Better One...
Better One
>>114943352Or better two...
>>114943370Or better three
Original Thorn is better, but the other two are straight upgrades in Mystery, Inc.
>>114943352>>114943370>>114943398>flesh-colored eyesjust fucking why
>>114943352The originals are always better, no matter the subject
>>114943576These Thorn looks like that goth chick from the waterboy
>>114943352>>114943370The originals and "Mystery Incorporated" are the best.
>>114943550blame Hanna Barbera
And yet nothing posted for Latex Daphne from when she joined.
>no brown witch goth gf.
>>114946239If only
>>114946150Hire a cosplayer who is very open minded and/or desperate?
I'm honestly impressed these girls made an appearance past Witch's Ghost.
>>114946135Latex Daphne was unexpected.
I never got them, was it like an attempt at a backdoor pilot that just never happened and so they just got stuck in Scooby canon?
>>114947523They were originally from one of the Scooby movies where the ghosts were real, so I doubt there was some stealth plot. A far more likely explanation is just that fans liked them, so the people behind Scooby Doo provided more. Scoob's been around enough that the shows are often referential to fan favorite material, not all of them consigned to easter eggs. Mystery Inc, however, was perhaps the most active, which made sense in-universe given this was the gang in their post original adventures phase where a lot of their old material was made into a museum (run by Velma's parents, at that). It also turned out that not-Cthulhu was responsible for all the wackiness they'd ever dealt with, including turning otherwise normal citizens into people who thought dressing up as monsters was the best way to a quick buck.Still it's hard not to name a Scooby Doo series that didn't do callbacks. Hex Girls are popular but so are Blue Falcon and Dynomutt - and those two started with their own original series!
>>114943370If we're going mystery inc there's way too many screenshots to share.
>>114943408thorn's the one on the right in the first pic?I'd have to agree
>>114943352Thorn. Always Thorn.
>>114943352I remember back in the day, some super-religious dork wrote a Very Serious entry about how the episode they debuted in should've depicted Christian viewpoints to balance out the Pagan ones or something
>>114943398Kind of feels like they gave Dusk a Harley Quinn face
>>114943506this almost looks retro
>>1149433702 is by far the best
The Hex Girls reappearing in What's New is really random since it means the movie series and What's New are in the same continuity.
>>114948853>Scooby Doo>ContinuityOkay so I'm willing to entertain this ludicrous notion that continuity exists for Scooby Doo if you can provide any mention of any throughline of any event, setting, or characters that Scooby Doo has ever used. Which does not involve the same characters or guest-stars talking about their previous meeting and generally acting familiar with one another. Because I don't think I believe in any of that.
>>114948790That's because "What's New, Scooby Doo?" was basically trying to be the original series, but updated somewhat for the early 00s.
>>114948995While Scooby Doo doesn't have a set in stone continuity, many of the shows and films will play out like some things happened before. Mystery Inc., for example, starts off like a pseudo sequel to Where are you?, but with the minor retcon that the mysteries of that show all happened in and around Crystal Cove. Then, the finale has the whole universe resetting, and implies that now the gang will resolve the mysteries in the places they were located in the original series. There's also been a bunch of sequel films for things like 13 Ghosts and Zombie Island, though those really fuck up things by trying to subvert the supernatural with logical explanations.
>>114946609They're the only side characters with any staying power in the entire franchise.
>>114949376Not if WWE has money to spend.The wiorthless fags.
>>114949376I'll have you know Don Knotts made it to Mystery Inc!
>>114943352The lack of eyebrowns on the blonde makes me horny
>>114947420I like the Hex Girls but their most iconic song makes me mad. Wind and air are the same damn things and it would have worked just as well if you just slightly changed the tempo on the intro and said, "Earth, water, fire, and air." The only argument for it is wind could be considered storm, which could be considered water, but even then that's
>>114948995The universes get reset by the Scoobpoint events, wherein something scares Scooby Doo so much he runs faster than the speed of light and breaks the time barrier, causing a shockwave that soft resets the universe. Each incarnation all actually fits intp one singular cannon.
>>114949792A caricature of him, technically. Knotts was long gone by the time of Mystery Inc.Still a nice homage though.
>>114950596Or Shaggy unleashes 6% of his power instead of the usual 5% and shatters reality. Usually because the crook in the suit hurt Scoob.
>>114950440Wind is the movement of air, dingus.
>>114950440You can have wind without air and you can have air without wind
>>114950723Didn't you know that Scooby Doo invented the entire Don Knotts persona? They hired some has been nobody from some rinky dink shithole named Mayberry to play him, then eventually made another series around that. Seriously, have you never read a wikipedia article at all in your life?
>>114951399Eh, I've heard better attempts at trolling.
>>114951835The only way that could be trolling is if there was even a remote possibility someone would take it seriously.
>>114951949You'd be surprised how easily fooled some people are here
>>114950723It's a callback reference, which is different than just having a non-celebrity celebrity appearance on the fly, such as the totally-not-theGriswolds repeatedly showing up. That would indeed make it closer to the Hex Girls or Vincent Van Ghoul's appearances.
>>114943352>>114943370>>114943398ill take one of each
>>114952036"Cass Elliot" also showed up. Sadly no Sonny and Cher, Stooges, or Don Adams.
>>114952073Mystery Inc Luna was especially inspired.
>>114952036It's an homage. A callback would have been him showing up and being treated the way he was in the New Scooby Doo movies.
>>114952165Certainly better than her WNSD version where they whitewashed her.
>>114952316It can be both, you know. Plus the New Scooby Doo Movies haven't happened yet. They occur after the events of Mystery Inc.
>>114952409New Scooby Doo movies is a completely separate show, there's no connection to Mystery Inc.
>>114952409Kind of like Vincent. He's not the same person, but at the same time he's very much played that person in an in-universe television series.I think some people were irked by that, but really? Far more respectful than what we got from the "ending" to 13 Ghosts.
>>114952515Clearly there are connections, though. Nibiru works in mysterious ways. Deal with it.
>>114952560Except no. There is no continuity in Scooby Doo.
>>114952546That's because there's some retarded mandate going on currently at the studio that makes the movie that says "no real monsters", even when making sequels to fucking works that had actual supernatural shit in them.
>>114952560Pretty much, which is why I'm surprised people, or just one person, is upset about it. Mystery Inc has both Scrappy and Flim Flam, but Vincent Van Ghoul is completely reworked and there's no (to my knowledge) hint of the 13 Ghosts. For instance take >>114952614Just because there's a bunch of different series doesn't mean there's no continuity, just that there are different continuities. Sometimes they borrow from each other, or purport to connect in various ways.
>>114952633I don't mind how that ending handled the idea of real ghosts or not. They left it entirely open, same with the return to Zombie Island. There's still evidence that something was going on but also fakery. Velma, in the end, has to have some rational explanation to maintain her sanity even when Fred points out they ripped off the damn zombies head.
>>114952665>Just because there's a bunch of different series doesn't mean there's no continuity, just that there are different continuitiesThat's literally the same thing. There are multiple continuities, not some singular interconnected one.
>>114943370i swear to god, luna here reminds me of a videogame character but i can't remember which one
>>114952752>claimed there is no continuity>now admits there are multiple continuities>says these are literally the same thingYou are one confused little lad.
>>114950922>You can have wind without air
>>114952729But they have Velma outright denying the supernatural happened, that's just flat out bad writing. It would have been one thing with her questioning the 13 Ghosts, given she wasn't there and it's a different continuity in and of itself. But Zombie Island had her accepting that there's things like zombies and catpeople.
>>114952800Saying there's no continuity doesn't mean there aren't continuities at all. You're reading it the wrong way.
>>114943576It's okay with simple eyes but irises and pupils make it look off.>>114947384>>114947420>>114947442>>114943569Works fine for me
>>114952837You are one extremely confused little lad.
>>114952812If it makes you feel better imagine they were referring to solar wind.
>>114952884No, I'm not. Repeating yourself doesn't make you right. Christ, you fan theorists are stubborn as hell when it comes to Scooby Doo, it's just plain silly.
>>114952813Velma is just a relapsing skeptic. It happens.I find their treatment of Vincent worse than their treatment of the 13 Ghosts. It felt like Mystery Inc Vincent guest starring rather than the original. The only thing missing was his declaring of having tinkled.
>>114952925You said something extremely stupid and obviously wrong and are still refusing to admit it. That's fine, but it would be far more dignified to just ignore the offending posts and be glad you are just Anonymous and don't have to actually own your stupid comments. Trying to create some conspiracy theory about "fan theorists" refusing to see your light of truth? That is the opposite of dignified, but it does earn you some points for irony.
>>114952972Sounds more like she's just being poorly written. Though as far I've heard, a lot of the recent Scooby movies haven't been that great.
>>114953031No, I didn't. You assumed I meant that there absolutely no continuity at all, when what I said was that there is no continuity between the shows. You are trying way too hard to make me out to be wrong when I didn't state anything that was incorrect.
>>114943370there's one goth girl in there (the black chick), so these win.
>>114952972When watching it I always wanted to believe they didn't want to do a full Vincent portrayal because it's too close to the original actor and thus somehow disrespectful to the dead, but honestly shitting on the character was way more disrespectful to Vincent Price who relished the macabre and actually enjoyed working on the show as a means to share it with a younger generation.Now I'm not saying why they chose to do what they did, I have zero clues, I'm just talking about how I felt and adding in some of what I know of Vincent Price. Some actors hated what they viewed as horror being treated as schlock, but Price just enjoyed himself no matter what he was doing.
>>114943352>>114943370>>114943398Obviously the original, not even close.
Jennifer Hale
>>114953112But they're all goth, just that each one is a different flavor of goth.
>>114953085You posted >>114952614 and are repeated trying to claim you did no such thing or really meant something entirely different all while claiming your incongrous statemetents are>>114952752>literally the same thingDude, stop. You've gone beyond embarrassing into cheesy self-parody.
>>114953123>because it's too close to the original actor and thus somehow disrespectful to the deadI doubt they really worried about. American media hardly has that much respect for the dead. Hell, Japan's really the only place that's really particular about how they handle a character when their actor dies. I think it's just the weird decision they've been making lately where there has to be a "logical" explanation to things instead of a supernatural one. Problem is, not one, but two movies were made as followups to works where the supernatural was clear and present.
>>114953135No, cybergoth is a flavor of rivethead/raver, victorian is a flavor of corsetcore mallfag or jap cosplayer
>>114953175>You've gone beyond embarrassing into cheesy self-parody.It's actually a brilliant one man surrealist reenactment of pic related! He hit all the notes perfectly!
>>114953175Again, it meant there is no continuity between the shows. I know what I said, not you or anybody else. Deal with it already goddamn it.
>>114953207They're still all goth.
>>114953198I like to think that at least someone working on the project did, but then there's the sheer lack of respect for the source material. I...cannot reconcile these things.Curiously of all things recent season Supernatural did a far more respectful take on Scooby Doo.
>>114953226You do know you can just stop posting and nobody will ever know the dark secret of the time you fucked up in a Scooby Doo 4chan thread, right? When you keep doing this you come off as beyond seething.It's hilarious, though, so don't let me stop you!
>>114953242I don't know, Dusk comes off a bit more punk with a side order of steampunk. They're all decent enough flavor choices in context, so I won't complain.
>>114953253Oh yea, I can imagine some people who worked on the sequels were baffled by the decision, but whoever is calling the shots is apparently trying to do a reverse of the trend that Zombie Island started for god knows whatever reason. I mean yea, a lot of people agree that the films kind of lost their touch by Cyber Chase, but it's not like they hadn't had some movies after with crooks in suits. The Summer camp one comes to mind, and that did a nice job of not being too obvious with the smoke and mirror stuff, and even had the surprise with the real villain's identity.
>>114953287>dude, just stop posting because I'm saying you're wrong and can't say otherwiseOr, maybe you can admit you read my post wrong and let it go because "no continuity" doesn't equal "no multiple continuities"
All we really need now are>Pup Named versions>modern Scooby Doo movie versions>live action versions
>>114953312I think they wanted to do a reverse double twist where instead of the monsters being real they're back to being fake (OR ARE THEY!?!?) but it really wasn't the best idea. They were banking on nostalgia bucks while at the same time pulling off something that felt like taking a piss on the original. Not a great strategy.
>>114953330Haha, I love that you say this when your earlier posts are, you know, still there, mocking your every attempt to lie your way out of this. You are a riot!
>>114953338The originals more or less are "modern Scooby Doo movie" versions, maybe not the style that some of the most recent films have used (though they do seem to change styles quite a bit), but it's not like they were entirely classic style in Witch's Ghost.As for them in the Pup named Scooby Doo, I think there was a fanart or two that did that. Not really big on live action versions, if only because they've rarely gotten main Scooby gang right in the many films.
>>114953422>it means what I want it to mean!This is you, this is what you sound like. You can't just accept that you're the one who was mistaken and just give it up, so you're shitposting like some tryhard acting like it's all a joke.
>>114953400Maybe, but as I said, it just doesn't work when both 13 Ghosts and Zombie Island made it crystal clear that the supernatural was a thing in those worlds. It's even weirder how they're trying to push the gang as "kids" again, even though Zombie Island all but said they were 20-somethings.
>>114953338I'm still disappointed teenaged Red Herring never made an appearance in Mystery Inc.>>114953330>"no continuity" doesn't equal "no multiple continuities"If you were pulling this shit in a classroom your paper would come back with SEE ME AFTER CLASS, in red ink, underlined twice, AND circled. Depending on how merciless the teacher there may be multiple exclamation points.
>>114953469The real joke is that he meant what he wrote, then tried to weasel out of it by claiming he meant the exact opposite of what he wrote."HA HA! SEE WHEN I SAID NO WHAT I REALLY MEANT WAS LOTS! HAHA, YOU JUST CAN'T OPERATE ON MY 5D LEVEL!"
>>114953507Didn't both claim it was just mind altering drugs influencing their perceptions? It is just possible this might be the most meta joke ever conceived.
>>114953513What shit? I clearly meant there's no continuity shows/films, not that there aren't multiple continuities. Are you really this fucking retarded?>>114953547Acting like a goof doesn't make your mistake any less stupid looking.
>>114953547Either side of an internet fight can walk away at any time. Have mercy.
>>114953594Doesn't matter what they were trying to imply, it still reeks of poor writing in some attempt to diminish what made the original works so enjoyable. If they were meant to be only loosely connected sequels, like how Mystery Inc is sort of a sequel to the original show but updated to the modern day, that might have worked. But they marketed the two films as if they were direct sequels set sometime after the show and movie they were following up on.
>>114953651FWIW you can still watch the originals, they didn't actually destroy them. Personally I'll still put Zombie Island on my Holla Forums watchlist every Halloween, I'll just skip the "sequel".
>>114953682Nobody is saying the originals are gone or destroyed, but the sequels still desecrate their legacy by trying to shoehorn "logic" into them that wasn't needed, much less asked for by the fans. I feel especially bad for the 13 Ghost audience who grew up with the show and waited all those years for a less than satisfying resolution.
>>114943352Hex Girls (3) >>>>>>> Dusk (1) = Luna (1) > Thorn (2) > Luna (2) >>> Dusk (2) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thorn (1)
>>114953756Not sure I get what you mean with those numbers. Like, all three at once is the best option? I can get behind that if that's the case.
>>114946239Bit of a reach but I'll take it.
>>114943408Original Dusk was just fine too.
>>114953819Referring to OP's pics of the Hex Girls1 = >>1149433522 = >>1149433703 = >>114943398
>>114953748Maybe not, but it's also Scooby Doo. You get used to the good, the bad, and the mediocre when it comes to new material.
>>114953895Maybe so, but this is the first time we had such big disappointments since they were billed as homages to some beloved classics, and fall awfully short of the mark.
>>114953865Eh, I'd say the original versions were the best, while Mystery Inc and Guess Who are still great in their own way, but just slightly less so. Not to say the What's new ones are bad, but they did feel a bit washed and "cheaper" looking.
>>114953756>>114953964Wow holy fuck I'm retarded. I had the signs flipped.
>>114953852For a second I thought the logo on Shaggy's head was some weird bald spot
>>114952899Who is the 4th?
>>114954273A friend from early days in the Guess Who episode
>>114953851she looks like she's about to bust out a club, she's too neanderthal-ish in that version
>>114954273Guessing it's a character made for that episode. Daphne was briefly a 4th member, in Mystery Inc, under the name of "Crush"
>>114943370The visual kei inspired Mystery Inc. designs are a million times better than the other two.
>>114954403Maybe for you.
>>114954497>it looks like a caveperson because I say soWhatever, retard.
>>114952036There was a pair of recurring background characters named Brenda and Dylan as well.Man I find it funny how linked those two art considering what a raging bitch Shannon Doherty is and Luke Perry was pretty much the most chill guy ever.
>>114953748I feel there there's some implied implication that it might have been? I can understand that. Sometimes Hollywood does something so shitty with a reboot or re-imagining it just leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth. Even he original reminds you of it. But regardless of whether implications were or were not there, it's like what this post >>114953895 says about quality in Scooby Doo being all over the place (sometimes within certain series). Taste is subjective, so there's never total agreement on what's even bad or good. I remember when Mystery Inc. was Holla Forums's groove but I've seen threads in the last year calling it shite and overrated. I guess it does take all kinds. In that spirit I just roll with whatever we get and ignore the rest. For instance I saw the 13 Ghosts film but never bothered with the return to Zombie Island. Still not sure whether I'll watch Scoob or not. Taste may be subjective, but damned if the recasting didn't hit me a bit. They can do what they want but it felt pretty shitty to not even tell the people who'd been voicing the modern characters for years what was going on.
>>114954543>because I say sobigger forehead, shorter skull a pronounced brow ridge are all stereotypical caveperson traits
>>114954737Her forehead is hardly that big, get your fucking eyes checked.
>>114954696Where? I didn't say the movies were that bad or anything, just that they fucked up what should been resolution for a 30+ spinoff and a classic that led to Scooby Doo having a resurgence in popularity.
>>114954779dude, in the pic at the start of the chain the distance between her hairline and the center of her brows is almost the same as the distance from her brow to her chini don't know about you, but if i do the same thing on my face i barely pass my nose
>>114955067No it isn't, look at her in any other scene, her forehead isn't that fucking big. Get your eyes, for fucks sake.
>>114954804Even whether or not they truly fucked up is open to debate. I'm sure someone enjoyed them. One would hope the people who worked on them were satisfied with what they did.
>>114955336Are you really this retarded? You do know everyone would look weird if they push their hair back all the way. Goddamn, how fucking stupid can you possibly be?
People in this thread sure do like arguing. Have people been in lockdown too long?
>>114955389There's always been some arguments in Scooby Doo thread. If someone tries to say Mystery Inc was a perfect show, you'll see some shit fly.
>>114955416>these shoddy edits prove that I'm right!Good god, you must be autistc.
>>114955445>editsif you don't know what proportions are it's not my problem
>>114955461There's literally nothing wrong with any of these fucking faces. Good god, man. Get the fuck over yourself already.
>>114955481not only you want to fuck someone that looks like a caveman, apparently you also posses the same intelligence as one.let me put this in a way you can understandme put stick on head between eyes and hairme put same stick between eyes and mouthstick goes until noseme put stick on head between eyes and hair of duskme put same stick on head between eyes and mouth of duskstick goes past mouth
>>114955431I don't know about PERFECT, but its highlights more than make up for any of its failings. I mean Scooby versus totally not Nazi robots with machine gun forearms and making a mechashiva with Shaggy to defeat them? Fuck yeah.
>>114955573>they look like a caveman because I say soOk, yep. You're autistic. Sorry for the doubt.
>>114955602where's your argument you shit eating fuckstick?so far you have done absolutely nothing but saying nuh uh and calling me autisticjesus fucking christ, what do i have to do to have a coherent though out of your retarded fingers?you are having severe problems in understanding that other people might not like something that you like, but despite the fact that i'm trying to explain to you why that is you refuse to see why that, how about you try to do the thing i have explained to you in 3 different posts, take that same stick, stick it up your ass sideways and come back when you have an argument?
>>114955692Where's yours? You keep posting these shitty pictures trying to force YOUR opinion on the character. Goddamn, get your head out of your ass. It's a cartoon character, of course they don't look realistic. But you're wrong in saying that she looks like a caveman. Deal with it, and stay the fuck wrong.
>>114955431Maybe. Better to say there's just arguing on 4chan period. All of that being true, however, it feels like there's been an uptick on the site. Maybe it's because with schools shut down every day is now summer here (whoever Moot is and his statistics be damned!). I want to think certain people are working out their frustrations at the pandemic in the only way they know how: internet fights. No doubt it makes them feel better, however temporarily.
>>114955745Nah, the entire site hasn't been all that great in a long while. Some people have gotten paranoid over things SJWs and other "triggers", and that just springs into any kind of outburst. Some that make a little bit of sense, and some that are full blown insanity.
>>114943550Top didn’t have that.
>>114955719what do cavemen look like to you?do you agree with this statement?"comparatively big forehead, shorter skull and a pronounced brow ridge are all stereotypical caveperson traits"in the last 5 posts i was trying to make it obvious to you that she has a big forhead compared to the length of her skull.also notice the shape of her skull, especially compared to the other band memberssee how thorn's face is more oval?your turn
>>114955829Dusk's forehead isn't nearly as big as you claim. Just accept that you're wrong already. Fucking hell, the level of autism on display is astonishing.
>>114943398From what show are this?
>>114955864Scooby Doo and the Guess Who
>>114946239Dude they are just Goth Josie and the PussyCats.
>>114955864Scooby Doo and Guess who?, the thirteenth series.
>>114955889when's Battle of the Bands: Josie and the Pussycats vs. Hex Girls?It'll be like u's vs. A-RISE but less cursed
>>114955856>nuh uh, i'm right you're wrongi refuse to take further part in this conversationi would call it an argument but you provided nonei hope your house burns down
>>114955943Yea, like you really had a sound argument to begin with. Don't make me fucking laugh.
>>114955938I have the feeling the Hexgirls are just the replacement of the PussyCats since they are owned by Archie.
>>114956020Who knows. Beyond the trio of two white chicks and a black one, there isn't much else that make them alike. The Hexes have constantly rotated out managers and assistants in their multiple iterations, and have never had a mascot like Josie's Sebastian.
>>114956132Well both are a all female music trio where the redhead is the lead the black girl play the strings and the blonde is drums.
>>114956155Yea, but they could easily have just been inspiration rather than a workaround some legal crap.
>>114956312>shaggy dating sim never
>>114956419Be honest, you couldn't handle stepping into Shaggy's swingingest lifestyle. Any girl he wants he can just swooc right in.
>>114956419>true ending is Scooby>achievement unlocked: Dog lover
I always felt bad for that guy who got sucked into his Witch grandma's diary or whatever.
>>114956512Dude gets to pork his evil witch granny in a book forever. Some might call that heaven.
>>114956512Guy kind of was an evil cunt though.
>>114956567Don't you fucking diss David Xanatos like that!
>>114956586Please, he doesn't even have half of Xanatos' swag, sexy voice, or genius that elevates him about good and evil.
>>114956567My nigga stole Xanatos' whole look.
>>114956616Except the voice of Jonathan Frakes.
>>114956611>sexy voiceDon't you fucking diss Tim Curry like that!
>>114956654You can't deny that it's not the same as John's. Wouldn't work for Xanatos himself.
>>114956611>>114956567>that time Tony Stark thought it'd be cool to grow a ponytailActually it is kind of interesting how you could distill Ben Ravencroft and Tony Stark and come up with David Xanatos. Dude loved his robots and armor but wasn't shy about fucking with Satanic rituals. The kind of CEO leadership this country really needs right now.
>>114956664If I had to chose between the two voices it would be Curry every time. Fucking fuck that goddamn stroke.
At least it's not that fucking mullet + porn stache combo.Also, Ben was made long after Xanatos was a thing.
>>114956722It's like looking at down syndrome Rambo with Gomez Addam's mustache.
>>114956767That, or one of those cheap Mexican soap opera actors.
>>114956767How's this?
>>114956700I miss his G.
>>114954389it's kinda funny that despite having only been invented at the tail end of the 90's the Hex Girls have ended up prominent enough to headline as guest stars in an episode of Guess Who, while The Funky Phantom crew has to play second banana to the ghost of Abraham Lincoln in their episode>>114956312two things; 1) missing the three additional students at the end of Ghoul School, and 2) really needs better pics for the Hex Girls, like seriously why would you use their What's New version as a reference
>>114956840NOW he coulda been a contender.
>>114956856Well I didn't make, for one.
>>114956852At least be glad the stroke didn't steal Tim away entirely.
>>114956886>Well I didn't make, for one.I figured you weren't the person who made it, just saying if anyone does an improved version in the future
>>114956312We gonna get any Be cool or Guess who girls?
>>114957545I imagine someone's going to have to take the issue into their own hands and update the thing. The original guy is either dead or fucked off to who know where.
>>114957635i'm right here actuallyi'm just to lazy to look through the franchise for every girli just picked the ones i remembered
>>114943398Anyone have the mega for guess who?
>>114958629honestly you grabbed most of the major ones off the top of my head, besides the couple I noted missing in >>114956856maybe include Ghoul School style kid Enid in as a joke while we're at it
>>114958629>>114958719Would be fun to maybe rearrange it to include every girl and any variations they have. While it's true that the likes of Daphne and Velma rarely change much between a few shows/movies radically shifting the artstyle, would be a fun way to enjoy the girls and their various incarnations.
>>114956312>dating the underage ghoul girls
>>114943352This song gave me funny feelings as a kid and probably started my shift from "Halloween stuff is scary" to "I love the Halloween aesthetic" and also gave me a fetish for goth girls. Specifically the dark-haired leader, that hairstyle is amazing and I'm pretty sure she also gave me a fetish for older girls I had when I was a tween and
>>114959084Implying what?
>>114959088Implying that user would be raping them.
>posting the ghoul girls and discussing the morality of dating them instead of just chadding up and dating them
>>114959027>>114959084Usually when this stuff gets talked about and posted but not always it's about aged up versions of the characters.
>>114959146Why was her butt so big?
>>114959159the only reason that pic used the original underaged versions of the Grimwood Girls is because every other pic used in that collage was using screencaps and it'd look weird if a couple of the girls were listed using fanart instead
>>114959159The people who don’t want the original Ghoul School girls are cowards.
There's actually a website that goes into Detail about each of their adventures. I forgot that site name...
>>114943398season 2 of guess who mega?
>>114960320It's still Season 1 and I found them through non-MEGA means.
>>114960385>that face
>>114960704The flesh eyes were fine.