH3, he accidentally released a surge of power that created a Reflection World nobody new about. And now for some reason or another the reflection world counterparts are evil and have kidnapped Mickey and all the good guys have to travel there and get the show rolling along.You could even sidestep the fact Sora is missing at the end of KH3 by having Donald and Goofy realize they are crap without him, and in a moment of despiration they use some kind of new magic/tech to 'Download' a digital Sora into the real world.Bam, self contained adventure.
>>114954030they just have to cast a black kid with an afro, it's basically the same thing
>>114947522This. Even CoM and KH2 was retarded. CoM had so much potential.
>>114947522I hate everything after the Second game.The second game was just dipping it's toes in bullshit before diving in in KHDDD
>>114949567What style? All he does is character design, and he does it in a way that challenges the Square devs.
>>114949712He doesn't age past 14 ever.
>>114950058Chapek slashed the budget to Galaxy's Edge. There's no way KH will be any good if Eisner's not back in the Exec's chair.>>114951570Yes.>>114951673Execs never had faith in it until it started crushing in the sales. By the time KH2 released, Eisner was gone from the company and Iger was poised on buying out Marvel.>>114951728KH is Disney related, and mods get lenient with most things Disney related.>>114952764You mean like the past 10 or so years? (Lion King Remake not withstanding)>>114953042Kingdom Keepers was published at the tail end of Eisner's reign, the same era which gave us Lilo & Stitch and House of Mouse. Iger and Chapek seem to want to return to return to an era where heroes and villains stay in their own worlds for some reason.>>114954030Nothing a good wig and hair stylist can't fix.
>>114955551>There's no way KH will be any good if Eisner's not back in the Exec's chair.Why the fuck do you think Eisner give half a shit about KH? Even then it was little more than a side project to Disney to get weeb bucks especially after Atlantis bombed.
>>114947505Can't get over the fact it might be live action
>>114947505Why putting the pic of Sora in Corona
>>114947522This except its the second game because of the better gameplay and forms.
>>114949712That's what makes it ideal
If they Start with KH1 I hope they get a new Sora voice actor.
>Netflix is making a live action Winx Club>Disney is making a live action Kingdom HeartsIt's they're admitting that all if these projects are just for money laundering without actually saying it.
If I skip the cutscenes and just play the game is Kingdom Hearts any good?
>>114957832It is. It’s the only reason why I still play the games. KH2FM is an ARPG like no other. Play on Critical Mode though.
They need to release the games on pc, dang it.
>>114947527It's gonna be canon and important to future games. You know this to be true.
>>114947527>no Aladdin, you cant come with us to Tron Land>Me Tarzan can't go BH6 Land, must stay here>Maleficent shows up >(FORESHADOWING) >nothing happens actually>SEASON FINALE CLIFFHANGER>next season in 3 years
>>114949725This. Woody is a fucking killer.
>>114957759It'd be necessary, but it's gonna be tough to top Little Haley. Even today Big Haley puts such earnestness into his performance.
>>114947564Watch when they make Axel gay so that the show has LGBT representation.
>>114949712How old is Sora anyways? The kids been getting visibly older and even spent a year on ice but has gone back home several times. And will his family ever be mentioned at all?
>>11495910016-17 as of kh3
>>114958995None of the main characters have any sexual interests in KH besides maybe Sora and kairi (or Riku) Besides that they’re all just really good platonic friends
>>114959107You know it’s amazing how unphazed he is by spending a good chunk of his childhood getting caught up in all this KH insanity.
>>114958995Impossible, Sora and Riku are already quite gay.
>>114947825>That would've been great if it came out during the mid -00'sSeconded, IIRC there was actually one that was in development during KH1's time frame but Eisner shitcanned it.
>>114954299We already have that "reflection world" bullshit thanks to Worldlines and Data Worlds.
>>114947749Oh wow, I remember that! Been forever since I read Princess Kilala. Can't even remember if it was good or not. Thanks for giving me something to re-read user.
>>114954927This. Though I have a guilty soft spot for BbS, just because of Mark Hamill and Leonard Nimoy.
>>114957759Sora's VA is a decent actor. He's just terrible because KH went from Disney to Degrassi. Him and Riku's VA had fun being evil
>>114959495>>114959531Would a KH Cartoon give us Manga Kairi?
>>114947658This. Also Disney already ruined it by not allowing Square to add any Disney stuff they didn't approve. There was a reason only the CG movies were included. Hercules was only added because they intended a tournament mode and that was it.
>>114959892Nomura ruined KH by writing it like Twilight.
I always wondered how a series would play out. It'd be a good opportunity to expand on some things.>Ep1: Dive into the Heart, Destiny Islands p1>Ep2: Destiny Islands p2, ends with Sora waking up in Traverse Town>Ep3: Traverse Town>Ep4: Wonderland, sealing the first keyhole, Alice goes missing>Ep5: Olympus Coliseum>Ep6: Ideally Tarzan, if no rights issues. It's role can be filled with one of the more plot-irrelevant worlds otherwise. Maybe Atlantica for variety>Ep7: Traverse Town p2. Riku reunion, hallucinating Kairi, sealing the keyhole>Ep8: Agrabah, princess abduction plot really takes off>Ep9: Monstro, start of nonstop Riku asshat adventures>Ep10: Neverland, after following Riku there>Ep11: Hollow Bastion p1, entrance hall Riku fight in final act>Ep12: Hollow Bastion p2, ends with killing Maleficent>Ep13: Hollow Bastion p3, Sora beats Riku-Ansem, kills himself, doesn't come back right away. Kairi forlornly stares back through the gummi ship window at Hollow Bastion fading from view>Ep14: Kairi episode. Wait, hear me out. Follows her around Traverse Town interacting with other characters for a change, while being stalked by an unseen shadowy figure, revealing itself as Sora's goofy-ass Heartless right before an ambush, then plays out like the game>Ep15: The darkness is accelerating, familiar worlds are blinking out. Sora and Kairi catch up until Merlin reveals that Hollow Bastion still exists, but to reveal it Sora will have to collect a few macguffins from worlds he's already visited, for that last taste of Disney before we go full-time anime>Ep16-18: Macguffin hunt. The worlds are fading and much more dangerous now. Ends with the team defeating Hades, winning the last macguffin in Olympus and becoming true heroes>Ep19: Embark from Traverse Town, Sora gets the lucky charm from Kairi, storms Hollow Bastion and seals the keyhole>Ep20-22: End of the World. Worlds saved, Kairi goes home, Sora promises to return. >Simple and Clean plays, credits roll
>>114959854KH1 and KH2 Kairi are so cute. I don't know what happened in 3, but whatever it was happened to Sora too.
>>114952756Wait, how did they remove FF? I've only played KH I and II.
>>114951909>Donald Duck is built like a beast sorceror>AI prevents him from ever being usefulWhy is he such a dick?
>>114947505no fucking way
>>114960286They just don't visit hollow bastion in the story for 3, which is where all the FF characters live.3 is just horribly paced in general.
>>114947564It's Kingdom Hearts. They wouldn't have to enforce anything.
>>114947522Nah, you can't cut it off at the first. You always knew deep down that Disney wasn't going to stop making princesses.KH1, CoM, and KH2 are fine. Coded was when shit started getting truly retarded, it's easily the worst game in the whole franchise.
>>114947505Billy Zane Ansem let's go
>>114960286>>114960401i think Leon and Yuffie show up for literally a three-second cutscene at the end but that's it.
>dokidoki the hikkomori
>>114960979Coded is the only KH game that isn't doesn't do anything with the story besides Mickey remembering the 3 keyblade warriors