>Kricfalusi claimed he got the inspiration for the character while driving around Los Angeles one day. "I saw a store called 'George's Liquor', only the S had fallen off the sign so it read 'George Liquor' instead. It was like a light bulb going on in my head and I knew I had to use that name before someone else beat me to it."
>Kricfalusi claimed he got the inspiration for the character while driving around Los Angeles one day...
Other urls found in this thread:
>be John K. >get in the animation biz >get a job with Hannah Barbara, one of the great animation studios of the 60's, 70's, and 80's>become a true master of the craft, head off and make your own animation studio, creating THE hit cartoon of the 90's>The finest 14 year old girls want to lose their virginity to you>years later>get fired from your own studio>14 year old girls grow up and cry rape>career down the shitter, work dries up, lose the last few fans you have left because it takes ten years to make a single animated short >dad wishes he raised a football star instead>he wanted a son>and all he got was youIT'S NOT FUCKING FAIR, Holla ForumsMRADES! HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE CHOSEN ONE TO LEAD US IN A NEW AGE OF ANIMATION, AND SAVE US FROM THE FLASH ANIMATED, TWEENING, CAL-ARTS MINES!WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!?
>>114935735stop spazzing out.Ren and Stimpy was a flash in the pan and not nearly as important to animation as everyone makes it out to be. Influential, yes, but too short lived to actually affect anything.
>>114935735it was his fault for fucking a 14 years old when he could have said “no way fag”. also if he were less an asshole maybe he could have survived
>>114935735>Be John K.>Be 60 something>Have no wife or no kids>Die alone>Legacy will be that he diddled with two underaged girls rather than his worksMust suck to be John Kuckfalusci
>>114935792>It was influential>But didn't actually affect anything
John K. was always based and being an open ephebophile made him even more based. One of my favorite artists.
>>114935796To be fair, he didn't fuck any 14 year olds.
>>114935559It's a good name.
>>114935842>be John K's dad>your son was such a loser he only fucked girls who were too young to give you the grandson you deserved>that is, when he could still land the girls>now he's too old and his career is long behind him>maybe you should have been nicer to him when he was a kid>nah>you didn't beat him hard enough, that's where you went wrong!
>>114935912Cuz grooming them from that time to the literal bare minimum in terms of AoC is totally fine
>>114935953this, but unironically
>>114935956I didn't say it was, that's clearly wrong. But it's a different thing.
>>114936062About as fucked up though, if not moreso
Like why would he think this character was such a brilliant idea that anyone would be rushing to beat him to it?
He LITERALLY did nothing wrong>pushed his animation team to be the best, and didn't settle for anything less than perfection. >they can't take the heat, so everyone he pulled up from the mud the HE made decide to kick him out>he finds young talented teens with signs of promise in animation, and invites them to his home and animation studio WITH THE PARENTS PERMISSION>14 year old girls become naturally attracted to him, he takes it upon himself to help guide these young girls on the road to become grown women, all while giving them careers in animation, even going as far as to help them live out their fantasies of losing their virginity to an experienced, older lover on the floor of his pool room. (As opposed to having a horrible experience with a inexperienced awkward teen boy who would no doubt not have the common decency to pull out)>he SAVED these girls, and gave them everything, and they destroyed his life to ride the #metoo bandwagonHonestly, he's a hero if anything. I'd let him come to my house and fuck each and every one of my daughters and be thankful for his service
>>114936185Hello, John, i follow you on instagram.
>>114936185>14 year old girls become naturally attracted to himlost me there buddy
>>114936184I don't think people should take what he's saying too literally. Saying "use that name before someone else beat me to it" is more like just a colorful way of saying "that's a good name for a character," rather than actually being concerned or thinking it's super likely somebody will use it before you. Just saying, I say things like that and hear it from time to time. I think people are trying to make it into a big deal because they don't like John, but it's not that weird.
>>114936185I thought John K did a pretty good job at destroying his career all on his own with shit like Can Without Labels, the MeToo stuff was just the final nail in the coffin.
>>114936245girls want to fuck their dads, user. And he lived his life like a 1950's leave it to beaver father with a healthy, American lust for life and middle school cooze. Who are we to deny him?
>>114935953ever met a guy older than 20 who fucked jailbait and wasn't a complete loser/burnout? me neither.
>>114935847That's a great reaction pic, it perfectly encapsulates just the right amount of confusion and disgust at someone else's post.
>>114936295that's you projecting your fetishes from watching too much porn, in real life women like men the same age as them throughout their life
>>114935912oh sorry, since everyone says that, still his fault for trusting women
>>114935953i bet john k gonna have a part the day his father dies
>>114936311If being a 30 year old man, picking up chicks from the Claire's store at the mall with promises of booze, roofies, and sleepy kisses in his van/home isn't an Alpha chad, then I don't know what is.
>>114936352>what are sugar daddies>what are daddy issuesAnon you don't know shit, these kind of girls are dime a dozen.
>imagine being a young, teenage girl. >you grow up watching cartoons on tv>and out of nowhere, the man who makes those cartoons is knocking on your backdoor window!>he says he loved your fan letter and tells your parents he wants YOU to come to HIS HOUSE to learn how to make cartoons!>No school, or dumb parents, just you, and your hero, the 40 something year old with the Fred Flintstone telephone and Snagglepuss underwear>he even lets you drink his whiskey, cause he knows how mature you are>he even tells you adult jokes like "Do you got any hair down there? Cause if there is grass on the field, then it's time to play ball!">he's so mature and funny, even if you don't really get it, you know he sees you for the woman you are. >You don't remember how you got there, but you feel his heavy body on top of you as he lays you on a pile of Yogi Bear beach towels, your head is spinning as he breathes his hot booze breath in your face, while he grinds his mature adult weiner against your stomache.>you feel him shudder as he enters you, your 105lb body wincing as he makes you a woman>agony and pleasure fill your world for 5-7 thrusts before he says blow me down in some kinda Popeye the sailor voice, then pulling out and spraying his seed all over your George Liquor shirt he gave you>"You should wash that off, babe. He's gonna be the next big thing" he says before heading out to tell his friends by the pool to smell his fingers>you did it, Katie. You're a woman.
>>114936185Ignoring the pedo thing, which is unforgivable and only in a cesspool like this site would find any sort of defense...>pushed his animation team to be the best, and didn't settle for anything less than perfection.>they can't take the heat, so everyone he pulled up from the mud the HE made decide to kick him outThe asshole was working for TV. There are deadlines to be met. If anything Nickelodeon's mistake was coddling him too much. Guess what. The other folks working there are in need of the job. They are not gonna renounce to put food on their families' table to side with an egocentric creep with delusions of grandeur. John K. deserves to die looked down as the piece of shit he always was.
>>114936374...This is profoundly crude but if John goes first I can see the father arranging the balloons.
>>114935882Most of hollywood are open ephebophiles. Look at how Rick and Morty acknowledge that Summer is underage yet they still put her in revealing clothes
>>114936689>They are not gonna renounce to put food on their families' table to side with an egocentric creep with delusions of grandeur. You're acting like they were slaves or something for missing deadlines. That's not how TV works, or any job. It's called "overtime pay"
>>114936764I was referring to that absurd statement where John's coworkers are accused of kicking him out. He was fired by executive orders. The others weren't. Some decided to leave with him, that's their right. Others stayed in the thankless job of keeping the show afloat while the industry shat on their efforts. Yet a third group abandoned both John and the show altogether.No one in the staff kicked John out. His own manias leaded to his demise.
>>114935735>IT'S NOT FUCKING FAIR, Holla ForumsMRADES! HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE CHOSEN ONE TO LEAD US IN A NEW AGE OF ANIMATIONHe literally did, Bakshi and John K revolutionized television animation, and John K specifically spearheaded creator driven animation shifting focus away from studios with bloated staffs of people who can't draw making decisions about the directions of their cartoons.> AND SAVE US FROM THE FLASH ANIMATED, TWEENINGJohn K even though he disliked flash recognized its value in animation, allowing you to focus on the important parts, the key frames, the actual animation, instead of spending all your resources on inbetweens
>>114936689>John K. deserves to die looked down as the piece of shit he always was.I disagree, separate the good from the bad. I still love his work.>>114936812People like Bob Camp definitely got too much shit in the past. They made a reasonable decision.
>>114935735>14 year old girls>WANT to lose virginity to youYeah no, he coerced them with promises of teaching
>>114936689>The asshole was working for TV. There are deadlines to be metIf you let your production be driven by deadlines and not by quality, the relevance of your show will have its own deadline. But an actual artist who creates something legitimately good something worthwhile, will have threads literal decades later still talking about him, effects that inspire others to do more, and those others will inspire even more people and even if entirely unrecognized, they'll have accomplished more than lining the pocket of a viacom subsidiary
>>114936924His work (which let's not forget was always a team effort) can be acknowledged for its virtues no problem. John the individual though? No one is gonna be singing his praises when he leaves given all that got out.I'm intrigued as to what reactions Cosby's death will trigger, to bring up a scenario in the same vein.
>>114936812>I was referring to that absurd statement where John's coworkers are accused of kicking him out.No one was saying that. Nick fired Spumco (not just him) and John claimed that Bob Camp "betrayed" him by becoming show runner at Games. It's just a he said she said about whether Camp promised to not go back to Nickelodeon or not
>>114936943I didn't know every single other cartoon we keep talking about decades after originally aired were also masters of missing headlines and going overbudget like John was, never mind the other scandal.Look I can sympathize with the desire to create something the best it can and give it the time it needs. But let's be adults here. John was taking a ridiculous amount of time to give the network something at the peak of the show's popularity. You can bring a helluva cartoon after a long ass hiatus (and IMO Man's Best Friend is indeed an awesome cartoon), but if that's the only shit the network can air for months on end, how do you expect the show to keep going? It's not like John had the golden touch either. Some of the funniest shorts during his tenure were actually directed by Bob Camp, and some of the worst his own stuff (Nurse Stimpy and the story book episodes, nuff said).So yeah, however good John's intentions were, he needed to learn to compromise and he couldn't even do that. It was all or nothing for him.
>>114936996Camp's own account (backed up by several others) are that John acted like a violent man-child to everyone in the show who was considering staying, threatening them over the phone, let's not forget that guy he pushed down the stairs...By all accounts out there the man was out of control and even his closest friends aren't about to tell you he's a saint.
>>114935735You forgot the part of where when he moved out to LA he decided to masturbate in a bay window and the neighbors complained to the cops. He was told not to do that.
>>114937030they shouldn't have been staying, people should have basic integritywhat you allow is what will continue. If you just sit by and do nothing as bad things happen you are a part of the problem.There's nothing as evil as apathy
>>114937036it was his house, the cops shouldn't be allowed to tell people what to do on their own fucking property, if the neighbors don't want to see they should put on curtains or some other manner of blockage on their property
>>114936958Even as an individual, there's things I love about him. I like his sense of humor and overall personality, even though there's really unpleasant elements to it obviously.I'm curious about Cosby too. I think Cosby is on another level for complicated feelings with people, because he's such a larger figure than John K. What's sad for me is I was just getting more into Cosby's stuff in the months before it all came out. My dad grew up on Cosby, so he was showing me the I Spy and his old comedy. It was a way of bonding with my dad and we basically dropped it after everything came out.>>114937014>So yeah, however good John's intentions were, he needed to learn to compromise and he couldn't even do that.Basically this.Bob Camp also did the storyboard for Stimpy's Invention, another classic.animationresources.org
>>114937014>but if that's the only shit the network can air for months on end, how do you expect the show to keep going?you use the suits money while you can and hope you can trick them to give you more later to make more actual art.
>>114937060It's a shame things didn't work out better.
>>114936245That's the only part that's realistic.
>>114937045John K wanted the whole boat to sink out instead of growing the fuck up. He wanted all the time into the world for a cartoon? That's not what he was being paid for. You know what's making this whole debate funnier? That when he DID get all the time he wanted and was paid for it too, he gave us Cans Without Labels. I want to see you, or anyone, defend that steaming pile, let alone considering how long it took.
>>114937014I loved Nurse Stimpy and the story book episodes as a kid.
>>114936245it's realistic, when I was in middle school and the girls had crushes on the teachers I thought "I'll be that age and have all the girls"Now I'm older than those teachers were and have nothing. But the point still stands
>>114937106>he gave us Cans Without Labels. I want to see you, or anyone, defend that steaming pile, let alone considering how long it took.The parts that were finished, looked pretty good, the short overall was funnyI will admit most of it looks unfinished however.
>>114937079>Use the suits money while you canThat's what he did >and hope you can trick themBrilliant scheme that worked out beautifully for him
>>114937109Not gonna lie I love that drawing too.Rest of the cartoons though? Pretty much anything else in S1/2 is preferable.
>>114937121>Brilliant scheme that worked out beautifully for himAdult Party Cartoon is a thingAnd honestly, if it were for all the other stuff that surrounded his exit, it probably would have went fineAnd also, win some, you lose some. There's no such thing as the perfect crime.
>>114937060Cosby is impossible to separate from his work in a way John isn't; animation is a group effort, not to mention you never see the man himself in any short hello Reverend Jack Cheese whereas Cosby...Hope your dad and you could bond over something else man. It does suck things turned out like that.
>>114937142Bringing APC doesn't do John's case any favors, and I say that as someone who will go to bat for Ren Seeks Help.Let alone all that he did in the interval. I think only Bjork's music video is "recalled" more positively than not. Quotations because no one brings it up.
>>114937106>I want to see you, or anyone, defend that steaming pile, let alone considering how long it took.I'll (half-heartedly) take a whack at it. Cans Without Labels isn't all that bad. Definitely disappointing for how long it took, but ignoring the history behind it I thought it was an alright short with some funny parts. George Liquor's voice is great.
>>114937186>Bringing APC doesn't do John's case any favors,I enjoyed it but that's besides the pointThe point is that someone gave him money to make it
>>114937162Reverend Jack Cheese is an episode I just thought was bizarre when I first saw it, but it became a lot more interesting and funny once I understood it.
>>114937194I'll agree Michael Pataki's performance is good, but then that's not on John.Short isn't the worst cartoon in existence (John himself has produced worse, like any given web cartoon of his) but it's a kick in the crotch for anyone who gave money to this so called animation genius, then waited more than five years beyond the promised deadline only to be met with this.
>>114935735>thinking that he's honest man, and was "supposed" to lead cartoons into a new ageFuck no, he's literally a unironic asshole who would rather diddle with kids along with being a child in general. Hell, it's already proven by his employees and industry that he was a uncontrollable dickhead. And did you really know that he was going to lead into a new age? Fuck no, I don't think so. I don't even think his style alone would even save it, because a lot of the times his style just looked terrible since there's nobody to oversee. Which is funny since he claimed to know all about animation, but yet barely use any of it given his track record.He's just nothing more than just a failed artist, with only thing that he's remembered for is a literal TV cartoon and waifus that coomers coom over it.
>>114936295>girls want to fuck their dads, user
Wonder how many of his backers died before he "finished" it
For as much as this guy worships 1940s WB, he has no real clue how those cartoons worked.
>>114937685He has more in common with Hannah Barbera at times, even
>>114938478Which is funny because I think he hated working with HB
>>114939855John can be a mayor HB fanboy while simultaneously ripping modern cartoons to shreds for things HB cartoons did just as bad or worse
>>114935796Who cares. Those laws only exist to prevent society from being burdened with too many abandoned teen moms. Like others lol
>>114937014This. John K. threw out entire scenes of completed animation because he didn't like the way they looked.That's an ABSURD lack of understanding in the process. You make adjustments during the storyboard phase. You make adjustments during keyframing. You make adjustments during dailies.You don't let an entire fucking sequence, literally WEEKS of work, go through the entire pipeline and THEN scrap it. Once or twice is understandable, but regularly, like John K did? That says more about him than his animators.
>>114937045>this guy was justified in being a violent twat because something something ART Masterful trolling. You don't see this any more. Great work user.
>>114941184He only likes the first three years of the studio where their cartoons were good
>>114942104He likes shit like Yogi Bear and Snagglepus because it was what he watched when HE was a kid. The fact that he can shit on modern cartoons and then turn around and defend the 60s equivalent of tweening is laughable.
>>114935735>>114936185>>114936295are you crackheads this delusional to think a girl, let alone a 14 yearold girl (y'know, the age where their standards are kpop boybands) would wanna fuck THIS?
>>114937186The video he did for Weird Al's Close But No Cigar was amazing.
>>114942200Yes. They idolize him for being such a big deal in animation.
>>114941312People are too apprehensive about violence because a lot of people use violence to do bad things, but violence is used every day for good reason. Take the police for example, tackling a murderer to the ground and forcefully throwing him in a cage, yes this is an extreme example but this helps prove the principle that violence can be productive. John K , though the offenses perpetrated against him are arguably much lighter, was conspired against when his only crime was making a good cartoon and hiring good artist, and with little other form of recourse against what was happening to him there was little other tool he had but violence
>>114935559George Liquor cracks me up, he reminds me of my dead grandpa.
>>114942433Damn, the commitment to the bit.This has been a pleasure, user. You're the real artist here.
>>114935735Cartoonists have no social skills and they need to be threatened by the Mafia to make kino
>>114935735Imagine being a chad but having a "virgin" son
>>114936374>>114936374Nah, John K worships his shitty dad. When he goes I think John will finally break.
>>114936374How the fuck is he father still alive? John K is in his 60's?
>>114935735>Hannah Barbera>great
>>114935842>*diddled two teenagers and didn't have kids with either of them>>114944669Cotton Hill syndrome, he's 95 years old and he killed fitty men in 1945 and he'll live as long as it takes to spite all the boomers, much like the boomers will live to be 100 to spite the millennials. The millennials, of course, will die of alcohol poisoning around 50. Same with gen x. Gen Z is tidepods at 20.>>114936311>used up 40yo 1mil in college debt pussy is where it's atye, naw
>>114944865>The millennials, of course, will die of alcohol poisoning around 50. Same with gen x. Gen Z is tidepods at 20.LMAO
>>114935559George liquor . . . sucks balls!! Make a new character john
>>114935559>Ren and Stimpyare they gay in the children version? there is no way someone makes characters like those as if they were straight
>>114942200How could you NOT fuck him?
>>114944950Fuck I'm behind schedule then
Dude my father abused me lmao
Wait did John actually fuck kids
>>11494576814 years olds are not kids
>>114935792>Influential, yes, but too short lived to actually affect anything.I want you to explain to me how something can influence something without affecting it.Alternatively. I want you to explain how something can affect something without influencing it. Take your time to think about it; You have until the thread dies.
>>114945768He groomed them, not fucked them IIRC>>114945807Yes they fucking are
>>114945768He's admitted that he did in fact fuck Robyn Byrd when she was 16-17. Saved by the statute of limitations.
>>114945823>Yes they fucking areThey're teenagers.
>>114945671You know, John K is a special kind of pedo. He could have gotten away with knocking up 14 year old but acted like a total boomers that her lost cunnyJohn K is the kind of person you'd see making a E! Documentaries about the rise and fall of celebrity
>>114935792>influential, yes, >but too short lived to actually affect anything
>>114935792You do not understand how to use words. I recommend schooling.
*blocks your path*
>>114937505It was worth the wait, I think.
>>114946144Literally Berserk 2016 teir
>>114942200I mean, no, probably not, he pressured them into doing it because he was a significantly older man who was in a position of power and seniority over them. It doesn't have anything to do with his looks, which is besides the point because John K isn't a bad-looking guy. It's easy to use your authority to cajole people into doing unsavory things at your behest if you make it an ultimatum for them (IE, you will blow me in the parking lot or else you can't work here anymore and I'll tell my friends at other studios not to look at your application).
>People have forgotten about this special featureyoutube.com
>>114945768>>114945807>>114945847Even if that is technically legal it's still incredibly unethical and inappropriate for someone in a position of power to leverage that power to get his subordinates to fuck him. He was a grown-ass man who was taking advantage of his post to pressure an impressionable young high schooler into having sex with him. John K has a long history of taking advantage of people for his own gain. It's not even like it only manifested in the grooming, as he apparently treated all his compatriots like shit and would scream at them and push them down the stairs when he was in a bad mood. He's portrayed himself as the auteur genius behind R&S for years when really it was a collaborative effort between lots of people. That hasn't stopped him from taking credit for other people's creativity.
>>114946257I've never seen a woman who looks like she wants to get out of a room so baly
>>114944865>The millennials, of course, will die of alcohol poisoning around 50. Same with gen x. Gen Z is tidepods at 20.Half correct. Let me remind you that most Millennials and Gen Zs are apart of the LGBTWhatever community and most consists of trannies. It's likely they'll all wipe themselves out before 2035 - 2040 because "hurr me severely depress durr".
>>114946279Don't bother user, incels won't believe that men can use their power to take advantage of women because REEEEEEEEE SJW ruin everything
>>114946393It's amazing how good he is at drawing emotion, because he can't pick up body language at all.
>>114946167The difference is that expectations were a lot lower for Berserk 2016 because it was obvious going into it that it was cheaply-produced trip. John K got people's hopes up and made them think Cans Without Labels was going to be a really neat little animated short, as he had a mostly-undeserved reputation as this great artist. When he first opened the Kickstarter, he didn't tell people it would take decade to be released unfinished and that it would be full of tacky placeholder assets.
>>114935735>become a true master of the craftThanks for the laugh
>>114946419The same thing with happen with Yandere Dev
>>114946398>most Millennials and Gen Zs are apart of the LGBTWhatever community[citation needed], because the last time I checked LGBT adults only make up 3.8 percent of the population, with the trans rate being even lower at 0.58
>>114937236Huh. I never noticed before that Craig Bartlett directed the Reverend Jack episode.That said, the episode certainly was a lot more interesting to watch once it was clear what it was about.
>>114944669My great grandfather is pushing 100 and my grandma is about to turn 80 this year. I guess good dieting and exercise. I don't know.
>>114944669>>114944865Spite makes sense given how much he hates his son. To make it related to the thread, George Liquor only ever existed as a way for John to handle his daddy issues.
>>114946465I'm still patiently waiting for another indie dev to one-up Yanderedev by taking the premise of YS and actually making a good game based around it instead of just saying "I'm working on it" for years on end. I like the idea of a campy Hitman-esque puzzle game where you go around murdering anime stereotypes. I (and lots of other people) think it could be a lot of fun, which is probably why YS has gotten as much attention as it has. The fact that YD takes the subject matter so seriously is one of the many issues I have with the project, as I think it'd work better if it leaned more into black comedy and lampooning anime cliches in a cheeky, RE4-esque manner (while still taking the material semi-seriously).
>>114946532I doubt he hates him.
>>114946596>I'm still patiently waiting for another indie dev to one-up Yanderedev by taking the premise of YS and actually making a good game based around it instead of just saying "I'm working on it" for years on endOne of his fans tried and the whole thing got shut down because Yandev had a pissy fit about it and the person making it was too nice for their own good and stopped at request.
>>114945823Teens used to do backbreaking labor all day, and it built Character instead of memes.
>>114946628>No grandkids>Useless drunk that hasn't made anything in the industry that you never wanted him to get involved with to begin with>I bet I should have beat him more, that would have helped
>>114937236>>114946481Legit a series favorite once I got all the jokes.Even before that it came across unusually inspired for a later day R&S.
>>114935735Missed deadlines, refused to keep it in his pants. Simple as.
>>114946797The fact that Nick just went ahead and let them make the episode, regardless of how little sense it was likely to make to the audience at the time, says a lot about how badly John fucked up while working there.
>>114946532How many characters in John K's work are all HARD ASS FATHER? I lost count
>>114946874Less than people meme about, but a good amount. It's a funny character type at least, for me anyway.
>>114946596If I won the lotto, I'd spend money to hire a component indie dev team and basically make what you said there just because it'd be funny
>>114946887>>114946887Anthony's DadGeorge LiquorWho else? I'm drawing a blank, but there's probably some others.
>>114946465>>114946596>>114946902I don't follow it much, but I feel like Yandaredev gets too much shit. Seems like he's just a guy who got in over his head making something too big. Making games is tough and that's an easy situation to put yourself in.
>>114947037It's the leaching money off under aged fans and being mean to his fans is what annoys me
>>114946688I'd be curious what YD could actually do if the fan went ahead with it anyways. Threaten legal action? Over what? YD could raise a big fuss about it and try to smear the fan's reputation on social media but I'm not sure he could do anything to directly interfere with the game's development.
>>114947037He's a jerk who can't take criticism, plus he has a history of taking people's assets without permission.
>>114935735Nobody made him groom 14 year olds, and then fuck them when they hit 16, 17. Nobody. He probably had fans that were in their early to mid 20s. He could have fucked them. But instead, he groomed 14 year olds that lived half way across the country, brought them over when they were legal and traded work for sex. He has only himself to blame.
>>114936184>Like why would he think this character was such a brilliant idea that anyone would be rushing to beat him to it?its just hyperbole. You wouldn't get it. I've never seen an autistic person understand hyperbole as humor. Its almost a litmus test for autism.
>>114935735> THE hit cartoon of the 90'sI am absolutely certain that's wrong.A hit cartoon, sure. No way it's #1 though
>>114936185>14 year old girls become naturally attracted to him, he takes it upon himself to help guide these young girls on the road to become grown women, all while giving them careers in animation,Hello John. I too like coming to Holla Forums to look at busty cartoon women. But we both know you shouldn't have been talking romantically to 14 year olds. And we both know you groomed them. There was no charity on your part.
>>114936295>girls want to fuck their dads,WELL, if you want to be technical about it, girls want to fuck a copy of their dad when they were about 4. So someone between the age of 22 and 34. BUT most of their attraction is behavior based. They like guys who act like their younger dad. They don't want to fuck someone that is the exact same age as their dad.
>>114947550The Simpsons is #1. They ruled the 90s.
What the fuck is the problem with John K's dad, even my drug addict ex-veteran older brother has some human decency compared to the stories I've heard of that man.Was he raped as a kid or did he rape John K as a kid or was he just brought on this earth out of sheer unadulterated anger?
>>114944669His father is about 90, he fought in the Korean War and had a family shortly after coming back from the army.
>>114947641Simpsons, Rugrats, South Park, King of the Hill, Dexter, PPG were all bigger than R&S and those are the few I can think of off the top of my head from the 90's. And I'm being generous not including Spongebob since it wasn't much of a big deal during it's first season
Is Katie Rice's ass even that fat or is it just exaggeration?
>>114947746Just beat the shit out of John K a lot and never said he loved him.
>>114947037The dude shelled out thousands of dollars to buy out a Reddit that was too critical to him. I don't really feel much pity for his supposed strife.
>>114947419He can't do shit. Even aside from that one game, a bunch of phone app knockoffs have been made and he was unable to do anything about it. The only reason he was able to do anything about that specific one was because the fan themselves willingly stepped down when he got pissed about it.
>>114942299that's not an attraction factor. if anything, he welded his power over their head like >>114946182 said
>>114948439It definitely is. He's even had at least one consensual relationship with a subordinate who's never badmouthed him because she got what she wanted out of it.
>>114948531>consensual>15 yearoldsneck yourself
>>114948705Why is Northren Cyprus different to Turkey
>>114948705I think in this case though it's a position of trust, so it still would be frowned upon in lot of those countries.>>114948744A bit younger than I thought actually>>114948759No clue. I also can't say 100% whether or not the map is accurate, there's probably a lot of details left out.
>>114948705Based Turkey showing they're morally upstanding compared to all these eurotrash perverts
>>114948605I'm not talking about them, it was Kali Fonteccio who was an adult at the time.
>>114947840Left out Beavis and Butthead.
>>114950424That to
I can't even remember Ren and Stimpy beyond the most popular moments like Happy Happy Joy Joy and Log.
>>114947840They're great cartoons, but I'm not sure if Dexter and PPG were bigger. PPG got a movie and all, but I don't remember them being cultural phenomenons on the same level as R&S. Rugrats was longer lasting and got movies and all that, but while Ren & Stimpy aired it was getting way higher ratings than Rugrats.
>>114936185t. Stephen Worth, the guy who drove Robyn Byrd to the abortion clinic.
>>114950513Those are two things almost everybody remembers I think. Powdered Toast Man and Mr. Horse too.
>>114950526R&S was the talk of the town in early Nick but Rugrats surpassed it easily as it went on. The show got massive world wide an for like 2 to 3 years there was nothing but repeats. PPG was a monster success to, the merch at the time and it got that adult audience to like R&S did. Dexter is the only thing that maybe debatable in that post
>>114935882>ephebophilewhat the fuck is this?never heard of it
>>114950526Yeah, this article from 1992 says R&S had three times the viewership of other cartoons on Nickelodeon. It also started airing on MTV, so you have to take that into account too.baltimoresun.com
>>114950834Beyond the ratings, the show also had a bigger cultural impact and was more influential on future cartoons than Rugrats. Nothing against Rugrats, I like the show, just pointing that out.
>>114950737It's 'I wanna fuck a teenager but I don't wanna be called a pedophile'.
>>114950847This>>114951122But also this
>>114935559>I had to use that name before someone else beat me to it."who the fuck would use that name before him
>>114951209It's a pretty good name honestly
>>114948605Underrated filename
>>114947746>What the fuck is the problem with John K's dad,I'm betting he was closeted. John's dad flirted with and tried to seduce the girls he brought over when he was like an early teen. Like 13 year old girls. And he was always this over the top hard ass. His dad's sense of manliness is on the verge of drag. Thats why the men in Ren and Stimpy are so over the top aggrssive. Its a distoration of a distortion. Like an image reflecting off of two clown house mirrors.
>>114951305Actually, I don't think his dad was all that weird. Nothing from the stories sounds too absurd to me, and I'm sure John plays it up. Been a while since I read that blog post, but even the flirting with the teen girls he brought over was probably done in a joking sort of way. I don't think he was any more weird about his manliness than a lot of other men of that era.
>>114951657Dude, his dad was awful. The guy got pissed at John for portraying his cartoon self crying over his cartoon son's asthma attack. He told him he never cried over anything especially him.
>>114948705>romania>13 if penetration is not involvedWith that, 13 year old can give handjobs to even 50-year-olds.
>>114951709>The guy got pissed at John for portraying his cartoon self crying over his cartoon son's asthma attackBut how pissed was he really? All we know is secondhand stories by way of John. For that, all we have to go off of is a few sentences in a blogpost. Even there, it doesn't sound like that serious of an event.johnkstuff.blogspot.com
>>114951875Obviously we see some characters inspired by him, but to what degree are they exaggerating traits of his? How much do they reflect John's perception of his dad rather than how his dad actually was?
>>114951657>>114951305>>114951875His dad was an alcoholic pedophile who had issues expressing emotion. John K turned out just like his dad in more ways than not.
>>114946257notice how he says Katie is the "princess" of sexy girl artists, not "queen". He can only see her as a little girl. Between that and her body language in that vid, you can tell he fucked her up
>>114946257>"I was at her 15th birthday party"Jesus Christ, how many times did he jack it in her bathroom during the party
>>114942200Girls are attracted to status, being handsome is just a bonus (and 90s John was pretty handsome and jacked honestly)
>>114952858Katie was like 23, what 20 year old would want to be called a queen over princess
>>114952858I've never seen someone so scared of standing next to someone else.
fuck john
>>114935735>WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!?He’s fucking insaneend of story
>>114951305Oh brother is there a ton to unpack in this interview:google.com
>>114935559John did nothing wrong, those sluts wanted it
>>114935735Wasn't John K one of the firsts to animate in flash?
>>114955955Yeah. The Goddamn George Liquor Program came out in 1997, and was the first online exclusive cartoon series to my knowledge. Here's an interview with the creators of Flash, they talk about it a littlediscuss.as3lang.org
>>114956340And an interview with John K. about it.coldhardflash.com
>>114955127>The Onion: When will The Ripping Friends air?John Kricfalusi: This year. I'm not exactly sure. Summer or fall or something. It's about the world's most manly men, four guys who go around the world kicking ass and taking the law into their own hands and making the world a safe place in which to be manly. They're kind of the opposite of what men are brainwashed into being these days. They're like old-fashioned men, before political correctness. You ever see young guys now, where they're all hugging each other and shit like that? Trying to convince the girls that they're sensitive so they can get laid? Pile of crap.>O: Are we talking men from the 1950s, or Neanderthal Man? How far back?JK: All men before the '70s.
>>114956760>O: You've complained in other interviews about classic cartoon characters becoming artificially nice throughout the '70s, as well. Is this a society-wide problem?JK: Well, let's not call it "nice." I have nothing against being nice. Political correctness didn't invent nice. Political correctness is a mean-spirited Commie plot, if you ask me. But just one symptom of political correctness is men hugging men, and that's just a ploy anyway, like I said, to get laid, to convince girls that you're sensitive. No guy is really into that, unless he's gay. Which I'm not saying anything against; I'm just saying that naturally, guys don't like to touch each other, except two ways. And one is really hard, with a clenched fist. My dad gave me this theory just last year. He was railing on and on. [Adopts gruff, hoarse voice.] "I go down to the mall, and I see these young guys, you know the kind, they got the earrings and the long hair and those giant pants, looks like they're wearing a tent? They're down there hugging each other. They're disgusting." He was telling me about this guy on his dart team, one of these touchy-feely guys. [Gruff voice.] "Got his hand on your shoulder, he's slapping your butt. One time I turn around and he slaps me on the butt, and I put both my fists in his face, and I said, 'You try that again, I'm gonna black both your eyes.' And this guy was, like, 30 years younger than me, and you know what he did? You'd think he would take a swing at me, right? No, he sat down and he started to cry! What kinda men are they makin' these days?" "You got me, Dad. I'm going to do something about it. I'm going to make a cartoon that cures kids."
>>114956777Checked. He's right about everything.
>>114956777Well honestly everybody would get mad at being touched inappropriately by someone they don't know
>>114935792>so contrarian he contradicts his own point in the very same sentence he makes his contrarian pointHow can one man be so based?
>>114957026This is true, I was more interested by the notion of "fixing kids"
>>114956777He says this, then is the kind of guy who can't get a woman who is his own age or attracted to him for him rather than his accomplishments. He's a pathetic alcoholic with daddy issues who hates himself.
>>114935953Thank you. Papa K is the real victim here.
>>114936620I just spat out a mouthful of onions sauce
>>114955761Femcel feminist pig
>>114946416Or he does sense it and it turns him on more
>>114949323Reminder that she dated him for years after finding CP on his computer and probably lurks here because she deleted her blog within minutes of someone mentioning this in a thread here right after the buzzfeed article was published
>>114947037Pretty much this. There are tons of shitty indie devs who slip deadlines and are in never-ending early access, many of which are well loved (see the Dwarf Fortress devs)He's only a person of interest here because he started here, had a meltdown once, and because Holla Forums, culture-wise, is as stagnant as a prison island. There's nothing to do BUT gossip about their local failed indie dev, because what's the alternative?Go back to the eternal threads? No, I WILL NOT accept that today Is Console-Tan FFFFFFFRIDAY so what character is next for Smash? I hope it's this DOA beach Volleyball breast goblin, because my turnip prices are high today so Animal Crossing Thread! SJWs sure have ruined my Last of Us thread haha golfclub choking amirite,LOL at this funny Dobson comic, could you imagine staring at computers and seeing food, it's almost as cringey as >that kid who wavedashed to school because that kid is true soul (not SOULLESS), so PS3 has no games haha Snoy is finished please let me out please I have a family I don't want to be here forever SADPEPE???By comparison YanDev is a breath of fresh air.
>>114937014This.>Kricfalusi had become increasingly more evasive over his disregard for a project’s budget and schedule, often scolding his clients for what he perceived as their impatience. “Yes, it’s going to take three extra months, but you’re gonna get a whole minute extra of animation!” This was Kricfalusi’s viewpoint, as summarized by Linda Simensky, who worked at Cartoon Network at the time of the Ranger Smith cartoons. “He couldn’t imagine a world where you wouldn’t want more drawings. When push came to shove, his way of looking at rules was figuring out how to break them.”
>Keith Alcorn, one of the writers and directors of Jimmy Neutron, absolutely shredded John K in the comments section of "Cans Without Labels" You know you fucked up when even your former colleagues dislike you
>>114946937Ren often acts like an abusive father to Stimpy.
>>114959656This would sting if it didn't come from a guy whose primary credit is Jimmy Neutron.
>>114959846fuck you jimmy neutron was a masterpiece
>>114935735>THE hit cartoon of the 90'sThat's Simpsons
>>114936295>girls want to fuck their dads, user.Mentally unhealthy girls, yes.
I’m just going to assume this is a ren and stimpy thread, So I’ve been rewatching the Series lately since I bought the whole thing cheap, and it got me thinking about how weird it is that they kept using Cobb and the Scottsman. It was something I noticed when I was younger too, was this an executive decision to have more constant characters or did they just like them enough to always use them?
>>114960148Cobb's VA barely got any work at the time, so they inserted him several times so he could get money.
>>114936295>AmericanHe isn't American, he's Canadian.
>>114936702honestly fuck his dad
>>114935792Ren and Stimpy was influential for the wrong reasons. Much like how all the copycats took from Watchmen was to add sex and violence into everything, all anyone took from R&S was to do grossout humor and musical numbers and characters that are vaguely gay for each other.Ren and Stimpy is why we have modern Family Guy. That's its legacy.
>>114950546young Marlo and Kali are too cute
>>114959846Doesn't it sting further if you consider the show bad? John used to be an industry rockstar and is now being spit at by Jimmy Neutron staff. I can only hope Filmation staff shits on him next.
>>114960148This user >>114960174 has it right. Bob Camp felt bad for the VA and kept writing his character any chance he got.Good point about the Scotsman though, dont think there's a public reason for that one other than maybe they wanted to give him his own series at one point
>>114960357Retard, stuff like What a Cartoon and SpongeBob wouldn't exist without R&S
>>114947461>He's a jerk who can't take criticismWhere? Where is that? All i see is Holla Forums whining because he called them a cancerous shithole several years agoThis is possibly the biggest case of rent free i've ever seen