I'm still mad
I'm still mad
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>>114946177I live how this guy isn't even that good looking guy and he still got that qt black girl. Maybe i have chance too.
>Valerie loved Danny, not his powers>Sam couldn't even be friends with Danny when he temporarily lost his powers, freeing him from the burden of being Danny PhantomHe objectively made the wrong choice.
>>114946236>when white boys get a sista, they get a sistaaaaaaaa
>>114946275Sam couldnt stand his ghost side that had his agressive personality traits
>>114946236When you trade down in race, you can trade up in looks.
>Listen, nigger, Danny might be a dickweed, but he's not an oildrilling, racemixing, degenerateWow. Cartoons used to be hardcore.
>>114946078>he can choose between a thicc black or a rude but cute gothicHOLY FUCKING SHIT I WISH THAT WERE ME FUUUUUUUUUUUCKEURKYHJRJEUEFJVJVK
I wonder, does Butch find black women unattractive? there had to be some reason why Sam won even though she is objectively worst girl
>>114946379Obviously he needs to find a thicc, black, rude but cude, goth.
>>114946385It’s just one of those stupid old friendship to romance ships
>>114946379>cute gothicSam wasn't cuteAnd she was diet gothNot even Pan would sleep with herThat's how bad she is
The funniest thing is that they couldn't think of a way to make it so Tucker didn't just awkwardly get left out in the ending, so they just made him Mayor for no reason.
>>114946078Butch doesn’t like interracial.
>>114946344I don't even care if i trade down. Fuck that shit.
>>114946727Has there ever been other case like this on his show.
>>114946385>does Butch find black women unattractive?Kind of (most white men prefer white women)
>>114946784Timmy and Trixie who I assume is azn of some sort?
>>114946078fat and ugly
>>114946938There's a difference between liking a cutie asian babe who looks like she's 15 until menopause and a black girl
>>114946990It’s still race mixing.
>>114946078Yeah, we know, you screech about it every time this shitty cartoon is mentioned
>>114947182Literally on Holla Forums-level idiots consider white/asian as "race mixing."
>>114946275I thought the whole point was that Pauline only liked the ghost boy, Valerie only liked Danny while Sam liked both
>>114947303is there another gray ghost autist besides me?
>>114947337She didn’t. She kinda ditched him after he gave up his powers
>>114947337>Sam liked bothIt was like that for the rest of the show, but then Phantom Planet turned her into a full on bitch who only cared about the ghost powers
>>114947326Is literally race mixing.
>>114946078Valerie is fucking ugly and annoying. I seriously don't see the appeal
>>114947368>>114947370I thought it was the classic "No, superhero! You can't ditch your superpowers because great power = great responsability" talk
>>114947439Neither do I, the two episodes where they date are all about bashing us in the head that Danny really wants to fuck Sam.
>>114947798He had to because the government was going to hunt him down and were right there. If he didn’t do it, his family was gonna get hurt
>>114947448ugly people exists in every race.
>>114946385If he didn't find them attractive, he wouldn't have made her so thick.
>>114946990Black women age amazingly too user, melanin literally helps them out. Even the mixed race Halle Berry doesn't look a day over 35.
>>114947423Then why did you post someone who is 20-25% white? Fuck off, obvious white user.
>>114947423guy in pic already has european DNA
literally no one would pick chubby black lady over goth chick
>>114948787Sam’s an eco goth, meaning she’s just vegan that wears black.
>>114947370>It was like that for the rest of the showNo it wasn't, at no point did she give a flying fuck about Danny himself. She was more than willing to force him into dangerous situations, only to throw him under the bus at the slightest inconvenience.
>>114948787Even fucking Pan would rather go for Valerie than Sam. You know you've created a failure of a character when it's a goth girl even that fucker wouldn't tap.
>>114948787I would
>>114948787I would. Jewish women are insufferable.
I wish Gray Ghost was more popular. Holla Forums is the only place where it seems popular.
>>114946177It's not that she's black, it that she's fucking hideous and danny could've done better.
>>114946360>That smug lookNothing Sam could say would matter to her
>>114950882>it that she's fucking hideous Wrong.>and danny could've done better.Like who exactly?
>>114950882Danny is the school's biggest loser, he can't do much better
>>114951926mikasa doesn't deserve being compared to samdanny doesn't deserve being compared to eren
>>114951926Why is he a loser?
>>114946078Makes you wonder...
>>114952109Hangs out with social outcasts and became one by default. Also his parents are so fucking embarrassing
>>114946078>>114946177>>114946890>>114947448Truly, I'm amongst the Patricians
>>114946890>Kind of (most white men prefer white women)Strange, because a lot of the guys I work with at the plant are taking trips to the Philippines to bring back a brown as fuck Flip girl they met on the internet.
>>114946890Fred's head, fuck yeah!Fab was hot as shit.
>>114947448That asian looks like a starwars alien holy fuck
Who cares about girls? He should have went full on Dan Phantom. He was literally a God. He could have had any human or ghost chick he wanted.
>>114952109His family are the laughing stock of the town, he doesn't stand out in any single way, he only has two friends and he doesn't have any confidence
>>114952527Danny can’t. Dan is Danny’s ghost half and Vlad’s ghost half combined together.
>>114950707>I wish Gray Ghost was more popular. Holla Forums is the only place where it seems popular.Because it's one guy shilling it.
>>114948291Yes she does
>>114952330That's more availability at this point honestly.Plus white girls fuck dogs
>>114952779Yet he only acts as an evil Danny rather than as Vlad and Danny's m-preg evil love child
Any good fics?
>>114948291Asin beat them ALLL
>>114946078>character development is being the MC's love interestsure there's the whole villainess/antagonist thing but no one cares about that.
>>114948787I dated a goth. personally I wouldn’t do it again.
>>114951267Look man, I really, REALLY like myself some chocolate but...fuck man, the goth was better.
>>114946078I can't be the only one who thinks she's fat, right?>>114948787There we go. You can talk all you want about chemistry and character development, but her face looks fat.>>114952178Doesn't even look like Valerie can fit her face under the mask.
>>114952980No, Dani the female clone is Vlad and Danny's mpreg bastard
>>114946360>that look thoughOl girl ain’t even worried. Her thick ass ain’t even bothered by the words of a easily broken stick.
>>114947439Because Sam was 10 times worse on average there was literally no appeal except to men who have a fetish for having a wife who's a ball and chain.
>>114954043So all this butthurt is just out of hatred for Sam rather than actually caring about Danny's relationship with Valerie?
>>114946344But he wants to date a black woman, not a white woman.
>>114953278she's average weight at best. Can't even be called chubby, maybe muscular. Just got some meat to put your hands onto
>Danny my son you are a man now>Now is time to make you own family>Choose between the super rich jewish and make us part of the richest tribe ever or>A black criminal >DP
>>114954526Jack knew what he was doing which is why he sabotaged his relationship with Valerie by giving him a relationship ring with Sam's name on it.
>>114954088Those were pretty much danny's two choices and valerie was better than Sam. Everyone else was better than Sam.
>>114946236He looks better than her imho
>>114955333Well he is white..
>>114955333Are you blind?
>>114953234I’ve actually dated both and...honestly, I Spring for the goth. I did meet a THICC black girl but you always roll the dice when meeting someone new and her baggage is existentialism over a serious partner, which sucks because if she wasn’t having her crisis she’d be perfect because her ass is literally a model’s ass and she’s a bottom bitch for anal. Just that ONE little thing that makes it impossible though. Story of my life.
>>114946078It was never going to happen.
>>114955440now hold on is that captaim falgon from smash bro
Where’s that femanon who didn’t want to self insert as Sam so she made her own OC to ship with Danny? She used to frequent these threads a lot
>>114946385Sam won because of market demographics. She was the same race as the largest segment of female viewers, and more merchandise was invested in that character.>>114946890As a white man, I prefer hispanic and black.>>114948787nope. a chubby black girl can loose weight, and if not, they carry it better than white women. Goths tend to be basket cases that move on from the temporary asthetic after a few years, but keep the bitter insecurities and asshole attitudes.
>>114952932apparently a shit load of russian women are trying to marry American/Canadian men. There's an actual shortage of men due to aspects of toxic masculinity (bottled up emotions due to stoicism bullshit that leads to suicide, alcoholism, dying in bar stabbings, hard drugs, ignoring mental illness, etc.). Still, blacks and asians just age better.
>>114951591Yup that’s based right there
>>114946236She's not all that cute.
>>114955333literally homosexual
>>114952330Are they boomers?
>>114959407We've had man-shortages since WW2, never quite recovered, so I highly doubt those are the reasons for it. Look at other hyperconservative countries with toxic masculinity problems and tell me if they have a man-shortage or not.>t. cykaland native (who immigrated elsewhere)