Kill Six Billion Demon /ksbd/ /k6bd/

KING OF SWORDS 10-142“Total victory is not found in the final sword blow. To perfect victory you cannot continue to spill the blood of a fallen foe, which only shows your insecurities to your many enemies. Instead, you must nurse your foe back to health, dress, and feed him, but not so much that he regains his strength. You must take away every aspect of him which originally seemed fierce and indestructible. In every aspect you must diminish and crush his spirit with affection, all the while maintaining your grip on his sword arm. In this way, kindness is the greatest cruelty.”-Au Vam>Dawn of the Final Day

Attached: KOS142.jpg (980x1515, 1.15M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Solomon David be like

Attached: Mottom Dress.png (142x521, 136.51K)

>>114935059>Cio's face at the seventh panel"Really, Sully Dave, a headscarf?"

Cio generates her own clothes out of the air (probably using the art). And they didn't bring a dress for her, which means that drab peasant garb is her own idea of modesty.

>>114935241They did bring clothes for her. Solomon is trying to humilliate them both.

>>114935059>Not again

>The shit I have to put up with

Attached: KSBD disgust.jpg (800x795, 140.79K)

>>114935059>Kindness is the greatest crueltyIf that's the intent, then its not kindness.

>>114935377It's not genuine kindness, it's about reducing your enemy to a shell of their former self, under your thumb

>>114935410the point is, cruelty is the greatest cruelty. that qoute doesnt really hold up

>>114935059Allison is not amused.

>>114935460The character who said the quote is probably a real turd or most likely a narcissist.

>>114935460It's thematically relevant.>>114935554From all his other texts Au Vam seems to be one of the most decent kings in the setting.

Is it wrong that I want to see Allison rip off that dress like a t-shirt, 80s action hero movie style? Revealing her pre-oiled greased up abs, ready to kick ass and spout one liners.

Attached: ripping off tshirt.jpg (640x360, 33.04K)

>>114935584Abbadon must have drawn the nipples on that guy.

Salami Dave is making the same mistake Queen Mutton made.

>>114935059aww, they even braided her hair. I love that these muscle men know how to do that.

>>114935938I assumed Cio did it.

>>114935938knowing the setting its done my punching every strand of hair individually with a technique that requires several lifetimes to even comprehend, and which besides its intended scalp styling function, can be occasionally used to obliterate entire cities, but who would do that?

>>114935059>>114935377I once played a character in Pathfinder that did this to his enemies via necromancy, he'd raise them as an intelligent undead, give them a template that gave them basically regeneration so they couldn't just jump off a cliff and off themselves, then supplied them with a town to live in and a purpose in unlife via working under him and doing what he thought was good for said town.He did legitimately care about people, it's just that he cared SO MUCH that he didn't even want people to stop living, even if that meant taking everything they cared about away from them.

>19 post in>No royalty shit post WTF?

>>114935377I think he's referring to cruelty as an analogue to power in this whole 'reach heaven through violence' philosophy. It follows the lesson Zoss gave about strength beyond strength, that a greater level of power can be reached by building alliances and thinking beyond violence, but it still uses this violent language of weakening and conquering. 'Kill them with kindness' in this insane multiverse.

>>114935059>Strength beyond strength>Remember this and awaken to your fate >Allison immediately wakes up

>>114935059>requesting Allison look more presentableIs Solomon going to try and add her to his prisoner lineup so he can have the complete Zoss heir set?

>>114936829Yes.Also after the last few pages, this feels like a momentary break/comedy page. Was somewhat hoping it'd keep continuing like this till the end.

>>114935059I can't imagine how smug Solomon was while telling his sons to put Allison in a dress

>>114935059>ywn be dressed by Solomon's fashion team

Attached: zs4.png (696x632, 754.37K)

>>114935938Just look at Solomon's beard, and remember many of the officials are his sons. This is a culture that takes hair care very, very seriously.

Is this good again or is it still about lesbian shipping?


>>114935938>>114936028I can't decide which I like more, frankly.

>>114937039That being so, how do you explain the variety and general sloppiness of the cuts on these gentlemen? I suppose you could argue that these councilors don't care so much, being close to the end of their lives, but there is one amongst them who challenges Soulman Dave Brubeck who doesn't distinguish himself.

Attached: old men.png (971x277, 451.08K)

>>114937221I assume there's some sort of grooming curve like how interns need polished CVs and haircuts to get their foot in the door, and senior management spends most of their time doing nothing at their desk for 100K. Presumably normal citizens and the more junior sons have a set of grooming techniques they're supposed to hone on each other, and the more senior sons are either too valued for their experience or too incumbered by their duties to bother wearing a neat beard. The exception is, of course, Solomon who has to be the best at everything by his own standards. And which he easily accomplishes using a two-finger one-point ki rata trimming technique.

>>114937221His sons ARE disappointments

>>114937619>Twenty-Five generations of hairstyles have withered and died before me>I do not expect yours to achieve much else

Do you think Pastrami Dan would have us executed for making fun of his name?

Attached: nervous.png (381x205, 21.92K)

>>114937712Part of me says yes but the other bit says he might secretly find it so silly he just kinda ignores it

>>114937389That...actually makes a lot of sense! I'm imagining that when he finally gets a successor it's either a guy with a huge afro and beard, or an even balder man than himself, with no head or chin hair.

>>114937712No, but yes. I think, he would see our games like nothing but child's play. But rules are rules, so 6 months of municipal duty to everyone in the thread

>>114937712He wouldn't have to, his citizen's would do it without a moment's prompting.It's like taking the lord's name in vain but even worse because the lord is physically on earth and you know for a fact he's chilling in a castle not 40 miles from your house.Some shit you just can't allow, if only because you don't want to be hit with any splashback of this heretical idiot's "official" punishment.

>>114937792> only six monthsjee, Jalapeno Davies sure is the kindest demiurge!

>>114937804Recidivists get doubled terms and shittier duties

>>114935266>MUST NOT COOM

>>114936955feels fucken bad man

>>114937844Oh no sir, you must be wrong, this is clearly not an expression of sexual arousal, this is more like amplified disgust of that boy from photo of Chloe Moretz

>>114935908which is?

>>114936129only peasants demand royalty

>>114937842jee, Salami Davidoff sure is the most just demiurge!

>>114937897You just got yourself a three year duty in Gog Agog embassy on Rayuba. And lusting after Worm is 100% death penalty in Solomon's worlds

>>114937897>1 salami shekel has been deposited in a trust fund, accessible by you in 7 turns of the sun

>>114935059Oh man, Allison in that dress looks just like my crush from previous workplace, oneitis here I fucking come!

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>>114936129These last couple of pages haven't been the best for edits, but it would seem that there will more than likely be a beard on the next page and it will not be confined by the laws of the panel. >>114937712>>114937766>>114937792>>114937798You all just make fun of his name, you'd get off easy, probably hard labor or a quick death. I make mockery of his form and deeds when ever the chance arises! HE WOULD FUCKING UNMAKE ME!

Attached: punchgif2.gif (980x302, 2.02M)

>>114938005No, death would be too easy for you. Sam would crush your artistic abilities and leave you like that, pathetic empty husk of a an artist

>>114935059some user suggested this edit in a previous thread. Dunno if someone already did it.

Attached: ur heaven is rotten.png (1088x476, 179.69K)

>>114938083Good job user, we appreciate your work!

>>114938038Well, I am having some issues with the wifi adapter drivers on this shitty laptop, so mayhaps in a way Slamjam Thankyoumam is attempting to remove me from the picture. >>114938083That is beautiful.

>>114937712I don't think Salami Dildo would find out, no one would dare tell him, I don't think.

>>114938104>attempting to remove5/12 of Rayuba's military intelligence forces are trying to achieve understanding of your outdated computer setup, give them some encouragement, that shit is old even for Throne

>>114937844>>114937865You're both wrong, that is the look of someone holding in a truly gnarly fart they now would kill people if they let it loose because he had to have the chili and onions curry hotdog for lunch.

>>114938172>mfw have to fart but Prosciutto Dessert forbids it during official duties


Attached: 1587526544939.jpg (410x598, 39.97K)

Mottom had way better fashion taste.

>>114938275I agree, Sriracha Desert has ok fashion sense but it's so utilitarian which is a bit boring.

>>114938153I absolutely love the idea that Solomon's Intelligence Corps is trying their damnedest to stop me from slandering the name of the God of their Divine Empire, but can't because I'm more or less slapping two rocks together.>Them: We've never seen anything like it, Paternum, the devices this cretin is making use of must be centuries old. Silicon era tech tapping in to defunct fiber based communication lines. Our sensors don't even recognize them as viable means to even convey anything such as this. My Lord, I'm afraid to say this, but we may be dealing with an entity far beyond our original expectations...>Me: Hehe Beard be big

>>114937389>senior management spends most of their time doing nothing at their deskwhere does this myth come from?executives work twelve to fourteen hours a daya large organization where the leadership slacks off will not survive for long

>>114938346Dont think too much of yourself, this nuisance is merely a convenience to perform a military drill

>>114938346>>114938153I didn''t get the impression that throne has that superior technology.

>>114938471Thats the point, his shit is THAT old

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>>114938471Well, doesn't Lancer take place in one of the 777,777 universes? With that much time and probability, technology is bound to rise. Now, it's use in the face of mysticism and the like is up for debate, but I do think it's around.

>>114938101>>114938104thanks boys. just contributing to the thread.>>114938346>stopping one of the most powerful empires in the Wheel by being a technological backwaterbest timeline

>>114938083Very nice user, 10/10

>>114938083Absolutely ROYAL post user

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Today, I will remind them of betrayal>inb4 phoneposter

Attached: artist_renounces_his_work.jpg (720x509, 97.71K)

>>114939060How is me being awkward a betrayal?

>>114939087I think it isn't nice to call shit your work that other people enjoy. Don't get me wrongly, it not a great piece of Art that will go through the ages, but it adds immense fun to our discussions. I don't encourage you to go to Abby's twitter with obnoxious "notice me sempai" attitude, but to renounce your shitposting right where it is well received seems unjust

>>114935059I love Cio's pissy face in the sixth panel.

>>114935377Why are you leaving out the "in this way"?

>>114937221>Soulman Dave BrubeckMy sides


>>114939188I never thought that me being over critical of myself would actually upset people, and I don't mean that in a snarky way or anything. I mean, i'm taking other people's work and just fucking around with it, so right off the bat I don't really hold it in that high regard, so I just figured it was more or less the same with everyone else that sees it. Will say though that I've loved all these edits, either seeing the ones that others have made or working on the ones I've did. Making them and the feedback from everyone has been fun and really helped me, especially with how shit things have been as of late, so do want to thank you all for that. And fucking around in these threads with beards and gifs has gotten me back into fucking around with GIMP, hadn't done anything really with the program for years until that first beard edit and then it just snowballed from there.>>114939259I had offhandedly said that Zoss was going to show up during Alison and Incubus's chat and somehow hit the nail on the head, which turned into people saying that Abby was lurking in the threads. The rest is just me being critical about sending a gif to Abby on twitter.

Attached: This folder used to be empty.png (1199x581, 236.47K)

>>114939343I'm glad we reached mutual understanding, keep up the good work. It's great because it simply IS

>>114939343>kirby-edit-shortstack.png>Kirby-edit-shortstack-taped.pngI must know what these are user. Have you posted them somewhere else?

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Attached: Image-164514.jpg (600x768, 155.2K)

Abbadon's at the very least lurked before in these threads, posting OC. Dunno whether he still does, though. It's been a while.

>>114939411They were in the Kirby Defender thread from about a week ago. >>114834982They're in the imgur links in >>114849097 >>114849454There were no beards to edit so I had to do something!

>>114937875I'm guessing he means putting Allison in a dress. This happened right before Allison wielded the power of her key to destroy Mottom's source of immortality.

>>114938437First hand account because my dad’s one. Old man won’t stop complaining about how he has shit all to do most of the day. Granted, he does have some high level calls and work odd hours late at night but apparently most of the day really is just being at the desk, doing nothing. At least by workaholic standards given his temperment[/spoiler[

>>114939749I would imagine that there is no laws that would get you killed/seriously imprisoned for Salvador's defiling, but there would be social backlash. Like, no one would have business with you after that

>>114937712Unironically no.Solomon pictures himself as the benevolent Paternum presiding over the most prosperous and free society on the Wheel. His rule is not threatened by some silly wordplay, his pride wouldn't budge an inch from any number of comparisons to cartoon bears. He has zero need to insecurely assert that everyone treat him with utmost respect in all conversations, because he KNOWS he has that respect regardless of if he's being called Solomon or Pastrami.Indeed, a populace that feels comfortable poking a bit of harmless fun at their ruler's name is truly a sign of a great society, a society where citizens can trust their wise government and ruler to distinguish between silly wordplay and true insubordination. You'd see no such joviality in Mottom's palace or Jaggonoth's army or any of Throne's guilds.There are no roads that don't eventually lead to Solomon's smugness, child. Solomon's played this game for thousands of years and you're already trapped

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>>114935600Nah they'd be about 5 inches higher.

>>114935188Mottom did it better.

>>114935460you need to reread the kassardis story user

>>114939793That's a very suspicious (you) right there, my friend.

Attached: file.png (321x441, 85.73K)

>>114936939He had to stand behind a curtain at the time or his smug face would have blinded them.

>>114939783(This dude's responding to >>114939793, sorry forgot spoiler)There's probably some of that, out of a mix of genuine respect and fear. And Solomon's bureaucrats aren't as self-assured as the man himself (obviously) and might take more umbrage than their ruler would. Plus while silly wordplay isn't a crime in of itself, it could be a sign of subversive elements and could possibly warrant an investigation into the town/tavern (a fair one; Solomon takes corruption VERY seriously).

>>114935059I'm beginning to think Au Vam is more awesome than Meti. So many good quotes.

>>114937865Anyone knows how to write absolutely disgusting in universal metaconstant?

>>114937712He wouldn't, but just because we live in one of Mottom's worlds and he observes the demiurges' pact.If we lived under his jurisdiction, we'd probably be sentenced to community service like >>114937769 says.

>>114938083Thank you

>>114939833What do you mean, fellow citizen?You got me. I thought about it some more and realized Solomon would be... benevolent but really coming from a place of SMUG.

Attached: ryuban_poster.png (850x526, 182.78K)

>>114935059>Cio looking like a worldweary russian peasent

>another demiurge playing dressup with alyssonLast battle confirmed to be a fashion show.

>>114939807>>114940086>"Mottom's stylists got me changed in about 10 seconds, yours are so slow old man.">"...We have more important things to do at the palace than play dress-up"

Attached: mask.jpg (601x508, 31.38K)

>>114935584She’s a little thicker than abs if memory servers now; though oiled and ripping out’d be nice

>>114939988Eh, at least you admitted it. Responding to yourself is ROYAL anyway.

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>>114939960Im thinking either Incubus or Maya had something to do with his fall since he was the previous lord of the Middle army



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>>114940302Give her a blush then - she did good

>>114935579I'd take his advice with a grain of salt. There's a reason Au Vam isn't around anymore.

>Post yfw its book 2 all over again and allison pulls off royalty asspull to teleport entirety of rayuba to shadow realm or something


Attached: file.png (335x242, 35.12K)

>>114935059Maybe it's me but dress doesn't feel like it's the same style as the rest Sandy dan's people

>>114940503We haven't really seen the styles of the higher-up Ryuban women. That or Solomon's fucking with her and gave her the frilliest outfit his guards could find on short notice.

>>114940503Probably because its not purple

>>114940564only black people look in purpleit's a color theory thing

>>114940568>only black people look good in purple

Attached: Justinian-The-Great-Wearing-Purple.jpg (1096x1600, 494.3K)

>>114940594That face is so perfect.>bitch you saying I'm not rocking this shit?

>>114940503There are a couple of shots of some of the women in the stands, whom I can only assume are Rayuban, and its looks somewhat similar. The main difference is she doesn't have a half-cloak/sash/what ever its called.>>114940568>>114940594Purple is the color of Pimps and Kings.

>>114940503It's too western

>>114940594He looks like rowan atkinson

Attached: p036d0c1.jpg (1200x675, 110.07K)

>>114940503That's because it is probably something like a dress Type D26 (for Diplomatic purposes, model no. 26). Salami and his bureaucratic machine got all stuff like this covered

Hi, I'm retarded...can someone explain what this part means?When Dream follows death around and stuffI don't get it

Attached: 2d8f3ec9f4ed8a759df75f793ce14f6f.jpg (594x336, 82.7K)

>>114940759oh... meant for the sand man thread... please ignore me

>>114940759>>114940773Well, I mean, it kinda works when you think of them as Alison and Zoss. I was wracking my brain to try and come up with something, so you could have just played it as intentional.

>>114940773No worries. It happens.

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So has there been anything on what the "forbidden content" is going to be? Because Mother Above i'm thirsty for some Worm Smut

Attached: Forbidden Content.png (600x660, 59.79K)

>>114940645>The man knows too much...

>>114940862clussy event is inminent

>>114940862I will never not be mad that we didn't get official Zoss and Solomon porn

>>114940862>voting for Cio If it ain't Ebon or Seeker of thrones Cio then what is the point? Also how dd Zoss beat Incubus, How did Princess beat white chain?

>>114940839fucking lost

Attached: keks ten thousand.jpg (600x528, 197.48K)

>>114941277Zoss is weirdly attractive? Couldn't tell you why, might just be the swagger of absolutely Royalty or something, but I would unironically look for Zoss porn before incubus.

>>114940862>No young Mottom

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>>114940862>for the patron discordWe'll never see it will we?

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>>114941277>White Chain over thisAsk me how I know you have PEASANT(!) tastes

Attached: EUZjLChWkAIfDEH.jpg (850x1202, 225.75K)

>>114938083Excellent work.

>>114935059>that frilly dress>that haughty, indignant attitudeGod I just want to lean Allison over the stadium balcony and spread her cheeks open, plowing into her relentlessly through the torn fabric with rough and rhythmic motion as she watches 82 White Chain get obliterated, tears streaming down her face as I finish inside her. My sword law becomes the big sword law.

Attached: 443F99DF-C385-48FA-96FC-905B686164EA.jpg (1010x1200, 351.03K)

>>114941829>infinite blade works

>>114941829>plowing herTRULY you are only a little man who plays at sticks and thinks themself LORD. Alison is a Bull Dyke! Untouched by the meat of man! Unsullied! Prime to take her seat upon my Throne, her meaty thighs astride my FACE!

Attached: Fuck i miss that taste.png (462x303, 135.41K)


Attached: Mixing Books.png (980x302, 559.05K)

>>114935059>Instead, you must nurse your foe back to health, dress, and feed him, but not so much that he regains his strength. You must take away every aspect of him which originally seemed fierce and indestructible. In every aspect you must diminish and crush his spirit with affectionAnd Kassardis continues to get more and more based. I like how Abby basically spelled out the entire lesson of this chapter two whole books ago and we're only now realizing what the Silver Prince was really about.

What's the best catchphrase in this series and why is it pic related?

Attached: metatron_lives.png (838x434, 737.09K)

>>114942311Pity the dragon! Venerate the count! IÄ!


>>114942341When the worse comes to pass, you and I shall burn very brightly, Brother.

>>114941669Surely at least one person here is subscribed to the patreon?

>>114937999Contain yourself.

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>>114937712No. We might take the piss but Scintillating Döner knows any one of his citizens would take a bullet for him. Also that he’d take it for us.

>>114938346At one point invasion becomes an easier option than meddling with Stone Age tools designed by drooling inbreds. At that time you will know not regret but exultation that the glorious forces of Sarsaparilla DingTHRONE HE’S GOT ME DOING I

>>114941479Nothing weird about it.

>>114942311Metatron lives is #1 for me, but I acknowledge coolness of Reach heaven and Pity the dragon

>>114942602It’s sort of odd how the revised version seems much more sexualized to me. Revised Murder Nun looks like a massive sex pervert, OG Murder Nun looks like she’s just big on ritualistic self harm.


>>114942311HO THERE!!!!!!!!!

Yes this is good

Attached: frown_small.jpg (31x35, 1.98K)

>>114935584>Do you want to see me turn into a Super Saiyan?


Attached: 1431407203920.png (600x400, 261.07K)

>>114942311For sheer hype, I Choose King can't really be topped.


>>114942311All are good, but "reach heaven through violence" is the best one

Attached: KSBD giant golden murder baby.jpg (614x786, 149.08K)

>>114943689>wanna see me do it again?

>>114940086I prefer a space jam, but project runway finale would be hilarious

>>114942311Anything 10 Vigganigga slings is top tier

>>114943895My face when he was death flagged as fuck but then suddenly FIERCE HORSE SOUL!

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>>114937221If solomon wanted an actual successor capable of fighting him he would have taught them ki rata.

>>114944190I think he's actually waiting for one one of them to teach themselves ki rata. If I remember correctly, sometimes people can just kinda stumble upon the style, with one of the reasons of the order of monks was to track those people down and turn them into beans. So I think the thought process of "if you want my crown, have the determination to teach yourself Ki Rata and then you'll be ready for it" is kinda sound.

>>114941717whoa jeez

>>114944470It took solomon how long to learn with a group of teachers? How is someone going to learn enough to actually beat solomon.

>>114944470i can't believe people miss the fucking point of the chapter this much with their goofy theories

>>114944560they don't need to beat him. Simply wound him.

>>114944190Enlighten us then, wise one

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>>114944625whoops ment for >>114944580

>>114944625Not him, but the whole point wasn't for Solomon to choose an heir. It was to display to everyone that his power was unmatched and keep those who would dare question his authority from trying anything

>>114942311if you meet god on the roadkill him

>>114944709I agree with that but I feel that >>114944580 meant something different. I hope its not some deep philosophy stuff, we had previous thread for you guys

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>>114944864To be fair though, that's a real quote, but Maya means it a touch more literally.

>>114944709This. You're all a bunch of power level obsessed silly billies. It literally doesn't matter if anyone can beat Solomon in the first place or not. The point of his succession isn't "who can punch the hardest" or "who can learn the best epic cool martial art". It's the fact that he's the one who gets to decide the criteria for a successor, the fact that he gets to decide what matters and that what matters just so conveniently happens to be what he's good at because he won't even entertain the thought that there's any kind of strength that doesn't involve beating the shit out of the people responsible for killing your wife and kids.Consider for a second how fucking ridiculous it is to have a shonen ass fighting tournament as the sole way to decide who gets to succeed him as a ruler of an entire empire, especially when the entire reason why he hates ruling is because he was shaped by the demiurge war as a fighter and a conqueror. Incubus literally tells Allison this.The entire fucking book has been spelling this out for you. Vigilant Gaze reminding White Chain of their oath when she's about to buttravage Allison, White Chain's own speech about the law grinding down anyone that doesn't fall in line with its views, Incubus' entire personality, Solomon himself justifying Zaid being his hostage with "I can blow shit up better than you can" while simultaneously being unable to make the demiurges shut the fuck up and stop fighting among each other because he can't raise his hand against them like he can against any of his people who step out of line. The last couple of pages straight up told us the point of this whole thing without even attempting to be subtle and people are somehow still going "i fink if u punch solaman real hard he lose".

>>114945064I think what people are also forgetting is that the tournament doesn't actually decide Solomon's successor. It merely allows the victor to demand anything from Solomon. In-universe most people assume that they're going to want the throne, even Solomon himself, so it's not even necessarily a succession mechanism at all. An entirely valid interpretation is that Solomon, for all his bluster, doesn't actually want to give up ruling at all. Even some of his dialogue points to him not believing he'd actually be killed by an opponent who beats him, thus leaving him free to pursue his path to Royalty which, as you pointed out, is conceived by him through the lens of conquering and fighting. I'd wager Solomon's actual plan is to subordinate his successor to his plans and methods, leaving himself de facto in control but free of the actual burdens of rule.

>>114944895Is that Jagg arc outfit, I like it.

>>114945244>An entirely valid interpretation is that Solomon, for all his bluster, doesn't actually want to give up ruling at all.I agree that that part is ambiguous but ultimately I don't think it matters for the point the comic is trying to make. Maybe he genuinely does want to have someone take his place, but the point is still that he thinks the only way anyone can do that and do a decent job of it is by proving their physical prowess. Which makes it difficult if not impossible to find an heir in the first place since the guy's borderline invincible, and even if it did happen it would make for an equally shitty ruler at best since they'd probably be someone with the same mindset as him.

>>114944190They can pull themselves up by their own goddamn bootstraps like Shamalayan Dunning-Kruger didn’t.

>>114945244Solomon is afraid to leave his comfort Zone. He clings to his notions of victory more than any other demiurges. He makes excuses for not simply pursuing his goals, so he's constantly unfulfilled because on one hand he cant move forward towards his goal, but on the other moving forward would force him to accept the limitations of his supposed perfection

>>114939560Simsalabim Delilah seems to have his shit together, even relative to tragic demiurge hubris. It will take a lot of effort to ruin his parade, compared to how quickly and easily Mottom's shit fell apart.

>>114941277Zoss has real hot dad energy which trumps Incubus' tryhard manwhore thing.

so... uhh... why 6 billion...?

>>114946227>>114941479hmm, I thought manwhore nipple rings would be more popular than Grandpa bear.

>>114935059i kinda presumed presentable meant their fusion dance

What's the likelihood that this story ends with a loop to the beginning?

>>114946418I fucking hope not, that's my least favorite fantasy trope

>>114946418Not sure how that would fit thematically. One of the major themes in KSBD is entropy and the inevitable decline into disorder in all natural systems. A closed time loop is pretty much antithetical to this theme.


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>>114942311REACH HEAVEN THROUGH VIOLENCE is so good I had it printed on a shirt.Gets me some funny looks now and then, but I most people just think it's some kind of band reference.

>>114946606I'm imagining more that allison shoves the key into some poor dipshit at the end.

>>114942311Could someone link me to this page please?

>>114946418If anything it will end with the destruction of Zoss' cycle

>>114946418Zero. The story is going to end with the wheel being broken and all of the worlds being severed from each other to keep them safe from any more demiurge/angel/demon bullshit.

>>114941717>you see these women?>They used to be MEN.

>>114941717>leopard print TOP on tiger print bedsheetsPrincess is such a fucking trash devil.

>>114948459>leopard print TOP>tiger print bedsheetswhat makes you think that's print?

>>114941717>Princesse’s abdominal eyes will never stare down at you, intensely and judging as she chokes you and grinds the life out of your cockWhy live

>>114942311HO THERE was hype af

>>114943006That's exactly how I felt about it.The self-mutilation seems like penance for having tried to kill Mammon, and likely other sins.>>114949015"So, it's going, then."Vigilant is the coolest angel. Does uh...does anyone else read him as Chris Sabat?


>>114950116>Making mother of all dilations, jack. Cant fret over every single suicide


>>114950116>>114950204How big would Senator Armstrong's powerlevel be in throne?

>>114950437Roughly up to snuff with the best of the Pursuers

>>114946759>some kind of band referenceIt would work as an obscure Death Metal band name. Slap a picture of Juggernaut Star on as well and everyone will think it's official merch.


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>>114949986Brian Blessed for me

>>114949986>does anyone else read him as Chris Sabat?That was my first though. He’s got big Piccolo energy.

>>114952099I'm not too familiar with him. Like I've seen/played a few things he's done voices for, but I can't hear him.>>114953093I was thinking All Might, or Armstrong. Though, serious All Might, or when he's all shriveled.I also think Patrick Seitz or Travis Willingham could be great for him.


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>>114950437>Nanomachines stop working in Throne>Cue training montage in which Armstrong picks up Demon Flips the Cart.

>>114949986Jon St. John - doing Kunkka from hear the sort of cartoony dashing and optimistic sort of rogue or bandit character. I know that might not work for most people but I think it fits the inspiring mentor character.

>>114940222needs a beard edit

>>114949986I read him with Mike Carter's voice, who voiced Biorr of the Twin Fangs and the blacksmiths in Demon's Souls and Hawkeye Gough in Dark

He wasn't talking to Alice here, but Incubus.>Allison -> A LessonThe only reason he brought Alice into all of this was to get all the demiurges out of their stagnating funk

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>>114946224I think Allison will end up turning Gog loose on Dave's planet. She will devour the cage he has built around himself.

>>114942311Yee Haw Crush the Gods

>>114935257Not necessarily humiliate, but he does want them to feel like he put them in their place. he's very much about forcing others to conform to his idea of what's right.

>>114957360Given that we only have one book left, I don't know if we really have the time to have Gog eat all of Rayuba. I'm not saying we won't get Gog consuming an entire population. But Gog can't make the first move because that would kinda defeat the point of all the pages spent setting up Incubus-Jag trickery.That being said, it would be fucking crazy if Gog gets the Pact-Breaking party started forcing Incubus and Jag to put their plans aside as they have to actually join the others to stop Gog. But then the story would kinda lose a lot of the philosophical challenges faced by the demiurges and protagonists and just degenerate into a bug-stomping frenzy and that would kinda be lame.

>>114958226Would it be disappointing at all if Solomon wasn't actually a piece of shit in any way? Sure, putting them up in frumpy clothes is meant to be demeaning but I mean what if he was actually truly is the hero philosopher king Mottom accuses him to be. Did he do some nefarious shit to get to where he is? Sure, but I think it would be interesting if he was actually a good guy and the tragedy is that nobody realizes it until he gets taken out of the picture suddenly. The so-called "stagnation" of Rayuba aside, it wouldn't be unreasonable that the centuries have made Solomon pretty chill.I love not knowing exactly how shit is going to fall apart. There are so many ways it can but we don't know for sure.

>>114958680The pact's already kinda broke when Mottom came crashing through Grampy Lizard's vault.

>>114955698Only cause I love ya.

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>>114958764I'm actually shocked that that didn't spark off something bigger between the group, but I guess having Jag hanging over you is enough for even them to put aside being asshats to one another. At least for the time being.

>>114958972At this point I’m disappointed Solomon’s main gimmick isn’t just breaking time and space with the Principle Art of Grooming. Other Demiurge getting uppity? Shoot your beard through the comic panels and bury him in facial hair.

>>114959687>2 point Grooming Technique >Total Life O-beard-eration

>>114959685They're in a shitty equilibrium and all way too busy preparing to capture/kill Allison to bother declaring war on each other.The Zoss Key is the ultimate prize.

>>114935188>Salamalang Davang has a dress up fetishJUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT THE GUY COULD NOT BE MORE BASED.

>>114959940I'd actually really like it if it turned out to be something like >>114958972 and it was just one of his underlings that was like, "well she can't just talk to our GOD dressed like some pit fighter!" and he's just kinda confused by the choice like it was her doing. But yeah, it's just Sojourn Dingo just debasing and humiliating her to prove he's still top dog and don't afraid of nothing.

>>114940224Didn't Meti chop his dick off?

>>114939833>super crown solomonPlease, I beg you, post the full picture.


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>>114947405Fuck, I hope not. "The magic goes away" is a shit plotline imo.
