In your ideal Crisis reboot, how would you reorganise the Batfamily so it actually feels like a cohesive team rather than a bunch of clashing identities and personalities?
>>114942003Batman would be a faggot sucking dicks
>>114942003But I like the clashing identities and personalities.
>>114942003Get rid of them. They're boring as fuck, and all of them do the same thing. You can have Batman, Catwoman and maybe one Robin. That's it. You don't need a million fucking people that all do martial arts but don't have any cool powers because of it, throw shit but can't use guns because Batman says so and are sort of good at being detectives but can't figure out whatever the fuck the Joker is doing this week.
>>114942003>Keep Dick, Jason, Cass and Damian>Barbara is Oracle>Jason shows up once and dies at the end of Red Hood arc>Everyone else becomes a one of character.
>>114942003>Dick Grayson is back as Nightwing. Married to Starfire, stationed in Bludhaven. Occasionally checks in on Gotham. >Jason can still do the Outlaw thing. He and Bruce are on good terms.>Tim is a detective on the GCPD. Great track record. Hangs out with Bullock. >Damian is current Robin, Jon is de-aged for Super Sons fun. >Babs is Oracle again. Uses a cane instead of being in a wheelchair. Limp prevents her from being Batgirl, and she’s happy that she got a second chance at glory. This also restores her to her former greatness, along with the “disabled people can still kick ass without a mask” thing. >Cass is Batgirl again. Or Black Bat, whatever name you prefer. >Steph is still Spoiler>Alfred is alive again>Huntress occasionally appears>Kate is an ARGUS agent assigned to monitor and fight the supernatural threats Gotham has. The city is cursed ground after all. Needs a new name/costume. >Duke Thomas and Harper Row are gone. Retired, they’re sick of this shit
>>114942653I'm fine with this one.
>>114942681Really? Thanks. See, I have good ideas dammit!
>>114942653Making Tim give up vigilantism to work for the GCPD is actually a fantastic idea that would make him something other than a spare robin or Nightwing life. It’s a natural and logical fit for the character too.Only problem is he’s pretty young to be an actual detective working alongside Bullock and Montoya.
>>114942818That’s why Bullock is his senior partner showing him the ropes. He’s building a career, and was given special recommendations due to performance review. Have him work cold cases
>>114942554>CatwomanSelina is cancer.
>>114942799>>114942681I'm fine with this one, minus him going along with Jason. That depends on whether Jason kills or not.
>>114942880So is batman what's your point.
>>114942900I believe Jason uses rubber bullets now. Those things hurt like hell. It’s kind of like a Green Hornet thing where he wants criminals to think he and his team are bad guys
>>114942003Get rid of everyone except my favorite character.
>>114942003OK, I'm tackling this head-on. Bear with me here.>Batman: World's Greatest Detective The sole vigilante operating in Gotham City. Reclusive, highly dangerous, and uses fear of his presence to make it seem as if he is everywhere at once. This Batman would be less combat-oriented than he is now; he'd have some pinch-hitters and his fancy car and jet, but he's a tinkerer at heart. If he needs a gadget, the story will show him MAKING it. His role is primarily as a detective. When Gordon and the GCPD come up against a real headscratcher that they can't puzzle out, the Bat Signal lights up. Bruce lives in the shadow of Gotham dealing with the scum who never see daylight, using his head and his tools to overcome insurmountable odds and learn impossible truths.His villains aren't city-destroying monstrosities, but very human people warped by circumstance. Half the fun of them is Batman learning who they were and getting into their heads.Continue using Bruce as a major facet of the stories; he's both a chance for Batman to cut loose and be human, while also being an information-gathering tool he can use to listen in on the gossip of corrupt socialites.Catwoman remains his wife, in secret. In public, she's the mercenary thief that will take any job for the right price. What the crooks of Gotham don't know is that she kicks back all the juicy info she learns to Batman. They fight and chase each other around to keep up the facade, though the truth might just be they couldn't give up the thrill of the chase when they got hitched. Reveal that they have an infant daughter named Mary at the end of the first arc As a member of the Justice League he primarily serves as their CFO and Intelligence Dept. rolled into one. He's not on the frontlines, but instead is behind the scenes finding the masterminds behind the crises the heavy hitters tackle head-on.
>>114943171>Nightwing and Robin: The Dynamic DuoDick Grayson is the most sociable of the Robins, and arguably the most successful. Founded a long-standing superhero team, became arguably the most respected hero on the planet, to the point that even Superman will listen when he speaks, and even managed to instill a little humility in walking ego trip Damian Wayne. So when Robin had a family squabble with Bruce, it was only natural he would go to crash at the home of the responsible big brother of the Batfamily.Dick, having just moved in with his fiancee Starfire in a cozy Bludhaven loft, ready to begin his new job as head of security at the new Desmond Casino, was hardly in the mood for babysitting everyone's favorite bloodthirsty hormonal teenager. But with responsibility thrust upon him, Dick becomes Damian's mentor once again and tries to help him grow out of Batman's shadow the way he once did.The setting is naturally Bludhaven, and while the primary focus is Dick and Damian's sibling relationship, subplots with Dick's Titans buddies will drop in and out of the run, most notably Kory's impatience over starting a family and Dick balking at more mouths to feed on top of his already-full plate.Nightwing is pure, distilled Dick. Cocksure, a freebird at heart, always in control in a fight, and absolutely dreadful with being a mature adult. The more he tries to rein in Damian, the more he realizes he's avoiding his own problems with Starfire.Robin is a more mature version of that little shit Damian, but still a shit. Hot-headed, impulsively violent, but also hero-worshipful of Dick and trying to learn from his example. A comedic subplot would consist of Damian trying out new hero identities only for them all to be taken (Hellboy, Blue Devil, Guardian, etc.)The early plot would revolve around Dick using his new job to spy on Blockbuster, but would quickly ramp up when he finds out ol' Desmond is in cahoots with Blackfire and a gang of space-mobsters.
>>114943171Keep going, I'm interested.This better have Azrael because I love that nigger with all my heart
>>114943427You have no idea how much I'm loving this. Moar please!
>>114943171>>114943427Keep going. I really want to read the rest.
>>114943427>Detective Comics: DrakeTim is going through something of a crisis of faith. Among his friends in the Teen Titans, he feels complacent and bored. Back in Gotham, he feels stifled beneath Batman's shadow, as if he can't grow when there's someone there to pick up his slack. And though he tried to retire and spend the summer back home with his mom and dad, something about the costumed life is still calling to him, like he's squandering himself.Tim takes a sabbatical from superheroing and goes up north, to a sleepy little Minnesotan town on the shore of Lake Superior, to visit a lakehouse his family spent a summer at in his childhood, to see if he can recapture a little of his lost vivaciousness. But the moment he steps into the cozy little town of Silver Harbor, he knows something is wrong. The people of the town are strange, even by the standards of a costumed adventurer. They all seem to keep secrets buried within secrets, and none of them trust one another, let alone the newcomer. The town is kept afloat on the backs of loading coal barges, yet none have come through in months. And at night, Tim sees things on the lake that make him shiver; he thinks they see him, too.But despite it all, Tim deep down is thrilled. He knows what he's been missing, at last: the mystery, the unknown. A chance to learn things he wasn't supposed to learn. But he suspects he cannot peel back this place's secrets alone, so he calls in a favor from Raven, and forms a partnership to unveil the bizarre secrets of Silver Harbor.If you can't tell, the premise is taking Tim and going full Twin Peaks. I always thought his greatest character strength was his curiosity, so give him a mystery so obtuse and strange he can't solve it without breaking out of his comfort zone. A lot of horror, a lot of humor, and a bargeload of quirky townsfolk as recurring characters to flesh out this one.Don't worry they don't use pic related costumes
>>114943427Why does Dick need a day job? Pretty sure he doesn't need to work.
>>114943652Wow I never thought I'd find someone on Holla Forums who actually likes Tim and understands what makes him work as a character. I wish I could buy this story right now. It absolutely sounds like something perfect for him.
>>114942554This. Along with a Batgirl
>>114943752Isn’t his whole schtich “being his own man” hard to take seriously when coasting off your sugar daddy
Bring Tim back as Robin. De-age Damian slighty and make him 'Kid Robin' or someshit. Hype Damian as the heir to the Robin mantle as opposed to Batman's. PROBLEM SOLVED!.
Bruce is Batman Dick is RobinBabs is Batgirl Jason and Tim are same age as Dick.Tim is an Oracle figure helping Dick and Babs Jason is the Red X thiefNeither was trained by Bruce The rest are gone
How do we introduce The Macaroni into the Batfamily?
>>114943884That's like giving a squire a squire.
>Batman Inc. still exists>Bruce is the Batman of the World with the Justice League>Dick is the Batman of Gotham, but uses Nightwing when he's with the Titans. He has Silver Age style adventures.>Jason has a team with Artemis, Bizarro and maybe Red Devil and Ravager. They go more Golden Age, fighting mobsters and the like.>Cass and Tim form a globethrotting team fight the League of Assassins across the world as Black Bat and Red Robin. More of a Bronze Age atmosphere. Mostly cause Black Bat and Red Robin are terrible names that work well together. Tim is also part of Young Justice/Teen Titans with Kon, Bart, Cassie and some other people in their age range>Damian is Dick's Robin. Has his own team with Chris/Jon, Lian, Irey, GL Milagro, and maybe Lyta Trevor>Babs is Oracle, leads the Birds of Prey and is teaching Steph. She's also the number one source of information for superheroes>Steph is Batgirl and sometimes teams up with either Dick and Damian, to be the Terrific Trio of Gotham City, or guest stars with Tim and Cass
>>114943652>Oracle and the SignalBarbara Gordon isn't someone who can happily laze around without something to work on. She needs a project, something to focus on. And right now, that's the Oracle Network. Batman's Brother Eye project was ambitious, but flawed: as Barbara saw it, that fault was trusting a machine. What an all-seeing eye needs to keep it in check is the temperance of a responsible mind. So, with the scraps of that ruined framework, she has constructed a machine that can tap into an entire city: its power grid, its phones, its internet, maybe even its people.But she knows Batman. He won't let others repeat his mistakes, and he'd never allow such a thing to snake its way into Gotham under his watch. So before she tries it, she needs a trial run. For this purpose, she selects the one city in America that can put Gotham and Bludhaven to shame: Hub City. If she can make the Oracle System work in Hub City, curb the lawlessness of the worst place to live on the continent, then she can make it work anywhere.For this experiment, she brings along Duke Thomas, aka The Signal. If she's the Oracle's brains, she'll need hands. And Duke is the perfect candidate, using his enhanced vision to pick up abstract info the Oracle System can't track with data alone. Maybe the only member of the Batfamily as ambitious as her, Duke eagerly accepts.The pair make a hell of a dent, and in the early arc they take on Hub's worst and use their technological advantage to scrub the city of crooks, even exposing corruption throughout the city administration. But they run into a strange roadblock, when the Question himself mysteriously attacks Duke on patrol.This is because, while most criminals in the city are being taken down, an upstart Yakuza family is swelling up in the power vacuum. Question believes one of the pair is secretly aiding this gang, and is out to stop them before they spark the deadliest gang war in the city's history. And he's right.
>>114943884>Bring Tim back as Robin.Nah.
>>114943171>ontinue using Bruce as a major facet of the stories; he's both a chance for Batman to cut loose and be human, while also being an information-gathering tool he can use to listen in on the gossip of corrupt socialites.>Catwoman remains his wife, in secret. In public, she's the mercenary thief that will take any job for the right price. What the crooks of Gotham don't know is that she kicks back all the juicy info she learns to Batman. They fight and chase each other around to keep up the facade, though the truth might just be they couldn't give up the thrill of the chase when they got hitched. Reveal that they have an infant daughter named Mary at the end of the first arc>As a member of the Justice League he primarily serves as their CFO and Intelligence Dept. rolled into one. He's not on the frontlines, but instead is behind the scenes finding the masterminds behind the crises the heavy hitters tackle head-on.Batcat is cancer.
>>114942554Extremely smoothbrained post demonstrating a severe lack of understanding for Batman's character.Look at the quoted post and learn from it, never be that user.
How about we just do multiple Robins?Since they are usually high school age it makes more sense for Bruce to draw up a roster and rotate his sidekicks. It also opens up the potential to bring back Steph as Robin or even introduce Carrie Kelly.
Relegate Bat family members to support roles instead of having them all fucking out there fighting crime. Back up, tech support, other support. Personally, really, the only thing I want modern Batman to do is to get past the current quagmire of tropes it is in.
>>114942653Yeah, this is it, guys. This is the best take.
Dick ,Damian and Bruce.The rest are gone
>>114943975>A premise with Duke that isn't shit
>>114943975>>114943496I have to stop but in case the thread dies before I can finish the rest, my idea for Azrael was as part of a team with Batwoman, Shining Knight and Zatanna hunting mythical beasts around the world created by Maro. Part of the conflict was that one of the beasts had convinced the Order of St. Dumas that it was Dumas reborn when in reality it was a fictional approximation of Biis.
>>114943427I love this and I love you, user.
>Kate is in Gotham dealing with minor criminals and dating Harper Row>Barbara is Batgirl and is working together with the Birds of Prey in Burnside>Dick is a detective at Bludhaven>Keep Jason with the Outlaws thing>Tim Drake is dating Conner and both are leaders of Young Justice in Metropolis>Damien is in New York with the Titans>Duke Thomas, Alfred and the Ace are still working with Bruce
>>114942554Almost this. Plus Babs. Make Jason the first Robin, later Redhood, who is resentful of Dick Grayson, the second, perfect, Robin, who will eventually outgrow Gotham, become Nightwing and leave Batman behind with Alfred and Oracle.
>>114942554I sort of agree. There are so many "Bat" family members now that it all feels like a cluster fuck. The stories become overly large in their scope and it simply doesn't do it for me anymore.
>>114942653Like this one. Would personally prefer that Jason's on the outs with Bruce, but that's just me.
>>114944384I'll try to keep this thread alive until then, cause I really want to see more of this!
>>114944660Why the fuck would Jason be the first Robin? The mantle was a nickname Dick’s mother gave him.
Batman and Alfred. There. I don't care about Nighwing in Bludhaven or Barb as the Oracle (she doesn't nees to be crippled). Children as sidekicks is a retarded and kinda sick idea, so ni Robin whatsoever.Batwoman retconned or turned into batshit crazy Zasz tier villain with rag-tag batcostume, who is deluded that she is real batman and kills or hunts everybody that claims differently, batman himself included.
>>114942003In an ideal crisis reboot, Batman is the paranoid loner that he actually is, without Robins, and if they do exist, they all loath him (aka Dick) and don't want to be him or be near him. Tim shouldn't exist and anyone who came after him shouldn't exist. Demon Spawn is written in to serve his purpose, which is to be killed off and stay dead.
who even cares, they'll never downsize the batfamily because it prints too much money for batfaggots who want their legion of miniature and genderbent versions of batman
>>114942003Set them up like a counterpart to the League but more of a "franchise" situation. BoP, Outsiders, etc all under one umbrella. Titans too maybe. Draw a clear line between Batnan gang and the League.
>>114942003Keep Alfred and make either Dick or Time be Robin. If Tim is Robin, just have Dick become a detective or something and not show up as a costumed hero again. If Jason has to exist, keep him dead. Don't make anyone else Robin, like Stephanie or Damian. Barbara can exist as Batgirl, but can only appear occasionally like in BTAS. Have no other bat women or girls.
Why do people want Batman to be a loner? Did they forget the first truth of Batman?
>>114942003Batman, Nightwing, Damian Robin, Batgirl, Alfred. Everyone else gets deleted.
>>114945299>If Tim is RobinTim is cancer.
>>114945408Nah. Try reading Batman comics made before 2011.
>>114945325What's that?
>>114945407>Batman, Nightwing, Damian Robin, Batgirl, Alfred. Everyone else gets deleted.This.
>>114944660Fuck, didn't even consider Alfred as bat family cause that's a fucking term for all the pointless extras. Yeah, Alfred stays. And okay, I'd allow one and just one chick with a Batman gimmick so Barbara cause she's hot and actually fits the setting with her backstory.But fuck, this is the whole point, if you have hot redhead Batgirl, why do you fucking need mute Asian Batgirl, Blonde wannabe Robin Batgirl, I have a fucking crossbow Italian Batgirl and fucking annoying dyke redhead Batwoman Batgirl? Unless you're drawing fucking porn that is way too many women all doing the same fucking thing.
>>114945325There’s a difference between having a sidekick, having multiple sidekicks, and having a legion of redundant knockoffs
>>114945421>Nah. Try reading Batman comics made before 2011.Tim is still Cancer.
Either make a Robin book with all the Robins on a team together or make a Batfamily book that has all of them plus the the Batgirls and tertiary characters like Huntress and etc. Or even just a good mini/maxi-series, sate that craving for Batfamily shenanigans for the fans for a while and then gauge feedback and either do a follow up or launch a new ongoing focusing on whatever what right/fixing what went wrong the first go around. Main Batman book can be mostly solo but include the family as needed, the way they've been doing it. I don't think that formula's broken, just needs quality writers.
>>114942003things move as it was in the pre-52 universe basically but i'd keep bruce deadLuke acts Dickbat's econd sidekick
>Detective Comics is a solo book featuring Batman and no sidekicks, taking on street crime in detective mystery stories.>Batman is the title more likely to feature sidekicks and supervillains and superhero soap-opera drama. Robin (Damien) features prominently, but you usually only see one sidekick at a time in an issue (a Batman + Nightwing issue here, a Batman + Batgirl issue there)>Nightwing and Spoiler get a team-up title. By day, Steph is Dick's intern at the Martha Wayne Home for Orphans or whatever. By night, they fight crime as a more light-hearted and honey dynamic duo when compared to Bruce and Damien. Fun title>Batgirl relocates to Washington where she works as a staffer for a congressperson by day and fights crime by night. Series may see her run for Congress herself>Cassandra Cain relocates to Hong Kong where she fights crime simply as "Caine." Series is inspired by Asian crime movies/Chinese noir>Tim only gets cameos in Bat titles and is more often seen in Teen Titans or Young Justice or whatever his team is. Use his Doctor Midnite-looking Red Robin costume>Batwoman gets a title, but like the Rucka days, she's not really part of the Batfam. Just inspired by Batman and uses his symbol.>Creeper gets a title. He works with Batman's blessing, even though the rest of the senpai thinks he's insane. Batman trusts him.>Jason Todd has been dead since Joker killed him. No Red Hood.>Nobody cares about Duke Thomas or Harper Row
>>114945457Not him but you act like they’re all in one group trying to grapple gun the same gargoyle. Gotham is a big city, and not everyone is under Batman’s supervision
>>114945458So you've only read post Nu-52 DC.That's cool man. Maybe expand your taste a little bit and read stuff from the nineties. It's much better than the feces you've become accustomed to.
>>114945436Huntress is cool. She's the violent anti-hero who's willing to use potentially lethal force and makes a good partner for Black Canary. She's on the periphery of the Bat-family and is really only a member because pre-crisis she was golden age Batman's daughter.
What's the English name for when a hero is trying to minimize building destruction in the middle of a battle against a super villain? Does anyone know what I'm talking about? There's a really neat sounding word/sentence for that, but I don't remember
>>114942003Batman is on its own unverse. it can interact with an hypotetical Earth 1 for events and shit like that, but it needs to stay on its own containment zone.
>>114942653This works for me.
>>114943171>Catwoman remains his wife, in secret. In public, she's the mercenary thief that will take any job for the right price. What the crooks of Gotham don't know is that she kicks back all the juicy info she learns to Batman. They fight and chase each other around to keep up the facade, though the truth might just be they couldn't give up the thrill of the chase when they got hitched. Reveal that they have an infant daughter named Mary at the end of the first arcThis but with Helena. I'm pretty sure that's how it happened on Earth-2 anyway and it's an excellent middleground. Still have her steal from bigger criminals she doesn't like.
>>114946554He just got disintegrated yesterday by Blackfire.
>>114945610Sure. He does need help - from a fucking Justice League, when the threat is at least country size. In Gotham he only needs Alfred as a support and Gordon as his police contact. Batfamily is redundant. It pisses me off. I'm buying comics to read about batman not his sidekicks. I literally choose books where he works alone but nevertheless in every book they HAVE to appear, at least as civilians. Grrrr...
>>114942653This is probably most the most efficient take for the characters. I would prefer if Tim where to go into Private Investigations & become a more pulp styled hero that works directly with GCPD (Like Jason Bard or The Spirit)Take Birds of Prey away from Harley & be molded into the Batgirls, with Babs as Oracle sending Steph & Cass to do the dirty work.What about "Hellbat" for Kate, since she's on the Spooky beat? Maybe team her up with Corrigan?
>>114946707>Grrrr...Makes sense an autistic underage doesn't understand the point of the family.
>>114946723It's underage weelads that like big batfamily, retard.
>>114946554Oh shoot, I forgot. Hmm...honestly can we have him die a hero?>>114946716Hellbat might not work because there’s armor already named that. But then again Batwing is a thing. Shit, forgot about him too. He’s retired
>>114942653This but post final crisis with Dick taking over as Batman
>>114942003Batman should never have to many sidekicks at his disposal. The magic numbers for me at least is 2 (3 if you want to count Alfred) So as other sidekicks join the ranks other members of the batfamily should exit. Either because they have a moral disagreement with Bruce (Batwoman, Huntress) or get shipped of to another city (Nightwing) or get crippeld/killed (Barbra/Jason).Catwoman should be at best a lose alliance for Batman, in which both of them wonder when the other is going to stab them in the back.Red Hood should stay a villain who is out to control crime by violent means. Him becoming another sidekick again cheapens the impact of jasons death.In some instances Batwoman and Huntress are related to Bruce which is retarted.
>>114946761underrage people don't read comics idiot
>>114946773>Honestly can we have him die a hero?Joker's one real goal is to eventually push Batman to kill him. So let's have Jean-Paul oblige him with a mutual kill
>>114946781No>>114946816Can’t kill Joker either.
>>114946657Seriously, as if any of this will matter, there's already time travel fuckery planned by that New God and it's obvious him and Starfire won't stay dead.
>>114946811They clearly do since you are here, dumbass.
>>114946554What about Flamebird?
>>114946707>Wanting a supporting cast of two charactersWhy?
>>114942003Get rid of Cass, Duke and Steph. The others should rarely show up outside the primary Batfam that Alfred and Robin.
>>114947111Why the fuck you need a teenager (or, worse yet, a preteenager) ss batman's sidekick? Pedobears or what?
>>114942003For about 4 years, I´ve been gestating this idea on my idea for a batman TV Series, that would last for a long, Long, LONG time. So, buckle up kiddos, ol daddy´s gonna give you a resumé of it.First off, all seasons, from 1-10, would be 16 episodes long, TWD-style, except good. I would enjoy some The Raid-esque fight sequences, with Bruce being quick and VERY brutal. He just got off being a member with The League Of Assassins (this will be explored later), so, while not a killer, he would severely injure. This would also come in play waaaaaaay later. Alas, let´s go:Season One- First Half: An adaptation of Year One, parts of Year Zero (The Red Hood arc, as he would be the main villain of this first half), and Shaman, a terrific little story that deserves more love. Bruce creates the Batman suit around episode 6 or 7.Second half: 10 nights of the Beast, some more zero year (no savage city or gotham being isolated from the world or any monkey business like that though). The Riddler would be the main villain of this second half, an old ally/enemy of Jim Gordon and Oswald Cobblepot (paying my respects to Gotham, as it deserves), who, after hearing about this mysterious Batman persona, comes back to Gotham to challenge him. This would be the very first sign of escalation, with The Batman attracting those people who want a challenge to face him, putting the lives of innocent people in danger. Escalation is the name of the game, as there would be NO city-threatening events for the first couple seasons. In season One, the climax would probably be The Riddler threatening to blow up the GCPD to get revenge on Gordon. That´s it. KGBeast would appear in a 2 episode arc, with Bruce leaving him to die in the end, but he manages to escape with help from Deathstroke, who warns The Beast to "get the hell out of Gotham" as Slade is the only one who can kill BatmanSo, is anyone interested? I have a whole lot more, if you are!
>>114947551>>114947488Thanks user!I´ll keep going then. Season 2 would follow the same structure as season 1, with two different main villains for each half, though there would be connections to season 1.First half: Deathstroke is the main villain. He knows Bruce is Batman. You see, back in the day, Slade was one of the main targets of The League, as he was too much of a competition for them. So, they put Bruce, Shiva, Bronze Tiger, Merlyn, and Silver Monkey (he would have his own arc, I fucking loved him in BTB, best boy) plus a whole army of league assassins, to take him down. They suceed, and he´s arrested. We don´t know exactly what happened after that, as we aren´t shown (yet) to it, but Bruce and Slade parted ways on good terms. In the mid-season finale, DS reveals he was contracted by The Riddler in some part of a larger scheme, to test Batman. Slade says Bruce is not yet ready to take down The League, but he needs to be, because some day, soon, they´re gonna come knocking to burn it all down, and the two of them are going to need to be ready. Bruce would never actually manage to defeat Slade, as he´s way more experienced, but would distract and momentarily stop him from killing some of his targets. This would be the main arc. There would be a two-parter following Solomon Grundy appearing, and since he´s supernatural, Bruce would call an old friend of his, your very own, John Constantine, scumbag extraordinaire. They stop him for the time being, but Constantine warns he´ll be back. Another subplot would be Bruce pushing his body to the limits in an attempt to catch-up with Slade, especially after he´s warned about The League. So, he starts taking this little drug... That´s right, Venom. To cap it off, the oldest of Bruce´s loves would come back to Gotham, Julie Maddison, and they would start a relationship again, with Alfred being reallly happy about it and such, encouraging Bruce to keep on seeing her.I´ll continue on another post.
>>114947111I mean if we have to keep the Batfamily then at least whittle it down to the most “essential”. If you wanna go crazy throw in Batgirl I guess but I find her redundant if we already have a Robin.
>>114942003Batman is a harem anime with little boys, girls, and Alfred.
>>114948041Second half:A subplot I forgot to tell you, is that, on season one, a doctor would help Batman to understand more about the nature of criminals and fear and the likes. One Doctor Jonathan Crane. As you can see, escalation again comes to play, with Crane being so invested in his work with Batman, and wanting to help him (he thinks they´re partners), he develops this fear gas, to better improve Batman´s effectiviness. He ends up dosing himself with it accidentaly, and this loosens his hold on himself, and creates the Scarecrow persona, to instill fear on every criminal in Gotham, so he and Batman can rest peacefully in a completely secure city. He´s the main antagonist of this half. Dick Grayson is first introduced here (yeah, early I know, but this is a TV series, we´re working on a time-frame here people). He discovers Bruce is Batman around episode 14. He, along with Alfred and Julie, are instrumental in helping Bruce to get rid of his Venom addiction, and get him back in shape to face Scarecrow, who´s threatening to release his fear gas around an entire city block (NOT the entire city, we´re not there yet people). The Mad Hatter would also appear, and befriend Tetch, further deranging his mind. Killer Croc would also appear, but he would be like his Earth-One incarnation, with him being an all-around good guy, who helps Batman to take down The Scarecrow. The stinger of the season is a frustrated Harvey Dent, having to deal with all this lunacy, in court, receiving a package. It explodes. It´s acid, and it corroded half his body away. In the package, there was a card. A Joker.And here we go...
>>114948217I´ll continue with season 3 in a couple minutes (don´t know if I´ll be able to continue after that though, so if you want more, bump this shit and keep talking)
>>114943171Huh...Kinda reminds me of The Batman's Grave or Dini's Detective Run. I'd still think he should be combative but maybe focus less on brutal fighting and more on efficient paralyzing strikes, like the Sherlock Holmes movies>>114943427More Dick/Damian is good but I don't like how subplots have to involve the Titans. I'm sure Dick can pull any one of his cast from the Dixon era to fill in> A comedic subplot would consist of Damian trying out new hero identities only for them all to be taken (Hellboy, Blue Devil, Guardian, etc.)Why not Redwing? It already ties back to a Robin thing (Tim's car) & Damian used it in Batman Inc once, didn't he?Speaking of Tim...>>114943652Tim going full Twin Peaks is a very interesting premise, but I hope that is not all it is. I'm a big fan of the Red Robin run & I would like to see Tim solving spooky mysteries around the world.Also don't know how I feel about bringing Raven in. Sounds a bit like shipping material>>114943975Don't know how you're going to make this work without a strong brand identity like Batgirl or BOP but more power to you if you do. This sounds like a very interesting premise for a mini.>>114944384Honestly, just make this the New "Outsiders" book: Kate could be doing her supernatural mystery thing as usual when suddenly she's in over her head as the mystery grows deeper out of Gotham & she needs a squad to help her. Add Katana for legacy & someone like Etrigan as a wildcard & this could be a really fun ride!Anyways, All your ideas are pretty based user. Keep up the good work!
>>114948443Season 3 would break the mold. The Joker would be a full-season villain. Dick Grayson would finally become Robin in the second episode of the season, the two-parter "Two-Face Strikes Twice!". This estabilishes the hatred Two-Face has for Robins. Man-Bat and Scarface would be introduced in individual episodes. Detective Ellen Yin and Ethan Bennet, who would already appear on season 2, would be part of the main cast here. Yin and Batman start to...Have something. She´s focused on the mission, like him. They bond over that, and start a "prot-relationship." Bruce continues dating Julie though. Cluemaster would also be introduce this season, as a poor looser who gets conned into villainy by The Joker and The Riddler. Speaking of The Riddler, he would be back in a big time manner in the second half, starting an war with The Joker (yes, the WOJAR) for control over Gotham, with the older, and more reasonable generation of criminals, siding with The Riddler, and the new, "better class of criminals", siding with The Joker. Deathstroke would also appear, having been contracted by The Riddler, but he would secretly be feeding Batman intel. The Joker calls down Deadshot. He threatens The Penguin into working for him as well. Cluemaster would also be on his side, purely to spite The Riddler. There would be others, of course, Scarface, Firefly, Killer Moth, Poison Ivy (she secretly works for Ra´s Al Ghul, and has been sent to spy on The Batman), etc. In the final 3 episodes, Batman allies himself with The Riddler to stop The Joker and his mad followers, and they mostly suceed, until The Joker reveals his grand move, putting the lives of everyone in Gotham in danger, and systematically taking down each and every one of Riddler´s group). He threatens Bruce into killing the Riddler, and, right about when he´s gonna do it... The Joker himself stops him... Only to pick up the knife from his own hand and cut Nygma´s throat, and he falls to his death.
>>114948981So yeah, Riddler´s really dead. No coming backs here. This estabilishes The Joker as the BIG threat, and the guy who will love to make his darling Batsy miserable for years and years to come. Their final confrontation this season would be in the Arkham Asylum, with The Joker having kidnapped Robin, Catwoman, Ellen Yin and Gordon. Bruce manages to save them and beat The Joker, with Catwoman and Ethan Bennet helping (their confrontation plays out pretty much like the cathedral in Arkham Origins).OH, subplot, Ethan gets turned into Clayface by The Joker, in the two-parter "The Laughing Smile Of Comedy/The Clay Face Of Tragedy", and is forced to work for him, as is Penguin, but they betray The Joker (The Penguin was an old friend of Nygma, and is deeply hurt by his death, and hates himself for being a part of it). Ethan helps Batman to save Yin, but, in the end, she leaves Gotham, wanting nothing to do with all this madness. Not anymore. Julie leaves as well, as Bruce had been pushing her away, with all that´s been happening. So, it´s just him, Alfred, and Dick now. Are you guys enjoying it? I would really like to know your opinion! If you want more, just let me know!
I don't really have much of an idea for a Batman book, but I do have this idea for a Robin family book, where Dick Grayson basically turns the Robins into a spy agency that operates outside Gotham; it's basically an excuse to have a Robin team up book.There is R1, Dick Grayson, the silly suave sexy leader of the group, who despite rather being out on the field fighting crooks & dodging danger now has to enter the equally dangerous world of spy politics as he learns to play nice with the other spy agencies & avoid attempts on his life.There is the new R2, Tim Drake, head of intelligence. More serious & a bit colder, he provides the tactics of the group & investigates who comes after them. Does light field operations but mostly keeps to himself as he uncovers a massive conspiracy that threatens vigilantes everywhere...a trail that will make him do some shady things.There is R3, Stephanie Brown, who wants to avoid the heroics and concentrate on info brokage, tech development & medic. Basically Oracle/Q who can still kick ass. Is worried about Tim ever since he got promoted.R4 is Damian, the scout, assassin, fighter, overall top field agent of the team. Does basically all the field work so he thinks he's running the organization and just made Grayson his COO. Hates that Tim is R2 instead of him.Finally, there's R5 - Duke Thomas. The rookie who works with Tim & Damian on field and uses his abilities to help uncover clues. Joined up because he heard someone in the shadows may have a way to cure his parents.The only exception being Jason, the former R2, now a Rogue Robin; Forms a rival group with The OutlawsYeah it's dumb. If this continues, maybe I'll have a better idea.
>>114950224duke was never a robin tho
>>114943752Exactly! The "Dick doesn't want Bruce's money" thing is stupid. Dick should milked every dime out of his sugar daddy, especially for all of those years of child endangerment.
>>114950285Um..he was an Unofficial Robin during the We are Robin thing. He's as much a Robin as Steph or Carrie KelleyThat Robin mini is practically whole reason Duke is still talked about & got the Signal gig.
>>114950224I'm interested in the Jason and Dick part of the story. Duke's a bit trash for me, but I really like your idea user
>>114950371>He's as much a Robin as Steph or Carrie KelleyUm, no, he's as much a Robin as every other no-name kids that were Robins in that event, Steph and Carrie were actually made Robin by Batman (technically Carrie became Robin on her own and Bruce just accepted it but it still counts).>That Robin mini is practically whole reason Duke is still talked about & got the Signal gig.Yes, but he was never Robin, that's why he became Signal, Snyder straight up said that he wasn't a Robin, there's a reason he was completely ignored in the Robin anniversary special while Dick, Jason, Tim, Steph and Damian were actually acknowledged.
>>114950224It´s not a dumb idea. Be proud of it user!
>>114942985Batman is the kind of cancer that makes you immune to all disease and immortalCatwoman is the kind of cancer that will make you die shitting your pants alone and pathetic.
>>114942003Batman, DickRobin and Alfred. That's it. Dick is and should remain Robin even as an adult.
>>114951307>Dick is and should remain Robin even as an adult.I have never, ever, in my entire life, read such shit taste.
>>114951403This, Dick is a better character for growing out of the Robin role
>>114942818>>114942653I've been wanting Detective Drake for yearsJust make a new Gotham Central book about Tim and Babs climbing the ranks from beat cop to detective. Get Barbara on the track to be the future Commissioner Gordon like in BB
>>114944062The DCAMU approach sucked
Carrie should be Damian's Robin
>>114951789BB universe fucking sucks and I want to keep gordon as far from that fuck awful au version as possible. >>114942003Batman quasi retires after his normie wife dies.Dick is all square jawed superhero two fisted adventuring and manwhoring and takes the mantle.Jason is full vengence at any cost I am the night and breaking bones. Becomes Darkknight/redhood.Timm is full preptime and insane plans within plans and detective work. He's basically batgod but the batman that is the leader of various groups and pulls insane bullshit.Damian is batman as a kid. One who has a chance to become a normal man.He's the Robin to Dicks Batman.Batgirl is crippled and goes full crowbar on Joker in her batgirl beyond suit. Is stopped from murdering him by the semi retired batman. Retires completely and becomes Oracle. Adopts Cassandra Cain. Hunttress and Question have a fun "crazy shit happens" duo going.Catwoman is shot and dies in an alleyway. Batwoman gets a terminal case of the herp.
>>114951870What the hell happened to her after N52 anyway?
>>114951653Dick/Nightwing is just Robin in a black and blue costume. He's to this day only a Bruce sidekick and support character. Making him Robin again won't change anything for Dick.
>>114951948Fuck bateditorial, Dick should've marrried Kory and gone on space adventures
>>114951877 >BB universe sucksThat's a pretty shwarbage take
>>114951986This isn't Dick Tracy, Batman's son can't marry a moon princess.
>>114952386Bruce fired him, he can do whatever he wants
>>114952386Why do the majority of media appearances use Dick/Kory then? Dickbabs is boring.
Heroes:Batman NightwingTeam Robin (Tim, Damian, Carrie)OracleLeague of Batgirls (Cass, Steph, Tiffany)BatwomanAnti-Heroes:JasonHuntressAzraelNiggers:BatwingAlso featuring:Ace the BathoundAlfred Pennyworth as The Macaroni
>>114952446I'm no DickKory shipper. That ship has sailed in my opinion. But DickBabs is thrash. Dick's worst pairing by far.
Simple, have the Joker kill all the the batfam except Batman so Batman starts shouting about niggers and starts fucking murdering people.
>>114952433>>114952446Dickbabs is lame and Dick's never stepped out of Bruce's shadow, but that's still a better fate than being tied up in DC constantly trying to capture 40 year old glory days with the Titans.
>>114952671It's hilarious that DC is so desperate to separate Oracle from Babs when that's the only thing she has that isn't done better by another character
>>114952973Should Jason be with Babs, though?
>>114953375Hell no. Babs is for Dick when he wants a little variation from the Tamaranean snu-snu. Nothing else.
>>114951889So Frank Miller told DC to stop using her, and if they did he'd write more TDKR universe stories. They backed off, and Frank honored his word.
>>114953375TedBabs was great
>>114953629Truth. Unfortunately Ted is one of the few characters who is actually dead permanently outside of elseworlds, so it's never going to happen
>>114942003A streamlined continuity take spans from years 1-10 of Bruce becoming Batman Greyson, Damian, and Jason Todd don’t exist Barbara is introduced early and isn’t paralyzed or attacked by the Joker, but instead Gordon is kidnapped and dies. Barbara blames herself and Bruce for the incident and she grows disillusioned with vigilantism, joining the GCPDTim Drake is adopted by Bruce and has aspects of Jason Todd’s personality/origin story mixed with Drake’s history. When Gordon died and Barbara and Bruce have a falling out, the focus shifts from Barbara and Bruce to Bruce and DrakeFinal arc of the series is Drake being kidnapped and tortured by the Joker, causing Bruce to snap and break his no kill rule. Less Batman Inc and more of a tragedy between Bruce and two supporting characters
>>114953697>Deleting all of the Robin's but TimAnon you have the polar opposite of good taste
>>114953669Ted is not dead right now tho.
>>114953726Replace Tim with any other Robin but just have one Robin per continuitySame with Barbara, you can have Cass or Barbara but you can’t have both That, or have all the Robins but double down on the meme that Bruce is just grooming an army of orphaned child soldiers
>>114953669What >>114953733 said, Ted's been back for a while now.
>>114953697This is a shit opinion, Tim is the worst Robin.
>>114952671>>114952694DC has spent the last 40 years shitting on the Titans, between killing them off and retconning Dick and Kory's relationship into just lust when Dick loved her more than any other woman and wanted to marry her.If they wanted to pursue it, they could. Hell, if you read Titans before Dick was shot, they teased the fact that he still loves Kory.
>>114953375Bard or Todd? Not that both aren't equally awful.
The truth is, Bruce should only have ever had two Robins: Dick, and Jason. Dick is the son who left home to become something better, but, when his family needed him, he comes back to take over the family business. Jason is the son which Bruce failed.Damian should exist but solely as Dick´s Robin.Tim could be... I dunno, fucking erased for all I care, but you could put him Stephanie Duke and Carrie into a We Are Robin situation
>>114950426>>114950712Thanx everyone for the vote of confidence. it really was nothing more than a last minute idea because I'm busy doing other stuff but I didn't want the thread to die. A lot of people have already made the "Robin Book" idea. I just decided to makeAs for Jason's departure, you now how it is:Dick trust Jason to do good. Makes him his second. Jason does a good job but crosses a few linesThey have an argument.Jason fucks off to the OutlawsSpend the rest of the story calling the Robins retarded because they think they can enter the spy biz while keeping their hands clean.It gets complicated when everyone except Dick kinda agrees with Jason in one way or anotherI didn't bother putting Jason into my team cuz I know he wouldn't last 5 issues before he walks out, so might as well make it off panel.Hey...actually this reminds me: Has Jason ever met the Midnighter?>>114950630>Snyder straight up said that he wasn't a RobinHe was also planning on giving him a Robin-like role (back when he thought Bluejay was going to be a thing) by dressing him in yellow & calling him Lark. Then he had Joker/batman do gay-suicide, Damian fucked off to ride a gargoyle, and DC wanted to cash in on the 99% protest so they put him front & center for the "We Are Robin" series...then that went nowhere. But Snyder still wanted him to be a sidekick & couldn't make him Robin becuz there's too many Robins, so he recycled his Lark idea in to the Signal & tried hyping him up via METALSo yes, while Duke is not TECHNICALLY a Robin, he's PRACTICALLY a Robin. A perennial sidekick but without the brand name.And seriously, wtf does Carrie Kelly bring to the table outside sass, slingshot & sexy legs?
>>114953697Dude, this is just an edgier version of the last season of BTAS minus Mulletwing.Just admit that you never saw anything of Batman outside the cartoon.
>>114953837Hold up.They expanded the Terrifics line up to include Ted?Terrifics are still going?!
>>114954111>Dick is the son who left home to become something better, but, when his family needed him, he comes back to take over the family business.If this is Nightwing helping Batman occasionally that is fine.If it is Dick actually becoming Batman then no. Nightwing must be seen as a hero in his own right.
>>114954341I think they may have shared like, half a conversation in Batman and Robin Eternal, but aside from that... Nah.But, your ideas are pretty fun user, and i´ve enjoyed them, so, if there´s anything else. let us know!
>>114954424>They expanded the Terrifics line up to include Ted?Latest issue introduced a council of scientists Mr. Terrific brought to help him out.>Terrifics are still going?!Yes, yes they are.
>>114942003bumping this one last time before going to bed
BATMAN BELONGS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN!Pisses me off that a bunch of talentless suits get to pick and choose who's allowed write characters that have been around for this many decades, with "who can make us the most money THIS month" as the only factor that matters.
>>114949182I kinda like it. I've always liked a small, tightly knit Batfam, and seeing only Alfred, Bruce and Dick remain here at the end makes me wanna read more. And I always imagined Bruce seriously getting into relationships with normie women early on and realizing he cant ever be with one for long. It'd never last.Keep going user.
>>114958164News Flash asshole, you can go write and draw your own Batman fan comic right the fuck now, you just can't sell it.
Dick ,Damian and Bruce.The rest are gone
>>114945436>if you have hot redhead Batgirl, why do you fucking need mute Asian BatgirlBecause the original got put in a wheelchair.
>>114942003>BatfamilyBruceDickDamian Alfred
>>114953697>Tim Drake timfag can't accept that JASON DICK AND DAMIAN are way more interesting and over the last 15 years he got shoved to the sidelineseven though DC'S editorial are huge timfags as well.
>>114953697I don't think Tim Drake was ever a terribly interesting character I know this opinion is going to get me a lot of flak from his many fans, so just try and hear me out.To me, Tim has always served as the "normal" Robin, and I think a lot of people see that as the appeal; he served as a straight man to the much more colorful members of the bat family. He was just a high school kid who wore Green Day shirts and played D&D- it was abundantly obvious he was meant to be a stand-in for the average reader. However, as a character I always felt that he fell kind of flat. From the very beginning they established that he's very smart but he could never develop much of a personality beyond that for a number of reasons. First, as Scott McCloud says in "understanding comics", the more detail something has he harder it is to project ideas onto it. If Tim had a distinctive personality that wasn't the reader's then they would suddenly become alienated. The second reason is that there never seemed to be any consensus on how Tim behaved. The character was Robin for 20 years and during that time, dozens of different authors would change him in various ways.
>>114958541Nah ..Dick was the original and had his arc about stepping out of Batman's shadow.Jason was annoying but became the Gwen Stacy of Batman in that his death was far more important than his life.Damian is Batman's literal son and has had a great arc of going from a little shit to a kid who hides his heart of gold with a jerkish exterior, he's a reverse of Batman who becomes more and more bitter as he gets older.They all have some unique role.
>>114958548It's hard to write great Tim Drake Story. Dick, Jason and Damian have great character devolopments. But Tim's character is too perfect for this.
Damian and Dick
>>114958379Thanks user! I´ll try to post one more before going to sleep, and I´ll try to be quick.Season four would be a "Clean-slate" season, a bit of a breather, while also setting up the Ra´s conflict. We would have a four parter that would be an adaptation of All-Star Batman (the Snyder one, of course, as much as I love Miller´s fuckery), with KGBeast, Black Spider, Deadshot, Firefly, King Shark, Copperhead and Cheshire going after Two-Face due to a bounty that was put on his and Batman´s head. Slade is in on this as well, but mostly to see how Bruce´s progress has been going. They face-off against Poison Ivy and Mad Hatter as well, and it´s revealed that Ra´s behind it all. In the end, Slade kills KGBeast and humiliates Deadshot again (he already completely beat him in season 3, blowing off Lawton´s eye with his own wrist-gun). We would have a crossover episode with a Superman TV show (but that´s a story for another day, I have a BIG universe on my mind), a two-parter origin story for Harley Quinn (yes, we all hate her, but normies will want her and I´m being as realistic as possible here). They would also want Batgirl as well, so... Yeah. She would debut in the second half of the season, helping out Bruce in a case ala "The Dark Prince Charming". The last quarter of the season would be an adaptation of Arkham Asylum: A Serious House blablabla, but with Hugo Strange and Harley being the main people responsible for it (I´d keep Harley in minimum exposure, she would only appear very sparsely, as I believe it fits her character arc way better). For season 4, that´s it, I have to sleep now, but if the thread is up about 8 hours from now I´ll continue and finally show you guys the Bruce/Slade/Tiger war against Ra´s and The League.Same bat-time, same bat-channel.See ya!
>>114958687I'll try and keep this thread up user.>crossover episode with a Superman TV show (but that´s a story for another day, I have a BIG universe on my mind)>mfw
>>114942003Half those woman don’t need to be there.
>>114942003KILL THEM ALL
>>114955179Thanx. Outside of the Grayson influence, the idea kind of spun out of an idea I had for a BatDick/Damian show which is a loose adaptation of the Morrison run where Bruce is assumed Dead, Dick has no choice but to take on the bat Mantle, and not only he has to deal with Damian being Robin, but also the fragmenting of the Bat-Family:> Tim fucking losing his shit & is convinced Bruce is still alive. Runs away and then returns as grimdark Red Robin. Worries everyone with his Bruce Jr. act. Friend to Dick.Rival to Damian. Is on good terms With Jason & Babs but he has his own agenda. Investigating the Black Case Book in order to understand who Dr. Hurt is.> Barbara is Oracle & at first she is just doing her BOP schtick as usual with Canary & Huntress, and Cassie as her mute assistant. She believes that Dick shouldn't have to be Batman & that he should have stayed as Nightwing, to inspire hope in Gohtam rather than fear. To that end, The Birds of Prey (except Huntress) strike an alliance with the GCPD & becomes a vigilante task force. Babs even gets the Bat-labor suit rom Snyder's run> Jason is going through his Red Hood & Scarlet arc with the social media thing, but instead of a jab at Alan Moore, Jason's heel turn as Red Hood has a reason: He knows the Black Glove is responsible for Bruce's death & he figures he can fight fire with fire and turn all of Gotham into a weapon pointed at Dr. Hurt. But in order to do that, he needs Gotham to forget about Batman. He also wants Damian to join him, which doesn't suit Scarlett>Kate is just starting as Batwoman, using a vampire gimmick to scare criminals. Doesn't show up often and is a true wildcard, as nobody knows who she is or what she wants. Starts off chasing her sister Alice & eventually winds up discovering the secret of Barbatos with Red Robin...and the reason why her family left Gohtam in the first place.
>>114959572I like it, specially Tim and Jason. Do they come into conflict fighting Dr. Hurt?
>>114944384What kind of ideas do you have for Jason. Your ticking a lot of boxes for me so far but Jason is one of those characters a lot of people eithee want on good or bad terms