What show comes to mind? Hard mode : no totally spies
What show comes to mind? Hard mode : no totally spies
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Polly Pocket
>>114939165I get the feeling this guy had a thing for bellies And that's a good thing
>>114939165totally spies in nutshell
>>114939261Quantin Tarantino and Dan Schneider as well
>>114939165Steven Universe. The entire show.
>>114939165Any Ghibli movie and older women with giant, hefty bosoms
Johnny test - gender swap
>>114939165I think that someone on the staff of Netflix’s Carmen Sandiego has a mind control fetish, there’s been an episode about it each season, and a bunch of the bad endings of the cyoa end with multiple people being mind controlled
>>114939165There was that episode of Star vs where the woman pretended to be a dog.
Cucking Tom and Friends
>>114939165Blackmail relationships
>>114939165Does it have to be a show?
>>114939165This felt like a barely disguised fetish.
El Tigre had no less than five episodes in its short lifespan where the main characters were eaten.
>>114941382This woman and her belly fetish fuel me.
>>114939165I'd say season 3 of Castlevania but they didn't even bother to disguise it even one bit
Dexter’s Lab
60s TV Batman is the true king of this, long before Totally Spies.You marvel at how they got away with it.
>>114939165This is a comic, not a show, but Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti's run on Harley Quinn sometimes just felt like an excuse for them to write their fetishes into their comics.
>>114939209On Nani's official model sheet he makes a clear note that her lower belly should bulge out a bit to show where her womb was. Guy definitely liked bellies.
>>114941789On a similar note, Gail Simone's giantess and vore kinks
>>114939165Teen Titans Go! Not moralizing here, but why do TTG's defenders keep trying to portray it as wholesome fluff for 3-year-olds when it contains eps like this?
Bruce Timm with Babs and Bruce
Alan Moore with old men and young women.
>>114939165Rugrats, I find it hard to believe not one of the writers was an adult baby.>that cringe halloween party episode with the guy in the diaper constantly asking to pull his finger>that episode where Angelica becomes a baby again>that episode where Stu becomes a baby
>>114942236Oh yes, the little known fetish: being attracted to ta sexy woman.
>>114939165Third season of Castlevania. They didn't even try and disguise it though.
That one episode of Breadwinners were they climb up that one girl's ass
>>114944548anon please don't
There's nothing wrong with characters getting vor...eaten.
>>114939165American Dad
>>114941939no fucking way i thought cn got soft
>>114944548>>114944964pls dofor science>>114939165pic related
>>114941939I'd like a portal pounding
>>114945561Oh wow I only heard about this show
Do you think there really were fetishes involved in Apokolips War? Just because a girl is torn in half with her guts spread on the ground doesn’t mean someone did it as fetish fuel. It’s like saying Saving Private Ryan was just for gore lovers.
>>114945561what was that called i remember watching it but i dont remember its namealso fuck you i was eating spaghetti
Archie's Weird Mysteries
>>114939165Supergirl she's everyone's fetish
>>114939165For me its the Sooby Doo Franchise. I love bondage so anytime a new series comes out the first thing I check is to see if the character designs are fappable then I patiently wait for either Daphne or Velma to get the full treatment.
>>114939165This episode was just the writers seeing how far they could go
>>114939165Any time incest shows up, its a fetish
>>114941443>growing aroundmore like im walking around this shiiiiit
>>114939165I love the 90s.
>>114939165>scalie fetish>bondage fetish>monsterfucker fetish>musclegirls fetish>sado-maso catgirls fetish>stepcest bestiality yuri fetish
>>114947110she looks like someone should bash out her teeth with a hammer and then rape her ruined facial fuck hole
The writer of the slut dragon episode of R&M, Jeff loveness, liked porn of the dragons when the episode came out.
>>114940771I am so excited for Friday
>>114941789Speaking of Harley and barely disguised fetishes:
>>114939165American Dad and limb amputation.There's a lot of stuff in the show about it. Also Duncanvile and incest.
>>114941789Give examples
>>114947841I'll take your word for it.
>>114941533I'm now realizing how odd that episode was
I've got a few I can share.
>>114951389The shoe gnomes episode was even odder lol
>>114951880They're just playing. GA isn't a meta and BC was letting him win.
>>114939165That fart smelling episode of TTGThe muscle episodes of TTG
>>114947110I don't even watch She-Ra and I've fapped to that scene multiple times.>>114951864Damn that was way hotter than I remembered.
>>114951908>that moment when Dexter basically admits he finds Dee Dee somewhat attractive
If somebody has the /u/ version please post it
>>114952766I hated this show when it comes to fetishes because only male characters got put in the kind of situations I wanted the female characters in. Really hate when a show does that, especially when the girl characters are hot like in LoK.
You can't tell me one of the writers of Minions wasn't a chubby chaser.
>>114947013Didn't the guy even admit casually that he's into vore?
>>114946651this muthafucka got penis feet
>>114952819such as?
>>114941382One on the left needs porn
>>114941939Wait, is that Panty shot real?
>>114957760Are you basking?
tlou 2, it's a ryona simulator now
>>114942410i feel her actress got really into this
>>114946160Saving Private Ryan was more than just violence, it actually had shit to say about it. AW on the other hand was literal gore porn.
>>114953172When Mako and Bolin get tied up and gagged by the Red Lotus. Or when Bataar Jr gets bound and gagged. Or when Tenzin gets bound and gagged and so on and so on.Huge missed opportunity with the girls there. I get Korra isn't the damsel type but come on, at least sami should've gotten the bondage treatment.
>>114941443I knew a guy form high school who drew fan art for this
>>114946089>>114946368potty horse
and so many more
>>114959603How could the first season of a show be so based and then turn into whatever the fuck season 4 was
>>114946651>a mother washing her childdid it get any weirder than this? or do you just have some kinda complex user
Thundercats Roar definitely had its moments. Especially poor Tygra.
>>114960158Look at Darwin, user.