Close Enough
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>>114941234Why do I feel like this wont even be slightly worth the weight?
>>114941234on my birthday, nice
>>114941234You made me think it was a trailer, but then I forgot we already had one.
>>114941234>HBO MaxWhy?
>>114941278Yeah, 12 years ago
>>114941263Would be hard for it to be, considering we first saw footage literally 3 years ago.I’m just glad it’s not totally stuck in limbo and will be on a platform where people will actually see it, on TBS they very well could have totally failed to promote it and had it end up like TarantulaIf the show isn’t any good at least we’ll know for sure that Quintel needs some restrictions to be funny, instead of never knowing because he was never given the chance to do an adult show
>>114941313Wasn't it originally going to be tbs?
>>114941313Because the app needs content and this show will get more views here than on tbs
>>114941313because it’s the all-new streaming home for all your favorite WarnerMedia© properties
New poster
why the absolute fuck do cartoons have such shit artstyles these days. they aren't even trying to make them look good. it looks like the type of shit i used to see in some "how-to draw" book in 3rd fucking grade.goddamn i hate calarts. won't be watching anything anymore unless they hire artists who can actually draw. the maxx should be the standard for adult cartoons.
>>114941313>>114941328TBS is the channel that literally shelved the series for three years. Being on HBO Max is a fucking promotion.
>>114941234Regular show, but with human guys!
Also worth noting before anyone gets the wrong impression that they already confirmed at a press conference months ago that Max shows are going to release episodes week-by-week and not the binge model.Could be interesting to see how it pans out with both HBO and Disney in opposition to Netflix on the scheduling front (though Disney-owned Hulu does both, depending on the show), but more pertinently it means it’ll be a steady stream of Close Enough for long while considering there’s 2 entire seasons in the can.
It's dropping exactly 3 years after this teaser:
>>114941483Wait, this is all just weed and psychedelic jokes, fucking cringe, won't be watching.
Holy shit it lives
>>114941234bruh i remember being in high school thinking this is how my life would turn out to bespoiler, it didnt
>>114941446i see hbo wants all the 2010's cartoon network audience
>>114941933So wait you're life didn't also end up as a seemingly unending purgatory esque wait for your real life to begin?
>>114942062Haha yeah because most kids at the age of 10 during 2010 are now 20...AH FUCK, I'M ONE OF THOSE KIDS
>>114941313Because it was either that or nothing
>>114942062if anything, they want the 2010's Adult Swim audience
>>114941234Three years of waiting to FINALLY get the release date.
>>114941354>Big Bara Stripper Clowns
>>114941234I want to fuck the girl on the right
>four years later and we STILL don't know the main characters' names
>>114941313Because it's... CLOSE ENOUGH
>>114941234I hope they fixed it
>>114942635carlos...youre slipping man
>>114941318What happened to Tarantula?
>>114941234oh wow I couldn't have guessed with the constant shilling of Regular Show threads for the past week
>>114941234>>114941446I'm glad they went with a cooler logo. I mean, they've had more than enough time to change it up anyway.
Is Mordecai a simp?
>>114942690Barely aired it (they literally never aired the first two episodes), dumped all the eps on their website at the same time before they were on TV with very little promotion, and then never put it on a subscription streaming service afterwards - basically no one saw it except for the small fanbase on Holla Forums
>>114942170Regular Show was an Adult Swim show?!
>>114941617>it's okay when Pen Ward does it
>>114942690>>114942861To add to that, TBS didn't even bother using the show's social media page for marketing:
>dead thread Yikes. I guess the hype really did die after enough years
>>114943429I mean, other than the poster we really don’t have anything new to talk about, most of what there is to say is just “finally”Hopefully we’ll get more footage soon
>season 2 already produced>they're working on season 3
>>114941354>The Pillar Clowns
>>114943527Shall we make this a Regular Show thread, as well?
>>114941234Thank Jesus Christ, Regular Show was one of the last genuinely fun shows in CN so i can't wait to watch this. It's a shame this year has been so weak when it comes to western cartoons tho. F Is For Family Season 4 will be the last show to look forward to this year. If to even comes out this year that is
>>114941234>trailer was 3 years ago
>>114943628Do you have the buttcheeks webm?
>>114941405What Louie CK did was really all that reprehensible and they shouldn’t of cancelled that entire animation block over it to be honest
>>114944058>shouldn’t of
- I try to stay positive here and hoping for a decent show.- The idea of already of actual couple with child sounds neat, as I fucking hate the whole shipping stuff which tends to ruin the show.- Not sure about the roommates and the dude weed lmao stuff. I hope they will not fuck this up.
>>114941234Fucking finally!!
>>114944058Well desu they'd only be able to live off of Final Space without Louis CK's series.
>>114943586I though season 2 was the one currently in production.
crew birthday cards by someone who interned on the
>>114944653>>114944668Hey look, it’s Tuca and Bertie
>>114941234>snydercult still flooding the comments when will they take a hint?
Please be good I want JG to flourish
>>114944897That’s just how the replies to streaming services’ accounts are, literally every single post Netflix makes has an army of people campaigning to renew some show or another.Unfortunately HBO just got saddled with one of the most embarrassing and obnoxious groups
>>114944668>"Quintel has my child locked in the basement, he says he'll put me in with her if i dont let him 'suck my milkers' send help"
>>114941234I really don't understand why people are hyped for this. Regular show was boring, characters were boring, art style was uninspired, the plot was thrown in later seasons was just stupid and this, it just looks the same as regular show
>>114945028Lots of people who aren't you liked Regular Show, and have now grown up into adults living adult lives. Go figure a show about a mess of adults still trying to figure out their adult lives might be attractive to us. It gets the bonus points of having random stupid shit thrown in to so that it isn't just "shitty live action sitcom shit"
>>114945028Is you against many people who enjoyed it user give it up
>>114941354quintel only writes what he knows
>>114944653>>114944668Take your bets Holla Forums, which one gets more porn?
>>114945522The asian
So info about the show>The main couple names are Emily and Alex>Episodes are 11 minute long, like RS>The production and art direction is 90% RS too>The episode is from 2019 (what happened to 2017/18 process?)
>>114945749>11 min episodesI expected 21 minutes, but 11 minutes are fine too.
>>114944290what's the problem here
>>114945828Not even plot-heavy series get so much so i say 11 minutes is perfect for a comedy. RS was also 11 Min right?
>>114945749based on the previews it seems like it takes place in the same universe as RS
>>114946025Would be neat if they had a nod to the space arc or something
>>114945749>The episode is from 2019 (what happened to 2017/18 process?)Does this mean they updated the show after all?
>>114945944'Shouldn't of' is a grammatical mistake. Although it sounds identical to what you're trying to say 'Shouldn't have', if you take two seconds to think about what's actually being said, it's retarded, and just a product of being lazy.
>>114946371How sad is your life that you pretty much frequent Holla Forums threads looking for grammar errors?
>>114946371There actually is some evidence to support that "of" is being used as a new infinitival prepostion here, rather than a contraction of "have". One big of evidence being that it can be reduced down to 'a' "eg. box 'a chocolates, shoulda gone, etc." whereas true auxiliary "have" cannot" e.g. "the kids've gone" vs. "*the kidsa gone"
>>114941234Fucking finally. It's gonna be so dated though, fuck.
>>114941354Not the perfect family, but they're... MAX original
>>114944692>isn't this literally the Death Kwon-Do guy?
>>114941234jesus christ this thing looked finished 3 years ago, and only now is being released, wtf!?
>>114947955>people still think mordecai is the biggest cartoon simpDid everyone just forget about Mr McGuinness, who literally raised his wife's son?
>>114947987>Mr McGuinnessyeah but he divorced his wife
>>114943989here u go
>trailer released quite literally three years agoThe laundering of adult themes and situations through Regular Show was trying at times, but I don't know if a show that runs that same/similar formula minus the cover of an ostensible children's program will be that worthwhile or much funnier. It's been memed to death but honestly DUDEWEEDLMAO has been played out; the stoner comedy golden years of the late-2000s, early 2010s aren't coming back
>>114948235And continued to raise Terry in his house until he died.
>>114941234>Regular Show gets cancelled and rushed out the door so fast not even James Baxter's special guest animation can be translated to digital fast enough>CN ignores it forever>Adventure Time ends with lots of hype and a Comic-Con event surrounding the finale>gets full series released on physical media>already getting 4 hour-long specials post-finale that no one asked forfuck the bullshit
>>114945749>Episodes are 11 minute long, like RS I swear there was a director who revealed the show would have half-hour episodes. It might've been Calvin Wong. Also, Alex is this guy.
>>114941263How does one weigh a cartoon show or the time for a cartoon show to appear?
>>114949386what the fuck?
>>114949386It's understadable considering the type of show AD is.>Show with plot > Monster of the week comedyThat said, im glad Regular Show is still considered the better show by the majority
>>114949881>AD American Dad?
>>114949957When I was in high school apparently one of my brother's friends commissioned shad to draw porn of her and everyone found out and made fun of him until some kid bought Belle Delphine feet pics and his dad found out. Anyway I'd rather watch American Dad than Adventure Time.
>>114941234AT LASTOne of my friends from school was a massive fan of RS, maybe i'll reach out so we can watch together
>>114941234Wait since it is on HBO Max...Can they now make a cameo?Will Rigby be the mom's dad?
>>114944058CK did nothing wrong
Tuca and Bertie has back!But in a ordinary show way!!!
>>114945171As opposed to Mike Judge: >moved to America from Ecuador at a young age>got a degree in physics from UCSD>hated working in physics>joined a tech startup>hated it>joined a touring blues band>happened to see a collection of animation cels one day>thought it was cool>bought himself a 16mm camera, settled down in Texas, and taught himself how to animate>his early work got picked up by Comedy Central>the Viacom brass really wanted to tap his talent for MTV>Beavis and Butt-Head was born The rest is history.
>>114941268It's the day after mine, which makes all the waiting feel like a decent payoff.
>>114941234Is Holla Forums actually interested in this show or do you all just want to jerk off to the 2 second clip of a girl's butt being touched?
booze demons
>>114945749It's probably Season 2 that's from and Season 2 might have dropped the 22 minute runtime.
>>114946314Have JG flip through channels and for a second the news is reporting about parks launching into the sky. They're both under the same roof so they could go pretty far to reference it, it's not like this one's made at Disney.
>>114949881Why do people abbreviate adventure time as ad?
pizza directly on the table
>>114941354It's not Regular Show but it's Close Enough.
>>114941263So much time has gone by that it can't possibly live up to expectations at this point. I just hope it's not terrible and a second season gets greenlit.
>>114945522One of them is already a mom.I don't think Holla Forums will try to sexualize her.
>>114951658As many have already pointed out in this thread, a second season has already been in production for a while now:
>>114951406Or it could just have a pan underneath
>>114942960If that's seriously all you got out of The Midnight Gospel, then I suggest you watch the show again. There may be some mindless rambling here and there, but there's also a lot of compelling themes explored, too. It's not JUST nonsense.
>>114949624>Also, Alex is this guy.he looks pretty fuckin based already
>>114941234>in the time since boarding on Close Enough, Owen Dennis has been able to essentially sell and develop two feature films with Cartoon Network Studios, the first of which just got a physical home release What the fuck took so long, WarnerMedia? A good chunk of the main Close Enough directors have been working on Infinity Train and Apple & Onion for a while now, and we're JUST getting a release date for the former?
>>114953336Yea and if all you get out of the entire trailer for CE is that the main characters try weed, then I suggest you watch the trailer again.>>114949624The odd choice of drawn pixelation might be a good sign this won't be one of those shitty adult cartoons that likes to do only male nudity and "uncensored releases" are just lots and lots of fucking penises like with Seth McFarland.
>>114941354>east side of los angelesdo they mean east LA, because that's basically the mexican hood. the houses look more like mid-city though.
>>114941354Aside from more character designs this tells us about more episode plots.>time travelling snails>murderous mannequinsAlso these are the mannequins, I hope there's some kinda sexy thing revolving around them. How can an adult show even do something revolving around mannequins being sentient and not reference...?Also this might be the first time they referenced that there's a divorced couple, which I guess is the asian girl and the brown guy.
>>114953410It just got caught in limbo because of unrelated circumstances. Louis CK metoo made TBS scrap their whole animation block, and Warner decided to save it for their Netflix killer instead of giving it to Adult Swim
>>114941234So on the same day we get both "proper" release dates for both this AND new mutants.
>>114941234About goddamn time
>>114953871On my end this comes shortly after an announcement I've been waiting for /a/ wise and they both take place in July so it'll be a busy birthday month for me. It only took multiple years for both to finally get somewhere, unlike the /a/ one this one was expected to come one fucking day, no one knew when though.I hope JG really gets his moment with this. I can't really imagine hearing something like "the hit animated series of HBO Max" but I hope it gets positive reception and doesn't just immediately become yet another in the shadows project, I was worried about that with TBS being kind of an out of center channel for animation but it could be a lot worse on a streaming platform that isn't Netflix.
>>114953410I wanna fuck the thicc plant lady so BAAAAAAD
>>114942116Fuck you for making me feel old zoomer
>>114941234>yfw it gets pushed back again for various reasons
>>114951671>>114951671>One of them is already a mom.>I don't think Holla Forums will try to sexualize her.
>>114954224If it happens one more time I'm calling bullshit and will pester the HBO Max people myself. But I'm willing to believe this is the legitimate release, it's not another vague quarter of the year prediction anymore.
>>114954224>>114954268Nah, HBO might be full of a greedy fucks, but they know how run a ship. They'll get it out because they know they can squeeze a couple of austimo 2010 CNfag pennies from it
>>114954309Well they better start promoting it soon. TBS started out (and ended with) doing the "from the guy behind Regular Show" tagline gimmick and it's ended years ago and people are only remembering it during a current internet fad that could die by the middle of June let alone into July.
>>114954034HBO Max has a much, much better shot than most of the streaming upstarts to be successful, it easily could be equal to or surpass Disney+ and will probably beat Hulu in short order, at least in the US.The real hurdle for all of those non-Netflix services to clear though is becoming available outside the US - D+ was able to do it because of the singular corporate ownership of its entire content library, but HBO has a ton of licensing deals that they’re going to have to wait to expire before they can expand in earnest and it’s going to take a couple years. The problem is that until that happens they won’t be getting that same cash flow and international notoriety for its content, so AT&T/Warner is going to have to pump a ton of cash in with no immediate return on investment to keep it competitive. But they most certainty seem ready and willing to do it, the advertising has been relentless
>>114954372I said they'll get it out, I didn't say they'd promote itAnimation is a second class artform to these people. At best we'll get some preview clips before the release. I guarantee they're gonna promote that Elmo fake talk show more than any of their animated shows.
>>114954372JG Quintel’s tweet announcing the date has over 50k likes, which is a solid start. I think it might actually benefit from being released a month and a half after Max’s launch rather than being there from the start, as it gives it enough time to get the initial rush of subscribers in and for them to have their fill of the Warner library stuff and start looking for something new.Plus, all their premieres are weekly, so it’ll have months for people to discuss new episodes and tune onto it rather than a couple day long binge rush followed by crickets
>>114954459It's not a fake talk show just because the host can't see the guests.
>>114954459I wouldn’t be so sure they’ll be dumb enough to dismiss it because it’s a cartoon - Hulu put out their stats for Solar Opposites and it was their biggest hit all year, it’s been the #1 program on the service every day since launch and apparently 40% of their accounts watch adult animation at least once a month. Those are compelling numbers.Max already paid a metric shitton for South Park as well, I think they know there’s a market
>>114954618It probably helps that Rick and Morty is a mainstream phenomena even used in WWE so one of the creators making a new show is like when Futurama was made.
>>114954646Sure, but I think we’re also at the right stage for a bit of a nostalgia bump considering someone who was 11 when RS started will be 21 for Close Enough.RS was never a mainstream hit like R&M (though it was a very solidly successful “kids show”) so it won’t have quite the same initial rush of intrigue, but I don’t think it counts for nothing.Plus, Max is taking Rick and Morty away from Hulu, so there’s that audience roped in
>>114954870I'm used to things seeming like they'd go well or get good ratings or reception and then just being nothing against all odds.
>>114941446>different stroke weights for the small and large charactersREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>>114945749it took three years to produce how many 11 min episodes?
>>114955126We know there are 2 seasons. No clue how many episodes each
>>114954566What are you talking about? Elmo can see them
>>114955181For how long it took for this show to finally air, are they even gonna try to renew it for another season?
>>114955381see: >>114953284
>>114953284Good lord do animators/storyboard artists really have such garish resumes?
>>114941234We waited 3 years and it’s on hbo fucking max?
>>114953427I'm not the one who assumed Close Enough is just "dude weed lmao." I just wanted to defend The Midnight Gospel as I saw fit. We'll see how well this show explores the topic of early parenthood.
>>114955480I hope it doesn't take a long time for rips. Anyone here used to ripping from stuff like Netflix or Hulu, and is also planning on getting Max and is planning to help out? I doubt someone like Madridista can help in this case.
>>114955667Imagine if Coraline went to her room and was sad around that doll and said something like "I hate it here why did my mom have to stop lactating I miss breastmilk" do you think the mom on the other side would do lactation. lol.
>>114955667I'm probably alone on this, but Mel Jones will always be more attractive to me than Other Mother.
>>114954483Is it actually confirmed that Max originals will have weekly premieres? Bold if true
>>114955836I hope so. Netlfix's "binge" format has been a fucking plague in the industry.
>>114955836The Adventure Time episodes have been marketed separately so far, i.e. there's only one trailer and it's for the first episode, it could mean they'll be released separately/weekly
>>114955836Yes, they had a presentation back in October where they said as such, and cited the endurance of Game of Thrones among other factors as their reasoning
>>114955906Thank god, I was disappointed when the TV airing was cancelled because there wouldn't be linear discussions with Holla Forums, this is at least the next best thing as opposed to a full season dump. Hopefully Max won't overdiscuss the episodes while everyone else is waiting for the mega or torrent or alternative sharing method.
>>114941405>three yearsHas it really been that long?
>>114955701That's a disturbing thought. There's no way the milk would be real, right?
>>114942116What's that supposed to say? Thus?
>>114955888That's different. Distant Lands is just four hour-long specials, not a full series. Plus we already knew from the very first announcement that only the first two AT specials would premiere this year, meaning they'd probably be released at different times, too.
>>114956412Yep. Sure looks like it.
>>114941446I'm still excited, but anyone else feel like these designs are kinda... bland?
>>114956715They are but I'm hoping the writing sells it.
>>114942797Rigby! Get off of 4chan or you're FIRED!!
>>114942797Wow, Bloo looks like an actual asshole here.
>>114941234So... It's just Regular Show but with mostly human characters?
>>114955888>marketed separatelyThey better not try and refresh the audience on everything. The only people that are going to watch this are those who already like Adventure Time.
>>114948478Haha, it's funny and relatable because I also grope my girlfriends ass.
>>114941234They are going to fuck this up and you know it
doesnt look great desu. more sitcoms? why animate a sitcom? zooney random lolz garbage :(man i miss superjail. and korgoth. and frisky dingo
>>114957202Have you ever eaten her ass?
>>114953284>Wee Baby Bears ... why?
>>114945096so you want to see a show about yourselves hitting yourselves in the cock accidentally? and you will laugh at this?are you a literal boomer watching americas funniest videos? holy shit you are.
>>114951406its on one of those pans. have you never been to a pizza place user?
>>114954483a solid start for 30k viewers. lol
>>114957303There's lots of things wrong with your retarded post but you still think you have room to complain about a lame baby spinoff.
>>114957202thank you for sharing my pain
Man, HBO making a big move to the streaming world... I remember watching it when it was first starting out, and they would air lots of repeats of shows like Your Pongo is Dead, Juice Freaks, and Isn't it The Life?, along with movies like Chester's Playground and Nail, Screw, Bone.It's really come a long way, similarly, so have we all. This really is the next step. Welcome to the real world, HBO. I'll be looking forward to our next adventures together and into whatever new ideas we are thrust into.
>>114941263>You better make this show funny, JG, OR YOU'RE FIRED!!
>>114947908No, the Death Kwan Do guy had a scruffier mullet than that.
Are they making a Gumball finale for HBO Max too or is that show literally just dead with its main characters also dead?
>>114941425regular show without soul
>>114946371It's an informal way of speaking but still completely acceptable in a casual conversation. We're not writing fucking thesis statements here.
>>114958299SHOULDN'T'VE is completely acceptable in a casual conversation. ‘Shouldn’t of' doesn’t make any sense.
>>114958430And yet, you understood it.
>>114942664hogdick/hugdick joke aside they've had since 2016 and I hope they fixed that lopsided breast
>>114941263>worth the weightLol. Stay in school, kids
>>114958275I will never forgive Ben Bocquelet for that? If a finale movie wasn't confirmed, why didn't they just end the show with the episodes they had for Season 6? Better yet, what was the point of those bonus "Darwin's Scrapbook" episodes when we could've gotten a movie instead?
>>114950053kek, thank for the story
>>114949386>>Regular Show gets cancelled and rushed out the door so fast not even James Baxter's special guest animation can be translated to digital fast enough>>CN ignores it foreverWhy was that? Why they need to finish the final season so far? The show had 8 season it means that it was very popular, did the rating dropped at season 7 or what?
>>114956412thus of ould(old)Thus Nowit's literally the oldest OLD GOOD NEW BAD comic in existence
>>114944653>>114944668fingers crossed these characters go on adventures that line up with my specific fetish