The great debate.
The great debate
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>>114940070CalArts is a legitimate complaint with a poor name. Newgrounds style doesn't exist, but if it did, it would've been better represented by stick figures, since those were actually prevalent there, instead of just literally one artist's style.
>>114940070Do blue checkmarks really think Oney and Zach hate women?
They really need to refine this meme if they are gonna force it.Only like two people associated with Newgrounds use this style. Two. And they are best friends. And don't use Newgrounds anymore.
>>114940070>soulless vs soul
>>114940145Nah, it was just one butthurt man who got turned down by an artist with a "newgrounds" style, so this is how he responded. Some people latched on because Newgrounds is edgy, but no one really cares. This is a nontroversy If we're debating about which style is better, the newgrounds style, it has more variety than bean-headarts does.
>>114940070The Cal Art one should say 100% SIMP
>>114940182I just don't get why people don't avoid the caterpillar grin like they avoid the Fedora now.Not even for the sake avoiding 'calarts' stigma, it's just so goddamn obvious now. I'd argue much more obvious that even the Dreamworks face at this point, and even normies are aware of that.
>>114940070>LeftPleasing corporate overlords.>RightHow do you really feel?
>>114940259I'm surprised the bean head isn't relegated to just the side characters for the time being. It's become too symbolic cookie-cutter design.
The bean face literally started with a bean character lmao
>>114940070SIMP v STRAWMAN
>>114940291It's kinda funny how the most bland, boring design is chosen for main characters while the designs for side characters is actually good-ish in most of these shows
>>114940182wait wait, is that fucking rainbow dash?
>left continues to fail at memes
>>114941267Amazing, isn't? And all in defence of corporate slop too.
>>114940259fuck you i love my bean jail cell
>>114941267They fail because they never latch on to anything truthful. Its like stand up. The good comedians stick around and get big because their act touches on things common people agree is somehow true. These people don't think the shit that makes fun of them and resonates is somehow true, so they figure "oh well if you lie hard enough and force it you win", and then they get even more confused when they try that and fail spectacularly, over and over. In this case it's labeling all Newgrounds art as Oney's grotesque drawings and extremely flippant attitude toward social "issues."
>>114940070CalArt is an actual artstyle which is incredibly lazy and cheapNewgrounds is not an artstyle.
>>114941343>so they figure "oh well if you lie hard enough and force it you win"It's not like they're wrong. They just aren't forcing it hard enough for it to really catch on like 30 year old Boomer and the other -oomer variants were on here.
>>114940259The only people who are going to recognize it are old and they aren't the demographic anyone cares about. Yes it's 100% derivative but kids would probably either not care or find it comforting.
>>114940070Only based patricians pick Newgrounds, So i definitely prefer Newgrounds
>>114941665Newgrounds has the "Amateur animators with creative freedom make crude animations" charm to it, The "Calarts" style just shows the priorites of the corporations of late 2010's the same way in the 80's every cartoon had human proportions so corporations could sell toys to children.
>>114940070The one on the right's stupid expression puts a smile on my face.So it's superior 100% of the time in my books
>>114940070Both are good.
>>114941794>implying you have a face
>>11494157030 year old boomer caught on because it plays on feelings of getting old and the cultural divide between older and younger millennials (or "zoomers".) Other wojak shit is largely forced but that's why you don't remember it.
>>114941888Oh fuck I should have known
>>114940259because they like it, theres literally nothing wrong with doing it, its just the style thats popular right now
>>114940119Yes it does. Newsground is a catch all name for all those edgy YouTube videos like Racist Mario or (sometimes) MeatCanyon. Maybe the name "Newsgrounds" is a generic misnomer but above all it anger channers like you because for once it attack one of your sacred cows which is why it will continue to be used
I think it's funny how people like the creator of OP's image went from denying the Calarts style even existed, claiming it was just cherrypicking, to admitting it's real but defending it with whataboutism.
>>114941267Newgrounds style is funny because it makes e-celeb shills seethe, that's entertaining as fuck
>>114940145It'd be odd since zach is friends with h3h3 who is the biggest blue checkmark in this timeline.
>>114941267But Zach is left leaning, he's just not a c^nt about it and cares more about comedy then pushing an agenda.
>>114942288Then call it Youtube art style
>this art style is simplistic, often unappealing, and used to the point of cliche>NO U>checkmate bigots!
>>114942312They Tumblr rejects, don't give them the time of day.
>>114940070Who the fuck says "Newgrounds" style? I've never anyone say it before today.
>>114940070what the fuck is newgrounds?
>>114942827some Disney dude said the way Oney draws should be called Newgrownds because he has a Newgrounds gallery were he puts his videos after he has released them on youtube, to be honest I think it should be called youtube style
>>114942909>Hopefully a sincere questionA (one time) highly influential animation website. It's still up user. It fostered a bunch of well known animators. The site's community was known for having a edgy sense of humour, and many of the cartoons were often violent, and some could be seen as racist as well. It was a very loose free website.
>>114942827Calarts kids are trying to make it a thing to counter the "Calarts Style"Once again, the only response lefties can come up with is "No u"
>>114942827npc don't like to be called npc, but their only defense mechanic is "you are also a npc for something bleep bleep". Look at all the "THIS IS YOU" posting in the past year. It's reaching critical mass.
>>114940070Some comparisons are so bad we'd have more fun watching Tom burn.Reminder that all their predictions were right, including all the "reviewer of bad games" trend.
>>114943144Oh, is this the flash bros? People don't talk about them much (like arin or oney) despite the fact they're now successful video game producers.
>>114941676>toonboom is an art style nowgod I hate Holla Forums
>>114940119>CalArts is a legitimate complaint with a poor nameThis. Also everyone thinks they're hot shit for pointing stuff like "le scary bean mouth." Like wow, good for you, you've correctly identified a prominent stylistic trait. There's no actual addressing of the style at hand
>>114942443not primarily because he's fat and jewish.
>114941267>le left can't meme memeorange man isn't winning this year
>>114942337Name one time they actually seethed though.
>>114940259I’ve seen an artist dunk on Dreamworks face but defend CalArts style. She went to CalArts, if I recall correctly.
>>114943517It's not even a style they specifically teach you, it just follows principles they teach (that are just generally good animation design principles). Simple rounded shapes. Why defend it when it's the worst example of what you're being taught/have been taught?
>>114943439Center-left europoor hereYes he is
>>114943562If you want to get right down the building everything around purely technique, that's how you end up in soullessness.
>no my style isn't bad achsually u are rayciss and also poopheadabsolute state of "calarts" fans
>>114943562>Simple rounded shapeswhy does Holla Forums pretend they know anything about animation, or even art?
>>114942965>>114943080>>114943141So people with the artistic integrity of chinese drones couldn't bear to be laughed at and tried to make up a fake style in the hope that people will laugh at someone else?
>>114942312>I think it's funny how people like the creator of OP's image went from denying the Calarts style even existed, claiming it was just cherrypicking, to admitting it's real but defending it with whataboutism.The only reasonable explanation is that there are literal industry shills here who are guilty of it.There isn't any other reason to get upset over people going "hey guys what if we stopped using beanface for absolutely everything".
>>114940070>Style used by literally 2 faggots on newgroundsvs>Style used in every cartoon for the last decade???? who made this stupid meme
>>114940070If Newgrounds Style were accurate, it would be a poorly edited Mario sprite.
>>114940145Nah but it's obvious that they're pretty right-wing.
>>114940119stick figures, generic anime women and 2D sprites
>>114944707Why are you here?
>>114944751To laugh at Holla Forums.
>>114943747>Acting like a smug cuntOh then please correct me, what does calarts teach if not making simplified designs? Oh great art genius, bath us in your wisdomAnd Please let me know, how saying the designs are rounded was ignorant? Please, I must know oh Liege!>>114943595Yeah, they've followed the principles to the letter, and ended up worse than if they hadn't been been taught them at all.
>>114944798you can't do a pullup
>>114944798>considering the choppy and incoherent mess that was Akira a masterpiece
>>114944858>animation is just about framerateSo, 60Hz tweening it is.
>>114944858yet you never reached half of that quality yourself, bootlicker.
>>114944798This can't be real. That's Richard Williams right? Akira is a janky looking mess. Nice illustrations and shit, and you see lots of money burn on screen. But the animation is rarely "masterful".Doubtful this is something Dick would say.
>>114945022>Akira is a janky looking messI know it’s this website’s thing to be contrarian but even you have to realize this is a retarded opinion
This makes people mad despite being 100% true.
>>114944293It's only to protect their job and look good to suits. Basically no one who works on these things draws in this style in their free time.
remember when everything tasted like egoraptor
>>114945292Why do artists get so mad when you point out that they are drawing in a style that is a trend?
>>114945292what are you, some faggot who reads dr. sues?
>>114945303Because art is an individualistic expression, so saying it is unoriginal, is like saying they are unoriginal, most would feel hurt by that. Artists are just bigger pussies than the regular person.As for animators though, no idea. Just trying to defend the thing they spend most of their day making?
>>114941267>fail>literally one of the biggest memes on Holla Forums since it was created
>>114942312Fucking kek
>>114943439Orange man is literally gonna win wether you like him or not.
>>114943643They will never learn.
>>114944293current;y their going apeshit trying to get people to stop mocking the new toucan Sam design.
>>114945155He's right you stupid weeb.
>>114944547Don't know about Chris, but Zach is definitively left-wing.
>>114940070Don't even know what the context behind this is, but I wouldn't call that the "Newgrounds" style, that's very specifically Oney's artstyle.
>>114944798>Akira>"masterpiece"I love it when someone makes it clear that their opinion can be totally disregarded without any issue.
>>114945395you just made me realize i'm unoriginal cause i preach that artists are a bunch of pussies all the time D:
>>114942965He doesn't even work at Disney, he's some literally who burnout with a failed pitch.
>>114947818>name bad bleep bleep instantiate social exclusion loop bleep bleep
>>114947904Ok mutt
>114943439>his only opponent is a senile old man with dementia, surely he'll winok kiddo
>>114943144What was this series called? I was thinking about them the other day.
>>114940070>egoraptor is now considered newgrounds stylefuck that guy.
>>114948030Seeing as everything is egoraptor I wouldn't be
>>114947939>bleep bleep danger danger bleep enable this-> mode ;
>>114942288For the longest time I associated newgrounds with the style used in games such as Alien Homminid or Castle Crashers.
>>114945791No he's wrong faggot
>>114940119>It's only a legit complaint when I don't like it it doesn't exist if I like it
who the fuck cares about newgrounds enough to get offended
>>114945437Making fun of leftist commiefornia calarts style?
>>114944798Do you have an video clip of him saying this? I can't physically find anything outside a tweet saying this is fake so it seems like a coping weeb hoax
>>114948804It's just leftyshits doing their usual "NO, YOU ARE [THING]!"
>>114948781>>114942288Ok, so what is the problem with "newgrounds style"? Judging by the text on the shirt in OP's image, is it just that you don't like the views of the creator, or the jokes that may be made in the animations?
>>114949380>I can't go on that site for 5 minutes without seeing coco bandicootWeak
>>114949379There isn't a "newgrounds style", because it's all a massive cope from calarts trannies.Calarts shit terrible on two fronts; it both looks like shit, and it's not even original shit. It's like copying test answers from the biggest retard in the classroom; at least the retard tried, but calarts trannies don't even have that going for them.
>>114940070And OP is a faggot for buying into it. No such thing as "newgrounds style"
>>114940070I don't understand this. The only artists i know who draws exactly like this is oney and psychipebbles (with the exceptionof a few others). There are too many artists and art styles in newgrounds for it to be narrowed down to that one. It's obvious that this is aimed at them, so why not just say that?
>>114948762You mad
>>114942288>It's a meme because I want it to be
>>114944798japanese animation is made with slavery and corporate brainwashing. They won't stand for it much longer
>>114949764>It's obvious that this is aimed at them, so why not just say that?You don't understand how passive-aggressive twittertards really are. They purposefully misspell your name or replace letters with asterisks, so they can openly talk shit about you. The misspelling is meant to trick search engines so you can't see what they're doing. Beyond that, they will reference a thing you just made without naming it. And they'll use that vague reference as an opportunity to drop more insults and labels on you. And you would never even know until the snowball has run its course into full-on cancellation.
>>114945303Some really try their hardest to make their style unique. Fuck, sometimes two styles looks a lot like each other in amateur animation because both found out that drawing things in certain way is easier and less time consuming, not because they copy one or another. But consumers don't notice that, they just see a thing that looks like another thing
>>114942288Adventure Time and Star vs were super edgy
>>114942312And I love how none of them are responding to you because they know you're right.Based post.
>>114940070Newgrounds Style
>>114944707>>114944798you are not Japanese. stop the larping. it is embarrassing.
>>114940145They have said some very problematic stuff on the podcast. And Oney was against the gay Dad video game.Just sayin.
>>114942827It's cause literally no one says it except for Holla Forumsmblr thinking they've finally found something to combat all the people who shit on steven universe and star vs. for being garbage calarts shows.
>>114944707>>114944798Weebs LARPing as japs is so fucking pathetic it's hilarious
>>114940145No, and who care if narcissists on twitter did think that. 99% of women crave and worship Chris and Zach.
>>114944707Oof. That's bretty cringe friendly.
>>114940230Don't forget that said artist was salty that Zach's show got picked up when his didn't.
>>114945329>tfw Arin actively censors his old work to pander to new fans
>>114947995Decline of Gaming
>>114951368hold the fuck up, is that real?
>>114944798Who is the best western animator of all time? Was it that guy who did the Beauty and the Beast scene ballroom scene where he hand drew the characters instead of rotoscoping them? (Keane I think?)
>>114951516More real then the supposed Richard Williams anime quote
>>114942288So it's YouTube style, then.
>>114951672You disgusting beaner.
>>114940070>NewgroundsLooks nothing like this
>>114942486>but Zach is left-leaningProof?
>>114942288Not a single person ever bitch or complained about "Newgrounds" style till literally a month ago when Zack, Oney and JohnnyUtah released their projects which all look insanely good and better than anything indie shits have been producing in the past decade. Meanwhile Calarts bitch has been a legit thing sence Adventure Time frist aired.This whole thing is literally because liberals are pissed no one wants to put up with them anymore and the people they have been labeling as racist and nazis are making shit a billion times better than they are and everyone, including people on their own side want their product.
>>114950065>gay dad stuffNo he wasn't. You're confusing oney with dingdong and julian.
>>114940145They think everyone hates (insert group here), so yeah.
>>114942288I would change the name from Newgrounds style to something else. But basically it's when something is animated purposefully and overtly ugly to either show off animation skills or provoke a reaction and nothing else.
>>114940070The Newgrounds style looks better which is sad since its amateur animation while Calarts alum are supposedly professionals and not just professionals but pretty high up the industry totem pole.
>>114952370So it works as a name, because CalArts style is a bad name too.
>>114951860You can't make a cartoon look good in either of these styles. It's either dumb liberal Bauhaus bullshit or ugly reactionary garbage.
>>114952738Plus Newgrounds artists have actual effort, work and heart put into them
>>114951811hes a bernie bro you dumpling
>people think chris and zach lean right just because they dunk on sjwsle fucking mao
>>114952844>Plus Newgrounds artists have actual effort, work and heart put into themZack, Chris and all there rip off wanna be, bearly have any effort in there "wow look at the funny creepy face" stlye
>>114948025Did this ever die off?
>>114940070At least Chris's art is humorous to look at
>>114952738because the priorities are different and you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. newgrounds animators(or anybody with actual free time and no monetary worries) can pump out good stuff because they don't have a deadline or a budget, so they can make whatever they want, the best they can. Professional animators on the other hand don't have that luxury, and they also have to consider what the client wants, and if the client wants generic shit, gives them a short deadline and pays them just enough to make an ok job, take a guess what the outcome will be.
>>114953906>Zack, Chris and all there rip off wanna be, bearly have any effort in there "wow look at the funny creepy face" stlyeAs opposed to the incredible effort needed for the cookie-cutter "calarts" style?
>>114940070Except the dude who originated what you call "Newgrounds style" definitely doesn't hate women. But his ironic jabs about those subjects will always be taken seriously by sad brainlets.
>>114955034Meanwhile, the guy who started this meme is gay, so he hates women enough to not even be able to fuck them.
>>114944707>>114948025>Unecessary racismYou both need to go fuck yourselves.
>>114944858Fuck you, Akira was a great animated movie!
>>114955394>American/Japanese>RaceNigga what?
>>114947818Go eat shit faggot
>>114947833Fuck You
>>114948262Fuck You, Fuck everyone on this board.Anime is superior to western animation.
>>114951540Keane is incredible but in terms of sheer detail and intricacy I think some would name Richard Williams.
>>114955486ok weeb
>>114949380>Drawings have rights>Another one forcing the term "Newgrounds style"People like pic related makes me think that Twitter is a virtual assylum for mentally retarded people
>>114954770>BUT BUT CALARTSWhy are you trying to distract from "NewGrounds Style" faults?>NOOOO DON'T POINT OUT HOW THEY RELY ON "HAHA FUNNY CREEPY FACE" LIKE A CRUTCH!It's incredibly entertaining how people liking "edgy" content cannot deal with criticism at all, and behave like triggered snowflakes.
>>114956059>IT'S FORCED!So was CalArts. Deal with it.
>>114954191>can pump out good stuff because they don't have a deadline or a budgetThey still have to consider their target demographic though, which, artistically, is just as limiting.
>>114940070I want to see what it looks like when you fuse them together.
>>114956059">Drawings have rights"This is the worst fucking strawman I've seen. Nobody has ever actually fucking said that but retards keep bringing it up.
>>114940119Newgrounds definitely has a style just like CalArts. It was Tom-lite, then Egoraptor-lite, and currently it's Oney-lite. They go through phases just like CalArts
>>114956353Everything you just said is objectively wrong.
>>114944707>>114944798>weebshit>artFuck off
>>114940259Spiderus is so hot.
>>114956353at least educate yourself before spewing bullshit.
>>114956449No, not really. You're just too young to remember.
>>114942288>channersAnons, you stupid fag.
>>114951811He's friends with H3H3, who is the living embodiment of blue check marks on twitter and does a trump impression on his show.
>>114940070people use newground as the collective because it helps them target the people they want to attack (oney, zach, etc.)The irony is that it's actually egoraptor style, which was already posted in this thread, who is now a gaint lefty asshat who attacks other animators for the same shit he did. These people are just hypocrites.
>>114956565No, because calarts style is not even that old.If you're describing something different that is older than calarts style, it's not calarts style you fucking retard.Saying "newgrounds had completely different animators with completely different styles that were more popular at one time than another" is in absolutely zero way similar to "everyone is making beanface".
>>114945791show me a single Akira clip that looks poorly animated or messy
>>114956642But the point is that there weren't that many unique artists on Newgrounds, you stupid zoomie. They were quasi-weebs, egoraptor wannabees or edgy stick figure fights. That's it. You're just too young to remember.
>>114951811It's safe to assume your favorite internet personalities don't share your extremist ideology.
>>114956684No, there was and still are an absolute assload of unique artists on Newgrounds, because 99% of Newgrounds is shit. 1% of it is great.That makes it better than calarts, which is 100% shit, and will always be shit.Kill yourself you calarts tranny.
>>114950065>And Oney was against the gay Dad video game.So were Dingdong and Julian, and they are gay dudes.
>>114955662Yeah there isn't much animation here but at the very least the drawings are appealing and it's not all in sitcom view.
The beanmouth bullshit is more of a result of Adventure Time's success than CalArts
>>114950065>And Oney was against the gay Dad video game.Because his gay friends saw it as offensive and he backed them up.
>Tomar your beautiful wife suddenly has her head caved in by a little goblin creature how do you react?
>>114940070insulting calarts is a fight against classism People who go to art school are part of the upper class. Who else could grow up with such financial stability and support in their life that going to an overpriced school is feasible? Or even make such connections? Its not like someone could work their way up by just being a good artistThe people working in animation are upperclass except for a few people THEY LIKE. No industry has greater gatekeeping than cartoonsThen these champange commies have the nerve to insult people who had to make their name on the internet?Fuck them
>>114949380>yet another stupid fucking twitter screenshot of some literal who
>>114949380Is he actively looking for it or something?
>>114949380>furry artist
>>114948025Because if there's one thing American animation nailed it's avoiding side mouth right?
remember when cartoonists were obsessed with mocking anime but were happy to have underpaid japanese artists actually do the animation
>>114949764>It's obvious that this is aimed at themThis would only be the case if their work was so fucking shit it can be reproduced in a mocking manner. Which it is, but Oney fucked himself by wanting to be identified with it for clout.
>>114953956No, because it's not disliked over there.
>>114944547they're centrists, like all successful comedians
>>114949764champange commies are lashing out at the everyman for not accepting the shit they feed them
>>114956732>because 99% of Newgrounds is shitThat just about defeats any argument you could come up with it because I could just dismiss 99% of the website as newgrounds style.
>>114956510Where's this from?
>>114956891No, because it's shit in unique ways, not because all of them use the same style."Newgrounds style" does not exist.
>>114956079This entire argument got started because of the butthurt people who made OP's image. Congratulations, you're dealing with the backlash when you start shitflinging.
Lets all back the fuck up here for a momentWhen the hell did Newgrounds become relevant again in the conversation of anything but nostalgic 90s and 00s kids? What are twitter checkmarks mad about now?
>>114942827Some literally who triggered pretty much everyone on Holla Forums and newgrounds in less than one tweet to the point where they're still seething over it almost a full month later.
>>114957198What is it with leftycucks and thinking that making fun of their retarded bullshit means everyone is "seething"?Like, do you think that people are legitimately angry when they're shitting on Dobson and the like?
>>114957252>one month of crying and twitter threads later about a stupid joke by some nobody on twitter>try to mask it as "n-no i'm not mad, i'm just making fun."You're exactly who I'm talking about when I talk about people seething over stupid shit.
>>114945022>>114945791>But the animation is rarely "masterful".Provide an example of where it's janky or fuck off.
>>114945292I genuinely miss that.
>>114957252Do you think people legitimately think you're legitimately angry when say you're seething online? Did you flunk out of clown college?
>>114957059>"Newgrounds style" does not exist.Not completely true. If you compared a bunch of popular Newgrounds cartoons, you'd probably start to find some striking similarities. Namely the base shapes, some particular iconography, linework and the way anatomy is handled, on top of the visual gags.For example: Most have a very obvious adobe flash/animate brush tool line work, the characters have oval heads with rectangular bodies, often noodle/broken limbs that don't follow anatomy rules, the eyes often have no pupils or are dot eyes, the colours are flat, and there's a lot of gross out gags with over the top reactions.This is off the top of my head, and probably not entirely accurate, but I think OPs image is closer than you'd realise. People get inspired by each other and copy one another, especially on a site full of young hobbyists.
>>114950065>very problematicI cannot describe how impossible it is to take you seriously.
>>114956782When did AT do beanmouth?
>>114951256Well that's just speculation (probably true given how petty the dude is), but we know for a fact his dumb ass was turned down by someone with this "style". Also, the majority of his "harassment" was aimed at oney, who had nothing to do with Zach's toon.
>>114956225>Nobody has ever actually fucking said that but retards keep bringing it up.Tell me who is harmed by cartoons being violated.
>>114957538>Also, the majority of his "harassment" was aimed at oneyIt wasn't aimed at Oney at all, more like Oney stood in front of a bullet that wasn't even aimed at him.
>>114957544>Dude I'm not a paedophile, I only like watching SIMULATED child porn!!!
>>114957312>get absolutely blown the fuck out>"haha I was just kidding bro"Christ you people are spineless.
>>114957559>Complains about strawmen>Responds with a strawmanOkay retard.
>>114957573And what's the strawman there? Lolicon/shotacon is simulated child porn and therefore, you're a paedophile for enjoying it.
>>114957571>N-no I win because I said so!You people are literally toddlers at this point, no wonder you have min-tantrums of minor shit like this. It's both sad and funny.
>>114957581Still dodging the question:Who is harmed by fictional characters getting violated?Answer without resorting to greentext.
>>114957554Hmm, didn't oney ask him to stop tagging him? Oney might have initially asked for it by assuming it was initially about him though. Dude was still purposely being a dick when you look at his responses to oney.
>>114957589You can't even say what "newgrounds style" is, when everyone else can point to half the shows airing to point to calarts style.
>>114957592Answer my question: Who has actually said lolicon/shotacon violates the rights of fictional characters? You're pulling shit out of your arse.
>>114957594Oney retweeted and said for him to tag him next time because he thought he was talking about him. I don't remember how the guy responded to him afterwards.
>>114957611You never asked that question, and only retards say it. There. Question answered. Now for the 3rd time:Tell. me. who. is. harmed. by. cartoons. being. violated.
>>114957621He responded exactly like this:>>114957571"haha i was just kidding bro why so serious"
>>114957637But what you're asking is a question that doesn't need answering because it's a shitty strawman to distract from the fact shotacon/lolicon is immoral as it's simulated child porn and should be treated like the real thing.
>>114957673Apparently you right now because you're having an aneurysm, lmao
>>114957680It's a simple question.Answer it, or I'm just going to accept that you have no answer.
>>114957687Well given nobody actually says that, your question is fucking stupid. I don't need to answer strawman and you can just live with the fact that I never tried biting your bait.
>>114945212Lots of female artists on shows use it for their avatar or webcomic/twitter drawings unrelated to their work.
>>114957312This isn't even by upset people it's threads made by people to GET them upset and it doesn't fucking work.
>>114957710So the answer is "No one is hurt by it".Next question: Why are you so desperate to punish an act in which no one is a victim?
>>114957777>Dude, speeding is a victimless crime. Why do you want to punish people for it!
>>114942288>channers/pol/ doesn't come here, but if it did, it would be completely deserved.
>>114944798>all these salty replies taking taking literal baitFucking embarrassing
>>114957800Are you actually going to argue that speeding is a victimless crime?Because whatever argument you have for that, you could have spent crafting for the last 5 posts.
>>114957673>>114957687>>114957777I'm not the same user, but the argument is often made that it normalises or makes the attraction to under-age people "okay", at least in the mind of the offender, making it more likely for them to offend. Whether or not there's any truth to this is unknown as I don't believe there's any studies on the matter. And don't bring up Japan as they are well known to under report sexual crimes.I'll also say that drawn under-age porn is at the very least offensive in the same way drawing murdering a real person is. It's the supposed threat of doing something reprehensible.
>>114940070>>114940119CalArts is nepotism.Newgrounds is free market.
>>114949764because they hate confrontation
>>114957824>I'll also say that drawn under-age porn is at the very least offensive in the same way drawing murdering a real person isThe fictional characters you're describing have few real-world counterparts. They're works of fiction. It's not as offensive as drawing the murder of a real person; it's as offensive as drawing the murder of a fictional person.
>>114957608>You can't even say what "newgrounds style" isOf course you can. Just like how one can tell someone came from 'tumblr' or 'deviantart' from their art despite their being multitude of artists on both of those sites with very distinguish art styles, you can typically tell when something originated from Newgrounds just by the style and humor of the animation.When people started believing Newgrounds was this special snowflake that doesn't get influenced by trends or whoever is the most popular bitch at the moment, is beyond me.>>114957438Anon here also does a decent job of explaining how hobbyist and beginner animators fall back on common tropes and patterns, sometimes due to inexperience other times just because it saves time and is just all around a safer bet.
That doesn't look like crab battle at all. Still one of the best newgrounds
>>114950065You sound like you were the one who outed Ding Dong to his family 'cause you were mad he didn't like the game.Just sayin.
>>114956079Are you an idiot?
>>114957845Sam Kieth is newgrounds?
>>114957849Would you say a comic of Angela Pickles getting dicked is cool? Angelica might not be a real person, nor have someone you could call "a real world counter-part", but the show emphasises the fact she is a child; in that sense, children in general are her counterpart.This also means shows in which the characters age is vague through design is a bit more nebulous; I don't think anyone would really care about Daria porn or star porn. They're both young teens, but the drawing may be them as an adult (unless the artist was stupid enough to write something like "user No! I'm only 12!"It's an interesting conversation, I can see both sides, but I'm definitely more on the Anti side.
>>114957922>in that sense, children in general are her counterpart.I need you to explain to me why this doesn't apply to murder.If you draw a comic in which someone murders their neighbor, why am I not to assume that's not a threat to your own neighbors?
>>114956642>calarts style is not even that oldIts still older than Newgrounds. The current style you see today is the cause of bad teachers projecting their desires onto students instead of just doing their job. Its no different than how the current education system is full of bad teachers that farm students for job security.People with money don't want to see "different". They want to project their success even if their success was "in the moment" and that "moment" passed. "Beating a dead horse", but with a certain style of art. These wealthy people won't hand out money to anyone that is different; only those willing to brownose get the lucrative jobs/pay.Nobody wants to hire freelance artists anymore. They only want animators.
>>114950065No, Ding Dong and Julian, Oney's gay friends and cohosts, were against the gay dad video game, because it looked like it was pandering to fujoshits.
>>114942486Zach is an anti-green-witch extremist.
>>114957824Do you think there's literally any chance that Japan actually has more sexual crimes than the US? I really feel sorry for you
>>114957959It's a good question. I can watch a movie with plenty of people dying without batting an eye, but single child molesting scene that's only implied makes people very uncomfortable. One is just an accepted part of life, there'll always be murders, but attacking a child is an extreme taboo that even murderers themselves loath. Maybe it's just the way we're wired?That said, if someone was jerking to a comic about people murdering each other, I think we'd be disturbed, for similar reasons to the under-age comic.
>>114957855>of course you can.No you can't. Flavor of the month happens. Except on places like tumblr and deviantart where its all inorganic. No criticism allowed.Adhom doesn't work on Newgrounds and it doesn't work here either. You can't use the buzzterm "constructive criticism" either.Its that simple. Criticism in all directions is allowed on Newgrounds. Its not allowed on places like tumblr, deviantart, twitter, etc.>for thee, but not for me.
>>114958068Yes it does. You're not special and unique
>>114958061I can watch a film where people get their head smashed in all day long, hell I use to love troma films, but I get uncomfortable around rape scenes. Like in last house on the left (I think that was ir) had a 5 minute rape scene and I just wanted to skip it but my mates were round and watching so I had to bear with it.It felt forever.
>>114957996We're talking about Japan right? The Japan that outlawed silent cameras because they're were so many panty shots taken Japan? The Japan that routinely has teacher/student relationships that simply result in pay cuts for the teacher Japan? The Japan that has roughly 40% school girls do some "out of school" work Japan? The Japan that needs women's only carriages because of the amount of molesting going on Japan? The Japan that only recently banned child porn Japan? That Japan?Even if I turned out to be wrong and Japan had significantly less sexual crimes (doubtful), there's good reason to see why they might more than reported, you must be retarded for not noticing user, I feel sorry for you.
>>114957834Newsground is talentless amateurs making "aha Spongebob Said nigger and got aids """""parodies"""" FTFY and fuck your sacred cow
>>114958061>Maybe it's just the way we're wired?The most I could say about that is if you were to look into social norms across history, you'll usually run into anything below the age of 13 being a taboo. I'd be willing to argue that sexuality and pubescence are tied together. But then you could also argue that sexuality and taboo are also tied together. Personally, I try not to look too hard into the concept of "hard wiring". I don't think the answers there are satisfying or worthwhile.
There isn't such a thing as "Newgrounds style." Some Twitter tranny threw a fit because OneyNG got a cartoon on television and grasped at straws to vaguely mimic certain traits he saw in a handful of shorts that basically amounts to "a funny face that looks ugly!" but doesn't actually look like any artist's particular style.Then, some other faggot on Holla Forums jumped on to the vague, dumb concept knowing it was fucking retarded as a way to create really weak, ineffectual bait. Of course, because they're an attention starved retard, they can't stand that barely anyone falls for it so they constantly reply to themselves pretending to be different people hoping to create the illusion of a great controversy.If you're one of the few who genuinely fell for this shit, I am sincerely sorry you got played by such a weak astroturfed bait meme. But nearly every other post here is one retard RPing as two different sides in a non-existent debate.TL;DR this thread is shit and OP has severe untreated autism and should not be humored.
>>114958125To be honest, whenever I'm reading/watching any media, the moment rape is brought up, it immediately sours the experience and it takes some time for me to get back into it. I remember reading an article someone wrote about the difference between sex and violence in media:Violence is something we all live with and have somewhat similar understanding of, thus we all have generally the same reaction to; sex on the other hand, some people don't get any, some get loads, some feel it to be an evil, some a good, the reaction differs wildly and is risky to include (as they wrote anyway). Half the audience may enjoy or be okay with it, the other half may loath it. Might explain partially why rape scenes (beyond the obvious reasons) are so viscerally unpleasant to some.
>>114958136>Newsground is talentless amateursAnd calarts is professional hacks.Quit acting so threatened.
>>114957777>>114957849>>114957824>>114957922If I can give my two cents on the matter: The issue with loli/shota art is that -- while there is no direct victim -- it promotes a degeneration in the moral standard, similar to homosexuality and furries; keeping society from falling into degeneracy is an uphill battle because moral decay is constant. I don't think it should be censored or enter any legal discourse, but it should remain morally and socially reprehensible. There's no victim when two consenting adults rub feces on each other nor when a faggot cuts his penis off in the privacy in his own home, but when these things become normalised we see a decline in morals, next thing you know cutting off your cock is cool and scat orgies is just living in the modern world. Sexualising children, fictitious or not, promotes the sexualisation children. Whether you think this is moral or amoral is a different debate but for the sake of argument let's agree it's immoral. We normalise chemically impairing ourselves until it's cool to be stoner fuck up. A moral standard is necessary to protect those of less consciousness and conscientiousness from immoral and amoral influences and declines -- sure the more cerebral among us can protect ourselves and our integrity (or at least we believe we can) but others are not so lucid: do you think Moron McGee isn't going to think fucking kiddies isn't okay when Nude Loli Gwen 10 posters are all over town? People are greedy and always want to the next thing; if 2D drawings become normalized, people will soon want 3D images legalised. And when 3D images become legalised, they'll want fucking kids legalized. It's an unstoppable decay in morals.
>>114957834Newgrounds has nepotism too dudeCory had a troll cabal before he worked with Tom FulpAn equivalent would be some humongous tripfaggot working with moot on big features on the site
>>114958092Ok fag
>>114957252You fags are obsessed with Dobson. He hasnt been relevant since 2011 yet you still cling to this rotten chew toy because you have no life, have validations issues that push to seek approval by having those blue bear man bad circlejerk thread on a weekly basis. Bet you are the Guy who have this Tumblr account that document Dobson every move like an autist or that you have an account on KiwiFarms like the little insecure bitch you are
>>114958202>it promotes a degeneration in the moral standard, similar to homosexuality and furries; keeping society from falling into degeneracy is an uphill battle because moral decay is constantThere are too many things you could say this about that are far more dangerous and far less regulated.
>>114958136You can't take criticism.
>>114956808Amateurs are high on their own farts and shoot waaaay above their league with their shitty Spongebob parodies. Its good to put some nobodies in their places especially when they think they are hot suit for coming up with "subversive genius" like Super Mario eat mushroom drug"
>>114958134Do you unironically believe those claims are fair and legitimate? Don't you think it's so fucking easy to make disturbing online articles if you cherry pick informations nowadays?
>>114956732Seething chantard. They got paid, you doodle anime tiddies on your body pillow
>>114940070>CALarts>loving womenRiiiight.
>>114958203Its not. Its free market.>Cory had a troll cabalAnd at any point Tom could tell Cory to fuck off. You really don't understand what it means to give people a chance. If it wasn't for Tom giving Cory a chance, Cory would probably end up being complete piece of shit assuming he even could even manage to maintain a livelihood.Keep pretending Tom doesn't have full control of himself enough to give people a chance or tell someone to fuck off.You're a beta.
>>114958202I feel like posting on a place like 4chan is morally reprehensible and is more harmful than loli/shota. So its my duty to be on your ass all day everyday about it.
>>114958238Neither do you, faggy channy. Seethe and dilate, as you say. I ll post a smug wojak or Pepe but unlike you, i have a life
>>114941267>meme making fun of two prevalent artstyles and isnt taking sides >I like one of them so I'll assume the worst and that it's taking sides against what I like>therefore artist must be the opposite on the political spectrumit's usually leftists who have this type a thinking but thank you user for breaking stereotypes
>>114958180>below the age of 13 being a tabooThat might be the vague design/story point I was talking about in regards to people being okay with it. I don't personally believe much in the "hard wired" theory either, but who can be bothered typing out all the bullshit on culture and such.Fact of the matter is it makes the vast majority of people intensely uncomfortable, and there are valid arguments for why it can be perceived as a moral wrong despite the fact that no real person is hurt.>>114958202Some good points here; I suppose I don't mind non-offenders making and consuming in their own circle. The moment it starts to become mainstream or gets put in my face though is when the line is crossed. It's like I said earlier, it's the worry that it'll be normalised and made "okay", thus the non-offender becomes an offender. On a side note; I'm not sure if it's because of the proliferation of porn being made of kid show characters, but there seems to be a lot of "maps" claiming that said characters are pro map and trying to make themselves into rights-groups.
>>114945760not a burger OR pro trump butorange man is gonna win BECAUSE of whiny leftists who bitch n moan, rightwingers who do it to "own the libtards epic style", and in the end of the day we get 4 more years of trump doing nothing but drink coke and be a meme w/out even realizing itwhat a chad
>>114958281So you know Japan's reputation for sex related crimes? And still acted as if Japan couldn't possibly, even in your wildest imagination, have a higher sexual crime rate than reported? And also acted like an asshole?I'm willing to believe that Japan is as low as they say, but problems within their policing and the self reporting of sex crimes are also well known. Unless something is released that debunks all the prior information, there's no reason to believe Japan's numbers in this area are accurate. Thus they aren't a reliable point to bring up in the loli porn argument.
>>114958341>Neither do you, faggy channy.At least try to use proper English.>Seethe and dilate, as you say. I ll post a smug wojak or PepeNone of that bothers me because its not criticism towards me.>I have a lifeNo you don't. You either just do whatever other people say or you have a mental breakdown whenever things don't go your way. You're a beta.
>>114958215>NOOOO STOP MAKING FUN OF THE HECKIN DOBERINO!!!!!No, I don't think I will.
Since we're talking about "Newgrounds Style" anyone been watching Slightly Artistic? I laugh my ass off how Cory will most of the time try to draw the topic legit (especially girls) which is immediately juxtaposed by Chris's retard ape drawings. Dave's stuff is also pretty good.
>>114958224Don't change the subject. Just because stuff like violence is often glorified it doesn't take away from what I said. But the thing about killing, it's very finite. You can't make killing more deadly: Only more numerous. I just wanted a more apt comparison, which, due to their sexual nature, furries, fags, and nonces are like peas in pod. The fact that transgenderism -- which was almost completely unknown -- is now the hip thing and many minor's lives are being ruined because of it should explain why I think it's also relevant. >>114958332What a dumb conclusion. Of course it's morally reprehensible, just because I present a line logic, it doesn't mean I'm not fallible to what that logic entails. Even outside of 4chan, we all aid the moral decline almost daily -- but nothing can be done about that other than keeping your lips stiff and cadence scornful. If someone told me in person they went on 4chan or said "based" I'd tell them to fuck off. While I use 4chan, I don't promote it or it's ideals outside of the place itself and I'm careful not delude myself.>>114958347What's considered cool and mainstream effects society so much it's unreal: You ever notice how more people are questioning the holocaust numbers -- even in jest? A few years ago, saying shit like that would get you ostracised. The fact that their are "MAPS" who feel brave enough to admit they're "MAPS" is already showing that a problem is arising. People should be allowed to think and do whatever they want as long as they can still distinguish between what's right and what's wrong. You can crank it to CP all day for all I care, I just want you to be aware that you're fucking dirty nasty mentally ill motherfucker for it; I think a sense of righteousness and integrity is more important than guarding a your own moral standard.
>>114942312OP is a "newgrounds" style artist actually iirc
>>114940119I thought that the difference was that calarts was shit in both art style and writing, while newgrounds is at least entertaining.
>>114958588even more clear on the Sonic one where Cory drew them cute and basically on model while everyone else is grotesque
>>114958588I feel like people don't give Dave enough credit.
>>114958790>based on what?Not being (You).
>>114942288Flashgitz haven't been involved with Newgrounds for years now and they look nothing like Oney/Pebbles. MeatCanyon is really the only Oney/Pebbles knockoff that has any sort of popularity on his own.
>>114948728Because it's made by the same guy, Dan Paladin.
>>114940070I just can't see this as anything but trying to ease a bruised ego over a dumb meme.CalArts is hilariously reductionist, but there's a tiny nugget of truth in the samey "feel" a lot of the popular cartoons from the '10s on have in one way or another.Newgrounds had people trying to get attention in all kinds of ways from ugly caricature art, overly simplistic styles lacking limbs, or hell even just being stick figures, to being ripoff anime, and so on. The only thing you could tie them all together with is a same sense of pre-centralized internet "grittiness," which is probably why calling it all vaguely right wing and whatever-ist is so easy for people that take a surface level look.
>go into thread looking for discussion on art styles>it's actually Holla Forumsshitevery time
>>114958815He's great, he's just not as autistic or grotesque as Chris and Cory so he blends in the background more, his art is still funny as fuck. I hope they can bring in more guests, especially Zach since The Very Positive Stream is probably no more after Smiling Friends aired and I need my fix of his crazy characters.
>>114958411Okay so I'd try to explain how it's stupid a little bit>The Japan that outlawed silent cameras because they're were so many panty shots taken Japan? It's actually not outlawed so you lied. Avoiding silent cameras is basically for privacy. “panty shots” is one of the reasons but there's absolutely no evidence peeping photos are more common in Japan.>The Japan that routinely has teacher/student relationships that simply result in pay cuts for the teacher Japan? citation needed. I bet you can't find reliable stats.>The Japan that has roughly 40% school girls do some "out of school" work Japan? citation needed. Also, common part-time jobs are irrelevant to the argument. The UN once fucked up when they said “30% Japanese school girls have worked in the sax industry” or something like that. It turned out it was completely BS. The absolut state. >The Japan that needs women's only carriages because of the amount of molesting going on Japan? Japan literally dominates top 5 busiest train stations in the world. The trains are insanely packed during rush hours. I'd say it's a rational decision to protect women at certain hours, which also protect men from false accusations. >The Japan that only recently banned child porn Japan? Misleading. Simple possession of under 18 child nude photo books outlawed in 2014. Producing or sharing it was outlawed in the 90s. Letting kids have sex has been illegal long before that of course.(1/2)
>>114940070Debating in this is like competing in the Special Olympics. You're retarded no matter what.
>>114958411>I'm willing to believe that Japan is as low as they sayI doubt that lmao. Anyway that wasn't my point.It's more like this>there are 200 reported murders in Japan and there are reported 2000 reported murders in the US>Japan's police and prosecutors are bad so there might be actually 400 murders in Japan while the US police and prosecutors are good so the actual number of murders are 2100 at most It's understandable if the argument is like this despite there's a high chance he's wrong but>Japan's police and prosecutors are bad so stats mean nothing. Japan may have more crimes, actually.This is retarded. I just made up those numbers but it's actually like this.tbqh I stopped caring about “Japan's reputation” because it's basically a waste of time, but I really feel there's something wrong that so many liberals who are supposed to care about morality, fairness and such become like Holla Forums-tier brainlets and fall for sensationalism and keep getting away with it. It's really disturbing.(2/2)
>>114940070"Newgrounds style" is the greatest cope since ages, Calartniggers are priceless
>>114959228>>114959246>It's actually not outlawed so you lied.You're right, the government hasn't outlawed it, only the phone carriers and services have demanded, and continue to do so, that all phones and cameras make a noise or they will not service/sell them. To say that I lied by this minute difference is unreasonable and shows you're arguing in bad faith.>citation needed. I bet you can't find reliable statsYou're right actually, I can't be bothered finding a report for every single type of crime, but
>>114959439>I'd say it's a rational decision to protect women at certain hoursAnd why does Japan need to protect their women by making a female only carriage? would it be because.... They had a molestation problem?>Misleading. Simple possession of under 18 child nude photo books outlawed in 2014So.... Recently?>Producing or sharing it was outlawed in the 90sSo Still recently? Was this really an argument in your favour?>I doubt that lmaoGood to see you're still being an asshole>Info about japan's general low crime statsYes, Japan has generally lower crimes in most areas, it's only the sexual crimes they seem to have problems with, which they themselves and various other organisations admit. There is also a worry they have a lot of false convictions, but that is a different argument.>blah blah blah Japan's ReputationI don't give a shit about their rep either. I like Japan in fact, I merely said bringing up their low sex crimes in an argument was faulty when it's inaccurate numbers, which you implied was such a stupid argument, it "made you sad". Is it still such a stupid argument user?
>>114959439woow it's going on so brave
>>114958588I really enjoy the series, he better keep making it. It's better than let's plays, and it's interesting seeing Chris and such draw. Let's be honest though, he's going to continue releasing worms videos.
>>114959450Brave as someone whose arguing about bullshit on the internet can be. I'm not going to call myself a hero user, but I don't mind if you do.
>>114943439>being so defeated you lay your hopes on "Joe"This is worst timelime for l*ftists
>>114959439>You're rightI know>You're right actuallyI know>b-but Japan itself claims that their sex crimes number is far too low.There are a lot of studies suggesting sex crimes are underreported
>>114952844I'm sure animators from Calarts aspire to that as well but they're more beholden to the structural incentives of the market and a formal workplace.
>>114959580>I know I'm acting like an assholeGood>I see you are actually willing to concede points and agree with me, but I'll continue to act like an assholeI'm sure you have many friends user>list of other countries who-Don't care, we're talking about Japan. No need to confuse the matter with WhatAbout-isms>The UN is shitDoesn't surprise me. I likely only remembered it because it was such a surprising number and the UN SHOULD be a reputable source.>lmao source?Sure user, speaking of highly reputable, the undeniable
>>114954191Calarts alum detected.Anyway its still sad but yes its not necessarily the artist's fault, they have to work within the incentives of the industry which don't always bring out the best in them. Again, sad that a website like Newgrounds can do that better but oh well.
>>114955486>>114955662It just has different priorities. Anime focuses on detailed backgrounds and character designs backed by intricate sound design that bring the small details(the echo of the room, sound of feet walking on grass etc) to life and really make the world come alive but the relative lack of animation can stand out. Western animation focuses more on dynamic movement and tends to be back by music which matches the tone of the scene.
>>114959449>would it be because.... They had a molestation problem?Yes it has. I think it's clear that I implied there's a molestation problem, also implied that >So.... Recently?That's technically not wrong and that's why I only said misleading. btw situations of real CP are way worse in some countries like South Korea and Germany. I bet you don't even know that. >Good to see you're still being an assholeJust wow. Sounds like You think you aren't, k >it's only the sexual crimes they seem to have problems with, which they themselves and various other organisations admit. lel absolutely not, user-chan. So you aren't familiar with this topic in general. Like I said, studies suggesting sex crimes tend to go underreported are very common. I've never seen a decent argument suggesting how Japan is different from others, though.
>>114956614>The irony is that it's actually egoraptor style, which was already posted in this thread, who is now a gaint lefty asshat who attacks other animators for the same shit he did. These people are just hypocrites.So he went hard left when Jon Tron went hard right? Politics really does ruin everything.Anyway didn't he abandon animating because let's plays are more profitable?
>>114958184>>114958184>>114958184>OP is still replying to himself to keep his shitty thread alivelol fag
>>114956706It's also safe to assume you're a simp.
>>114956772I hate to agree but that's always been one of Jap animation's greatest highlights to me. Literally no one on /a/ will admit that 90% of their favorite characters all have the exact same faces and most mangakas can only draw one appealing faces but simply the fact that there's just so many different camera views and shots required for it, each requiring different poses to be considered and backgrounds to be drawn, already puts Jap animation on a higher level than roughly 70% of Western animation. You can't really get away with spending a third of the show on one backdrop like you could in Peter Griffins living room.
>all the recent rage about "newgrounds style" and anime samefaceI'm guessing the calarts style meme cuts real deep
>>114957665>But what you're asking is a question that doesn't need answering because it's a shitty strawman to distract from the fact shotacon/lolicon is immoral as it's simulated child porn and should be treated like the real thing.>Should be treated like the real thingThat's retarded though since no child was hurt in the making. Simulated murder happens all the time in fiction, should that be treated like the real thing?Jerking off to lolicon/shotacon understandably invites judgement but its in no way comparable to actual child porn and anyone who think so is a moron. Its even worse when people get offended by "underage" character like teenagers being sexualised when they're basically designed as fully developed adults and pretend this is basically like being a pedophile.>>114958202I don't necessarily buy the slippery slope argument entirely, that it being normalized will mean that it necessarily happens in real life. But overall I think there's merit to the idea of the eneral moral standard. Lolicon/shotacon shouldn't be illegal but you should definitely feel some shame in enjoying it, like a guilty pleasure you reveal to almost no one irl.
>>114958136That's what the free market produced. Free market doesn't mean good, just means free.Art was much better when it was reserved for patricians. Imagine the cool shit we'd get if instead of buying yachts and mega-mansions billionaires commissions animated movies or series they wanted to see regardless of market value.>>114958347Isn't rape porn pretty normalized? In fact don't many women have rape fantasies? I don't think many people, men or women, really want to normalize rape and engage in it though.Its like Zizek says; when fantasy becomes reality, *sniff*, hell is here.
>>114959741>Yes it has. I think it's clear that I implied there's a molestation problem, also implied that With you're wording, I think you were brushing over it, as if it were a foregone conclusion for any country with such a busy train system.>That's technically not wrong and that's why I only said misleading.How is it misleading if it's not wrong? I feel like intentionally implying an inaccuracy when there isn't one>btw situations of real CP are way worse in some countries like South Korea and Germany.Is that so? Germany doesn't surprise, but Korea too eh? It'd be worth looking up their child abuse rates to see the difference between say Britain, America or Australia to Germany, Korea etc.>Just wow. Sounds like You think you aren't, k Ah, this is one of the problems with the site, some anons pretend to be others or don't note they're different so it gets confusing. This initial debate started with this flippant comment to my thoughts about using Japanese sex crimes numbers as evidence that underaged porn lowered sex crimes.>Do you think there's literally any chance that Japan actually has more sexual crimes than the US? I really feel sorry for youThe implication being that my opinion was so incorrect that I was being retarded. However, I still don't like your tone in stating that I couldn't change my mind when faced with a reasonable argument, I'd like to think I'm better than that.>studies suggesting sex crimes tend to go under-reported are very commonWhat other countries do is unimportant to the discussion, we're discussing Japan.>I've never seen a decent argument suggesting how Japan is different from others, thoughYou should re-read mine, because they're brilliant. I suppose the main reason for the greater suspicion of higher numbers (outside they're own self professed inaccuracies) is the fact that the culture generally has a lot of sexual harassment, stricter gender norms and has a more sexually charged air to it.
>>114959886>Isn't rape porn pretty normalized?Is it? I think it's pretty hardcore and (for good reason) demonised. You wouldn't want people catching you watching porn, but you probably REALLY wouldn't want to be caught with rape porn.But maybe I'm just a pussy who doesn't wank to hard enough stuff?
>>114949380Crash looks like the kind of character who would do porn.
>>114959961He's always ready to fuck...He only wears pants so there's less to take off.
>>114959697>I'm actually a shitposterGood>Don't care, we're talking about Japan. No need to confuse the matter with WhatAbout-ismswhat the fuck. If anything, that's the point, user. If I want to post disturbing articles about sex crimes and unreported stuff in your country, I can keep posting them forever, and it doesn't mean I win the arguments like what you did are basically pointless.You implid that sex crimes being underreported is a Japanese thing thus the stats doesn't mean shit and it shouldn't be in the argument about 2D loli porn and its influence so I was just being realistic and I wanted to say I'm just 99.9999% sure that the US has a far more violent crimes and it basically aplies to rape as well even if Japan is fucked up in its own way. Comparisons are important here. >that websitemade me smile>If you're wondering why I didn't look up a better source... Cause I don't care enough? It's an internet argument?Don't worry, almost everyone who brings up those doesn't really care, actually. I'm not even being sarcastic here. It's almost always relied on hearsay on the internet.
>I need to push meme words as doctrine to have a buzzword for every week to ape, so I can fit in>non Holla Forums fag will see these faggot spout this shit and ape off them thinking it's the norm>we'll have another 'noodle limbs' 'calarts' shit flinging competition from Gen X faggots thinking watching Hanna Barbarra or any other toy commercial cartoon makes them an expert on the medium.You guys are such fickle faggots.
>>114950065If there's one thing that is problematic, it's people who make hormone tea out of tampons, want to have their horrible behaviour excused because of their genitals, or trap themselves in abusive and childless relationships.
>>114959955I wouldn't know, I mostly fap to Chinese cartoons and comics. I think if I was caught in the act I'd switch to rape porn just to seem more normal.
>>114959977>Deoxys in Family GuyThere's something I never expected.
>>114956097CalArts wasn't forced. It instantly resonated and it's also true.
>>114950065And? What's your issue?
>>114952838>Ugly reactionary garbage. But there was tons of beautiful stuff on Newgrounds. And how is it 'reactionary'?
>>114940070So can someone give me a basic gestalt on this sudden backlash against Newgrounds?is it really all because of the smiling friends pilot?
>>114944547both said that they're progressive in the past. not as extreme as other progressives but they definitely hate 4chan and its stereotypes
>>114960022nothing to do with the pilot
>>114960034well then what happened?i dont have twitter so i dont keep up with drama
>>114958588Cory's brand of low intensity autism is funny
>>114959975This is what makes him cooler than Sonic
>>114959976>GoodGoodGlad we can agree I was right about the Camera sounds>what the fuck. If anything, that's the point, anonYes and No. How much is Japan Under reporting compared to America or anywhere else? At this point we're getting bogged down in a lot of statistical malarkey that probably isn't even written. All I can really go off then, is the fact that Japan's reputation for under-reporting their sex crimes is more well known, as well as the articles written about it (for all that articles about not reported crimes are worth). Does America Prosecute Most sex crimes but miss some, or is it proportional to Japan's? In which case America is supposedly really fucking up, or not if Japan is barely missing any? See how I'm waist deep in this stupid shit just arguing with my self here?>Don't worry, almost everyone who brings up those doesn't really care, actually. I'm not even being sarcastic here. It's almost always relied on hearsay on the internet.A lot of our actions and opinions are based on stupid tales anyway. That fact about a spider a night? A joke by statistician. That Story about the rule of thumb for sticks to beat women with? Actually was a judge saying that sarcastically to a defendant who beat his wife with that defence, was never actually a rule. It's amazing what stupid bullshit society takes as fact. So I wouldn't be too surprised if Japan really did have low sex crime rates, I'm just yet to see anything thoroughly disprove it yet either.>>114959984Smart move user, play rape porn noises loudly so no one would suspect you're actually jerking to toon porn.
>>114960107You realize you're undermining your own position when you blantantly dismiss arguments, right?
>>114960066Sonic doesn't have any balls... or a dick, how do we even know he's a he?Meanwhile crash not only wears pants to cover up his massive member, he has a big titty gf. Crash is an adult franchise for mature people>Crash: 2>Sonic: 0
>>114960132You should have thought about that before spamming your shit wojak memes everywhere first. That just make you mad when the tables turn Fuck your sacred cows,snowflake channer
>>114960132>anti calartsyou can't help but be dismissive of such weak argument
>>114960022It's not a backlash per se. I for one like both """Newsground"""" and """CalArts"""".It's just chanbrains are seething when the same criticism they peddled against "CalArts" for years can also be applied to things they love.Then suddenly ,it doesnt count, the "CalArts" elite shouldnt push down the noble amateurs of Newsground.It's fucking hilarious for me how easily those fags make a 180 when the object of ridicule/generalization/deconstruction is a thing they like for a change.
>>114960107>haha look this picture is you and has dumb big mouth face now all your faces are dumb and stupid wojaks begone
>>114960171"that thing you like but horribly disfigured" as the entire joke is noble?
>>114960152>wojack>coomers>Newgrounds being relevantMan I have been gone from Holla Forums a long time it seems.
when did the wojak soi face and "heckin pupperino" speak stop being a mockery of a very particular type of person and just become the go-to shutdown for everything someone on 4chan doesnt like>haha if I imply your mouth big and your face look dumb you wont want to like the things you like anymore
newgrounds style is realcalarts is just a generalization
>>114960000Quads aside, we (Holla Forums) would clap and nod at 'rubberhose' animation yet would flip flop on shit like chowder. Hell there are people here who hate Uncle Grandpa yet Glorify Teen Titans Go out of Spite. And since the term 'calarts' came from John "no consent?" K! and was parroted by the niggers here, not only does that seem 'forced' to me. That also seems fucking hypocritical.When any of you fuking Holla Forumsmbler faggots argue on the semantics of aesthetics in regards to animation, it just gives me /a/ flashbacks. Both ignoring how Eastern/Western influences and dynamics shaping both traditional art and modern animation. Both cherry picking with bottom of the barrel moe shit with Steven Universe and Star Vs. And people will use this as law. TL:DR People here don't care about animation, they just want to vent about modern day tripe.
>>114958277Over a decade since I last saw anything from Newgrounds, I still remember Brackenwood by name. The only animation from the CalArts school I can remember is the stuff that gets shitposted here daily and that's through repetition, not something that sticks with you despite only having watched each animation once.
>>114957252It's literally subversion. They take a term that's been used against them and try to make it mean something else.
>>114960230I cant tell if you're implying the former is newgrounds style but I'll assume even you're not that daftmany of the shows in the latter ARENT accused of having the calarts style, and even within the ones that do you cherry picked examples of character designs who dont or CANT have em
>>114960230>Newgrounds, the platform where anyone can upload art is a styleSonic sprite comics, Napolean Dynamite doll abuse and Meet N Fuck Kingdom don't share anything in common aside from being on the same site. It's also a generalization, unless you're just using Oney, Psychicpebbles.Johnny Utah, Swain, Spazkid etc. as the default for that.
>>114958192>>114958125So you're intellectually weak and hypocrites. Got it.
>>114960230That image is awful. For the "calarts" side, many of the cartoons chosen aren't even part of the debate, an off-model version of Uncle Grandpa is shown, and a realistic T-rex, who knows how many other deceptive inaccuracies there are.Also notice how the other side has similar posing while the "calarts" side has characters facing every which way, with many expressions etc. It is such obvious and poor deception it actually strengthens the other sides argument.
>>114960042It's everything to do with the pilot.
>>114960248it's obviously about digital 2D animation, not sonic sprite animation or anything else.
>>114960232>Hell there are people here who hate Uncle Grandpa yet Glorify Teen Titans Go out of Spite.I unironically liked Teen Titans Go, at least for a certain stretch before it jumped the shark. I used to save a bunch of episodes for when my little BR cousin would come over since he loved it (quero vei Hobin!) and when I would watch it with him I found myself cracking up at times. There was a certain point where they creatively used DC lore for the humor like when they infiltrated the Hive base("in and out!") or the Terra episodes. Then at some point they ran out of ideas like that and started with the completely nonsensical shit.Never really gave Uncle Grandpa a fair shot but I heard it got better overtime. I liked some of the jokes in the few episodes I saw, in fact I thought the idea of using "Good morning!" as a generic greeting was pretty funny, at least at first.
>>114960261>state they are uncomfortable during rape scenes>Have said nothing to come off as HypocritesAnon, just because you enjoy rape scenes, doesn't mean you have to get so defensive.
>>114958202>>114958592you seem like a cool smart user. would wish to hear more from you
>>114960283How is that defensive? I'm accusing you of not being intellectually capable enough to distinguish fiction and reality which seems to be the case. I'm not defending anything. Fiction is fiction.
>>114960269Also the character models form the left are from an era where cartoons were used as a blatant marketing tool to sell toys and most people don't really think they're good beyond the nostalgia value with maybe a few exceptions.>>114960275What pilot?
>>114960283They also said they don't mind murder, death, gore and other things, so by your logic, they'd be fine with seeing a man thrown under a caterpillar track for entertainment.
>>114960269Bruh, those image are always awful. That's by design to prove their point.Like how when people want to go "All anime looks the same!" they make an image that's all kyoani idol lolis instead of throwing Araki, Oda, and Miura together.
>>114960269Plus, the left side's shows are all old Toy commercial era cartoons. I.E. cartoons with errors, jittery/choppy movement, reused clips and looping backgrounds. >>114960277Then with that as a prerequisite, any college or university that harbored a student with a flash animation on newgrounds can be both a 'newgrounds style' and 'the style of their teaching and influence'. Which newgrounds already was. I'm sure plenty of calart graduates used it. And guess what, after traditional cel based animation died out in the early 2000's, schools were pushing digital inking in colleges long after graphic design courses were. So that means nothing.>>114960278I just don't like the practices CN uses to air TTGo, nor the writers for being spiteful because people don't like watching the same show 85% of the day. It's just Johnny Test to me, and I gave it 4 seasons worth of chances.
>>114960269>For the "calarts" side, many of the cartoons chosen aren't even part of the debateso the ones that are were cherrypicked>the "calarts" side has characters facing every which wayif they were facing the same direction they would all look different. images like these are set up to show the off-model characters with the same smile >>114951779 as if that proves anything other than showing an easy shortcut for drawing a smile.
>>114960305>I just don't like the practices CN uses to air TTGo, nor the writers for being spiteful because people don't like watching the same show 85% of the day.What do you mean about the writers being spiteful? Haven't watched it in ages.>It's just Johnny Test to me, and I gave it 4 seasons worth of chances.Oh its definitely shit by now, it was already shit when I dropped it years ago. I just think there was at least one good season though I couldn't tell you which one since I didn't follow it like that.
>>114960230>CALARTS AND BEANMOUTH ARE EVERYWHERE!all the characters on the right side look different, even if they were facing the same direction they would still look different.
>>114960296Clearly I'm messing with you, but you failed to note how they were intellectually weak or hypocrites unless this is you>>114960301>They also said they don't mind murder, death, gore and other thingsThey said they were fine with violence, but now you're just placing words in their mouths. Here's a question, if there's a on-screen rape scene, does it not effect you in any way? It makes me wince and wriggle in my seat.
>>114960373>Here's a question, if there's a on-screen rape scene, does it not effect you in any way? It makes me wince and wriggle in my seat.Not him but I agree it does affect me but so do scenes of intense violence. Its not so much the gore as much as the suffering so the Tarantino ear cut scene is really bad even though most of it happens offscreen because its directed in a way that makes the suffering very apparent. Meanwhile the scene with Mr.Orange covered in blood doesn't bother me as much.
>>114960152Point where I posted wojak.>>114960154Imbecile, that's an opinion, not an argument. The argument is that CalArts is unneccessarily ugly and samey.
>>114960400> Its not so much the gore as much as the sufferingHmm. Usually scenes of suffering are more inmate, that closeness gives a more realistic air. Just my guess for why torture scenes are so uncomfortable, other than the obvious anyway. Sexual abuse scenes are usually shot in a very similar way, perhaps lending to why they are uncomfortable as well.
>>114960402>ugly and sameystill weak, opinion or argument.
>>114940070right looks closer to 90s "Edgy" cartoon style like Ren and Stimpy, which is more likely the true influence since lots of animators look up to these older shows and hate modern trash like the left image
if there is a debate to be had then calarts wins.I'd rather watch nothing if the alternative was meatcanyon or oney and no, I don't find the overdetailed face gag funny.
>>114960317>so the ones that are were cherrypickedI wouldn't say picking a fairly large number of characters from fairly recent cartoons that all have very similar design is "cherry picking" when discussing a design trend. That just seems like a way to immediately dismiss the argument without actually addressing it.>if they were facing the same direction they would all look different.Then why have them all be so radically different when the other side is all so similar? It's deception>if that proves anything other than showing an easy shortcut for drawing a smileAnd that they have extremely similar head construction and style. In fact if you didn't even tweak the head shape, and slapped on the character details, each character would still look recognisable and mostly indistinguishable from their television counterpart.
>>114960436La la la all you want. You will still read my reply, you and the lurkers who'll make up their own mind. Samey.
>>114960498you could have stood in the closet, no one needs to know
And ugly. Look at this shit. How the fuck does he even bend his limbs.
>>114960538Chan ate my pic. Heh, even the computer doesn't like this ugly crap.
>there’s a heated argument on crime in japan because of an anime bait image/co/ really does have hair trigger autism when it comes to the weebshit, huh?
>>114960554>having an honest argument with a shitposting echo chamber thread
>>114960547Why are people so repetitive about the SU CalArts style being same-y when only Steven and his father (and maybe some random I'm forgetting) have that face shape? Is it because people keep posting reductionistic shit like >>114960520 and think they have a point? If anything, the character designs in that show are pretty diverse.
>>114960520They should add all the rubberhose cartoons too while theyre at it.
>>114960651I think as other anons said early on >>114940291 , it's a surprise that character designers don't avoid this same bean head character design to avoid this reputation. That said, once you notice they're using this very simple geometric style, you can see it's trappings everywhere.It also doesn't help (in SU case) that it is often associated with poor quality laziness (visually) for some reason, but SU IS a very lazy show visually with a horrendous amount of production gaffs.I think the hate for the style is over-blown as there have been great shows using it, but with a medium as great and flexible and visual as animation, it's a shame to have such a cookie cutter character design method.
>>114960651All the townies look like that. Ronaldo, Onion, Smiley. You've masturbated yourself blind. And the pic is "reductionist" for the same of people who'll lie with a straight face about the CalArts characters looking nothing alike.
>>114960693>"Others did it so go after them instead of me."You are trying to misdirect but I'll humour you for now. Rubberhose cartoons were the best at their time. CalArts is a step down from previous decades and has CG to contend with. Also rubberhose cartoons aren't prominent nowadays and had more details and smoother animation than CalArts.
>>114959927>With you're wording, I think you were brushing over it, as if it were a foregone conclusion for any country with such a busy train system.Not really. I'm sure any country with such a busy train would see at least some similar troubles, though>How is it misleading if it's not wrong? Because I think many people who say like that often misunderstand it and think producing, sharing, posting CP weren't outlawed until 2014. It's fine if you know it correctly. It was hard to guess how you are familiar with it especially when some of what you said were simply wrong. I'd also say that many Japan's CP which are like nude books of 14 yo were made to look like “artsy” and that was one of the biggest reasons that it took a long time to ban. I'm fine if you know this topic well.>Is that so? Germany doesn't surprise, but Korea too eh? You can look up that worlds-biggest-tier CP websites based in Germany and Korea got closed and many were arrested recently. I'm surprised that you are surprised to hear Korea since you think Japan really has this type of problem, and Japan and Korea share a lot of social issues in general. >It'd be worth looking up their child abuse rates to see the difference between say Britain, America or Australia to Germany, Korea etc.Producing CP(abusing real kids there) and consuming or sharing collected CP that someone made somewhere have been two different things for a long time. For some reason, Japan is not one of the major countries that do this in aspects of both if you're talking about real CP.(1/2)
>>114959927>I'd like to think I'm better than that.k. I genuinely don't care about that.>You should re-read mine, because they're brilliantI don't think so >I suppose the main reason for the greater suspicion of higher numbers (outside they're own self professed inaccuracies) is the fact that the culture generally has a lot of sexual harassment, stricter gender norms and has a more sexually charged air to it.That might be right in some degree, but IMO biases against Japan is a much larger aspect here. The Japs are basically the only POC that have “white guilt”-like guilt and also infamous for anime and such, and basically created 4chan culture itself. Plus, there are not many Japs living in english speaking world and Japs are really bad at english just like non-Japs are really bad at speaking Japanese, which means they often can't argue back even when obvious fake news are everywhere despite somehow its culture is influential. So I think it's very natural that Japan is being an easy target and there some types of echo chambers about that while it's arguably one of the safest countries. Just my opinion, though. (2/2)
The simple color webcomic abomination style
>>114960498In general I am tired of it as well but honestly that one in particular is funny as hell.
>newgrounds styleliterally just a callback to 90s style animation (which is better than that makes hacks seethe)
>>114960787>Rubberhose cartoons were the best at their time.They were the only of their time, next to old superman based off the comics/radio or WWII propaganda (which usually resorted to using Disney,Dr.Suess or LooneyTunes anyway).>. CalArts is a step down from previous decades and has CG to contend with.So we've gone from calling calarts a school, to a style being akin to Disney, which at the time of it being coined by john K to a style which was bean mouth and so on (even though people that run the shows that fall under said category never attended calarts) and now we make Calarts a living entity. You're a retard talking out of your ass. Rubberhose had smoother animation and detail? Compared to all the works prior to it or just some cherry picked CN cartoons you don't like. Keep in mind cartoons were the hottest means of entertainment next to Jazz and sitting by the radio and listening to Flash Gordon adventures. With that said, your 'points' are on par with millenials claiming flash killed cartoons, despite it being a tool and not a medium (look at post cel based animated Ed Edd & Eddy).
>>114960963>posts a creepy hack that took 4+ years to post a 10 minute kickstarted clip
>>114958592>that imageGod I hate that man.
>>114960798>Not really. I'm sure any country with such a busy train would see at least some similar troubles, thoughSo no... but yes? Whatever>Because I think many people who say like that often misunderstand...Whilst I did have decent understanding, I still don't see how it's right to say I was being misleading. Even if I had little understanding and simply thought all child porn was banned last year, the statement I made was correct in broad strokes. But again, whatever.>I'm surprised that you are surprised to hear...It might be the amount of reporting simply because japan is more popular than korea (for now).>k. I genuinely don't care about that.Suppose I shouldn't have tried to clear things up for someone so rudely dismissive>I don't think so It's called a joke user, and again with the dissmissiveness>arguably one of the safest countries.I never said it wasn't I actually think Japan is a very safe country. I just think the sex crime rate is higher than they report or realise. Higher than ours? Maybe. Equal to Ours? Maybe. It's hard to know since we're talking about missing statistics. However it should be as low as the rest of their crimes, but suspicions say otherwise. That's way bringing up Japan in the discussion of "Is Loli Okay" as a point for it because of they're low sex crime rate is inaccurate. But that's just my opinion as well.
>>114958277>Amateurs are high on their own farts and shoot waaaay above their league with their shitty Spongebob parodies. Its good to put some nobodies in their places especially when they think they are hot suit for coming up with "subversive genius" like Super Mario eat mushroom drug""amateurs"you're not undertanding what i'm even sayingthe entire industry is full of ego-driven people who are in animation only because of circumstance, not talent. the amateurs can't get attention without parody. the "professionals" are basically given a silver platter of a lifestyle
are the commies working in cartoons ever going to talk about the blatant class barrier that are apparent in the industry?
>>114960099>Glad we can agree I was right about the Camera soundsNo, you simply weren't.>reputationIt doesn't prove any factual comparisons especially when I can find countless bait articles about Japan. A bit like Swedish ones. >How much is Japan Under reporting compared to America or anywhere else?That's the thing that the ones who accuse should have known>more well knownIrrelevant>Does America Prosecute Most sex crimes but miss some, or is it proportional to Japan's?I don't really know, I guess prosecuting is relatively easy to do in the US compared to many countries but it's probably interesting
>>114960963I get what you mean, but you can post a better example than Jon K, he's one of those types that takes the loose 90's style and hams it up to a fault
>>114960099>Smart move user, play rape porn noises loudly so no one would suspect you're actually jerking to toon porn.Haha, ya got me. I too am a normie who was fa- I mean jerking to gangbang and...BBC right? Yeah BBC porn. Definitely not masturbating to my OTP holding hands. I mean, who would right? What's an OTP? Uh, nevermind that, what's your favorite video on the pornhub?