Disney+ just plain old has the freedom to edit history and alter classic films to it's PC whims? What's next...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Lilo and Stitch>Splash>Classic
>>114945226>caringYou can still watch the original version on DVDs, Blu-Rays, pay-per-view services, and even pirated rips. This shit is only for the streaming service.
>>114945226Lilo and Stitch's edits were made for the UK release of the film, it doesn't count.As for Disney+'s edits made just for Disney+ the animation edits are done in The Philippines by Snipple while the live action edits are done in India since they will be way too expensive to do these types of edits in the States.
Well, if/when streaming becomes the ONLY option for viewing media, (since Disney will likely shitcan physical media releases.) And Owning a copy of a film is no longer a possibility for future generations, why can we leave it as is.I saw/liked Song of the South as a kid. But all I'll ever have is a pirated PAL VHS rip.
They also removed the Prospector #metooing it up in Toy Story 2, but it had already been removed in the most recent physical release
They own the films.
>>114945226This movie was apparently also edited for content.
>>114945226Anyone else feel think this makes it look like Lilo is hiding in a pizza oven?
>>114945383It doesn't matter who they're hiring to make the edits. They shouldn't be editing anything at all.
The Banagic Wand episode of Star Vs. is blocked in Europe and the same is probably going to apply to that Milo episode with an actor crossdressing to get a part.
>>114945599This, it's why Doraemon bombed in the States, that and it was airing on a death bed network (Disney XD).
>>114945593Ovens with cardboard doors? Now I've heard everything.
>>114945567>they own it, that means they can butcher their artRetard
sane people dont notice these things
>>114946556Except they do, if they've seen the movie enough times to remember the scenes, and then the scenes are skipped or edited in a weird way that doesn't sync up with their memory because some retard changed it because it was "RAYCIST"
>>114946556This, shut the fuck up insanos, you have nothing to fear, let Big Brother handle your media for you, you're not supposed to see some things.
>>114946556Where do you think you are, transplant
>>114946530Yes. Just like if you own anything else, you can do what you want to it. It's why nobody keeps their browsers in default and customizes the shit out of them.
>>114946731Literally not the same thing, retard.
>>114946739>I own thing and I choose to change it from it's original intended form.>I too own thing and I choose to change it from it's original intended form.It's their property, they can change it all they want. It doesn't matter if the version you saw before was different, that's not the version they have right now.I mean for fucks sake, it's like complaining that you aren't playing a video game at version 1.0 anymore even though it's been five years since it came out.
>>114946897That's not at all what the situation is like, you fucking brainless shill
>>114947009not that user, but it kind of is. See what you're saying is that it's morally wrong to alter someone else's finished product of which yes I can agree. However, legally they can and will do it to get under censorship because they indeed own the rights and have the power to. While a whole team did make it, disney can alter it how they see fit.It's similar to the browser in that yes while someone gave it out, few people who now keep it rarely keep it as it was released, choosing to customize it. But altering a browser has far less moral investment.
>>114947009sheltered retard
>>114945537im glad u brought this up bc 15 years later i finally get the joke
>>114945537But MehTurd is shit.Justice for Lasseter!
>>114947170>brainless shillGet out, you fucking newfaggot
>>114946530>butcheroverdramatic much
>>114946897you don't own history and public perception. Only people with OCPD think otherwise.
>>114947241>it's totally not butchering art to change scenes and remove othersKeep shilling for the mouse, cuckboy
>>114946739they own it so they can do anything withDon’t like it? Don’t watch it
>>114947272Keep shilling, kiddo
>>114947301WoW i cant believe i am the shill for telling someone “Dont Buy it”
>>114947338No, you're the shill for endorsing censorship, dipshit
>>114947270>butchering artsome people have wars in their countries
>>114947350If you say so
>>114947371Disney is made up of helicopter parents.
>>114947371>this irrelevant point makes this other thing okYea, whatever you fucking newfaggot>>114947387Literally anyone with a brain does, shill
>In an edit that has mystified even the show's creator, a symbol from Grunkle Stan's fez has been removed. This led to a tweet from Alex Hirsch which read: "Lol apparently the geniuses over at Disney+ decided to remove Grunkle Stan's fez symbol for no reason, but then accidentally left it in the thumbnails because even they can't keep track of what they're pretending to be concerned about this week."
>>114947435calm down and that your dose of lithium
>>114947512>lol, u mad?Nicely memed, retard. Come back when you can actually make a good argument for why it's ok to censor shit.Hint: you can't
>Disney: I'm doing this for your own good! Also the Goofy Movie edits. Because sex is unnatural, and violence doesn't exist, and Disney never made a mistake...EVER. And that's final!Also Sunflower is a cute!
>This never happened.
>>114947660Oh yea, they removed Goofy walking in on the fat chick, right? What other scenes did they ruin?
>>114947804Things like no Max nose sinking into Roxanne's cleavage in the dream sequence. Conspicuously placed hands. Not huge edits, but still noticeable.But Disney has always been an upstanding role model for children, right?
>>114947766They really cut out the gunshot for Bambi's mom? Jesus fucking christ, that's the worst.>>114947925Shit, I had forgotten there was something about the dream sequence too.
>>114947465Everyone including Alex is so retarded they forgot the Season 1 fiasco? International versions before Season 2 released had the fez symbol blanked out, there was even a huge theory that the symbol changed between the early design and season 2 design because the original one might have looked too similar to something in an international market.I don't fucking understand how literally everyone forgot this. It's not a Disney+ edit, they just used the international versions that have always existed and the fandom even knew it before.
>>114945226>>114945278Why this to begin with?
>>114945537It was a joke. Wish Pixar still made 'bloopers'.
>>114945226>Flat chested Jessica Rabbit.Why do I suddenly want to see this?
>>114945226literally none of those edits are anything worth giving a shit about
>>114948434>it's totally not stupid looking that they now have what looks like an oven in their laundry room>or that Lilo is climbing into said oven, which is literally worse than a child climbing into a dryerSure thing, Disney!
>>114946530This is a commercial product user, not art.
All these censorship shills.
>>114948544>movies aren't artHello, retard
>>114948577movies produced by megacorporations are not art user.
>>114948623>it's not art because I say soKeep spouting retarded shit, kiddo, it's hilarious.
>DisneyNUUUUU! We can't show all the icky sexual stuff! And the old films were too racist!>WarnerbrosYeah the racism was awful and wrong, but trying to pretend it didn't happen solves nothing. Also, Bugs will continue to dress in dragWarnerchads win again.
So, burn books and paintings too, huh? None of it matters anyway?Delete every copy of film, gaming or music you consume or ever enjoyed. Then we'll talk.
When are they gonna edit and rerelease song of the south? Just make the uncle a White dude and make it a farm of happy workers instead of slaves, combine Disney you have defiled everything yet
>>114948481Ran-neesan why are you on my Holla Forums?
>This autist sperging out because McDonald's made a minor change to the amount of spice they add to their burger
>A grown woman's ass gets censored in Splash>A pre-pubescent boy's dick doesn't get censored in The Simpsons movieReally makes you wonder
>>114948882Oh boy, the food analogy, even though it literally doesn't apply at all to this situation. Only sperg is you, buddy, if you really think it's acceptable to censor art.
>>114948882Sorry for wanting to pay for a product the way it was originally made.
>>114945226I...I don't get it, wouldn't climbing into a fucknig oven be even MORE dangerous?
>>114948882McDonald's buffalo sauce used to be much hotter and much better, and if you think the new stuff is just as good, you're a fool.
>>114948434Fuck you I want the option to easily watch the original through streaming services since some of this shit I no longer own copies of, why can these faggots just have a fucking option before playing the movie or whatever to see an altered version?
>>114945226So what was changed in lilo and stitch?
>>114945226>pic related never happened
>>114948719>combine Disney
>>114949225Seriously. Though it would be better if they just fucking NOT mess with the shit, since I fucking doubt Lilo and Stitch convinced kids to climb into dryers. And if some little niglets did, boo fucking whoo, they clearly were genetic rejects in the first place who probably would have taken the tide challenge later on.
>>114949247The dryer was changed to look like some kind of oven, in a laundry room, which literally makes no sense.
What are the Disney+ edits and I thought they resolved everything with the “may contain outdated cultural portrayals” disclaimer?
>>114949190Not to mention nearly impossible for a child. Most ovens aren't that spacious, especially with the two fucking racks they usually have in them.
>>114949508That was WB, Disney has been editing content to match the current social norms for decades.
>>114949190It's not an oven, it's an end table with a pizza box stuffed between the legs
>>114949543>current social normsThe screechings of a handful of twitter retards are not social norms
>>114949595Sure as hell looks like an oven
>>114949604When governments start building laws around it, and big media conglomerates start doing stuff according to it, yeah, they basically become social norms
>>114949699There is literally no law about the shit that Disney has censored. Reach harder, you ding dong.
>>114949604and the screechings of a handful of 4chan autists is?
>>114945226So nobody's going to mention how the dryer is still unaltered in the scenes before the credits roll.
I wonder if they edited out Oola's nip slip
>>114949720>it's screeching to call out stupid censorships for things that literally weren't offending anybodyOk, shill
>>114949735Hardly a surprise, given the 4kids level of quality the edited scene has.
>>114949716I'm talking about the general state of things, not just stuff that disney is preaching on their media
>>114949789Like what? No sane individual is that worried about their kids seeing a cartoon character climb into a dryer or a teen getting a whiff of tiddie. The only people who complain about such things are a literal minority of crazies that don't even come up to 1% of the world's population.
>>114949823>cartoon character climb into a dryer or a teen getting a whiff of tiddieyeah, what's up with that anyways? Doesn't make any sense to meI was talking more about stuff like >>114949267 that nowadays would straight up fall into hate speech/imagery
>>114949885Only to the insane few who see everything as racist. Yes, the centaur girl is a bit of a caricature, but she's no more offensive than the crows from Dumbo, if not even less so since that sequence had little to no dialogue from my recollection, much less had her acting in a way that is actually racist. Even if it were to be considered racist by a large enough group of people, I'd imagine most would still agree it shouldn't be censored because that would just be pretending it never happened and putting a blanket over the imagery.
>>114949951Yes, but imagine if similar imagery came out in a movie nowadays, it'd get shunned and hated by most people out there, and in some countries, criminally prosecuted
>>114945537>the villain being a creeper is removedWhy? He's the villain, he's meant to be a scumbag.
>>114950056>and in some countries, criminally prosecutedLike where? And sure, something like that wouldn't be made these days, at least not with such stereotypical features on the black character like the pink/red lips and the slack-jawed look that makes them look retarded, or be entirely topless. Yet these days, there are people who try to bullshit things like how it's got to be racist that anime don't feature more black people, or that it's somehow sexist if a female character isn't considered for a game because the director is worried about upskirt shots.
>>114950136But that's the blooper reel scene where everyone is just an "actor". It's obviously meant to be a joke about how some actors "help" starlets get roles, but it's so nonoffensive that removing is just flat out stupid.
>>114950160Germany, Sweden, some US states
>>114950222And how does that shit work? Because there's a difference between punishing something for being bad, and thinking that it's a bad thing.
>Though Disney+ has kept the brief shot of Bart Simpson's penis in The Simpsons Movie, they have removed Season 3 episode "Stark Raving Dad," which featured a vocal performance from Michael Jackson.>kept the brief shot of Bart Simpson's penis
>acting surprised that a service which the company has already explicitly stated will be intentionally family-friendly also edits its own properties in an attempt to make everything suitable for a toddler
>>114950306Ah yes, because a bunch of dudes who claim they were totes raped by Michael decades ago totally means people can't enjoy one of his television appearances. Meanwhile, you can still enjoy his entire library of work on fucking google music and other music streaming services.The hippo crates are polishing.
>>114950369It's less surprise, and more exasperation at them doing this shit when they can just put up a text blurb that says "Might offend weak minded cunts with sub-level IQs"
I've never seen it but doesn't Mandalorian have some stuff that would be worthy of censoring? It has to, right? Marvel movies too.
>>114950436If anything I'm surprised the edits aren't far more obvious and widespread since they seem to think streaming services need to operate like there's no such thing as parental controls.
>>114950449Nope, and just because most episodes barely had women in them doesn't mean it's sexist.
>>114945537I always found this joke innofensive.Like, Stinky is just bluffing to appear cooler to the barbies
>>114950470I'd imagine most people have a lot of the films on DVD/BD, so they probably aren't going to bother with the streamed version since that'd just be wasting money on something they already have. As for what Disney is thinking, it's obvious whoever is making these judgement calls is a retarded monkey who probably would edit shirts onto the Hulk in the earlier MCU films if they thought it's "PATRIARCHY" that his bare chest is showing so much.
>>114946530It's not a new phenomenon either. Revisions happen a lot in writing, even after the initial publication.
>>114950514The vast majority of people don't think it's offensive at all. Yet for god knows whatever reason, 4-6 people on twitter who claim it triggers them (even though none of them have ever been actually harassed in real life) will screech that it demeans actual victims of casting couch incidents or whatever.
>>114950561Censoring and revising are not the exact same thing. One is obscuring/changing something because it offends in some way, while a revision is an attempt to change something for the sake of improving the work or helping tie it into another.
>corporation does thing>getting mad at anyone other than the corporation that chose to do it
>>114950633You make it sound like everyone but Disney is being blamed for this stupidity.
>>114945226At least I can rest assured that they'll probably never edit out the real life ethnic slur from the Hungarian dub of The Empire Strikes Back.
>>114951003Come again?
What's next, are they going to remove the deaths from Treasure Planet where the guys get dragged out into space?
>Disney doesn't want kids crawling in washing machines>NO MY HISTORY MY CARTOONS MY PRECIOUS CHILDHOOD!You sound like a fucking faggot, dude.
>>114945383What was edited?
>>114945226It's stupid, I don't think they should be doing it, but yeah, they or pretty much any movie company/distributor has the right to. It's dumb, but.
>>114949951>I'd imagine most would still agree it shouldn't be censored because that would just be pretending it never happened and putting a blanket over the imagery.You'd imagine wrong
>>114952758Keep shilling, retard, bet you just love those Disney bucks being sent to your bank account.
>>114952911No, most people wouldn't want something censored because they aren't sensitive pussies who worry about what a fucking cartoon character looks like.
>ovenYou have to ge 18 to post here, and shop for furniture at some place other than Ikea.It looks like an End Table with a pizza box sitting in it.
>>114953141No, it literally doesn't. Keep shilling hard for them Disney bucks, friendo
>>114953260Find me an oven with wood paneling and no controls.
>>114946581They will just say it was the Mandela effect kek
>>114953324Yea, because shitney is going to bother with making the controls for a scene they didn't even keep consistent later on. Shill harder.
>>114949639What the fuck kind of oven do you use where you cook pizza vertically?
>>114948648t. Mcu/Disneywars consumer
>>114948481It's just a random endtable.
>>114949735>>114949773>So nobody's going to mention how the dryer is still unaltered in the scenes before the credits roll.You guys realize that the opening to the ending scene literally has them rebuilding and renovating the house, right?
>>114953454Who the fuck keeps food in their laundry room, shill?>>114953487Go be a fucking retard elsewhere you newfaggot. >>114953488That looks like an oven.
Streaming cucks deserves eating shit
>>114953533>trying to excuse this idiotic editWow, you must love them Disney dollar, huh?
>>114953537>Who the fuck keeps food in their laundry room, shill?I'm not justifying them turning the dryer into a fucking end table but it could be an empty fucking pizza box that's going to be thrown away. Now you explain with your retard ass "hurr shills" logic how it's an oven cooking pizza vertically.
>>114953537It's an end table. She's holding a pizza box in front of it. It normally doesn't have a front.
>>114953562I'm not justifying the edit.I'm just saying it's not even the same washer and dryer to begin with.
>>114952758why do we need disney to tell us not to when sonic had it covered?
>>114953587It literally looks like an oven and opens like one, dipshit. >>114953592No, it's a dryer that was shittly edited>>114953595Doesn't matter, the change is fucking stupid and makes no sense, nor was it asked for.
>>114953704>Doesn't matter, the change is fucking stupid and makes no sense, nor was it asked for.And I'm saying it makes even less sense to change the dryer in the ending scenes.
>>114953704>It literally looks like an oven and opens like one, dipshit.Whoa holy shit the pizza box that the retards at disney edited the dryer door into makes it open like a fucking oven. That still doesn't explain how you're cooking it vertically retard.
The censorship edits are stupid. Just not as stupid as people thinking it's an oven.
>>114953725Except it does because they didn't need to excuse its nonexistence since Lilo wasn't inside it again.>>114953734Nobody said the thing was on and cooking at the moment, retard. Keep fucking being stupid you shilltastic tard.
>>114953788>Except it does because they didn't need to excuse its nonexistence since Lilo wasn't inside it again.That doesn't make any sense. Are you sane?
>>114953788>Nobody said the thing was on and cooking at the momentWho the fuck puts a pizza in an oven vertically you fucking retard? No one does. Not even the most drunk, fucked up, high as a kite person ever puts their pizza in an oven vertically, as evidenced by the numerous "dude I was so high/drunk last night and just left a pizza cooking in the oven and now it's a charcoal brick" images you can find on the internet.
>>114953815Are you? The only reason they didn't change it again was because it wasn't an "issue" for that scene.>>114953823There wasn't a pizza in the oven, dipshit, just Lilo. Literally nobody is saying that they make pizzas vertically. You fucking illiterate zoomer negroid shillaholic turbotard.
>>114945226Why don't they have a default family friendly mode, for children and mormons and let viewers choose which version to watch?Disney+ is a mess.
>>114953898The OP image literally shows a drawing of a pizza on the box you retard.
>>114953898>The only reason they didn't change it again was because it wasn't an "issue" for that scene.Compare the scenes. One of them is ratty and worn down. The other one is nice and renovated. What would be the point of putting the same shitty worn down night stand back in place?What your asking not only requires extra effort, but would just ruin the scenes even further than what they already did.
>>114953916Or just air the original because there's literally nothing wrong with it whatsoever. >>114953927A drawing, yes. Not an actual pizza. You fucking dingleberry.>>114953959No, I'm saying that they didn't need to change it at all. Learn how to fucking read. As for why? Again, they didn't need to change it because it wasn't "problematic" since Lilo or Stitch weren't hiding in it.
>>114947766>Cut out the moment that makes the entire fucking movie.
>>114954019>A drawing, yes. Not an actual pizza. Yes, because it's a pizza box on an end table, not the door to an oven you fucking retard.
>>114945589they removed the mauling scene?
>>114954021Yep, can't let kids see, or technically speaking, HEAR a death and become emotionally invested in the film even more! Nope, that would be baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
>>114954073It literally is hinged to the rest of the object, you fucking mouth breathing dipshit of a shill
>>114947660Anon, Disney's lawyers said this is fake and doesn't exist. Sunflower isn't real and never will be.
>>114954107Look at the OP image again you fucking retard. It's hinged to the rest of the pizza box. You can tell from the fucking colors where the box ends and the endtable begins.
>>114954138No, it's fucking hinged to the entire thing, like an oven door you goddamn shit eating mongoloid.
>>114954165It's an open fucking pizzabox you fucking retard. You can see the difference in colors clear as day.
>>114954206No it fucking isn't, dipshit.
>>114954229Whatever you say, you fucking retard that cooks pizzas vertically.
>>114954271Never even said I did, retard who can't read for all the dicks he sucks like the good shill he is.
>>114954311>waah shillI'm just calling you a fucking retard for insisting that Disney's censorship of a dryer is an oven when it's obvious to anyone that it's an endtable with an open pizzabox.
Post more overlooked Disney shamefuru dispray.
>>114954339It literally opens like an oven, you fucking moron. But please, keep claiming it's an endtable even though ovens can have wood paneling as well, you cock sucking tard.
>>114947999>>114954089What are you talking about? I just checked and the sound is there.
>>114954362A pizza box can open up just like that too you fucking retard.
>>114948272Hirsch probably got so fucking drunk he forgot it.Also if I remember right, it was a Shriner's fez and they were worried about getting sued by the actual Shriners.
>>114954355Remember, kids, Disney says if the Chinese overlords puts their cock in you mouth, you smile and thank him for the delicious treat.
>>114954398No, they don't. They open like a box, not a hinged door. Retard
>>114954472The cardboard creases literally move like hinges you fucking retard.
>>114954374I don't know, ask the guy who keeps posting the scene from Bambi. Either they are editing the scene or he's having audio glitches with his speakers.
I'm pretty fucking offended by all the assholes making fun of me for cooking my pizza vertically.
>>114954487That's not cardboard creases you mongoloid, it's a door opening because they fucking painted a DOOR. You fucking wrongfag dipshit moron. Enjoy being wrong, fucking newfaggot.
You can still hear the sound of a metal door opening when the pizza box lowers.
>>114945631>it's why Doraemon bombed in the Statesnot from the stateswhat did they do to it?
>>114954517They edited it into a fucking pizza box you fucking retard. I'm telling you how the cover of a pizza box works you fucking retard.
>this thread
>>114954571>>114954575Yea, because pizza boxes totally are hinged like a door and make metal noises.Fucking mongoloid shills.
>>114954597No fucking shit they're different. We all know Disney is a complete fuckup with all this censorship shit. That said you're a fucking retard for thinking that the image in the OP is an oven, even with the sound fuckups.
>>114954631Literally everyone thinks it's an oven, dipshit. Go be fucking wrong elsewhere, like reddit with the rest of the fucking brainless monkeys.
>>114954652>Literally everyone thinks it's an oven, dipshitThis thread literally proves you literally wrong you literally fucking retard.
>>114954597It makes a metal noise because it used to be a dryer.Disney, as we've stated multiple times, edited it so kids would replicated Lilo climbing into a dryer.They edited the whole thing to look like an end table, and the front of the dryer opening is replaced with a pizza box lid.No, pizza boxes do not have hinges, but they are folded in a way that can resemble one so that it's all one single piece of cardboard.
>>114954688>this threadOne perso isn't the entire thread, dipshit. Try harder
>>114954705I didn't jump into this thread until >>114953454 you literally fucking retard. Try fucking harder retard.
>>114954704No, they can't be folded to resembled hinges. Hinges are attachments, not part of the same structure. Reach harder, you're almost touching mercury now.
>>114954705>One personLurk harder.
>>114954727>I'm totally not the same guySure thing, retard, suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure
>>114954757>4chan is all the same dude!Fucking retard.
Stop with your autism both of you.It's an end table with a pizza box and I have irrefutable proof.Here's the proof : why the fuck would Disney Jews make a going into an oven joke?
>>114954757Why does a pizza box bother you so much user?
>>114954734Still ain't seeing any proof the entire thread thinks it's a pizza box, retard. Keep reaching.
>>114954792Best answer I've heard all thread.
I suppose it's just a matter of time really...this is why we can't have nice things.
>>114954765Not even what I said, learn to read.>>114954808Because it's literally hinged onto the "table"
>>114954827No one said the entire thread thinks it's a pizza box, unlike the claim that said "Literally everyone thinks it's an oven" fucking retard.
>>114954792>implying Disney wouldn't joke about that to foster more white guilt from the cucks
>>114954878Look up all the discussions about it, like on youtube, people have called it an oven. Stay the fuck wrong.
Why would it be an oven? Who puts an oven in the laundry room?
Hey so to the oven
>>114954890Still doesn't mean pizzas are cooked vertically, dipshit
>>114954899This thread literally has anons saying it's a pizza box, hell the fucking article in the OP says its a pizza box too. You are literally wrong because literally everyone doesn't think it's an oven you literal fucking retard.
>>114954904Who puts food in the laundry room, period?
>>114954935The pizza lid is up, as in the box has been opened.
>>114954922Everyone knows it was a dryer, dipshit. That fact isn't being questioned.
>>114954953Its a pizza box though, it can be garbage, just like all Disney's censorship crap.
>>114954975Christ user does it hurt moving goal posts that much?
>>114954950>you're wrongWhatever, retard shill
>>114954704By Jove! He's got it! Why WOULD a pizza box make a metallic clink sound when closing to give away Lilo's location?
>>114954992Literally didn't move anything, you illiterate cheese
>>114955012I mean thanks man, you're now Oven-user. Whenever we have discussions about stuff like this, we can all be thankful we aren't like Oven-user.
>>114955032>I'll make a meme out of youSpoken just like a redditor, kudos for outing yourself
>>114945226Imagine paying to get edited material. Just put a fucking option for the real version or the bastardized version if you're so worried about little Timmy seeing Darryl Hannah's ass.
>>114955042See you already are a meme though. You won't shut the fuck up about ovens being in laundry rooms. And then you talk about pizza's being cooked vertically. It's okay though, you'll look back on this and laugh.
>>114955043Or just flash a text blurb like "might contain inappropriate and impressionable moments", I fucking doubt the original scenes ever got recreated by kids
>>114955094They did that for Dumbo and Aristocats didn't they?
>>114955058You're the one that literally dragged up some nonsense about pizzas being cooked vertically, even it's obviously a logo on the pizza box/door
>>114955110I believe so. The Simpsons movie gives a warning about Bart's dingus appearing for a few seconds.
>>114955043Hey. To be fair, her ass is pretty nice. But does that mean they'll edit all the gratuitous shots of cracks out of the Simpsons too? To hold a standard?
>>114955118See this is why the anonymous system is trash. I can't tell who's the retard in this thread when it turns out there's multiple retards.
>>114954019You're autistic.
>>114955151Fuck you for showing me this. It's so traumatizing that I have to console my dick now.
>>114955163Whatever, retard
>>114955191>says the moron defending a fucking stupid editExcept no.
Alright this thread's gone to shit.>Oven-user keeps calling people shills and saying one thing>When he gets called out on it or shown he's wrong he just claims it was the other people saying that and he was saying the correct thing.I'm out bye.
>>114947105They CAN do it, but that doesn't mean it's ok.
>>114954992>>114955225There's two sides of morons though. One moron is defending that the edit is an oven, the other is a moron defending that the edit is an end table with a box of pizza. Both sides acknowledge that it used to be a dryer, they're just in disagreement of what it is now.
Now I seen everything!
>>114955253>heh-heh, I-I-I'll try and make him a meme, that's show himGood on ya, tourist tard.
>>114954080the removed the bears because they will never win the owl
Where the fuck is a video of the edit? auk yuuok fsssss.... It's amazing that Disney could. I mean it really is. I feel irrefutable that they would even acknowledge or question without authenticity of the diameter and degree of this bodacious value. I truly am, and you aren't. Big king.
Why do they ignore Clone Wars and Rebels, two series with enough on-screen deaths to shame Robocop?>>114948719>Just make the uncle a White dude and make it a farm of happy workers instead of slavesToo expensive. Bob needs his gold parachute severance pay when he finally leaves the company.>>114949508That's just for stuff they're too lazy to edit.
>>114945226>while another scene changes the word "homo" for the word "weirdo."does this count as based?
>>114953916Family Friendly is Disney's brand. Otherwise, Walt's head will spin so fast that it'll destroy the cryomachine keeping him alive.
>>114955837Death is ok. No no words and sex is not
>>114955982Even other american shows and cartoons snark at the bizarre standard of gore vs sex. I just want some casual fucking TITTY. I don't like much fighting or brutality. I like the simple things in life, and a woman's delicate and soft breast, a nipple even, is perfectly fine.
>>114956023We're weird
Well we can certainly tell who still needs their mothers to cook for them are in this thread.
Oay, oui. Oui vilgehk credbucdehk hekkan yht y rymv
>>114947660>people unironically defending Sunflower the Minstrel Show CentaurThis culture war just keeps getting weirder and weirder
>>114958485It's not all that bad. It's certainly not good by most standards, but it's not nearly as tasteless as some of the characters from Song of the South, or those really ugly comics with the lumpy looking black people.
>>114951168In Hungarian, Leia calls Han "hairy soled" which is an old historical derogatory slur against Romanians who wrapped their feet in fur because they couldn't afford normal boots. It's still used by East European xenophobes and racists today.
>>114960233>hairy soledSounds like something that would be used to describe Hobbits